honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Replace Shift Control Solenoidvslve Assembly and Recheck:1. Replace the shift controlsolenoid valve A/B assembly(see page14 136).2. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reset the PCM memory byremoving the BACK UP (7.5 A)fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box for more than 10seconds.3. Drive the vehicle at over 12mph (20 km/h) in 1st,2nd,3rd,and 4th qear for more than 30seconds in E position. 4. Recheck for code P0730 (41). Does the OBD ll scan toolindicate code P0730 or doesthe E indicator light indicate code 41? The svstem is OK at this time. Replace Linea. Solenoid Ass€mblyand Recheck:1. Replace the linear solenoidassembly lsee page 14-138).2. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reset the PcM memory byremoving the BACK UP 17.5 A)fuse in the underhood fuse/relay box tor more than 10 seconos.3. Drive the vehicle at over 12 mph {20 km/h) in 1st,2nd,3rd,and 4th geal for more than 30seconds in -Da position. 4. Recheck for code P0730 (41). Does the OBD llscan toolindicate code P0730 or doesthe Di indicator light indi-cate code 41? The syslem is OK at this time. From page 14-84 14-85

Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Modell Troubleshooting Flowchart - E Indicator Light On Constantly PCM CONNECTOR B I25PI IGRN/8LKI Wire side of temale terminals The E indicator light is on con-stantly {not blinking) wheneverthe ignition switch b ON (lll. Measure D4 IND Voltage:1. 2. 3.4. Turn the ignition switch OFF.Disconnect the I (25P) connec-tor lrom the PCM.Turn the ignition switch ON lll).Measure the voltage betweenthe 813 terminal and bodygrouno, Ropair short to powor in the wirebetwean tho B13 terminal andtho gauge assembly. Maa3ure ATP D4 Voltage:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect the B (25P) connectorto the PCM.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Shiftto any position other than E.5. Measure the voltage betweenthe 824 terminal and bodyground. Test the lVT gear position switch(see page 14 139). Check lor a short to g.ound inthe wire betwoen tho B2rl te.minal and A/T gear position switch.It wira i3 OK, substitute a known-good PCM and r€check.

Troubleshooting Flowchart - E Indicator Light Does Not Come On PCM CONNECTOR A {32PI Wire side ot temale terminals LGl IBRN/BLKI LG2 (BRN/BLKI (contd) The E indicator light doos notcomo on whon the ignition switchis first turned ON {lll. (lt shouldcome on lor about two aaclnd!.I Check the Sorvice Check Connec-toriMake sure the special tool 1SCSService Connector) is not connect-ed tothe service check connector, Di3connect the spccial tool tromthe servica chock connoctor andrechsck. ls the specialtool (SCS ServiceConnectorlconnected to the ser-vice check connector? chock th. El Indicator Light:Shift to E position. Ch6ck for looie terminal fit in thePCM connoctors. ll nocesssry,sub.titule a known-good PCMand rechock. Check the Ground Circuit:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the A {32P)connec-tor from the PCM.3. Check for continuity betweenthe A9 terminal and bodyground and tho A22 terminaland body ground. R€pair opon in the wire3 betweenthe Ag or A22 torrninab and G101.Repair the body ground (G1011. To page 14-88 14-87

Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Modell Troubleshooting Flowchart - E Indicator Light Does Not Gome On (contdl IYEL/BLK) IGP2 IYEL/BLK) Wire side of female terminals From page 14-87 Measure Power Supply circuitVoltage:1. Turn the ignition swatch ON (ll). 2. Measure the voltage betweenterminals Ag and A11andbetween terminals A22 andA24. Repair open or short in the wirebotw€on the A11 and/or A24 ter-minals, the PGM-FI main relav,and ih6 fuse box. ls there baRery voltageT Measur€ Dil INO Voltag6:L Turn lhe ignition switch OFF.2. Connect the A 132P) connectorto the PCM.3. Connect a digital multimeterto the 813 and A9 or A22 termtnals,4. Turn the ignition switch ON(ll), and make sure that voltageis available for two seconds. Check for an op€n in the wirebetween the 913 terminal andthe gauge assembly. lf wire isOK. check tor a faulty E indica-tor lighl bulb or a taulty gaugea$embly printed circuil bo.rd. Check D4IND tor a Short Circuit:Check for continuity between the813 terminal and body ground. Ropair short in the wiro betweenthe 813 lerminal and the gaugeassembly. Check tor loose terminal frt in thePCM connector3. Chock the A/Tgear position switch. ll necessary,substitute a known-good PCMand recheck. 14-88

