honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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t23a1I12t3ltat5t011t8t9 ct22 c126 (PCM-O)*, ot33 c124 {ECM/PCM.B} C,r47 (ECM/PCM-Al c121*3c127. cl25 tECM/PCM-C) c132 o *1:4,/T 1 all*3: 98 model4:99 - 00 models NOTE: . Different wires with the same color have been given a number suffix to distinguish them {for example, YEUBLK1 and YEUBLKare not the same). . O: Related to Fuel and Emissions Svstem. . - Connector with male terminals (double outline): View from terminal side - Connector with female terminals (single outline): View from wire side tt 36,10 1t12l3l617lat9 11-59

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Procedures How To Begin Troubleshooting When the Malfunction indicator Lamp (MlLl has been reported on, or there is a driveability problem, use the appropri-ate procedure below to diagnose and repair the problem. A. When the MIL has come on: 1. Connect the Honda PGM Tester or an OBD Il scan tool to the 16P Data Link Connector (DLC) located behind theright side of the center console. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). Check the DTC and note it. Also check and note the freeze frame data. Refer to the Diagnostic Trouble Code Chart and begin troubleshooting. NOTE: . SeetheOBDll scan tool or Honda PGM Tester users manuals for specific operating instructions.. The scan tool or tester can read the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC), freeze frame data, current data, and otherEngine Control Module (ECM}/Powertrain Control Module (PCM) data.. Freeze frame data indicates the engine conditions when the first malfunction, misfire or fuel trim malfunction wasdetected. lt can be useful information when troubleshootino. B. When the MIL has not come on, but there is a driveability problem, refer to the Symptom Chart on page 11-64. C. DTCs will be indicated by the blinking of the Malfunction Indicator Lamp {MlL) with the SCS service connector con-nected. Connect the SCS service connector to Service Check Connector as shown. {The 2P Service Check Connecror rslocated behind the right side of the center console.) Turn the ignition switch ON 0l). DATA LINK CONNECTOR I16PI 1 1-60

ll. Engine Controt Module (EcM)/Powertrain Control Module {PCM) Reset Procedure Either of the following actions will reset the ECM/PCM. . use the oBD ll scan tool or Honda PGM Tester to clear the ECMs/PCMs memory. (see the oBD ll scan tool or Honda PGM Tester users manuals for specific operating instructions ) . Turn the ignition switch oFF. Remove the BACK UP (RADIO) (7.5 A) fuse from the under-hood fuse/relay box for 10 seconos. lll. Final Procedure {this procedure must be done after any troubleshooting) 1. Remove the SCS Service Connector if it is connected. lf the SCS service connector is connected. and there are no DTCS stored in the ECM/PCM, the MIL will stay on when the ignition switch is turnsd oN (ll). 2. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Procedure. 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF 4. Disconnect the OBD ll scan tool orHonda PGM Tester from the Data Link Connector ( 16P) (contd) 1 1-61 BACK UP {RADIOI I7,5 AI FUSE FUSE/RELAY BOX

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Procedures (contd) lf the inspection for a particular code requires voltage or resistance checks at the EcM/pcM connectors, remove the rightkick panel. Unbolt the EcM/PcM. and connect the backprobe sets and a digital multimeter as described below, check thesystem according to the procedure described for the appropriate code(s) listed on the following pages. How to Us6 tho Backprobe S6ts Backp.obo Adapto. BACKPROBE SET connect the backprobe adapters to the stacking patch cords. and connect the cords to a multimeter. Using the wire insula-tion as a guide for the contoured tip of the backprobe adapter, gently slide the tip into the connector from the wire sideuntil it comes in contact with the terminal end of the wire. DIGITAI. MULTIMETER(Commarci.lly rvrilabl.l orKS-AHM-32-@3 @@)@)c, 11-62 oSAZ - (xtlqDA lTwo requir.dl

CAUTION: . Puncturing the insulation on a wile can cause poor ot intelmittent electrical conneciions. . Bring the tester probe into contact with th€ terminal from the terminal side of wire htrness Gonnectors in the engine comoartment. Fol temale connectols, iust touch lightly whh the tester probe and do not insgrt lhe probe. (contd) 1 1-63

