honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Power Steering Gearbox Disassembly {contd} 12. Drill a 3 mm (0.12 in) diameter hole approximately 2.5 - 3.0 mm (0.10 - 0.12 in) in depth in the staked point on the cylinder. Do not allow metal shavings to enter the cylinder housing. After removing the cylinder end, remove any burrs at the staked point. D.oth: 2.5 - 3.0 mm 10.10 - 0.12 inl CYUNOER Hold the gearbox using using a C-clamp as shown, Loosen and remove the cvlinder end. 13. 17-36 14, Assemble a 12 x 1.25 mm flange nut onto a 12 x 175 mm grade 10 flange bolt as shown, Wrap the flange portion of the bolt with vinyl tape to protect the cvlinder, VINYL TAP€ tp/N 90177 - SLO - OOOI 12mmFLANGENUT Install the flange bolt into the end of the steering rack until it bottoms in the hole. then back the flange bolt out 1/4 turn. Hold the flange bolt, and tighten the flange nut against the rack by hand. Install the bearing separator on the gearbox housing as snown. 15. BEARING SEPARATOR0 - 1112(Commercially available) 17. STEERING RACK CYLINDER €ND Set the gearbox in a press so the lelt side points upward, then press the cylinder end seal and steer- ing rack out of the gearbox. Hold the steering rack to keep it from falling when pressed clear. Be care- ful not damage to inner surface of the cylinder housing with the flange bolt.

18. Remove the 12 mm bolt and nut trom the stsering rack, 19. Remove the cylinder end seal from the steering racK. 20. lnsert a 24 long,3/8 drive extension and the spe- cial tool into the cvlinder from the left side. Make sure that the special tool is securely positioned on the backup ring edges. Be careful not damage to inner surface of the cylinder with the special tool. Replace. I I I CI 24 LONG 3/8 DRIVE EXTENSION(Commerciallv available) BACKUP RING CYLINDER END SEAL CYLINDER END SEALREMOVER ATTACHMENT07NAD - SR3020A 21.Set the gearbox in a press, then press out the cylin- der end seal and backup ring from the gearbox. Note these items when pressing the cylinder end seat: . Keep the tool straight to avoid damaging the cylinder wall. Check the tool angle, and correct it if necessary, when removing the cylinder end seal. . Use a press to remove the cylinder end seal. Do not try to remove the seal by striking the tool. lt will break the backup ring, and the cylinder end sealwill remain in the gearbox. Prass 22. Carelully pry the piston sesl ring and O-ring off the piston rack. Be careful not to damage the inside of seal ring groove and piston edges when removing the seal ring. Replaco. (contdl 17-37

Power Steering Gearbox Disassembly (contd) Valve Body Unit Dbassembly 23. Before removing the valve housing, apply vinyltape to solines of the Dinion shaft. VALVE HOUSING Separate the valve housing from the pinion shafv valve using a press. Check the inner wall of the valve housing where the seal ring slides with your finger. lf there is a step in the wall, the valve housing is worn. Replace the valve housing. Note these items during inspection: o There may be the sliding marks from the seal ring on the wall of the valve housing. Replace the valve housing only if the wall is stepped. . When the valve housing is replaced, install new shim{s) on the bearing surface of the housing to adiust the thickness. Check the inside ofvalve housingfor a step in the wall. 17-38 26. Check for wear, burrs and other damage to the edges of the grooves in the sleeve. NOTE: The pinion shaft and sleeve are a precision matched set. lf either the oinion shaft or sleeve must be replaced, replace both parts as a set. SLEEVE SEAL RINGSCheck for Deel off or 27. Remove the circlip and sleeve from the pinion shaft.

28. Using a cutte. or an equivalent tool, cut and remove the four seal rings from the sleeve. Be careful not to damage the edges ot the sleeve grooves and outer surface when removing the seal rings. Using a cutter or an equivalent tool. cut the valve seal ring and O-ring at the groove in the pinion shaft. Remove the valve seal ring and O-ring. Be careful not to damage the edges of the pinion shaft groove and outer surface when removing the valve seal rjng and O-ring. 29. SLEEVE Cufting slot position. 30. Remove the valve oil seal and backup ring (97 model) or wave washer (98 - 00 models) from the pinion shaft. Note these items during disassembly: . Inspect the ball bearing by rotating the outer race slowly. lf there is any excessive play, replace the pinion shaft and sleeve as an assembly. . The pinion shaft and sleeve are a precise fit; do not intermix old and new Dinion shafts and sreeves, WAVE WASHERl98 - 0O modelsl PINION SHAFT BACKUP RING{97 modellVALVE OIL SEAL 31.Replace.Press the valve oil seal and roller bearing out of the valve housing using a hydraulic press and special tool shown below. BALL BEARING PILOT COLLAR ROLLER SEARING

