honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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98 - 00 mod€ls: The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0452: A low voltage problem in the Fuel Tank Pressure sensof. The fuel tank Dressure sensor converts fuel tank absolute pressure into electrical signals and inputs the ECM/PCM. OUTPUTVOLTAGEtvl{.5 0,5-? KPA(-50 mmHg,-2 in.Hgl +7 kPr l5O mmHg,2 in.Hgl PRESSURE ECM/PCM CONNECTOR A (32P) Wire side ot female terminals FUEL TANKPRESSURE SENSOR3P CONNECTOR tc6a6l voc2(YEL/BLUI Wire side ol fsmale terminals (contd) 11-209 Th. MIL has been reoorted on.DTC m452 is stored. Check the vacuum lin6:Check the vacuum lines of the fueltank pressure sensor for misrouting, leakage, breakage and clog-ging. Are the vacuum lines OK? Problem veriticstion:1. Do the ECM/PCM ResetProcedure-2. Remove the luelfillcap.3. Turn the ignition switch ONfl r).4. Monitor the FTP Sensor voltage with the Honda PGMTester, or measure voltagebetween body ground andECM/PCM terminalA29.Intermittent failuro, system is OKat this lima. Chack lor Door con-nections or loose at C580llocrted rt access panell, C646lluel tank Daessure sensor) andat the ECM/PCM. ls lhere approx. 2.5 V? Check lor an open in wir€ lVeC2line):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Reinstallthe fuel fill cap.3. Disconnect the fuel tank pres- sure sensor 3P connector,4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 5- Measure voltage between thefLrel tank pressure sensor 3Pconnector No. 1 terminal andNo.2 terminal. Replir opon in the wire b€tw€enth6 tuel tank pressure lensot andthe ECM/PCM {A29).ls there approx. 5 V? YES (To page 11-210)

Emission Control System Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Controls (contdl FUEL TANKPRESSUNE SENSOR3P CONNECTOR tc646l Wire side of female terminals (From page l1209) Check lor a short in the wireIPTANK Iine}:Measure voltage betlveen the fueltank pressure sensor 3P connectorNo. 3terminal and No. 2terminal. ls there approx.5 V? Check for a short in the wire(PTANK line):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disco n nect the ECM/PCMconnector A {32P).3. Check for continuity betweenthe fuel tank pressure sensor3P connector No. 3 terminalsand body ground. Repair short in the wira betwgonthe fuel trnk prossure s6nsor andtho ECM/PCM lA29). Sub.tituto a known-good ECM/PCM and r€check. lf 3ymptom/indication goer !way. replaceth6 original ECM/PCM. 11-210

98 - 00 modals: The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0453: A high voltage problem in the Fuel Tank Pressure sensor. ECM/PCM CONNECTOR A {32PI Wire sido ot fema16 t€rminals FUEL TANXPf,ESSUBE SENSOR3p CONNECTOR {C6,a6l vcc2IYEL/BLUI sG2IGRN/BLKI sG2(GRN/BLK} Wire side ot female terminals PTANKILT GRNI (contd) 11-211 PTANK ILT GRN) 123 Thc MIL has b6on ropottcd on.DTC mia53 is dorcd. Ch6ck tho vacuum linos:Check the vacuum lines of the fuel tank pressure sensor lor mis- routing, leakage, breakage and cloggrng. Are the vacuum lines OK? Problorn verif ication:1. Do the ECM/PCM ResetProcedute.2. Remove the fuel fill cap. 3. Turn the ignition switch ON {[).4. Monitor the FTP Sensor volt-age with the Honda PGM Tester, or measure voltagebetween body ground and ECM,PCM terminal429.Intarmittent tailuro, sv3iom b OKat this timo. Chock for poor con-nection3 or loo$ wire3 at C580(locstod .t .cc$r p.nell, C6a6(fucl tank pros3ure son3orl and.t the ECM/FCM. ls there approx. 2.5 V? Check lor an open in tho wiro lSG2lin6l:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. R6installthe Iuel fill cap.3. Disconnect the Iu6l tank pres_ sure sensor 3P connector,4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 5. M€asure voltago between thetuel tank pressure sensor 3P connector terminals No. ! andNo.2. Replir op€n in th. wi.c b€{weentha fuel tank Diosute sansot andtho EC|,/PCM {Cl8}.ls there approx. 5 V? Ch€ck for an opon in tho wiro(PTANK linel:Measure voltage between thefuel tank pressure sensor 3P con-nector No. 3 terminal and No. 2terminal. ls there approx. 5 V? \To page 11-212)

Emission Control System Check fo. an open in the wire(PTANK linel:Measure voltage between ECM/PCM connector terminals A29 andc18. Ropair open in the wire betweonthe ECM/PCM {A291 and tho fuoltank pressule 3ensor. ls there approx.5 V? Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. lf symptom/indication goes away, r€placetho originrl ECM/PCM. Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Controls (contdl (From page 11,211) ECM/PCM CONNECTORS SG2 (GRN/BLK} Wire side of temale terminals 11-212 - PTANK {LT GRNI

98 - 00 models: The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble code (DTC) P1456: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) control system leak detected {fuel tank system). Troubleshooting Flowchart - The MIL has been reported on.- DTC P1456 is stored. Check the fuel fill cap:Check the fuel fill cap (the caP must be a gray OEM cap and be tightened at least three clicks toproperly seal the system)- ls the proper fuel fill cap installed and properly tightened?Replace or tighton the cap. Check the lueltill cap seal: Check the fuel fill cap seal. Replace the luelfiller the tuel filler pipe damaged? Fuel till caD is OK. Do the luel tank pressure Sensor test (see page 11-2111. (EVAP Purge con- trol solenoid valve t€sl (see Page11-2151.1r:99 - 00 models (contd) 11-213

