honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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- The MIL has been reported on.- DTC Pl121 is stored, Problem veritication:1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 2. Check the throttle position with the scan tool. ls 14.1% (12.97.)* or higherindicated when the throttle isfully opened? Intormittent failur6, systom is OKat this lime. - The MIL has b€en reoorted on.- OTC P1122 is dored. Problem verification:1. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).2. Check the throttle positionwith the scan tool. ls17.670 (16.9%) or lessindicated when the throftle islully closed? IntermitteDt tailu.o, system is OKat thb time. Pl121 lThescantool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC) Pl121;Throttle Position (TP) lowerthan expected. I Pl122 | The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1122: Throttle Position (TP) higherthan expected. *:99 - 00 models 1-109

PGM-FI System Primary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Primary HO2S) (Sensor 1) The Heated Oxygen Sensors (HO2S) detect the oxygen content in the exhaust gas and signal the ECM/PCM. In operation, the ECM/PCM receives the signals from the sensor and varies the duration during which fuel is iniected. To stabilize the sensors output, the sensor has an internal heater. The Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) is installed in exhaust pipe A. HO2S: ztRcoNtAEI.IMENT s€NsoRTERMINALSVOLTAGE IVI HEATEBTERMINALS The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0131: A low voltage Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) {Sensor 1} circuit, RICH - AIR. . LEANFUELNATO problem in the Primary Heated 37 - 98 models: HEATER The MIL has been reoorted on.DTC P0131 is stoied. Problem verification:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro-ceoure.Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator fan comes on.Test-drive with the A/T in Eposition (M/T in 4th gear)Check the Primary HO2S{Sensor 1} output voltage withthe scan tool during accelera-tion using wide open throttle. Intermittent f.ilure, system is OKat this time. Check fo. poor con-nections or loose wirer at C111(Primary HO2S, SeGor 1) and atrh€ ECM/FCM. Check the fuel pressure (see page 11-178). Repair the fuel supply system. {To page 11111} 1 1-1 10

{From page 11-110} Check tor a shorl in the HO2S:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the Primary HO2S(Sensor1i 4P connector.3. Start the engine and let it idle.4. Check the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1)output voltage withthe scan tool. Replace the HO2S {Sensor 1).Does it stay at 0.1 V or less? Check for a short in the wir€(PH02S linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the ECM/PCM con-nector (D (16P), C (31P)*). 3. Check tor continuity betweenthe Primary HO2S {Sensor 1)4P connector terminal No. 1and body ground. Repair short in tho wire botwesnthe ECM/PCM lD7, C16*) .nd th6Prim.ry HO2S (S€nsor 11. Substituto a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. ll 3ympiom/indication goes away. raplace th.origin.l ECM/PCM. PRIMARY HO2S ls.n.or l I 4P CONNECTOR (Cl111 PHO2S ---trwHTr T-T-l T-1 1 2l 6tlr rlY r___J_J L Wire side of temale terminals (contd) 11-111

PGM-FI System 99 - 00 models: - The MIL has bsen reported on.- DTC P0131 ir storod. Problem ve fication:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro-cedure,2. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload {in Park or neutral) untillhe radiator tan comes on.3. Check the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) oltput voltage withthe scan tool during accelera-tion using wide op€n throttle. Inl.rmittant failura, 3yrtam i! OKat thb tim.. tor poor con-nectiona oa looaa wlraa al C111{Pri|n.ry HO2S, Son3or 1l .nd .ttho ECM/FCM, Does the voltage stay at 0.5 Vor less? Check tho fuel pressure (see pago1r,178). th. fu€l lupply ry!t.m. Chock lor a short in tho HO2S:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) 4P connector.3. St6rt the engine and lot it idle.4. Check the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) output voltage withthe scan tool, Does it stay 6t 0.5 V or less?Rephc. th6 HO2S (S.n3or 11. Chock for a short in tho wirc(PHO2S lino):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the ECM/PCM con-nector C (31P). 3. Check tor continlity betweenthe Primary HO2S {Sensor l} 4P connector terminal No. Iand body ground. Ragah rhort in tha wira balwoanth. ECM/PCM {Cl61 rnd thcPrirn.ry HO2S (S.n3or 11. Substltut6 a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. lf rymptom/indicrtion 00os away, raplaco thcoriginal ECM/PCM. Primary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Primary HO2SI (Sensor 1l (contd) PRIMARY HO2S (Son.or 1l aP CONNECTOR |C111) PHO2S T--1rwHTr f-T---] --1 1 2lI t--- 1t6)lslrlv L__r__J _L Wire side ol female terminals 11-112

