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    of 1395
    ldle Control System
    System Description
    The idle speed of the engjne is controlled by the ldle Air Control (lAC) Valve
    The valve changes the amount of air bypassing into the intake manifold in response to electric current controlled by the
    ECM/PCM. When the lAc valve is activated, the valve opens to maintain the proper idle speed.
    YEL/ From PGMFI
    After the engine starts, the IAC valve opens for a certain time. The amount of air is increased to raise the idle speed
    about 150 - 300 rpm.
    when the cootant temperature ts row, the lAc valve is opened to obtain the proper fast idle speed The amount o{
    bvoassed air is thus controlled in relation to the engine coolant temperature
    When the idle speed is out o{ specification and the scan tool does not indicate Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0505
    or P1508, check the following items:
    . Adjust the idle speed (see page 11-169, 170)
    . Air conditioning signal (seepagell-1551
    . ALT FR signal (see page 1l-159)
    . Starter switch signal (see page 11-161)
    . A,/T gear position signal (see section 14)
    . PSP switch signal (seepagell-162)
    . Brake switch signal (see page 11-165)
    . Fast idlethermovalve (see page11 168)
    . Hoses and connecttons. IAC valve and its mounting O-rings
    lf the above items are normat, suDslitute a known-good IAC valve and readjust the idle speed {see page 11-169, 170)
    lf the idle speed still cannot be adjusted to specification (and the scan tool does not indicate DTC P0505 or Pl508)
    after IAC valve reolacement, substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck lf symptom goes away replace the
    original ECM/PCM.
    ldle Control System
    ldle Control System
    I P0505 | The scan tool indicates Diagnostic T.ouble Code (DTCI PO5O5: ldlecontrol svstem mattunction.
    NOTE: lf DTC P1508 is stored at the same time as DTC P0505, troubleshoot DTC P1508 first. then troubleshoot DTC p0505.
    Possibls Cause
    . IAC valve mechanical malfunction. Throttle body clogged port, improper adlustment. Intake manifold gasket leakaging. Intake air hose loose leakaging. Vacuum hose leakaging
    a ECT sensor incorrect output. Throttle Position sensor incorrect output
    Troubleshooting Flowchart
    The MIL has been reDorted on.DTC P0505 is sto.ed.
    Problem verificationi1. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator Ian comes on, thenlet it idle.2. With the scan tool, check thelollowing items.- Throttle position should beapprox. 10% with the throt-tle {ully closed.- Engine coolant temperature shorJld be 194 - 205F(90 - 96C).lf they are not within thespec., repair the faulty sen-sor circuit.3 Check the engine speed atidle with no-load conditions:headlights, blower fan. reardefogger, radiator lan, and airconditioner are not operaling,
    Inte.mittent failure. syltem is OKat this time.ls it 750 {730)* i 50 rpm?
    ls il 700 (680) rpm or less?
    {To page 11-151)(To page 1l-151)
    l:99 - 00 models
    (From page 11-150)
    {From page 11-150}
    THERMO VALVE(A/T onlyl
    Check the IAC valve:Disconnect the 2P connector from
    the IAC valve.
    Does the engine speed droP
    or the engine stall?
    Adiust the (basel idl€ speed lseepage 11-169, 1t0). Itihe ba3e idle
    speed cannot be adiust€d, clean
    the Dorts in the throttle body.
    Check the tast idle lhermo valve:
    1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
    2. Remove the intake air ductfrom the throttle body.3. Start the engine and let it idle.
    4. Put your finger on the lowerpon in the throttle body.
    Check engine cool.nt level and for
    air in the cooling sy3lem. lf OK,
    reolace the f.st idle thermo valve.Does the engine speed drop?
    Put your Iinger on the uPPer Portin the throttle body.
    Check for vacuum leaks, make
    sure the throttle valve is completely clo3ed. and repair as nec-Does the engine speed droP?
    Adjust the idle spoed lsee Page11-169. 1701. lf the adiustmentdoes not correct lhe problem,
    r.olace the IAC valve.
    ldle Control System
    ldle Air Control llAC) Valve
    The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Pl508: A probtem in the ldle Air Controt flAC) varvecircuit.
