honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Emission Control System System Description The emission control system includes, a Three Way Catalytic Converter {TWC), Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) svstem and Evaporative Emission (€VAP) Control system. The emission control system is designed to meet federal and state emission standards. Tailpipe Emission Inspsction !@ Do not smoke during this procsdura. Keep any open tlame away from your work area. 1. Start the engine. Hold the engine at 3,000 rpm with no load (in Park or neutral) until the radiator fan comes on, then let it idle, Connect a tachometer. Check and, if necessary, adjust the idle speed, (see page 11-169, 170). Warm up and calibrate the CO meter according to the meter manufacturers instructions. Check idle CO with the headlights, heater blower, rear window defogger, cooling fan, and air conditioner off. (Canada) Pull the parking brake lever up. Start the engine, then check that the headlights are off. CO meter should indicate 0.1% maximum. 4. Three Way Catalytic Converter (TWCI DsscriDtion Three Way Catalytic Convertsr lTwcl: The Three wav Catalvtic Converter (TWC) is used to convert hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the exhaust gas to carbon dioxide (COr), dinitrogen (Nr) and water vapor, {contd) 1 1-199
Emission Control System Three Way Catalytic Converter {TWCI (contd} 1P0420 Thescantool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0420: Catalyst system efficiency belowthreshold. DescriDtion This system evaluates the catalysts capacity by means of the HO2S (Primary and Secondary) output during stable driving conditions. lf deterioration has been detected during three consecutive driving cycles, the MIL comes on and DTC P0420 will be stored. NOTE: lf some of the DTCS listed below are stored at the same time as DTC P0420, troubleshoot those DTCS first. then troubleshoot DTC P0420. P0137, P0138: Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2) P0141: Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2) Heater Possible Cause . IWC Deterioration . Exhaust system leakage Troubleshooting Flowchart - The MIL has been reDoried on.- DTC P0420 is stored. Problem verification:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Procedure,2. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutrali untilthe radiator fan comes on.3. Connect the SCS service connector.4. Test-drive 40 - 55 mph (64 - 88km/h) for approx. lwo minutes.Then decelerate for at least 3seconds with the throftle completely closed. Then reducethe vehicle speed to 35 mph 156 km/h), and try to hold ituntil the readiness code Intermittent tailure. system is OKat this DTC P0420 indicated? Check the TWC (see section 9).lI nocessary, replace the TwC. 11-200
Positive Grankcase Ventilation (PGVI System Description The Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) svstem is designed to prevent blow-by gas from escaping to the atmosphere. The PCV valve contains a spring-loaded plunger, When the engine starts, the plunger in the PCV valve is lifted in proportion to intake manitold vacuum and the blow-by gas is drawn directly into the intake manifold. -: BLOW.BY VAPOR-: FRESH AIR i/lAlrllFOLD Inspoction 1. Check the PCV hoses and connections for leaks and clogging. 97 - 98 models: 99 - (X) models: BREATHERHOSE (contd) 11-201
Emission Control System Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) System (contdl 2. At idle, make sure there is a clicking sound from the PCV valve when the hose between the PCV valve and intake manifold is lightly pinched with your fin- gers or pliers. 97 - 98 models: 99 - 00 modelsi lf there is no clicking sound, check the PCV valvegrocrmet for cracks or damage, lf the grommet is OK, reDlace the PCV valve and recheck. Gently pinch here. Gently pinch here. 11-202
EVAP PURGE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE DUTY CONTROLLED AFTER STARTING ENGINE ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE ABOVE 154F (68C) Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Controls Description: The evaporative emission controls are designed to minimize the amount of fuel vapor escaping to the atmosphere. The system consists of the following components: A. Evaporative Emission (EVAPI Control Canister An EVAP control canister is used for the temporary storage of fuel vapor until the luel vapor can be purged from the EVAP control canister into the enqine and burned. B. Vapor Purge ConirolSystem EVAP control canister purging is accomplished by drawing fresh air through the EVAP control canister and into a pon on the intake manifold. The purging vacuum is controlled by the EVAP purge control solenoid valve. C. Fuel Tank Vapor Control System When fuel vapor pressure in the fuel tank is higher than the set value of the EVAP two way valve, the valve opens and regulates the flow ot fuel vapor to the EVAP control canister. 97 model: EVAPPURGECONTROL VALVEFromNo. 15BLK/ /ALTERNATORYEL I sP SENSOR r7.s At(in the under-dashfuse/relay box) VARIOUSSENSORFEESH AIF BLK I FUEI- TANK (contd) 11-203 INTAKE MANIFOLD
Emission Gontrol System Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Controls (contdl 98 - 0O models: EVAPTHREE WAYVALVE EVAPCONTROLCANISTERVENT SHUTVALVE EL/BLU ._^_-:.*,..
