honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Check tor a short in the wire (MlL linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the ECM/PCM connector A (32P). 3. Turn the ignition switch ON (lli. Repair short to body ground in the wire b€twe.n the ECM/PCM lA18) and tho MlL. Substituto a known-good ECM/PCM .nd recheck. lf symptom/indication goo3 .way, replaceth€ original ECM/PCM. (From page 11-88) 1-89
PGM-FI System Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAPI Sensor The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) POl07: A low input (high vacuum) problem in theManifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor, The MAP sensor convens manifold absolute pressure into electrical signals and inputs the ECM/pCM. OUTPUIVOLTAGE tvl3.s 3.0 2.5 2.O 1.5 1.0 0.5 o .5 ro- 15^ 1olin.H9) GAUGEREADIT{G lmmHgl 3025 100 200 300 a00 5oo 6fi, 7d) MAP SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR IC131I vccl(YEL/RED} Th6 MIL has b€en reoorted on.DTC P0107 is 3tored. Problom verification:1. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).2. Check the lvlAP with the scanroot. lrtormittem tailu.e, lystam b OKat thb timo. Check tor poor con-noctions or loosa wird at C131(MAP rensor) and rt the ECM/PCM. ls approx. 101 kPa (760 mmHg,30 in.Hg),2.9 V indicated? Check for an op6n in wi.o IVCC1linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the MAP sensorconnector,3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll}.4. Measure voltage between theMAP sensor connector No. 1termanal and No. 2 terminal. Roprir op€n in the wir6 bstweentho ECM/PCM (D4, C19*l and theMAP sensor. ls there approx. 5 V? (To page 11-91) 11-90 Wiro side ol temale terminals
{From page 11-90) Chock tor .n open or short in the MAP 3€n30r:Check the MAP with the scan tool. ls approx. 2 kPa (15 mmHg, 0.6 in.Hg),0.1 V or less indi- cated? Chock for a lhort in the wire(MAP linol:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the ECM/PCMconnector D (16P), (C 131P))*.3. Check for continuity betweenthe MAP sensor connector No.3 terminal and body ground. R€ 3hort in the wire bstwcen tho ECM/PCM (D3, C17) rnd tho MAP 3rnsoi. Sub3lilut. . known-good ECM/ PCM and rocheck. lf normal MAP k indic.tcd, thc originrlECM/PCM. MAP SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR (C131I Wire side of lgmale terminals (contd) 1 1-91
PGM-FI System Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor (contd) [tn,t nn-] The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0108: A high voltage (low vacuum) problem in the|jg Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor. MAP SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR IC131I Wire side of female terminals vcclIYEL/RED} PCM CONNECTOR D I16PI JUMPER WIRE sGlIGRN/WHTI Wire side of lemale termin6ls 1 (To page 11,93): 98 - 00 models 1-92 tcRN/wHrll IIRED/GRN| The MIL has boen reported on.DTC m108 is slored. Problem veritication:1. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator fan comes on, thenlet it idle.2. Check the MAP with the scantool. Intermittent tailuro, system i3 OKat this time. Check tor ooor con-nections or loose wires at C131IMAP s6nsor) snd the ECM/rcM. ls 101 kPa {760 mmHg,30 in.Hg),2.9 V or higher indicated? Check Ior an open in the MAPsensor:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the MAP sensor3P connector.3. lnstall a jumper wire betweenthe MAP sensor 3P connectorterminals No.3 and No.2.4. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).5. Check the MAP with the scantool. ls 10l kPa (760 mmHg,30 in.Hg),2.9 V or higher indicated? Check for an open in wire (SGlliDel:1. Remove the jumper wire.2. Measure voltage between theMAP sensor 3P connector ter-minals No. 1 and No- 2. open in the wire betwoenthe ECM/PCM (D12, CTrl and theMAP sensor. ls there approx. 5 V? Check for an open in the wire(MAP line):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. lnstall a iumper wire on thePCM connectors between D3and D12.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).4. Check the MAP wirh the scantool. Ropair opon in the wire betweenthe PCM {D3, .nd the MAP son-3(t. ls 101 kPa 1760 mmHg, 30 in.Hg),2.9 V or higher indicated? YES
(From page 11-92) Check for an open in the wire {MAP linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Install a jumPer wire on the ECM/PCM connectors betlveen C7 and C17.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) 4. Check the MAP with the scan tool. Bopair op€n in the between the ECM/PCM (c1?l and the MAP 5en30t. ls 101 kPa (760 mmHg,30 in.Hg), 2.9 V or higher indicated? Substitute a knowngood ECM/ PCM and recheck. lf normal MAP k indicated, replace the o.iginal ECM/PCM, I (contd) 11-93
PGM-FI System Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor (contdl The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1128: Manifold Absolute pressure (MAp) lower thanexoected. The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Pl129: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) higher thanexpected. l - The MIL has be6n r€ported on.- DTC Pl128 is stored. Problom verification:1. Turn the ignition switch ON 1lli.2. Check the MAP with the scantool, ls 54.1 kPa (406 mmHg, 16.0 in.Hg),1.61 V or higher indicated?I to.mittent failure, 3ydom i! OKal thbtimc, - The MIL has boen reportod on.- DTC Pl129 is stored. Problem veritication:1. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload lin Park or neutral) untilthe radiator fan comes on,then Iet it idle.2. Check the MAP with the scantool, ls 43.3 kPa (325 mmHg, 12.8 in.Hg),1.32 V or less indicated?Intarmittani fuilure, systom i3 OKat this time. 11-94