Power Steering Gearbox Reassembly Note these items during reassembly . Clean the disassembled parts with a solvent, and dry them with compressed air. Do not dip the rubber parts in a sol- vent. . Always replace the O-rings and rubber seals with new ones before assembly. . Apply the recommended power steering fluid to the parts indicated in the assembly procedures. . Do not allow dust. dirt, or other toreign materials to enter the power steering system. . Use the appropriate specialtools where necessary. FLANGE BOLTS20 N.m (2.0 kgl.m, 14lbtftl CYLINDER LINE AFLARE NUTS17 N.m 11.712 rbl.ftl VALVE HOUSING CYLINDER END SEALReplace. VALVE OIL SEALBeplace. ROLLER BEARING CIRCLIPReplace. BA.KUP RING \/^ WAVE WASHERBACKUP RINGReplace.97 model:HOUSING VALVE SEAL RINGReplace. O.RINGReplace. 32 mm SHIMS97 mod6l only: RACK GUIDE SCREW O-RINGReplace. @---r-ocxrrur 97 model: 98 model: 99 - 0O mod6ls:9? model only: CYLINDER END69 N.m (7.0 kgf.m, 51 lbf.ft)98 - (x) models: PISTON SEAL RINGReplace. 17-40 STEERING RACK

Valve Body Unh Roa$embly 1. Apply vinyl tape to the stepped portion of the pin- ion shaft, and coat the surface of the vinyl tape with the power steering fluid. Vinyl tape(Stopp6d portion) VALVE OIL SEALReplace.Make sure the spring isseated in the oil seal. Serling E 7. PINION SHAFT BACKUP RING137 modell WAVE WASHER{98 - 00 modelsl Install the backup ring {97 model) or wave washer (98 - 00 models). Coat the inside surface of the new valve oil seal with power steering fluid. Install the valve oil seal with its grooved side facing opposite the bearing, then slide the valve oil seal over the pinion shaft, being careful not to damage the sealing lip. Apply vinyl tape to the splines and stepped ponion of the shaft, and coat the surface of the vinyl tape with the power steering fluid. Vinyl trp€ O.RINGReplace.Do not twist.R€place-Do not over-expand. Fit the new O-ring in the groove of the pinion shaft. Then slide the new valve seal ring over the shaft and in the groove on the pinion shaft, Remove the vinyl tape from the pinion shaft. \/ PINION SHAFT 8.Apply power steering fluid to the surface of the valve seal ring that was installed on the pinion shaft. Apply power steering fluid to the inside of the spe- cial tool. Set the larger diameter end of the special tool over the valve seal ring. VALVE SEAL RINGSIZNG TOOL07NAG - SR309qot07NAG - SR3oltoA Mak€ the valve seal ringfit snugly in the pinion shatt using th6 other end{smaller diameter end) otthe special tool. 10. 11. 12. Move the special tool up and down several times to make the valve seal ring fit in the pinion shaft, Remove the soecial tool. Turn the special tool over, and set the smaller diam- eter end of the specisl tool over the valve seal ring. Move the special tool up and down several times to make the valve seal ring fit snugly in the pinion shaft. (contd) lrr.rj1 tffifrE-rr.] r\-] 7 Usg th6 larg€r diameterend of the specialtoollirst to maketh€ valve seal ringtit in the pinion shaft. 17-41