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Procedures (contdl Symptom Chart Listed below are symptoms and probable causes for problems that DO NOT cause the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL) tocome on. lf the MIL was reported on, go to page 11-60.Troubleshoot each probable cause in the order listed (from left to right) until the symptom is eliminated,The probable cause and troubleshooting page reference can be found below. Other Probable Causes for an engine that will not start:- Compression- Intake air leakage- Engine locked up- Timing belt- Starting system- Overheating- Battery SYMPTOMPROBABLE CAUSE Engine will not sta rt4, 2,3,5,20, t5, 1 Hard starting2, 4, 12,17, 14, t9 Cold fast idle too low7, a,9, 6, 17 Cold fast idle too high7,8,9,11,10 ldle speed fluctuates9,7,8, t1, 10 Misfire or rough runningTroubleshoot for misfire on pages 11-126, 1|21LOl/\/ power2, 10,11, 13, 17, 18,20 Engine stalls2, 4, 12,1,20,9,5, t6 Probable Cause List (For the DTC Ch8rt, see page ll-75.) Probable CausePageSystem Engine controt ruoaute (ecvtffiI11-42 I 1-178Fuel oressure PGM-Fl main relav lgnition system Crankshatt Position/Top Dead Center/Cylinder position sensor circuit Intake Air Temperature (lAT) sensor ctrculr ldle Air Control (lAC) Vatve Fast idle thermo valve ldle speed adjustment Throttle body Throftle cable Manifold Absolute P.rrffi Throftle Position (TP) sensor Barometric pressur (gnno- AyT gear position signal Brake switch signal Air Cleaner Three Way Catalytic Converter (TWC) Evaporative emission (EVAP) control Contaminated fuel 1 1- 187 Section 4 5t1-t31,146 6I t-95 711-152 81l-168 1 1- 169 1011-1961111-194 121 l -90 1 1- 103 1411-137 15Section 14 161 1- 166 17r 1-194 181 1,1991911-203 20 11-64

ECM/PCM Data By connecting the OBD ll scan tool or the Honda PGM Tester to the 16P data link connector (OLC), various data can be retrieved from the ECM/PCM. The items listed in the table below conform to the SAE recommended practice The Honda PGM Tester also reads data beyond that recommended by SAE. understanding this data will help to find the causes of intermittent failures or engine problems. NOTE: The ,operating values given below are approximate values and may be different depending on the environment and the individual vehicle. Unless noted otherwise. at idle speed means idling with the engine completely warmed up, transmission in position Park or neutral and the A,./C and all accessories turned otf. DataDesc.iptionOp€rating ValuoFreeze Data Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) lf the ECM/PCM detects a problem, it will store it as a code consisting of one letter and tour numbers Depending on the problem, an SAE-defined code (Poxxx) or a Honda-defined code (Plxxx) will be output to the tester. lf no problem is detected, there is no output. YES Engine SpeedThe ECN4/PCN4 computes engine speed from the signals sent from the Crankshaft Position sensor. This data is used for determining the time and amount of fuel iniection. Nearly the same as tachometer indication At idle speed:97 - 98 models: 750 t 50 rpm99 - 00 models: 730 f 50 rpm YES Vehicle SpeedThe ECM/PCM converts pulse signals from the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSSI into speed data. Nearly the same as speedometer indicationYES Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) The absolute pressure caused in the intake manifold by engine load and speed. With engin6 stopped: Nearly the same as atmo- spheric pressure At idle speed: 2a - 41 kPa {210 - 310 mmHg, 8.3 - 12.2 inHg) YES Engine Coolant Temperature {ECT) The ECT sensor converts coolant temperature into volt- age and signals the ECM/PCM. The sensor is a thermistor whose internal resistance changes with coolant tempera- ture. The ECM/PCM uses the voltage signals from the ECT sensor to determine the amount of injected fuel With cold engine: Same as ambient temPer- ature and IAT With engine warmed uP: approx. 163 - 212F (73 - 100c) YES Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO25) (Primary, Sensor 1) (Secondary Sensor 2) The Heated Oxygen Sensor detects the oxygen content in the exhaust gas and sends voltage signals to the ECMiPCM. Based on these signals, the ECM/PCM controls the airlfuel ratio. When the oxygen content is high (that is. when the ratio is leaner than the stoichiometric ratio), the voltage signal is lower. When the orygen content is low (that is, when the ratio is richer than the stoichiometric ratio), the voltage signal is higher. 0.0 - 1.25 V At idle speed: about 0.1 - 0.9 NO (contd) 1 1-65

