honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Disassembly 1. Remove the transfer covers A and B. 2. Cut the lock tabs of the locknut usino a chisel. LOCK TAB 5. Put a 14 mm Allen wrench in the gear side of the transfer shaft, then secure the Allen wrench in a bench vise. Remove the transfer shaft locknut and the conical spring washer. The transfer shaft locknut has left hand threads. Remove the transfer shaft, transfer drive gear, 25 mm thrust shim, transfer shaft collar, and tapered roller bearing from the transfer housing. TRANSFER SHAFT THRUST SHIM,25 mrnSelective part CONICAL SPRINGWASHERReplace. (contd) 1a mm ALLEN WRENCH 14-235

Transfer Assembly Disassembly (contd) 7. Secure the transfer housing in a bench vise withsoft iaws. To prevent damage to the transfer hous-ing, always use soft jaws or equivalent materials between the transfer housing and the vise. Install the special tool on the companion flange,then loosen the transfer driven gear shaft locknut. COMPANION FLANGEHOI.DER07RAB - TB4lll0A orOTRAB - TB&TOB HOLDER HAITDI..E07JAB _ (x)1020a Remove the transfer driven gear shaft locknut, coni-cal spring washer, back-up ring, O-ring. and com-panion flange. O.RINGReplace. BACK-UP RING CONICALSPRING WASHENReplace. GEAR SHAFT LOCKNUTReplace. 14-236 9. Remove the transfer driven gear shaft, then removethe transfer spacer from the transfer driven gear shaft. TRANSFER DRIVENGEAR SHAFT Remove the oil seal and the tapered roller bearingfrom the transfer housing. 10. OIL SEALFeplace- TAPEREO ROLLERBEARING TRANSFER HOUSING

Transfer Drive Gear Bearing Replacement NOTE: Coat all parts with ATF during reassembly. 1. Remove the tapered roller bearing from the transfer drive gear using the special tools and a press. (Commercially available) Install the new tapered roller bearing in the transfer drive gear using the specialtools and a press. ATTACHMENT,l()x50mm 07LAD - PWSo6o1 GEAR 14-237 Transfer Driven Gear Shaft Bearing Replacement NOTE: Coat all parts with ATF during reassembly. 1. Remove the tapered roller bearing from the transfer driven gear shaft using a press and a collar. B€ANf{G SEPARATO0 - 1112(Comm6rcially availablel 2. Install the 35 mm thrust shim on the transfer drivengear shaft, 3, Install the new tapered roller bearing on the transfer driven gear shaft using the special tools and apress. PNESSDRIVER iO mm l.D.0t7a5 - 00:I)100 I n ru ATTACHMENT.35 mm l.D.0t715 - 0030400

Transfer Assembly Transfer Housing Roller Bearing Replacement NOTE; Coat all parts with ATF reassembly. 1. Remove the roller bearing from the transfer hous Ing. Install the new roller bearing using the special tools and a press. TRANSFER HOUSING ATTACHMENT,62x68mm07746 - 0010500 14-238 Transfer Cover A Bearing Outer Race Replacement NOTE: Coat all parts with ATF during reassembly. 1. Remove the tapered roller bearing outer race from transfer cover A by heating the cover to almost 212F llOOCl using a heat gun. Do not heat the cover over 212F (100C). Install the 68 mm thrust shim in transfer cover A. Install the tapered roller bearing outer race using the special tools and a p.ess.

Transfer Housing Bearing Outer Race Replacement NOTE: Coat all parts with ATF during reassembly. 1. Remove the tapered roller bearing outer race from the transfer housing. Install th€ new tapered roller bearing outer race using the specialtools and a press. DRIVER077$ - 0010(ro0 TRANSFER HOUSING Bearing Outer Rac6 Locations and Special Tool Applications TRANSTER HOUSINGSacttonal vi.wATTACHMENT,62x68mm077a5 - @105dt ATTACHIE{T,{i:l x 6t mm07746 - rDl05rr0 ATTACHMENT,52x55mm07t46 - dtroa{x, 14-239