Power Steering Gearbox 13. Reassembly (contd) Apply power steering fluid to the surface of the spe- cial tool. Set the new seal rings over the special tool from the smaller diameter end of the tool. and expand the seal rings. Install two rings at a time Jrom each end ofthe sleeve. Note these items when installing the seal ring: . Do not over-expand the seal ring. Install the resin seal rings with care so as not to damage them. After installation, be sure to contract the seal rings using the specialtool {sizing tool). . There are two types of sleeve seal rings: black and brown. Do not mix the different types of sleeve seal rings as they are not compatible. Align the special tool with each groove in the sleeve, and slide a sleeve seal ring into each groove. After installation, compress the seal rings with your fin- gers temporarily. BALL JOINT BOOT CLIP GUIDE07974 - SA508q) SLEEVE Apply power steering fluid to the seal rings on the sleeve, and to the ehtire inside surface of the special tool. 14. 15. SLEEVE SEAL RINGSIZING TOOL07974 - SA502O0 or07974 - SA5020A 16.Insert the sleeve into the special tool slowly. Move the sleeve each direction several times to make the seal rings snugly fit in the sleeve. Be sure that the seal rings are not turned up, t1. 18. Apply power steering fluid to the surface of the pin- ion shaft. Assemble the sleeve over the Dinion shaft by aligning the locating pin on the inside of the sleeve with the cutout in the shaft. Then install the new circlip securely in the pinion shaft groove. Note these items during reassembly: . Be caretul not to damage the valve seal ring when inserting the sleeve. . Install the circlip with its radiused side facing out. Apply power steering fluid to the seal ring lip of the valve oil seal. then install the seal in the valve hous- ing using a hydraulic press and special tools. Install the valve oil seal with its grooved side facing the tool. 19. ATTACHMENT,32x35mm077i16 - (x)10100 VALVE OIL SEALReplace.Make sure thespring is in theoilseal. CIRCLIP

20. Press the new bearing into the valve housing with the stamped letter facing up using a hydraulic press and soecialtool. ATTACHMENT,32x35mm07746 - 0010100 - ROLLER BEARINGLetter stamped face 21. Apply vinyl tape to the pinion shaft, then coat the vinyltape with power steering fluid. Sealing lip tace.VALVE OIL SEAL VALVE HOUSING SHAFT SLEEVE SEAL PINION E 22, Insert the pinion shaft into the valve housing. Be careful not to damage the valve seal rings. 23. Remove the vinyl tape from the pinion shaft, then remove any residue from the tape adhesive. 8e sure that theseal rings are notturned up, theninstall. DRIVER 24. Press the pinion shaft/sleeve using a hydraulic press. Check that the pinion shaft/sleeve turns smoothly by turning the pinion shaft, (contd) 17-43

Power Steering Gearbox Reassembly (contdl Stecring Rack R8assembly 25. Coat the piston seal ring guide with power steering fluid, then slide it onto the rack, big end first. 26. Position the new O-ring and new piston seal ring on the sDecial tool, then slide them down toward the big end of the tool. Note these items during reassembly: a Do not over expand the resin seal rings. Install the resin seal rings with care so as not to dam- age them. After installation, be sure to contract the seal ring using the special tool (sizing tool). a Replace the pistons O-ring and seal ring as a set. 27. Pull rhe O-ring off into the piston groove, then pull the piston seal ring off into the piston groove on top of the O-ring. Coat the piston seal ring and the inside of the spe- cial tool with power steering fluid. 07GAG - SO4O200 orOTGAG - SD()2OA Carefully slide the tool onto the rack and over thepiston seal ring. Move the special tool back and fonh several times to make the piston seal ring fit snugly in the piston. 24. PISTONReplace E 30. PISTON 17-44 31. Wrap vinyl tape around the rack teeth and rack end edges, then coat the surface of the tape with the power steering fluid. Make sure that the vinyl tape is wrapped carefully so that there is no stepped por- tion. Coat the inside surface of the new cvlinder end with power steering fluid. Install the cylinder end seal onto the steering rack with its grooved side toward the piston. When installing the cylinder end seal, be careful not dam- age the sealing lip face of the seal with the edges or teeth of the steering rack. CYLINDER END SEAL Make sure thespring is in lhe cylindereno seal Remove the vinyl tape from the steering rack, then remove any residue from the tape adhesive.

35. Install the new backup ring on the steering rack, then place the cylinder end seal against the piston. BACKUP RINGReplace. Grease the steering rack teeth, then insert the steer- ing rack into the gearbox housing, Be careful not to damage to inner surface of the cylinder wall with the rack edges. to. GEARBOX HOUSING Prers 37. Install the flange bolt into the end of the steering fack until it bottoms in the hole, then back the flange bolt out 1/4 turn. Hold the flange bolt and tighten the flange nut against the rack by hand. 12 x175 mm FLANGE BOLT lP/N 90177 - SLo - 0001 12 mm FLANGE NUT 38. CYLINDER END SEALReplace. Install the cylinder end seal into the bottom of the cylinder by pressing on the bolt with a press, Do notpush on the bolt with excessive force as it may damage the cylinder end seal. Remove the flange bolt, and center the steering rack. Wrap vinyl tape around the rack end edges, and coat the surface of the tape with the power steering fluid. Make sure that the vinyl tape is wrapped care- fully so that there is no stepped portion. (contdl ia 40. 17-45