honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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27. Separate the hub from the knuckle using the special tool and a hydraulic press. Take care not to distort the splash guard. Hold on to the hub to keep it from falling when pressed clear. HUB DIS/ASSEMELY TOOL07GAF - 5800100 FRONT HUB SETTINGPOINT Remove the circlip and the splash guard from the knuckle. 28. Check for bending and damage. 29. Press the wheel outofthe knuckle using the soecialtools and a Dress. DRIVER077,19 - 0010000 ORIVERATTACHMENT,62x64mm07947 - 6340400 30. Press the wheel bearing inner race from the hub using the special tool, a bearing separator, and a press. HU8 OIS/ASSEMBLY TOOL07GAF - SE00100 EEARINGSEPARATORO-1112in.(Commercially available) {contd} 18-13
Front Suspension 31. Knuckle/Hub Replacement (contdl Wash the knuckle and hub thoroughly in high flash point solvent before reassembly, Press a new wheel bearing into the knuckle using the old b6aring, a plate. the special tool, and a press. Place the wheel bearing on the knuckle with the pack seal side facing (metal color) toward the inside. Be careful not to damage the sleeve of the Dack seal. DOUBLE LIP SEALIBLACK COLORI SUPPORT BASE0?965 - SD90t00 33. Install the circlip securely in the knuckle groove. 35. lnstall the hub on the knuckle using the specialtools shown and a hydraulic press. Be careful not to dis- tort the splash guard. ORIVER077irg - 0010000 SPLASH GUARO lnstall the knuckle in the reverse order of removal, and pay particular attention to the following items: . Be careful not to damage the ball joint boots when installing the knuckle. r Torque a\ mount g hardv{are to ths speci{ied torque values, o Torque the castle nuts to the lower torque speci fications, then tighten them only iat enough to align the slots with each pin hole. Do not align the castle nut by loosening. a lnstall new cotter pins on the castle nuts or hex nut after torquing. . Avoid twisting the sensor wires when installing the wheel sensor. . Before installing the brake disc, clean the mating surfaces of the front hub and the inside of the brake disc. . Before installing the spindle nut, apply a small amount of engine oil to the seating surface oJ the nut. After tightening, use a drift to stake the spin- dle nut shoulder against the driveshaft. . Before installing the wheel. clean the mating sur- face of the brake disc and the inside of the wheel. . Check the front wheel alignment, and adjust it if necessary {see page 18-4). scREws5 N.m 10.5 kgl m, 4 lbltt) CIRCLIP 34. Install the splash guard and tight€n the screws. 18-14
1. Lower Ball Joint Replacement Remove the knuckle (see page 18-10). Remove the boot by prying the set ring off. Check the boot for deterioration and damage. and replace it if necessary. lnstall the special tools on the ball joint, and tighten the castle nut. BAII JOINT BEMOVER BASE07JAF - SH2oe00 Position the special tools over the ball joint as shown. then set the assembly in a vise. Press the ball joint out of the knuckle. Place the ball joint in position by hand. Install the special tools over the ball joint as shown, then press the balljoint in. BAII JOINT INSTAL1IR BASE 7. 8AI.I JOINT REMOVEN/INSTALLER BALL JOINT HOUSING SURFACE 18-15 8. Install the ball joint boot and set ring using the spe- cial tool {see page 18-16}. Install the knuckle in the reverse order of removal. and pay particular attention to the following items: . Be careful not to damage the ball joint boots when installing the knuckle. . Torque all mounting hardware to the specified toroue values. a Torque the castle nuts to the lower torque speci- fications, then tighten them only far enough to align the slot with the pin hole. Do not align the castle nut by loosening. . Install new cotter pins on the castle nuts after IOrqurng. Avoid twisting the sensor wires when installing the wheel sensor. Before installing the brake disc, clean the mating surfaces of the front hub and the inside of the brake disc. Before installing the wheel. clean the mating sur- face of the brake disc and the inside of the wheel. Check the front wheel alignment, and adjust it if necessary (see page 18-4). o