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Procedures (contd) DataDescliptionOperating ValueFreezo Data HO2S Feedback Loop Status Loop status is indicated as open or closed. Closed: Based on the HO2S output, the ECM/pCM deter-mines the airlfuel ratio and controls the amount ofinjected fuel. Open: ignoring HO2S output, the ECM/pCiM refers to sig,nals from the TP, MAP, and ECT sensors to control theamount of injected fuel. At idle speed: closed YES Short Term Fuel Trim The airlfuel ratio correction coefficient for correcting theamount of injected fuel when HO2S feedback is in theclosed loop status. When the signal from the HO2S isweak, short term fuel trim gets higher, and the ECM/PCMincreases the amount of injected fuel. The airlfuel ratiogradually gets richer, causing a higher HO2S output.Consequently. the short term fuel trim is lowered. andthe ECM/PCM reduces the amount of injected fuel.This cycle keeps the airfuel ratio close to the stoichio-metric ratio when in closed looD status. t:20y YES Long Term Fuel Trim Long term fuel trim is computed from shon term fueltrim and indicates changes occuring in the fuel supplysystem over a long period. lf long term fuel trim is higher than 1,00. the amount ofinjected fuel must be increased. lf it is lower than L00.the amount of injected fuel must be reduced. ! 20% Intake Air Temperature (IAT) The IAT sensor converts intake air temperature into volt-age and signals the ECrU/PCM. When intake air tempera-ture is low, the internal resistance of the sensorincreases, and the voltage signal is higher. With cold engine: Same as ambient temper- ature and ECTYES Throttle Position Based on the accelerator pedal position, the openingangle of the throttle valve is indicateo.At idle speed: approx. 10% lgnition Timing lgnition timing is the ignition advance angle set by theECM/PCM. The ECM/PCM matches ignition timing to thedriving conditions. At idle speed: 161 4. BTDC with the SCS ser- vtce connector connected. NO Calculated Load Value(cLV) CLV is the engine load calculated from the MAp data.At idle speed: 2A - 410/o At 2,500 rpm with no load: 13 - 260/o YES _ 1 1_66

Powertrain Control Module Terminal Arrangement -97 Model FCM CONNECTOR A (32P)NOTE: Standard battery voltage is 12 V. Wire side of lemale terminals f€rminalnumlreJWirecolor Telminalnama DescriptionSignal YELlNJ4 (No.4 FUELINJECTOR)Drives No. 4 {uel injector.With engine running: duty controlled 2BLUlNJ3 (No.3 FUELINJECTOR)Drives No. 3luel injector. REDlNJ2 {No.2 FUELINJECTOR)Drives No.2 tuel injector. BRNlNJl (No. l FUELINJECTOR)Drives No. 1 fuel injector. 5BLK WHTSO2SHIC (SECONDARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR HEATER CONTROL) D ves secondary heated oxygensensor heater.With ignition switch ON {ll): battery voltageWith fully warmed up engino running: dutycontrolled 6BLKArYHT PO2SHTC (PRIMARY HEATED OXYGENSENSOR HEATERCONTROL} Drives primary heated oxygensensor heater,With ignition switch ON lll): battery voltagewith fully warmed up engine running: dutycontroll6d I8RN/BLKLGl (LOGIC GROUND}Ground forthe PCM control circuit.Less than 1.0 V at all times 10BLKPG1 lPOWER GROUND}Ground for the PCM power circuit. l1YEUELKIGPl lPOWER SOURCE}Power source for the PCM controlcircuit. With ignition switch ON (ll): battery voltageWith ignition switch OFF: 0 V 12BLI(BLUIACV {IDLE AIRCONTROL VALVE}Drives IACV.With €ngine running: duty controlled REDryEL PCS (EVAP PURGECONTFOL SOLENOIDVALVE) Drives EVAP purge controlsolenoid valve. With engine running, engine coolantbelow 154F (68C): battery voltageWith engine running, engine coolantabove 154F (68C): duty controlled 16GRN/VELFLR (FUEL PUMP RELAY)Drives Iuel pump relay.0 V for two seconds after turning ignition switch ON lll), then battery voltage 118LI(REDACC (A,/C CLUTCHRELAY}Drives AyC clutch relay.With comoressor ON: 0 VWith compressor OFF: baftery voltage 18GRN/ORNMIL (MALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMP}Drives MlL.With MIL turned ON: 0 VWith MIL turned OFF: baftery voltage 19*WHT/GRNALTC (ALTERNATOR CONTROL}Sends alternator control signal.With tully warmed-up engine running: battery voltageDuring driving with smallelectrical load:0 20YEUGRNICM (IGNITION CONTROLMODULE)Sends ignition pulse.With ignition switch ON (ll): baftery voltageWith engine running: pulses 22BRN/BLKLG2 (LOGIC GROUND}Ground tor the PCM control circuit.Less than 1.0 V at alltimes 23BLKPG2 {POWER GROUND}Ground lor the PCM power circuit. 24YEUBLKIGP2 {POWER SOURCE}Power source for the PCM controlcircuit. With ignition switch ON (ll): battery voltage With engine switch OFF: 0 V 27GRNFANC (RADIATOR FANCONTROL)Drives radiator {an relay.With radiator fan running: 0 VWith radiator fan stopped: baftery voltage *: USA {contd) 11-67

