honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Engine Goolant Temperature (ECTI Sensor The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0116: A range/performance problem in the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor circuit. The ECT Sensor is a temperature dependant resistor (thermistor). The resistance of the thermistor decreases as the engine coolant temperature increases as shown below RESISTANCEtk0l NOTE: lf DTC P0117 and/or P0118 are stored at the same bleshoot DTC P0116. Possible Cause a ECT sensor deterioration . Malfunction in the thermostat and cooling system Troubleshooting Flowchart -4 32 68 r0a r a0176 212 2aE {r)-2O O 20 ito tO .o ! t2O I c) ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE time as DTC P0116, troubleshoot those DTCS first, then trou- THERMISTON - The MIL has be€n roported on.- DTC P0116 is stored. Probl6m verification:1. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator fan comes on,then let it idle.2. With the scan tool, check theECT. Intermittent failure, sYstem b OKat this tim6. Check lhe thermo-stat and the cooling 5y3tom. ls 176 - 200F (80 - 93C) or0.4-0.TVindicated? Check the thermostat and the cooling system. It th€y are OK,reolace the ECT seNor. (contd) 1 1-99
PGM-FI System Engine Coolant Temperature (ECTI Sensor {contd) [F011 The.scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0117: A low voltage (high temperature) problem in the: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor circuit. ECT SENSOR 2P CONNECTOR {C114I Wire side of female terminals - The MIL has been rooortod on.- DTC ml17 is sto.od. Problem verification:1. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).2. Check the ECT with the scantool, Intermittont f.ilure, sysiom is OKat thk time. Check for poor con-nections or loo3e wire3 at C1lil(ECT sensorl and et the ECM/PCM. ls 302F (150C) or higher (or H Limit in Honda mode otPGM Tester) or 0 V indicated? Check for a Bhort in the ECT sen-301:1. Disconnect the ECT sensor 2Pconnefior,2. Check the ECT with the scantool. ls 302F (150C)or higher (or H-Limit in Honda mode ofPGM Tester) or 0 V indicated? Check for r shorl in the wirs(EgT linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the ECM/PCM con-nector D (16P), (C (31P)*1.3. Check tor continuity betweenthe ECT sensor 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and bodyground. Repair short in the wir€ betweenthe ECM/FCM (D2, C26rl ,nd th6ECT senaor. ls there continuity? Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. It normal ECTi! indicatod, replaco the oiiginalECM/PCM. *:98 - 00 models 1-1
The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC) P0118: A high voltage {low temperature) problem in the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor circuit. ECT SENSOR 2P CONNECTOB (C11ill ECT(ncD/wlrT) ECTIREDAAIHT) Wirc side of lemale terminals sG2(GRN/8LKI PCM CONNECTOR D {T6PI JUMPER WIRE JUi,IPEB WNE IGRN/BLX} Wire side oI female terminals (contd) 1 1-101 The MIL has be€n reported on.DTC P0118 is stor€d. Problem verification:1. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).2. Check the EcT with the scantool- Intermiftent tailu.€,3ystem is OKat this time, Checl foJ poor con-n€ction3 or loose wires et C114(ECT ren3or) and at the ECM/PCM. ls -4F (-20C) or less (or L-Limitin Honda mode ot PGM Tester) or5 V indicated? Check for an open in the ECT sen- 1. Disconnect the ECT sensor 2Pconnector.2. Connect the ECT sensor 2Pconnector terminals No. 1 andNo. 2 with a jumper wire.3. Check the ECT with the scantool. ls -4F (-20C) or less (or LLimitin Honda mode of PGM Tester)or5 V indicated? Check for an open in the wiies{ECT, SG2 lines):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect PCM connector terminals D2 and D11 with a iumper wire.3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll}.4. Check the ECT with the scantool, ls -4F (-20C) or less (or L-Limitin Honda mode of PGM Testerior5 V indicated? Repair open in th6 wire! botwe€nthe PCM lD2, Dl1l and the ECT3€n30t. (97 model) (To page 11-102)