The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0132: A high voltage problem in the Primary HeatedOxygen Sensor {Primary HO2S) (Sensor 1) circuit. 97 - 98 models: PHO2S IWHTIsG2IGRN/BLK} Wire side ot female terminals PCM CONNECTOR D {16PI JUMPER WIRE PHO2S IWHTISG2 IGRN/BLK} Wire side of temale terminals I (contdl 11-113 Problem verification:1. Do the ECM/PCM Resot Pro,ceoute,2. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator fan comes on.3. Test-drive with the AyT in Eposition (M/T in 4th gear).4. Check the Primary H02S{Sensor 1}output voltage withthe scan tool during decelera-tion using completely closedthrottle. Intormittent l.ilure, 3ystem ia OKat thb timo. Chcck fo. poor con-nections 01 looso at C111{Prim!ry HO2S, Sensor 1} andECM/PCM. Does the voltage stay at 1.0 V Check for an open in th6 PrimaryH()2S:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) connector-3. Connect the Primary HO25lSensor 1) 4P connector termi-nals No. 1 and No. 2 with ajumper wire.4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).5. Check the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) output voltage withthe scan tool, ls there 1.0 V or more? Ch€ck for an opon in the wires(PHO2S, SG2linesl:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect PCM connector ter-minals D7 and Dl1 with a 3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).4. Check the Primary HO2S{Sensor 1) output voltage withthe scan tool. Roprir opon in the wire betweontho PCM {D7 01 D11l and thePrimsry HO2S {S6nsor 1). ls there 1.0 V or more? {97 model} {To page 11-114)

PGM-FI System Primary Heated Oxygen Sensor lPrimary HO2S) {Sensor 1} {contdl (From page11-l13) ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C {31PI 11-114 for an open in the wire(PHO2S linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect ECM/PCM connectorterminals C16 and C18 with a 3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).4. Check the Primarly H02S(Sensor 1) output voltage withthe scan tool. R€ open in the wire bqtw€enthe ECM/PCM (C161 and th€Primary HO2S (Sen.orl).ls there 1,0 V or more? Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and rach€ck. lt 3ymptom/indication goos away, replacethe origin.l ECM/PCM.

99 - 00 modols: Th6 Mll has b€on reDortod on.DTC ml32 is itorod. Problem vorification:1. Do the ECi!4/PCM Reset Procedure,Start the ongine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator fan comes on.Check the Primary HO2SlSensor 1) output voltage withthe scan tool during decelela-tion using completely closedthroftle. Int.rmitt .fi tailuro, syltom b OKat thit tima. Check for poor con-nactiona oi loo3a wirar !t Cltl(Primrry HO2S, S.nror 1) .nd .tth. ECM/FCM. Doos the voitage stay at 1.5 Vor more? Check for an opsn in the PrlmaryHO2S:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1)connector.3. Connect the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) 4P connector t6rmi-nals No. 1 and No. 2 with a iumperwire.4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 5, Check the Primsry H02S(Sensor 1) output voltage withthe scan tool, lsthere 1.5 V or more? Check for an op6n in th6 wiro{PHO2S line):1. Turn tho ignition switch OFF.2. Connect ECM/PCM connectorterminals C16 and C18 with a iumper wire.3. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).4. Check the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) output voltage withthe scan tool. Ropair opon in thc wire bc{w.cnthe ECM/PCM {Cl6}.nd thePrimary HO2S {S€nror 1}.ls there 1.5 V or more? Substituto a known-good ECM/PCM snd rochock. lf 3ymptom/indicetion go€a awry, roplaca thoorigin.l ECM/PCM. PRIMARY HOzS (S6n!or 1l aPCoNNECTOR lcltl) Pt()2sIWHTIsG2{GRN/BTJ(I Wire side of tem6le terminsls ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C (31P} IGRN/BLKI JUMPER WIRE Wire side ol temale t6rmin6ls (contd) -1 15 2789 /1617t819120A22 23E29g)31 PHO2S {WHTIsG2 11