Troubleshooting Flowchart - Interlock System - Shift Lock System PCM CONNECTORS Wire side of lem6le termanals INTERLOCK CONTROL UNIT CONNECTOR I8P) ILU IWHT/REDI (contd) Shift lever cannot be moved from E] position with the brake P€delpreiseo. Chock Brake Light Operation:Press the brake pedal. Repsir fauhy brake switch circuit {seo s€ction 231.Are the brake lights ON? M€asure STOP SW voltage:l Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the A (32P) and D (16P) connectors lrom thePCM.3. Measlre the voltage between the D5 and Ag or A22 terma nals with the brake Pedalpressed, Repair opon in the wi.e be{w.enthe D5 terminal and the switd!. Measur€ ILU vohage:1. Connect the A {32P) and D 116P) connectors to the PCM.2. Disconnect the 8P connectorfrom the interlock control unit 3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Measure the voltage betweenthe No.7 terminalofthe inter lock control unit and bodyground with the brake Pedalpressed, Ch€ck for an opon or thon in the wire Mwoon tho No. 7 terminrl of the inte ock control unit and the 812 termin.l of the PcM. ll the wirs is OK, check tor loo3e terminal fit in the PCM connec_ to13. ll nece3sary,3ubstitute a known-good PCM and rechock. ls there battery voltage? To page 14 90 14-89

Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Interlock System - Shift Lock System (contd) INTERLOCK CONTROL UNITCONNECTOR {8P) NOTE: Shift lever must be in E. ATP P IBLK/BLU Wire side ot female terminals SHIFT LOCKIYEL/BLK} 12 5678 o LOCK SOLENOID 1 SHIFT LOCK !CONNECTORYEL/BLK NOTE: Do not connect the No. 2 terminal tothe battery positive terminal or you willdamage the diode inside the shift lock sole-noid. Wire side of female terminals SHIFT L@K SOI.ENOIDCONNECTOBldir.sily on .olrnoidl Terminalsido of male terminals From page 14.89 Measu.e ATP P Voltage:Measure the voltage between theNo. 6 terminal of the interlockcontrol unit and body ground. Repai. open in the wir6 betwoentho No.6 termin.l olthe intorlockcontrol unit and the A/T gealpo.ition rwitch. Chock Shitt Lock Solenoid lor .nOpon Circuit:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the shift lock solenoto connoctor.3. Check for continuity betweenthe No. 3 terminal of the inter-lock contrcl unit and the No. 2terminal ot the shift lock sole-noid connector. Rapair opon in the wiro bstwcentho No. 3 torminal and tho shiftlock solenoid. Check Shift Lock Solenoid Oper-ation:1. Connect the No. 1 terminal ofthe shift lock solenoid connec-tor to the battery positive terminal. and connect the No. 2terminal to the battery nega-tive terminal.2. Chock the shift lock solenoidoperation. Does the shift lock solenoidop€rate properly?Replsc€ tho .hift lock solonoid. Check tor looso terminal frt in th6interlock cont.ol unit connectoB.ll ngcara,lary, sutEtitut€ a known-good interlock control unit androcheck.

Troubleshooting Flowchart - Interlock system - Key Interlock system IGNITION SW]TCH 6P CONNECTOR KEY LOCK SOL {WHT/BLU) ACC PUSH SW (WHT/YELI Wire side oI female terminals KEY LOCK SOL(WHT/BLUI (contd) lgnition key cannot be moved Irom ACC (l) pGition to LOCK (0) position while Pushing the igni- tion kev with the shift lever in lllposifio;, and the shift lever but- ton rcleased. Check Key Interlock Solenoid Op€ration:1. Disconnect the ignition switch connector (6P). 2. Connect the No. 4 terminal of the ignition switch 6P connec- tor to the battery Positive ter minal, and connect the No. 3 terminal to the battery nega tive terminal.3. Check the key interlock sole noid operation A clicking so!nd sho!ld be heard. Faulty koy interlock solenoid. Replace the ignition key cylinder/ steedng lock as36mbly Does the key interlock solenoid operate properly? Check Key Interlock Switch OPer adon:1. Connect the No. 5 terminal of the ignition switch connector to the battery Positive termi nal, and connect the No 3 ter minal to the baftery negative termrnal,2. Turn the ignition switch to ACC (l), then push rt. 3. Check the key interlock sole noid operation. A clicking sound should be heard whilepushing the ignition key. Faulty key inte.lock switch Replaco the ignition key cylindor/ stoering lock a3r.mblY. Does the key interlocksolenoid operate ProPerlY? To page 14 92 14-91