PGM-FI System Chack lor an open in the wires(ECT, SG2 lines):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect ECM/PCM connectorterminals C18 and C26 with a 3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Check the ECT with the scantool. ls -4F (-20C) or less (or L-Limitin Honda mode of PGM Testerlor5 V indicated? Ralpair open in tho wir6s b6twe€ntho ECM/PCM 1C18, c26l 6nd thoECT sensor. Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and lf normal ECTis indicrted, replace ths originslECM/PCM. Engine Goolant Temperature (ECTI Sensor (contdl (From page 11 101) ECM/PCM OONNECTOR C 13lPI (GRN/BLK) JUMPER WIRE Wire side of temale terminals 17I9 ,/ 1617t81920n ECT IRED/WHTIsG2 11-102
Throttle Position (TPl Sensor The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0122: A low input (voltage) problem in the Throttle Position (TP) sensor circuit. The TP Sensor is a potentiometer. lt is connocted to the throttle valve shaft. As the throttle position changes, the throftle position sensor varies the voltage signal to the ECM/PCM. 97 mod6l:BRUSHHOI,IER OUTPUT VOLTAGE IVI 5 4 3 2 1 0 THROITLEOPCNIiIG FUTIIHROTTIE TP SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR {Cl3OI vcc2IYEL/BLUI Wi.6 6ide ot fgmale terminsls PCM CONNECTOR D I16PI Wire side of female terminals (GRN/BLX) - The MIL h.3 been reoorted on.- OTC m122 b 3tored. Problem vorificalion:1. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutrall untilthe radiator fan comes on,then turn the ignition switchOFF.2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 3. Check the throttle position with the scan tool. ls there approx. 10% when thethrottle is fully closed andapprox.90% when the throttleis fully opened? Intormittent feilu?e, 3y3tem is OKat thb iime. Check tor poor con-nodiona or loose wiros at C130tTP loNorl .nd rt th€ PCM. Check tor an open in the wire{vOC2linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the TP sensor 3Pconnector,3. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).il. Measure voltage betweenthe TP sensor 3P connector ter-minals No. 1 and No. 3. ls there approx.5 V? Check to. an open in wir6 {VCC2linel:Measure voltage between PCMconnector terminals 010 and D11. Ch6ck to. an opon or shon in TPsonaol:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2, At the sensor side, measureresistance between the TPsensor 3P connector terminalsNo. 1 and No. 2 with the throt-tle fully closed. Repair open in the wirc betweenPCM {D10} and TP there approx. 5 V? Sub3tituto . known-good PCMand rechock. It proscribed volt-ag. b now availablo. rcplaco th6originsl PCM, Terminal side of male terminals(contd) (To page 11-104) 1 1-103
PGM-FI System (From page 11 103) ls there approx. 0.5 - 0.9 kO? Chock for an open or short in theTP sensor:Measure resistance between theTP sensor 3P connector termin-nals No. 2 and No.3 with thethrottle t!lly closed. ls there approx. 4.5 kO? Check to. an open in the PCM(TPS linell1. Reconnect the TP sensor 3Pconnector.2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).3. Measure voltage betweenPCM connector D (16P) termi-nals D1 and D1l. Substitute a known-good PCMand recheck. It orescribod volt-age is now available, roplaco theo.iginal PCM. ls there approx.0.5 V when thethroftle is fully closed andapprox. 4.5 V when the throttleis fully opened? Repair short in the wire bstweenthe PCM lDl)snd the TP ssnso.. Throttle Position (TP) Sensor (contd) TP SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR Terminal side of male terminals PCM CONNECTOR D I16PI TPS IREO/BLK)SG2 (GRN/BLKI Wire side ol female terminals 11-104 I