PGM-FI System Primary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Primary HO2S) lSensor 1) (contd) tFO133 lhe scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0133: A slow response problem in the Primary Heated: Oxysen Sensor (Primarv HO2S (Sensor 1) circuit. Description By controlling the airlfuel ratio with a Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) and a Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2), the deterioration of the Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) can be evaluated by its feedback period. When the feedback period of the HO2S exceeds a cer tain value during stable driving conditions, the sensor will be judged as deteriorated. When deterioration has been detected during two consecutive trips, the MIL comes on and DTC P0133 will be stored. NOTE: lf DTC P0131, P0132 and/or P0135 are stored at the same time as DTC P0133. troubleshoot those DTCS first, then troubleshoot DTC P0133. Possible Cause . Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) Deterioration . Primary HO2S Heater (Sensor 1) Deterioration . Exhaust system leakage Troubleshooting Flowchart - The MIL has b6€n reoorted on.- DTC P0133 is stored. Problem Verilication:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Procedure.2. Connect the scan tool.3. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload lin Park or neutrali untilthe radiator fan comes on.4. Connect the SCS service connector.5. Test-drive under the followingcondations,55 mph (89 km/h) steadyspeed- M in @ position (E position and Over Drive ON)*,(M/T in sth gear)- Until readiness code comes Intermittent failure, system is OKat this time. Check tor poor con-nections or loose wires at C111(Primary HO2S, Sensor 1) and althe ECM/PCM. Replace the Primary HO2S {Sen-sor 11. 1 1-1 16

Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Secondary HO2S) (Sensor 2) The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble code (DTC) P0137: A low voltage problem in the secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Secondary HO2S) (Sensor 2) circuit. SECONDARY HO2S ls.nlor 2)4P CONNECTOB lC721l Wire side of lemale terminals (contd) 11-117 The MIL hrs been reported on.DTC P0137 is stored. Problem veritication:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Procedure.2. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm wilh no load (in Park or neutral) untalthe radiator {an comes on,3. Check the Secondary H02S lSensor 2) output voltage at3,000 rpm with the scan tool. lnlermittent failure, 3ystem i5 OK at this time. Check tor Poor con noction3 or loose wires at C127 {locatod on ECM/PCM bracket},C721 (Secondary HO2S, Sensor2l and at the ECM/PCM. Does the voltage stay at 0.3 V or less? Check for a short in the SecondaryHO2S:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the SecondaryHO2S lSensor 2) 4P connector.3. Start the engine.4. Check the Secondary HO25(Sensor 2) output with the scantool. Check lor a short in the wire(SHO2S linel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disco n nect the ECM/PCMconnector {D (16P}, A (32P}). 3. Check for continuity betweenthe Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2i 4P connector terminal No. 1and body ground. Reoair short in the wire b€twoen rhe ECM/PCM |D14, 423*l and the Secondary HO2S {Sensor 2). Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and rocheck. lf symptom/indication goes away, replacethe original ECM/PCM. *: 98 - 00 modeis

PGM-FI System Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Secondary HO2SI (Sensor 2l (contdl The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0138: A high voltage problem in the Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Secondary HO2S) (Sensor 2) circuit. SECONDABY HO2S (Sonror 2)1P CONNECTOR rC721 l sHo2s{WHT/REDI sH()2sGIGFN/WHTI Wire side of female terminals PCM COI{NECTOR D {16PI sHo2sG(RED/YELI JUMPER WIRE Wirc side ol lemale terminals {To page 11-119) 1 1-1 18 The MIL hra b€on Eported on,OTC m138 b stor.d. PJoblcm v6dtic.tion:1. Do the ECM/PCM Resot Pro-cedure,Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) trntilthe radiator lan comes on.Check the Secondary HO2S(Sensor 2) outpl.rt voltage at3,000 rpm with the scan tool. Int.rmitto tailurc, syst.m b OKrt ihi! timo. Chack fo. poo. oon-noctioni or looaa wiiaa at C127lloc.ted on EcM/PcM br.cket),C721 (Second!ry llO2S, Sonlol2).nd at th. ECM/PCM. Does the voltage stay at 0.6 Vor more? Chock for an opon in the SocondaryHO2S:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the SecondaryHO2S (Sensor 2) 4P connector.3. Connect the Socondary HO2S(Sensor 2) 4P connector ter-minals No. 1 and No. 2 with a 4. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll}.5. Check the Secondary HO2S{Sensor 2) output voltage withthe scan tool. ls there 0.6 V or more? Ch6ck for an open in thg wiro3(SH()2S, SG2 line3l:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect rcM connector termi-nals 014 and D13 with a J!mper wite.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Check the S€condary HO2S(S€nsor 2) output voltagewith the scan tool. Rapair op6n in tho wir. b€{woantho PcM lDla or Dl3l .nd thoS.condlry HO2S {Senlor 21. lsthere 0.6 V or more? (97 model)