Transfer Assembly Reassembly NOTE: . While reassembling the transfer assembly:. Check and adjust the transfer gear tooth contact.. Measure and adjust the transfer gear backlash.. Check and adjust the tapered roller bearing stan- ing torque. . Coat all pans with ATF during reassembly.. Replace the tapered roller bearing and the bearing outer race as a set if either part is replaced.. Replace the transfer drive gear and the transfer dri-ven gear shaft as a set if either part is replaced. Outline of Assembly 1.Select the 35 mm thrusi shim. Psrtorm this procedute if the transter driven g€ar shaft or the tapered roller bearing on the transfer driven gear shaft is replaced. Prea$emble the parts to check and adiust transtelgear backlash and transfer gear tooth contact. Disassemble the parts, then assemble the translerdriven gsar shaft and its related pans. 2. 3. 4. Measure and adjust the starting torque oI the transfer driven gear shaft tapered roller bearing. 5. Assemble the transfer shaft and its related parts. 6. Measure and adiust the total starting torque. 35 mm Thrust Shim Selection L Select the 35 mm thrust shim if the transfer drivengear shaft or the tapered roller bearing on the trans- fer driven gear shaft is replaced. Calculate the thickness of the 35 mm thrust shimusing the formula below. FoRMULA:+ -*-+c=x A: Number on the existing transfer driven gear shaft B; Number on the replacement transfer driven gear shaft C: Thickness ofthe existing 35 mm thrust shimX: Thickness needed for the replacement 35 mmthrust shim NOTE: The number on the transfer driven oear shaft is shown in ll100 mm. 14-240 EXAMPLE: C: EXISTING 35 mmTHRUST SHIMThickness: C=1.05 mm X: REPLACEMENT 35 mmTHRUST SHIMThickness: X=?? mm Number: A=+2Numbe.: B=-l Ar EXISTING TRANSFERDRIVEN GEAR SHAFT x= A - B .c 100 100 - 2-1 100 100 - = 0.02 + 0.0l + 1.05=1.08 {mm) B: REPLACEMENT TRANSFERDRIVEN GEAR SHAFT Select 35 mm thrust shim thickness of l08 mm(0.043 in). lf the tapered roller bearing on the transfer driven gear shaft is replaced. Measure the thickness of the replacement bearingand the existing bearing, and calculate the difference of the bearjng thickness. Adjust the thickness of the existing 35 mm thrust shim by the amount of differ- ence in bearing thickness, and select the replacement 35 mm thrust shim. THRUST SHIM, 35 mm Shim No.Part NumberThickness 41361 - PS3 - 0000.72 mm (0.028 in) 41362-PS3-0000.75 mm {0.030 in} c41363-PS3-0000.78 mm (0.031 in) D41364-PS3-0000.81 mm (0.032 in) 41365-PS3-0000.84 mm (0.033 an) F41366-PS3-0000.87 mm (0.034 in) 41367-PS3-0000.90 mm (0.035 in) H41368-PS3-0000.93 mm (0.037 in) 41369-PS3-0000.96 mm 10.038 in) 41370-PS3-0000.99 mm (0.039 in) K4 r371 - PS3 - 0001.02 mm (0.040 in 41372-PS3-0001.05 mm (0.041 in M41373-PS3-0001.08 mm (0.043 in N41374-PS3-0001.11 mm 10.044 in

Transfer Gear Bscklash Inspection and Transfer Gear Tooth Contact Inspection 2. Install the 35 mm thrust shim on the transfer driven gear shaft, then install the tapered roller bearing using the special tools and a press. DRIVER {0 mm LD.077146 - 0030100 TRANSFER DRTVEN ;;.GEAR SHAFT u, 745 - 0O304O0 Place the tapered roller bearing on the bearing outer race of the companion flange side of the transfer housrng. Install the new oil seal on the transfer housing using the special tools. OIL SEAL DRIVERATTACHMENT07JAD - PH80101 5. Install the transfer driven gear shaft in the transfer housing. Do not install the transfer spacer on the transfer driven gear shaft in this step. Install the companion flange, conical spring washer, and locknut on the transfer driven gear shaft. Do not install the O-ring and the back-up ring on the transfer gear shaft in this step. 6. COMPANIONFLANGE {contd) TRANSFER TRANSFER HOUSING 14-241

Transfer Assembly Reassembly (contd) 7.Secure the transfer housing in a bench vise with soft jaws, then install the special tool on the com- panion flange. To prevent damage to the transfer housing, always use soft jaws or equivalent materi- als between the transfer housing and the vise. Tighten the locknut while measuring the starting torque so the starting torque is within 0.98 - 1.39 N.m (10.0 - 14.2, 8.68 - 12.3 lbnin). NOTE: Coat the threads of the locknut, and the shaft with ATF before installing the locknut. Do not stake the locknut in this step. STARTING TOROUE: 0.98 - 1.39 N.m {10.0 - 14.2,8.68 - 12.3 lbfinl COMPANION FLANGEHOLDER 07JAB - @1020A 14-242 9. Install the transfer shaft in the transfer housing, then install the tapered roller bearing, transfer shaft collar.25 mm thrust shim, transfer drive gear, coni- cal spring washer, and locknut on the transfer shaft. NOTE: . Coat the threads of the locknut. and the shaft with ATF before installing the locknut. . Do not stake the locknut in this step. TRANSFER THRUST SXIM,25 mmSelective pan TRANSFER DRIVEGEAR CONICAL SPRINGWASHERReplace.