Troubleshooting PCM CONNECTOR B I25PI Powertrain Control Module Terminal Arrangement -97 Model (contdl Wire side of female terminalsPCM CONNECTOR B I25P}NOTE: Standard battery voltage is l2 V. 1 1-68L TerminelnumbercolorTerminalnameOescriptionSignal 1LS 1A/T CLUTCHPRESSURE CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE -) Drives A,/T clutch pressure controlsolenoid valveWith ignition switch ON (ll): duty con-trolled 2REDLS + (A/T CLUTCHPRESSURE CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE +) Drives A,/T clutch pressure controlsolenoid valveWith ignition switch ON (ll)r duty controlled 38LU//EL SHA (SHIFT CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE A)Drives shift control solenoid valve A.In 2nd, R position. in 2nd and 3rd gear inD4, D3 position: Battery voltageIn lst gear in D4, D3 position, in 4th gear in D4 position: 0 V 4GRN/BLKLC B (LOCK-UP CONTFOLSOLENOID VALVE B)Drives lock-up control solenoidvalve B,With full lock-up; Baftery voltageWith half lock-up: duty controlled 5YELLC A (LOCK.UP CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE A)Drives lock-up control solenoidWith lockup ON: battery voltageWith lock-up OFF:0 V IPNKATPD3 (AyT GEARPOSITION SWITCH}Detects A/T gear position switchsignal. _ In D3 position:0 Vln any other position: battery voltage 11GRN/VVHT SHB (SHIFT CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE 8}Drives shift control solenoid valve B.In 1st, 2nd position, in 1st and 2nd gear inD4, D3 position: Battery voltageIn R position, ;n 3rd gear in 04, D3, in 4thgear in D4 position: 0 V 12WHT/BEDILU (INTERLOCK CONTROL UNITiDetects interlock control unh signal.With ignition switch ON (ll)and brakepedal depressed: battery voltage GRN/BLKD4IND (04 INDICATORLIGHT}Drives Dl indicator light.With D4 indicator light turned ON: batteryvoltageWith D4 indicator light turned OFF: 0 V 14NMSG (MAINSHAFT SPEED SENSOR GROUND}Ground tor mainshaft speed sensor. REDNM (MAINSHAFT SPEEDSENSOR)Detects mainshaft speed sensorsrgnal,With engine running: pulses 16ATPR (A/T GEARPOSITION SWITCH)Detects A/T gear position switchsrgnal.InRposition:0VIn any other position: battery voltage 1lBLUATP2 (A./T GEARPOSITION SWITCH)Detects A/T gear position switchsrg nal,In 2nd position: 0 VIn any other position: battery voltage 18BRNATP1 (4,,/T GEARPOSTTTON SWTTCH)Detects A/T gear position switchsrg nal,ln lst position: 0 VIn any other position: battery voltage 22GBNNCSG (COUNTERSHAFT SPEED SENSOR GROUND)Ground tor countershaft speedsensor, 23BLUNC (COUNTERSHAFT SPEED SENSOR)Detects countershaft speed sensorsrgnal.With agnition switch ON (ll), and lrontwheels rotating: pulses 24YELATPD4 (M GEARPOSITION SWITCH)Detects A,/T gear position switchsrgnal.In D4 positionr 0 VIn any other position: battery voltage 25LT GRNATPNP {A/T GEARPOSITION SWITCH)Detects A/T gear position switchsignal.In park or neutral:0 VIn any other position: about 5 V