97 model: The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0441: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) control system insufficient purge flow. Description By monitoring the purge line vacuum with the MAP sensor, the PCM can detect insufficient EVAP control system purge flow. Possiblo Cause . EVAP Purge Control Solenoid Valve . EVAP Purge Control Solenoid Valve Circuit . EVAP Control Canister . Vacuum Lines . PCM Troubleshooting Flowchart EVAP PURGE CONTROL SO1TNOID VALVE 2P CoNNECTOR (C108) (v) YL Wire side of female termrnals (contd) 11-205 Th€ MIL has b€en reooited on.DTC P0441 is .tored. Problem verificationl1. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or untilthe radiator fan comes on.2. Do the PCM Reset Procedure.3. Connect the SCS service con-nector,4. Test drive under following conditions on the road.- without any electrical load- Transmission in @ or @position- Engine speed between1 ,2OO - 2,4OO rpfi.- Decelerate from 50 mph (80 km/h)to 15 mph (24 km/h)Intermittent trilure, sydern is OKat this time. Check for Door con-nections or loose wir€3 at C108 IEVAP purge control solonoidvalvol .nd at the PCM. ls DTC P0441 indicated? Check tor an open in the wire (lcl linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the EVAP purge control solenoid valve 2P con-nector.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Measure voltage between bodyground and the EVAP purge control solenoid valve 2P con-nector terminal No. 1, R€pafu open in thc wir6 b€tw€enthG EVAP purge control solenoidvalve and the No. 15 ALTEBNA-TOR SP SENSOR (7.5 A)fuse. ls there batlery voltage? (To page 11206)
Emission Control System Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Controls (contdl (From page 11-205)PCM CONNECTOR A (32PI JUMPER wlRE PCS IRED/YELI Wire side of female terminais PG1 (BLKI Chsck th6 EVAP purgo controlsolonoid valve:L Reconnect the EVAP purgecontrol solenoid valve 2P con-nector.2. Connect PCM connector terminals 415 and A10 with a Chscl to. an op6n or 3hort in th€wiro (PCS lin6):Measure voltage between PCMconnector terminal A15 and bodygrouno, Does the solenoid valve clickwhen the jumper is connected? Chock for . .hort in tho wiJe IPCSline):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the PCM connec-tor A (32P). 3. Disconnect the EVAP purge control solenoid valve 2P con-nector,4. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and PCM con-nector terminal A15. ls there battery voltage? Rooair short in tho wir6 bctweenthe EVAP purge control 3olenoidvalvo and tho PCM (A151. Ropair open in the wir6 betwoonthe EVAP pu]go control .olonoidv.lve end the PCM (A15). Check the vacuum lin6:Check the vacuum lines of EVAPsystem tor misrouting, leakage,brsakago and clogging. Are the vacuum lines OK? (To pago 11207) 11-206
Chack iho EVAP purge controlsolenoid valve:1. Disconnect the vacuum hosetrom the EVAP controlcanister.2, Connect the vacuum pump tothe hose and apply vacuum, Does it hold vacuum? Chgck thg EVAP control csnbter:1. Reconnect the vacuum hose tothe EVAP control canister.2. Connect a vac!um gauge tothe purge air hose.3. Connect PCM connector terminals A15 and 410 with ajumper wire.4. Stan the engine.5. Check the vacuum. Check the EVAP two way valve(see page 11224). Does the EVAP two way valvework properly?Rapbce the EVAP two wey valve. Substitute a known-good PCMand rechock. It symptom/indica-tion gocs away, roplacg tho origi-nrl rcM. (From page 11-206) JUMPEF WIRE
Emission Control System Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Controls (contd) 99 - 00 models: The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC) P0451: The Fuel Tank Pressure sensor circuit range/oerformance Droblem. ECM/PCM CONNECTORS SG2 {GRN/BLK) Wire side of {emaleterminals FUEL TANKPRESSURESENSOR VACUUMPUMP/GAUGE.0 -30 in.H9A973X - 041 - XXXXX - The MIL har been rooort€d on.- DTC P0451 b storod. Check lor th6 tu6l tank pr€ssurelen30r:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Proce,oure.2. Remove the fuelfill cap.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).4. Monitor the FTP Sensor voltage with the Honda PGMTester, or measure voltagebetween ECM/PCM connectorterminals A29 and C18. Chock tho vacuum lin6s torrGlriction o. blockago repair asnecessary. lf OK, roplace the fueltank Drer3ur€ sentor. ls there approx. 2.5 V? Check for the fuel tank piessureSensot:L Disconnect the hose betweenthe EVAP two way valve andthe fuel tank pressure sensor atthe EVAP two way valve end.2. Connect a vacuum pump tothe open end ofthat hose.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (lll.4. Monitor the FTP S€nsor volt-age with the Honda PGMTester, or measure voltagebetween ECNI/PCNI connectorterminals A29 and C18, andcarefully appiy vacuum on thehose one stroke at a time.5. The voltage should smoothlydrop from the staning approx.2.5 V down to approx. 1.5 V.STOP applying vacuum whenthe voltage drops to approx.1.5 V or damage to the tueltank pressure sensor may Does the voltage drop to approx.1.5 V and hold? Intermittent tailuro. sv3tem is OKat this tim€. Chack to. poor con-n€ction6 or 10036 hose at fu6ltank pres3ure ionsor and fueltrnk. a t32Pl PTANK ILT GRNI WAY VALVE 11-208