honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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3. Installthe speclaltools on the companion flange, HOIIIER HANDTIoJAB - OO102nA 32 N m {3 3 tgt m,24lbf ftl Loosen the locknut counterclockwise so that its tab comes out from the groove in the clutch guide. LOCKNUT, 24 mm Tighten the locknut till its tab aligns with the groove. Remove any dirt from inside of the groove in the clutch guide, then loosen the locknut. LOCKNUT. 2,1 mm 5. 6. 8 x 1.25 mm Tab(contd) 7. Remove the locknut, the disc spring washer, the back-up ring, the O-ring and the companion flange. @r/v-.,. ao/ U rA*..- zzft h\@fr\ LOCKNUT, 24 mmFeplace. DISC SPRING WASHER, 24 mm BACX.UP RING O.N|NGReplace. COMPANION FLANGE 8.Remove the torque control differential case and the dowel pins.

Rear Differential Assembly Disassembly (contdl 9. Remove the shim and the clutch quide. dHIM30mm CLUTCH GUIDE Remove the clutch hub/plates/discs and the pressure prare. 10. CLUTCH HUB/PLATES/OISCS k ffi-:* _zz PRESSURE PLArE @- 15-22 11. Remove the thrust needle bearing and the oil pump driveshaft. Remove the oil pump body assembly, the oil pump pin, the magnet, and the oil strainer. OIL PUMP BODY ASSEMBLY MAGNET OIL PUMP PIN 12. OIL STRAINERInspect for damageor clogging.

Reassembly 1. Apply CVT fluid to the rubber of the oil strainer, then install the oil strainer, the magnet, and the oil pump pin to the differential carrier. OIL PUMP PIN DIFFERE]TTIAL CARRIERASSEMBLY Align the oil pump pin with the groove of the rear oil pump in the pump body assembly, then install the oil pump body assembly to the differential carrier assem- oty. -n CWfluid 2. MAGNET OIL PUMP BODY ASSEMBLY 3. Tighten the oil pump body assembly mounting bolts. 4. Install the oil pump driveshaft by aligning the pro- jection of the oil pump driveshaft with the groove of the front oil pump in the oil pump body assembly. lnstall in this direction. Projection 6x1.0mm12 N.m 11.2 kg{.m,8.7 lbl.ft} Install the thrust needle bearing. Install the pressure plate assembly by aligning the projection of the pressure plate with the groove of the oil pump driveshaft. 5. OIL PUMPDRIVESHAFT (contd ) 15-23 THRUST NEEDLE BEABING PRESSURE PLATE

Rear Differential Assembly Reassembly (contdl 7. Install the clutch hub/plates/discs, then align the pro- jection of the plates with the discs. M, 30 mm CLUTCH GUIDE sHl ,/ .A-\,/r\-7 8. 9. CLUTCH HUA/PLATES/Dtscs Installthe clutch guide and the 30 mm shim. Apply liquid gasket to the sealing surface of the torque control differential case, and note these rlems: . Use liquid gasket (P/N 08718 - 0001). . Remove any dirt or fluid from the sealing sur- face. . lf 20 minutes have passed after applying liquid gasket, reapply it before you assemble the hous- ings. Allow it to cure at least 30 minutes after assembly before filling differential with fluid. TOBOUE CONTROLDIFFERENNAL --- Apply liquid gaskot 15-24 6x1.0mm12 N.m 11.2 tgf m,8.7lbt.ftl 10. lnstall the dowel pins and toroue control differential case. TOROUE CONTNOL 11. Install the companion flange, O-ring, back-up ring, disc spring washer, and the locknut. NOTE: Apply CW fluid to the O-ring. ,24mm DISC SPRING WASHER,2a mm lnstall in this direction. @+-_alcr-upnwc COMPANION FLAI{GE /r- K@#/

12. Install the special tools to the companion flange, then tighten the locknut to specified torque. TOROUE: 118 N.m (12.0 kgf-m,87 lbfft) HOLDEB HANDLE07JAB - @1020A Stake the locknut tab into the guide. I x I .25 mm32 Nm (3.3 kgt m, 24 lbtftl groove in the clutch 14. lnstall the breather tube. OIL FILI..ER PLUG47 N.m 14.8 kgf.m,35 tbt frl WASHENSReplace. DRAIN PLUG4? Nm l4.E tgf.m, 35 lbfftl t5.Installthe drain plug and the oilfiller plug with wasners. BREATHER TUAE