    The IAC Valve changes the amount of air bypassing the throttle body in response to a current signal from the ECM/PCM inorder to maintain the proper idle speed.
    37 model;
    ,f rcp# IYEL/BI.(II2f-1-d)
    Wir€ side of female terminals
    Wire side of female terminals
    The MIL has beon .eport€d on.OIC Pl508 is sto.ed.
    Problem veiification:1. Do the PCM Reset Procedure.2. Start the engine, and warm itup to normal operating tem-perature.
    Inte.mittent failure, systcm b OKat thi3 time. Check tor poo. con-nections or loose wircs at C132(lAC v.lvel and at the PCM.
    ls DTC Pl508 indicated?
    Check lor an open in the wir6{lGPl lins}:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the IAC valve 2Pconnector.3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).4. Measure voltage between bodyground and the IAC valve 2Pconnector term inal No.2.
    Repair open in the wire trctwoontha IAC v!lv6 and the PGM-Flmain relly.
    Chock for an opan o. short in thowi.e (lACv linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reconnect the IAC valve2P connector.2. Disconnect the PCM conneclorA (32P).
    3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).4, Measure voltage betweenbody ground and PCM con-nector terminal A12.
    {To page 1l-153)
    Bepair op€n or short in the wire
    betweon th€ PCM {A121 and the
    IAC vrlve.ls there baftery voltage?
    Check the IAC valve function:Momentarily connect PCM connector terminals A12 and A10with a iumoer wire severaltimes,
    Does the IAC valve click?
    Substitute . known-good PCM
    and r€check, lt 3ymptom/indica-tion goes away, replaco the origi_nalPCM,
    (From page 11-152)
    Wire side of female terminals
    The MIL has boen r.ported on.DIC Pl 508 b 3tored.
    Problem veritication:L Do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro-cedure.2. Start the engine, and warm itup to normal operating tem-perature.
    Int€rmittent failure, systom is OKal lhis timo. Check lor poor con-nections or looro wirca at C132(lAc vrlvel and .t rho EcM/PcM.
    ls DTC P1508 indicated?
    Chock tor an open in the wir6llGPl linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the IAC valve 2Pconnector,3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).4. Measure voltage between bodyground and the IAC valve 2Pcon nector termina I No, 2.
    Repair opon in the wira botwoonthe IAC valve and tho PGM-FImain aalay.
    Check tor an open or short in thewire (IACV linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reconnect the IAC valve2P connector.2. Disconnect ECM/PCM con-nector B {25P).3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll}.4. Measure voltage betweenbody ground and ECM/PCMconnector terminal 823.
    Ropair open or short in thg wirebetween tho ECM/FCM lB23l andthe IAC valve.
    ls there battery voltage?
    Check the IAC valve func,tion:Momentarily connect ECM/PCMconnector terminals 823 and 82with a jumper wire several times.
    Does the IAC valve click?
    Subslitute . known-good ECM/PCM .nd rechock. lf symptom/indication goes aw.y, replac.th€ original ECM/PCM.
    ldle Air Control (lAC) Valve {contd}
    98 - 00 models:
    F rcpt*l tYELrBLxlI2/-- rf)
    Wire side ot fem.le terminals
    Wire side of female torminals
    12 | t3 4 58
    910 111317
    1920 | 121)22
    Air Conditioning Signal
    This signals the EcM/PcM when there is a demand for cooling from the air conditioning system.
    97 modol:
    Wire side of lemale terminals
    1 1-1 55
    Chock for a shorl in thc wiro(ACS linol:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the A/C pressure
    switch 2Pconneclor.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).,1. [Ieasu re voltage betweenPCM connector terminals C5
    and A9.
    Check for . .hon in the wire IAGSlinel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect PCM connector C(31P).
    3. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and PCM con-nector torminal C5.
    Reoaii short in tho wire b€twoenrh6 PCM (Csl and the A/C pres-
    3urc 3witch.
    - Subcdtrte a known{ood PCMand recheck. lf pr6actibed volt-age is now av{ilable, roplacethe origind PCM,- Soe the eir conditionor in3p€c-lion lsee soction 221.
    Check tor an opon in the wite(ACC lino):1. TLrrn the ignition switch OFF.2. Roconnect the A/C pressure
    switch 2P connector.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).