Front SuspensionFront Damper Ball Joint Boot Replacement 1. BALL PIT{ TAPEFEO S€CTION B{rcY HSISECTIO BOOT |NSTSECTIONwip6 off tho gr6aso.Wipo otf th6 grors€. Wipe the grease off the sliding surface of the ball pin, and pack it with fresh greass. Keep grease off the boot installation section and the taoered section of the ball pin. Do not allow dust, dirt, or other foreign materials to enter the boot. Install the boot in the groove of the boot installation section securelv, then bleed air. Install the upper and lower ball joint boot set rings using the special tools as follows: Lower ball joint: Adjust the special tool with the adjusting bolt until the end of the tool aligns with the groove on the boot. Slide the set ring over the tool and into oosition. Upper ball joint: Hold the tool over the ball joint, then slide the set ring over the tool and into position. EAII JOINTADUSN G BOLTAdjust th6 depth byturning the bolt. Remove the set ring and the boot. Pack the interior of the boot and lip with grease. Do not contaminate the boot installation section with grease. B(X)T CUPGUttrE UPPER BAI.IJotttr Boor:07GAG - SO407q)LOWEF BATIJOIIYI EOOTI0t97il - SA507lXl After installing the boot, check the ball pin tapered section for grease contamination, and wipe it if nec-gssary. 18-16 Removal 1, Remove the front wheels (see page 18-10). 2. Remove the damper pinch bolt from the top of the damper fork. DAMPERPINCHBOLT10 x 1.25 SELF.LOCKING NUT12x 1.25 fifiReplace. Remove the damper fork bolt and self-locking nut from the bottom of the damper fork, then remove the damper fork. Remove the damper by removing the two nuts. DAMPER DAMPER FORK
Disassembly/ Inspection Disass.mbly 1. Compress the damper spring with a spring com- pressor according to the manufacturers instruc- tions, then remove the self-locking nut. Do not com-press the spring more than necessary to remove the nur. 10 mm SELF-LOCKINGReplace. STRUTCOMPRESSOR:lComm6rcially availablo)BRANICK@ T/N MST-580Aor Mod6l 7200or equivalent Release the pressure from the spring compressor, then disassemble the damper as shown in the next cotumn. Inspection 1.Reassemble all parts, except for the spring. Push on the damper assembly as shown. Check for smooth operation through a full stroke, both compression and extension. The damper should move smoothly. lf it does not (no compres- sion or no extension), the gas is leaking, and the damper should be replaced. Check for oil leaks, abnormal noises, or binding dur- ing these tests. 2. 29 N.m (3.0 kgl.m,22lbtftlReplace. DAMPER MOUNTING WASHER DAMPER MOUNTING SELF-LOCKING NUT10 x 1.25 mm RUBBERCheck forano oamage. DAMPER MOUAMNG COLLAR DAMPER MOUNTINGBASE DAMPER MOUNTINGRUBBERCheck for det€riorationano oamage. BUMP STOP PLATE DUSTCheckfor bending and damage. ..rgBUMPSTOP g weakness anddamage, SPRING MOUNTING
Front Damper Reassembly 1. Install the damper unit on a spring compressor. STRUT SPflNG COMPBESSOR:lcomm.rcillly .vrilrble)BRANICKC T/N MST.sEOAor Mod.l 7200or oquivtla SPRING LOWER SEAT Assemble the damper in reverse order of removal except the damper mounting washer and self lock- ing nut. Align the bottom of the damper spring and the spring lower seat as shown. Position the damper mounting base on the damper unit as shown. Compress the damper spring, Install the damper mounting rubber, damper mount- ing washer, and a new 10 mm self-locking nut. SELF-LOCKING NUT10 x 1.25 mmZt N.m 13.0 kgf.m, 22 lbf.ft)Replace. Hold the damper shaft, and tighten the locking nut. DAMPERMOUNfING WASHER 18-18 10 mm self- 1. lnstallation Loosely install the aligning tab facing two flange nuts. damper on the frame with inside, then loosely install FLANGE NUT the tne -__---a-- 10 x 1.25 mmg*- 59 N.m {5.0 kgt m, 43 tbf.ftl | -,./.46- --... ./ -4 A- DAMPERASSEMBLY ALIGNINGTAB 2, Install the damper fork over the driveshaft and onto the lower arm. Install the front damper in the damper fork so the aligning tab is aligned with the slot in the damDer fork, 3. Loosely install the damper pinch bolt on the top of the damper fork. 4. Looselv install the damper fork bolt and a new self- locking nut on the bottom of the damper fork. 5. Raise the knuckle with a floor iack until the vehicle just lifts off the safetv stand. The lloor iack must b€ socurely posi- tioned or personal iniury may result. 6. Tighten the damper pinch bolt. 7. Tighten the damper fork bolt and self-locking nut. 8. Tighten the flange nuts on top of the damper. 9. Install the brake hose mounts with the brake hose mounting bolts. 10. Installthe front wheel. 10 x 1.25 mmil3 l+m {4.4 kgfm, Replace.