Electrical Troubleshooting {97 Model) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Interlock System - Key Interlock System lcontdl INTERLOCK CONTROL UNIT CONNECIOR {8PI KEY LOCK SOL {WHT/8I-UI ACC PUSH SW IWHTI Wire side of female terminals ATP P (BLK/BLU) Check Key Interlock Solenoid fora Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the interlock controlunit connector.2. Check for continuity betweenthe No. l terminal and bodyground and between the No.5terminaland body ground indi-vidually. Repair short in the wire betweenthe No. 1 or No. 5 terminal andthe ignition switch 6P connector. ls there continuity? Check Park Pin Switch ODeration:Check for continuity between theNo. I terminal and body ground. Check tor shori in the wirebetwo€n the No. 8 terminal otthe interlock control unit and thepark pin switch. lf wire is OK,ch6ck the park pin switch. ls there continuity? Measu16 ATP P Voltage:1. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).2. Measure the vohage betweenthe No.6 terminal and bodyground. R6pei. open in the wire betweenthe No. 6 i€rminal and the A/Tgea. position switch. Check for loose terminalfit in theinterlock control unil connectors.lf necessery, substitute a known-good interlock control unit andr6check. From page 14-91 Shift lever must be in E. 14-92

Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control Solenoid Valve A Poslible Cause . Dbconnected lock-up control solenoid valve A/B assemblY connector. Short or open in lock-up control solenoid valve A wire. Faulty lock-up control solenoid valve A Open in vB SOL wire LGI|BRN/BLK) LG2IBRN/BLK) To page 14 95 (contd) 14-93 A t32Pli r rriltI l,1 I I ltDrste,0n,,2. t3r Br!51 r. LGl IBRN/BLKI LG2 (BRN/BLKI Wire side of female terminals A {32P) .OBD ll Scan Tool indicatesCode Pl753.. Self-di.gnosis E or E indica- tor light blinks once. lf the PGM Tester is available,retrieve the M Freeze Data, then clear the PCM. Test-drive the vehicle under the same conditions the Freeze Data lntermittent failul.. The system is OK at this time. Check the fit of the Din3 in all connectors affected by thb code. Did the code return? Check for a Short to Power:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the B (25P) and D(16P) connectors trom thePCM,3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Measlre the voltage betweenthe D1 and 820 or 822 termi-nals, n€pair short lo power in the wire betw€€n the Dl terminal and the lock-up control solenoid valve A Mg.sure Lock-up Control SolenoidValve A Rssistance:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. M easu re the resistancebetween the D1 and 820 or822 terminals. ls the resistance 12 - 25 o? To page 14-94

Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control Solenoid Valve A (contdl FCM CONNECTORS B {25P} C t31Pl Wire side ot female terminals LGlIARN/ALKI LG2IBRN/BLKI LOCK-UP CONTROL SOLENOIDVALVE A/B ASSEMBLY CONNECTOR tFttl._T= A LC A (YELI(o)Y I Terminal side of male terminals From page 14-93 Check tor continuity between theB20 terminal and body ground,and between the 822 terminaland body ground. Ropair open in the wire3b€tweon tha 820 and 822 termi-nals and ground lG101l. Ch6ck Lock-up Control SolonoidValv6 A tor a Short Ci.cuit:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the lock up controlsolenoid valve A/B assembly.2. Check for continuity betweenthe Dt and B2O or 822 te(minals. Ropai. lhort to g.ound in the wireb€twe€n the Dl terminal and thelock-up control solonoid vslvg A. Mersurg Lock-up Co|ttrol SolonoidValvo A Rolktanco at tho SolonoidConnoctor:Measure the resistanco betweenthe No. 2 terminal of the lock,upcontrol soleno;d valve A/Bassembly connector aod bodyground. Replace the lock-up controlsolonoid vrlve A/B a$ambly,ls the resistance 12 - 25 0? Chsck for open in th€ wircbctwe€n tho Dl terminal lnd th6lock-up cont.ol solonoid v.lve A. a t32P)D l16Pl a l32Plc t3lPl 14-94