98 - 00 model3: The MIL has boon reDortod on.DTC m122 b rtorod. P.oblom veiification:1. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator tan comes on,then turn the ignition switchOFF.2. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).3. Check the throttle position with the scan tool. ls there approx. 10% when thethrottle is fully closed andapprox. 90% when the throttleis fully opened? Intarmittent failure. system is OKat thia time. Check for poor con-n€ctions or loolo wires rt C130ITP s.nsorl and.t the ECM/FCM. Check for an opon or short in thowire {VCC2 linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the TP sensor 3Pconnedor,3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Meas! re voltage betweenthe TP s€nsor 3P connector ter-minals No. 1 and No.3. ls there approx. 5 V? Check lor an opon in wiro IVCC2linel:Measure voltage between ECM/rcM connector terminals C18 andc2a.Chock for en op€n or Bhort in TP3an30r:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. At the sensor side, measureresistance between the TPsensor 3P conneclor terminalsNo. 1 and No. 2 with the throt-tle fully closed. B.psir opon in the wire b€{woontho ECM/PCM {C281 and th6 TP3en! lher€ approx. 5 V? Subslitute e known-good ECM/PCM .nd r.chock. lf pro3cribedvoltrge iB now rYrilablo, replacath. originll ECM/PCM. TP SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR {C130} sG2IGRN/BLKI vcc2IYEUBLUI Wire side oI Iemale lerminals Wire sid6 of temale terminals Terminal side of male torminals (contd) 1 1-105 ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C (31P} sG2IGRN/BLKIa-,l 18 sl./|135 /1617lrs]zolzr zzl 232527)gJ lzgi3o sr I T^vccz {YEL/8LUl (To page 11-106)
PGM-FI System TP SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR Terminal side of mal6 terminals (GRN/BLKI Wire side ol temale torminals Throttle Position (TPl Sensor (contdl (From p6ge 11-105) ls there approx. 0.5 - 0.9 kO? Chock for rn op€n or 3hort in thoTP sonsorMeasure resistance between theTP sensor 3P connector terminalsNo. 2 and No. 3 with the throttlefully closed. ls th€re approx. 4.5 k0? Check lor an open in the ECM/PCM ITPS linel:1. Reconnect the TP sensor connector.2. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).3. Measure voltage betweenECM/PCM connector C (31P) terminals C18 and C27. ls thgre 6pprox.0.5 V when thethrottle is Iully closed andapprox.4.5 V when the throttleis lully opened? Subrtituto . known-good ECM/PCM rnd rocheok. lI pro.cribed voltaga ia now rvailablc, rcpl.ceth. o.igln.l ECM/PCM. Raoai. ahort in th€ wira lrltw.anthe ECM/PCM (C181 lnd th€ TP3€n3rot. ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C {31P} I37llaI 1617t8 19lm 2327tl l2e3031 TPS IRED/BLK)Lle {9} 1 1-106
The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0123: A high voltage problem in the Throttle Position (TP) sensor circuit. TP SENSOR 3P @]{NECTOR IC13O} sG2(GnN/Br.XlvocrtYEt /8LU) {GBIT/BLKI (contd) 11-107 Wiro side of fom.le terminals PCM CON{ECTOF D I16PI Wire side ot female terhinals The MIL hlr br€n r.9ort.d on.DTC P0123 ir stored. Pioblom vorificltion:1. Start the ongin6. Hold th€ongine at 3,000 rpm with noload {in Park or neutral) untilth6 radiator fan comes on.then turn the ignition switchOFF,2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 3. Check the throttle position with the scan tool. Intarmittant tailuro, ryrtern b OKat this timo. Chock lor poor con-nections or loo3o wir€3 at C130 ITP 3orcorl .nd at tho ECM/FCM. ls there spprox. 1oyo when thothrottle is Iully closed andapprox.90% when the throttleis tully open€d? Choct toJ an opcn in th6 TP s6n-3t]:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the TP sensor 3Pconnectol,3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. At the wir6 harnoss side, mea-suro voltage betweon thg TPsensor 3P connector t€rminalsNo. 1 and No.3. ls there approx.5 V? Chack for an oDan in tha wira(SG2 linel:M6asu16 voltage b6tween PCMconn€ctor terminals Dl0 and D! 1. R.pai. opcn in tha wira botwcontho PcM {o111 rnd the TP 3en-3(t, ls there approx. 5 V? (97 model) (To page 11-108)
PGM-FI System (From page 11-107) Check lor an open in the wirc(SG2line): Measure voltage between ECM/PCM connector C (31P) terminalsC18 and C28. Ropair open in th€ wire betweonrhe ECM/PCM (Cl81 .nd the TP56nSOl, ls there approx. 5 V? Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and rocheck. lf pre3cribedvoltago is now avaibble, replacetho origin.l ECM/PCM, Throttle Position (TP) Sensor (contdl ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C {31PI Wire side of temale terminals 1 1-108