10. 11. Put a 14 mm Allen wrench in the gear side of the transfer shaft, then secure the Allen wrench in a bench vise. Tighten the transfer shaft locknut. NOTE: . The transfer shaft locknut has left-hand threads. . Do not stake the locknut in this step. TOROUE: 118 Nm 112.0 kgf.m, 87 lbf.ftl Temporarily install the transfer cover A without O-ring. TRANSFER HOUSING TRANSFER COVER A the12. g/FrE24 N.m 12.4 kgt.m, 17 lbf.ftl TOROUE WRENCH tt el g 24 N.m 12.4 | 14-243 13. 14. Rotate the companion flange several times to seat the tapered roller bearing. Set a dial indicator on the companion flange, then measure the transfer gear backlash. STANDARD: 0.06 - 0.16 mm {0.02 - 0.06 inl COMPANION FLANGE lf the measurement is not within the standard. remove the transfer shaft locknut and replace the 25 mm thrust shim. Select and install a new 25 mm thrust shim. then recheck the measurement. Do not use more than two 25 mm thrust shims to adiust the transfer gear backlash. THRUST SHIM, 25 mm (contd) 15. DIAL INOICATOR Shim No.Part NumborThickness I29411-P1C-0001.70 mm (0.067 in) 229412-P1C-0001.73 mm (0.068 in) 29413-P1C-0001.76 mm (0.069 in) 429414-P1C-0001.79 mm (0.070 in) 29415-PlC-0001.82 mm (0.072 in) 629416-P1C-0001.85 mm (0.073 ini 729417-PlC-0001.88 mm (0.074 in) d29418-P1C-0001.91 mm {0.075 in) 29419-P1C-0001.94 mm (0.076 in) 1029420-PtC-0001.97 mm (0.078 in) 1129421 - P1C - 0002.00 mm (0.079 in) 29422-P1C-0002.03 mm 10.080 in) 29423-P1C-0002.06 mm (0.081 in) 1429424-P1C-0002.09 mm 10.082 in) 29425-P1C-0002.12 mm (0.083 in) 1629426-P1C-0002.15 mm (0.085 in) 1729427 - P1C -O002.18 mm (0.086 in) 1829428-PlC-0002.21 mm (0.087 in) 1929429-P1C-0002.24 mm {0.088 in)

Transfer Assembly 18. Reassembly (contdl 16. Apply Prussian Blue to both sides of the transfergear teeth lightly and evenly. 17.Rotate the companion flange in both directions until the transfer gear rotates one full turn in both direc- tions. Check the transfer gear tooth contact pattern. CORRECT TOOTH CONTACT PATTERN NCONRECT TOOTH CONTACT PATTERN TOE CONTACT HEEL CONTACT FLANK CONTACT 14-244 FACE CONTACT 19. lf the transfer gear tooth contact is incorrect, adjust the transfer gear tooth contact with a 35 mm or 25 mm th rust shim. NOTE: . To select a 35 mm thrust shim, refer to page 14,240. . Do not use more than two 35 mm shims to adjust the transfer gear tooth contact.. To select the 25 mm thrust shim, refer to page 14-243. . Do not use more than two 25 mm shims to adjust the transfer gear tooth contact. Toe Contact Use a thicker 35 mm thrust shim to move the transfer driven gear shaft toward the transfer drivegear. Because this movement causes the transfergear backlash to change, move the transfer drivegear away from the transfer driven gear shaft to adjust the transfer gear backlash as follows:. Increase the thickness of the 25 mm thrust shrm. . Reduce the thickness of the 68 mm thrust shim by the amount of increased thickness of the 25 mm thrust shim. Heel Contact Use a thinner 35 mm thrust shim to move the transfer driven gear shaft away from the transfer drive gear. Because thjs movement causes the transfer gear backlash to change, move the trans- fer drive gear toward the transfer driven gear shaft to adjust the transfer gear backlash as follows:. Reduce the thickness of the 25 mm thrust shim. . Increase the thickness of the 68 mm thrust shim by the amount of reduced thickness ofthe 25 mm thrust shim. Flank Contaqt Use a thinner thrust shim to move the transfer drive gear toward the transfer driven gear shaft.Flank contact must be adjusted within the limits of the transfer gear backlash. lf the backlash exceeds the limits, adjust as described underHeel Contact. Face Contaqt Use a thicker thrust shim to move the transfer drive gear away from the transfer driven gear shaft. Face contact must be adjusted within the limits of the transfer gear backlash. lf the back- lash exceeds the limits, adjust as described under Toe Contact.