Driveshafts Special Tools .......... ........... 16-2 Driveshafts Inspection ...................... l6-3 Front Driveshafts Removal .... 16-3 Disassembly ................... 16-5 Reassembly .................... 16-g Installation ..................... 16-17 Intermediate Shaft Removal .... 16-19 Disassembly ................... 16-19 Reassembly .................... 16-20 Installation ..................... 16-21 Rear Driveshafts Removal .... 16-22 Disassembfy ................... 16-22 Reassembfy .................... 16-24 Installation ..................... 16-29 Propeller Shaft Inspection . 16-29 RemovaUlnstallation .... 16-30

T R€f. No. Tool NumberD€scriptionOtv Page Rolsrenca o @ \D o @ @ 07JAF - SH20400 07LAD - PW50601 07MAC - S100200 07746 - 0010300 07746 - 0010400 07746 - 0030400 07749 - 0010000 07965 - SD90100 07xAc - 0010200 Attach ment Attachment,40 x 50 mm LD. Ball Joint Remover,28 mm Attachment, 42 x 47 mm Attachment, 52 x 55 mm Attachment, 35 mm l.D. Driver Suppon Base Threaded Adapter,24 x 1.5 mm 1l 1 1 1 1,l I 1 16-16 16-18 16-4 16-16 16-17, 16-17 16-16 16-7 18 17,18 oarl !., o) 16-2

DriveshaftsFront Driveshafts Inspection Boot Damago Check the boots on the driveshaft for cracks, damago, leaking grease, and loose boot bands. lf any damags is found, replace the boot and boot bands. Looso Splines Turn the driveshaft by hand, and make sure th€ splin€s and joint are not excessively loose. lf damage is found, replace the inboard joint. Twisting or Crscking Make sure the driveshaft is not twisted or crackod. Replace it if necessary. DRIVESHAFT 1. Removal Loosen the wheel nuts slightly. Raise the front of the vehicle, and suppon it with safety stands in the proper locations (see section 1). Remove the wheel nuts and front wheels.? SPINDLE NUT24 x 1.5 mmReplace. lf the right driveshaft is to be removed, drain the transmission fluid {see s€ction 13 or 14). lt is not nec- essary to drain the transmission fluid when the left driveshaft is removed. Lift up locking tab on the spindle nut, then remove the nut, Remove the self-locking nut and flange bolt, FLANGE BOLT10 x 1.25 mm FRONT WHEEL (contd) 6. SELFLOCKING NUT12 x 1.25 mmReplace. 7. Remove the damper fork, 16-3

Front Driveshafts Removal (contd) Remove the cotter pin from the lower arm ball ioint castle nut, and remove the nut. Install a 12 mm hex nut on the ball joint. Make sure the hex nut is flush with the ball joint pin end, or the threaded section of the ball joint pin might be dam- aged by the special tool. Use the special tool as shown in section 18 to sepa- rate the ball joint and lower arm, Be caretul not to damage the ball joint boot, lf necessary, apply pen- etrating type lubricant to loosen the ball joint, Pry out the driveshaft assembly with a pry bar, as shown, to force the set ring at the driveshaft end past the groove. Be careful not to damage the oil seals when prying. i0. 1l. 07MAC - SLm2m PRY BAR 16-4 12. Pull on the inboard joint, and remove the driveshaft from the differential case or bearing support as an assembly. Do not pull on the driveshaft, the inboardjoint may come apart. Pull the driveshaft straight out to avoid damaging the differential oil seal or the intermediate shaft outer seal. Left driveshaft: Remove the left driveshaft from the bearing suppon by tapping on the inboard joint of the driveshaft with a olastic hammer. BEARING SUPPORT

13, Pull the knuckle outward, and remove the driveshaft inboard joint from the differential case or bearing suoDort. KNUCKLE Remove the driveshaft outboard joint from the front wheel hub using a plastic hammer. PLASTIC HAMMER 14. DRIVESHAFT DRIVESHAFT Disassembly Inboard Joint Sid€: 1, Carefully clamp the driveshaft in a vise with softjaws, then remove the set ring from the inboardjoint. 2. Remove the boot bands. Take care not to damage the boot, . lf the boot band is a locking tab type, pry up the locking tabs with a screwdriver, and lift up the end of the band. . lf the boot band isawelded typeora low profile type, carefully cut the boot band with a pair of diagonal cutters. . lf the boot band is a double loop type. lift up the band bend. Locking Tab SET BINGReplace. Welded {contd) 16-5