The IAT Sensor is a temperature dependant resistor (thermistor). The resistance of the thermistor decreases as the intake air temDerature increases as shown below RESISTANCE IKOI Intake Air Temperature (lAT) Sensor 1P0111 | (97 model)The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble code (DTC) P0111: A ranoe/performance problem in the lntake Air TemDerature (lAT) Sensor circuit. . 3 aa ro. r?a arl ,.t r.fl20 0 to ao ao aa ioo t2otocl INTAKE AIB TEMPERATURE - The MIL has been reported on.- DTC P0111 is stored.- Or lrom Probable Cause List. Problem vetification:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the IAT sensor 2P connector,3. Remove the IAT sensor.4. Reconnect the IAT sensor 2P connector,5. Leave the IAT sensor etposedto ambient temPerature.6. Turn the ignition switch ON flr).7. check the IAT with the scan tool- R€place the IAT son3or. Check the IAT sensor output:1. Warm the IAT sensor with ahair dryer.2. Check the IAT with the scan tool. Did the IAT rise 2.0F (1.0C) or more from the ambienttemperature? Intermittent f.ilure, aY3tem is OKai this tim6. Replace the IAT sensor. (contd) 1 1-95
PGM-FI System Intake Air Temperature (lAT) Sensor (contdl The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble code (DTC) P0112: A low voltage (high temperature) problem in theIntake Air Temperature 0AT) sensor circuit. The IAT Sensor is a temperature dependant resistor (thermistor). The resistance of tho thermistor decreases as the intakeair temperature increases as shown below. RESISTANCE IKO) i) )2 / A tAr 9) (RED/YEU -L -. 32 aa rorr 1?a 2ra 2aa f.el-m 0 20 rto ao i0 too l2ofcl INTAKE AIR TEMPERATUR€ It the engine is warm, it will b€ high-er than ambient temperature. IAT SENSOR 2P CONNCCTOR (C33I - The MIL has been reDoned on.- OTC m112 is stored,- Or from Probable Caus€ List. Problem vsrification:1. Turn the ignition switch ON flt).2. Check the IAT with the scantool. ls 302F (150C) or higher (orH-Limit in Honda mode ofPGM Testeri or 0 V indicated? ls the correct ambient temper-ature indicated,,?Beploce tho IAT sensor. Intermittent failure, system i3 OKat this time. Ch6ck for poor con-nectiona o. loose wires rt C133{lAT s€nsorl and rt th6 ECM/pCtr4.Check for a short in the IAT sen-sot:1. Disconnect the IAT sensor 2p 2. Check the IAT with the scantool. ls 302F {150C) or higher {orH-Limit in Honda mode ofPGM Tester) or 0 V indicated?Raplace the lAT aensor. Ch€ck for a short in the wir6 llAtlinel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the ECM/PCM con-nector {D (16P}, C (31P)).3. Check for continuity betweenthe IAT sensor 2P connector terminalNo.2 and body ground. Repair short in the wi.o botweenth6 ECM/rcM {D8, C25*l and th6IAT 3ensor. Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. lf normel IATis indicaled, replace the originalECM/PCM, *: 98 - 00 models 1 1-96 Wi16 side of femsle terminals
The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0113: A high voltage (low temperature) problem in the Intake Air Temperature (lAT) sensor circuit. IAT SENSOR 2P CONNECTOR ICl33I sG2{GRN/BIIO JUMPEN WNE IAT IRED/YELI Wire side ol female terminals YES _!!7rqd9ll_____- FCM CONNECTOR O IT6PI IAT IRED/YEL)sG2IGRN/BLK} JUMPER w|BE Wire side of female terminals l (contd) 11-97 The MIL has been reported on.OTC P0113 is stored. Problem v€rification:1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 2. Check the IAT with the scantool, Intermiftent failure, syatem is OKat this time. for Door con-nections or loose wires at c133 llAT s6nsorl and at the ECM/PCM. ls -4F (-20C) or less (or L Limitin Honda mode of PGM Tester)or5 V indicated? Check lor an open in the IAT sen-sor:1. Disconnect the IAT sensor 2Pconnector,2. Connect the IAT sensor 2P connector terminals No. 1 andNo. 2 with a ,umper wire.3. Check the intake air temperature with the scan tool. ls -4F (-20C) or less (or L-Limitin Honda mode oI PGM Tester)or5 V indicated?Replace the IAT sensor. Check lor en opan in the wires llAT, SG2 lines):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect PCM connector ter-minals D8 and D11 with a 3. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).4. Check the IAT with the scantool. Rgpair open in the wires b€tweenthe PcM (D8. D11) and rhe IAT3en30r, ls -4F {-20C) or Iess (or Llimitin Honda mode ot PGM Tester)or5 V indicated? (To page 11-98)
PGM-FI System Check for an open in the wires{lAT, SG2lines):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect ECM/PCM connectorterminals C18 and C25 with ajumper wire.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).4. Check the IAT with the scantool. ls -4F 1-20C) or less (or L limitin Honda mode of PGM Testeri or5 V indicated? Repsir op€n in the wirca batweenthe ECM/PCM 1C18, C25l and theIAT s€nsor. Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM rnd recheck, lf normal IATis indicated, leplaco the originslECM/PCM. Intake Air Temperature (lATl Sensor (contd) (From page 11,97) l ECM/PCM CINNECTOR C t3lPl 257II ./ 16171819 202122234 Wp,29c)31 sG2IAT {RED/YELI{GRN/BLK) JUMPER WIRE Wire side of fernale terminals I 1 1-98