Rear Suspension Suspension Arms Replacement @ when the suspension arms are to be removed, plsce additional weight in lhe trunk beto.o hoisting. when substantial weight is removed from the rear of the vehicle, the center ot grsvity m8y chango causing the vehicle to tip forward. Note these items during replacement: . Replace the self-locking nuts after removal. . Any bolts or nuts connected to rubber mounts or bushings should be tightened with the vehicle on the ground. . Make sure the toe adjusting bolts on the compensator arm are installed in the same direction, . After installing the suspension arm, check the rear wheel alig nment, and adjust if necessa ry (see page 18-4), STABILIZER BARCheck for bendingor oamage. FLANGE EOLT10 x 1.25 mm64 N.m 16.5 kgf.m,47 lbf.ft) FLANGE BOLT10 x 1.25 mm54 N.m (5.5 kgt.m, / t40 lbf.ftt. --1 \ \A1(\ \av..:r UPPER ARM BUSHINGCheck for deteriorationand damage. il , FLANGE BOLTl0 r 1.25 mm54 N.m (5.5 kgf.m, 8 mm EOLTS22 N.m {2.2 kgf.m, 16 bl.ftl 40 rbtft) ano oamage. TRAILING ARMCheck for bending stLtcoNE -6lUPPER ARM COMPENSATORARM BUSHING 64 N.m 16.5 kgf.m, 47 lbtftl SELF.LOCKING NUT BUSHING FLANGE BOLT10 x 1.25 mm54 N.m {5.5 kgf.m, 40 lbf.ft} FLANGE BOLTS10 x 1.25 mm39 N.m 14.0 kgf.m, 29 lbf.ft)stLtcoNE .@iCOMPENSATORARM BUSHING UPPER ARMCheck lor bending or damage. FLANGE NUT10 x 1 .25 mm29 N.m {3.0 kg{.fl,22 lbf.ft}Before tightening the flange nut,position the balljoint pinin the middle of its range oftravel, with the suspension undervehicle load. 10 x 1.25 mm 29 N.m (3.0 kgl.m, 22 tbf.ft)Replace.Hold the ball ioint pin using a hex wrenct,,and tighten the self-locking nut. STABILIZER LINK Check tor damage. LOWER ARM BUSHINGCheck for deterioration and damage. . Check for bending and damage.. Check the bushing tor deterioration anddamage. LOWEN ARM -6ilstLrcoNE STABILIZER 8AR ,/ FLANGE BOLT // 10 x 1.25 mm ^/ s4 N.m 15.5 kstm, 40 lbf ftl BUSHING
Rear Suspension Hub Bearing Unit Replacement Note these items during replacement: . Use only genuine Honda wheel weights for aluminum wheels. Non-genuine wheel weights may corrode and damage the aluminum wheels. . Before installing the brake drum, clean the mating surfaces of the rear hub and the brake drum. . Before installing the wheel, clean the mating surfaces of the brake drum and wheel. FLANGE BOLI12 x 1,25 mm103 N.m 110.5 kgf.m,76 tbtfr) BACKING PLATE SPINDI-E NUT22 x1.5 mm181 N.m {18.5 kgf.m, 134 lbf.ftlReplace.NOTE: Alter tightening, use a driftpunch to lock the spindle nut shoulderinto the spindle. BRAKE SHOE TRAILING ARMCheck {or crackingano oamage. FLANGE BOLT10 x 1.25 mm64 Nm 16.5 kgf.m, 4? lbt.ft) Check for crackingano oamage. BRAKE DRUMCheck for wearano oamage, WHEEL NUT12 x 1.5 mm108 N.m {11.0 kgt m,80lbtftl 1A-20