    4. Momenta rily connect PCMconnector terminals A9 and417 with a iumper wire severaltimes,
    Wire side of female terminals
    (To page 11-156)Wire side oI Iemale terminals
    ldle Gontrol System
    Air Conditioning Signal (contdl
    (From page 11-155)
    ACC IBLK/RWire side ofACC IBLK/REDIWire side of femaletermrnats
    A t32PlPCM CONNECTORS C t3rp)
    Wire side ol lemale terminals
    Ch6ck for an open in th€ wire(ACC linel:Momentarily connect the under-hood fuse/relay box 9P connectorterminal No.5 to body groundwith a jumper wire several times.
    ls there a cl;cking noise fromthe 4!/C compressor clutch?
    ls there a clicking noise fromthe 4!/C compressor clutch?See air condiiioner inspection{see section 221.
    Repai. op6n in the wire betwoenthe PcM (A17) and tho A/Cclutch relay.
    Check the A/C operation:1. Start the engine.2. Turn the blower switch ON.3. Turn the A/C switch ON.
    Check for an open in the wire(ACS line):Measure voltage between PCMconnector terminals Ag and C5.
    Does the A,/C operate?
    Air conditioning signal is OK.
    Repair open in the wire betweenthe PCM lCSl and the A/C awitch.ls there less than 1.0 V?
    - Subqtitute a known-good FCM.nd r€ch6ck. lt 3ymptom/indi-cation goes awav, replece theoriginal rcM.- Soe th€ eir conditioner in3pec-tion (s6€ aec.tion 22).
    98 - 00 models:ECM/PCM CONNECTORS
    Wire side of female terminals
    A (32P1
    A {32P1
    Check for a shott in the wire
    {ACS linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
    2. Disconnect the A/C Pressureswitch 2P connector.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll)
    4. Measure vo ltage betweenECM/PCM connector terml
    nals A27 and 820.
    Check tor . short in the wire IACSlinel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
    2. Disconnect ECM/PCM connec-tor A (32P).
    3. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and ECM/PCMconnector terminal A27.
    ls there battery voltage?
    R.oak short in the wile between
    rhe ECM/PCM (A271 and the A/C
    Dressure switch.ls there continuitv?
    Sub6titute a known{ood ECM/
    rcM and recheck. lf pte6cribed
    voltage i3 now available, repl.ce the origioal ECM/rcM.See ih6 air conditioner inspec-
    tion (s6e section 221.
    Check for an open in the wire(ACC line):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
    2. Reconnect the A/C Pressureswitch 2P conneclor.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).
    4. Momentarily connect ECM/PCM connector terminals A17
    and 820 with a jumPer wireseveralllmes,
    {To page 11 158)JUMPER WIRE
    ldle Control System
    Air Gonditioning Signal (contd)
    ACC (BLK/R
    Wire side otACC (BLK/RED
    Wire side otfemaleterminals
    Wire sid€ of female torminals
    (From page 11,157)
    Check Ior dn opon in the wiroIACC linel:Momentarily connect the under-hood fuse/relay box 9P connectorterminal No. 5 to body groundwith a jumper wire several times.
    ls there a clicking noise lromthe yyC compressor clutch?
    ls there a clicking noise fromtho A,/C comprossor clutch?Sae rir conditional in3pactionlroa saction 221.
    Repai. open in th6 wiro lr€twlanthe ECM/PCM lAl7l .nd tho A/Cclutch rolay.
    Check tho op.ration of tho A/C:1. Stan the engine.2. Turn the blower switch ON.3. Turn the AyC switch ON.
    ChGGk for an open in the wi.eIACS linel:Measure voltage betweon ECM/PCM connector terminals A27and 820.
    Does the !yC operate?
    Air conditioning 3ignal i3 OK.
    Rap.ir opon in the wir6 bdtunaanrh. Ecil/FcM lA27l rnd rh. A/crwitch.
    ls voltage less than 1.0 V?
    Sub6lftna a known{ood ECM/PCM and rechock. lf symp-tom/indicetion goes away.roplace the original ECM/rcM.See the ah conditionor inspoc-tion {3e€ section 22},
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