Raise the rear of the vehicle, and make sure it is securely supponed. Remove the rear wheel. Remove the brake drum from the hub by threading 8 x,r.25 mm bolts into the drum to push it away from the hub bearing unit. Turn each bolt two turns at a time to prevent cocking the drum excessively. SPINDLE NUTWHEEL NUT r81 N.m t18.5 kgt m, 134 lbtftl 12 x 1.5 mm Replace. 108 N m 111.0 kgfm, 80 lbf ftl t. 4. 8 x 1.25 mm BOLTS i+/3 /,1 @,1 / .--7 J-->- 5. 6. Raise the locking tab on the spindle nut, then remove the nut. Remove the brake shoes. Remove the parking brake cable from the backing plate using a 12 mm offset wrench as shown. BACKING PLATE PARKING ARAKE CABLE 1a-21 7. 6. Disconnect the brake line from the wheel cylinder. Remove the wheel sensor from the backing plate (for vehicles with ABS). Do not disconnect the wheel sensor connector. Remove the 12 mm flange bolts. PULLERlCommercially available) 4WD; Remove the backing plate/hub bearing unit from the rear axle with a puller if necessary. Separate the rear hub from the hub bearing unit using the specialtools and a press. Note the following items during disassembly: . Take care not to distort the backing plate. . Hold on to the hub to keep it from falling when a 10. 11. DRIVER ATTACHMENT,37 x ilo mm07746 - 0010200 (contd)
Rear Suspension Hub Bearing Unit Replacement (contd) 12, Press the wheel bearing inner race from the hub using the tools, a bearing separator, and a press. HUB DIS/ASSEMBLY TOOL07965 - SA50100 BEARINGSEPARATOR0 -,t 1/2 in {0 - 11i1.3 mml(Commercially qvailable) 13. Remove the 12 mm flange bolts. HUB BEARING UN]T O.RING 14. Remove the hub bearing unit from the backing plate. 15. Install a new O-ring on the hub bearing unit. FLANGE BOLTS10 x 1.25 mm64 N.m (6.5 kgf.m, 47 lbf.ftl 16. Install the hub bearing unit on the backing plate. 18-22 t7.Install the hub bearing unit onto the rear hub using the special tools and a press. DRIVERATTACHMENT,60 mm07LAO - SM40100 Prcss + DRIVER07749 - 0010000 BEARING 18. Install the backing plate/hub trailing arm. FLANGE BOLTS12 x 1.25 mm103 N.m 110.5 kgfm,75lbfft) bearing unit on the 19. Install the hub bearing unit in the reverse order of removal, and pay particular attention to the follow- ing items: . Before installing the spindle nut, apply a small amount of engine oil to the seating surface of the nut, After tightening, use a drift to stake the spin- dle nut shoulder against the driveshaft. . Avoid twisting the sensor wires when installing the wheel sensor, . Fill the brake reservoir and bleed the brake sys- tem {see section 19). . Adjust the parking brake (see section 191. . Check the rear wheel alignment, and adjust it if necessary (see page 18-4). REAR HUB