Emission Control System Fuel tank pros3ure sensor tost.(The continuetion of DTC Pl456t.oubls3hooting., Chock the tusl trnk pr€3sure sen-sor:1. Remove the fuel fill csp.2. Turn the ignition switch ON fll).3. Monitor the FTP Sensor voh-age with th€ Honda PGMTester, or measure voltagebetween ECM/PCM conn€ctorterminals A29 and C18. Choct ths vacuum linsr forra3triction o. blockago ropair a!nect*rary. It OK, replaca the fu6ltank praituJc sentot. ls there approx. 2.5 V? Check the fuel t nk pressuae 3en-sor:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the hose betweenthe EVAP two way valve andthe tueltank pressure sensor atthe EVAP two way valve end.3. Connect a vacuum pump tothe open end ofthat hose.4. Turn the ignition switch ON 0l).5. Monitor the FTP Sensor volt-age with the Honda PGMTestet, or measure voltagebetween ECM/PCM connectorterminals 429 and C18, andcarefully apply vacuum on thehose one stroke at a lime.6. The voltage should smoothtydrop from the staning approx.2.5 V down to approx. 1.5 V.Stop applying vacuum whenthe voltage drops to approx.1.5 V or damage to the fueltank pressure sensor fiayoccur, Fu.l tank pressu.c a€nlor b OK.Oo thc EVAP pulge controlsolenoid valve toat (3€€ prgo 11-2151. Does the voltage drop to approx.1.5 V and hold? Evaporative Emission (EVAPI Controls (contd) lP14s6l(ont,a) ECM/PCM CONNECTORS SG2 IGRN/BLKI Wire side oI female terminals FUEI- TANKPRESSURESENSOR VACUUMPUMP/GAUGE,0 - 30 in.HgA973X - ill - xxxxx EVAP TWOWAY VALVE 11-214

EVAP purge control 3ol€noidvalve test.{Tho continu.tion of DTC Plil56 trouble3hootin9.) Check the EVAP purge control solenoid valve:1. Disconnect the vacuum hosetrom the EVAP control canis- ter, and connect a vacuumpump to the hose.2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 3. Apply vacuum to the hose. EVAP purge contlol solenoidv.lvo is OK. Do the EVAP bypai3 solenoid valve test (see Page 11- 2161 Does the valve hold vacuum? Check tho EVAP purge control solenoid valve:t. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the EVAP Purgecontrol solenoid valve 2P con-nector,3. Check for continuity between the EVAP pu rge controlsolenoid valve 2P connectorterminal No.2 and bodYground, Check for s short in the wire {PCS linel:1. D iscon nect the ECM/PCMconnector A {32P).2. Check for continuity betweenthe EVAP purge controlsolenoid valve 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and bodyground. neprir short in tho wite bot$reon the ECM/FCM lAGl and thc EVAPpurge control 3olenoid there continuity? Substitut€ a known-good ECM/ PCM and recheck. lf symptom/indication goe3 away. repl.ce thc originsl ECM/PCM. VACUUMPUMP/GAUGE,0 - 30 in.HgA973X - 041 - xxxxx EVAPCONTROLCANISTER EVAP PURGE CONTROL SOLENOIDVALVE 2P CONNECTOR (Cl08} Wire side offemaleterminals (contd) -21511

Emission Control System Evaporative Emission (EVAPI Controls (cont,dl 1T1456I (conro) €VAPBYPASSSoLENOtOVALVEECM/PCM CONNECTOR A I32P) Wire side of female terminals VACUUMPUMP/GAUGE.0 -30 in.HgA373X - 041 - xxxxx EVAP BYPASS SOLENOIDVALVE 2P CONNECTOR lcorlTl 2WBS(BLU} II Wire side offemaletermrnats tGlIBLK/WHT} EVAP bypa3s solenoid valve test.(The continuation ot DTC P1456troubleshooting.l Check the EVAP bypass sotenoid 1. Disconnect the vacuum hosefrom the EVAP two way valve,and connect a vscuum pumpto the hose,2. Connect the ECM/PCM con-nector terminal 43 to the bodyground with a jurnper wire.3. Turn the ignition switch ON 0t).4. Apply vacuum to the hose. EVAP bypass solenoid valve/EVAP two way valve is OK. Doth6 EVAP control crnister ventshut vafve le3t lso€ page 11-2111. Does the valve hold vacuurn? Check for an op€n in the wir€(2WBS line):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the EVAP bypasssolenoid valve 2P connector.3. Check for continuity betweenthe EVAP bypass so teno idvalve 2P connector terminalNo. 2 and body ground. Repair open in the wire betweenthe EVAP bypass solenoid valv.and ECM/PCM lA3). Chack tor an op6n in the wirellcl line):1. Turn the ignition switch ON l).2. Measure voltage between theEVAP bypass solenoid valve2P connector terminal No. land body ground. Replace the EVAP byps.,s solonoidvatus and O-ring3. Ropair o,pen in the wire botwoenth6 EVAP bypa$ sotenoid vatvoand No. 15 ALTERNATOR SpSENSOR (7.5 Altuso. 2WBS (BLU} /3 7,x 4l6o/to -/ ,/ 16 1718t920 211/z3 26 272A29solT32 JUMPER WIRE 11-216

EVAP control canister vent shut valve l€st,lThe conlinualion ot DTC P1456 troubleshooting.) Check the EVAP control cankter vent 3hut valve:1. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the EVAPthree way valve, and connect a vacuum PUmPto the hose.2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 3. Apply vacuum to the hose EVAP control crnisier vent lhul valve is OK. Do the v.cuum hoses and connections te3l lseepage 11-218). Does the valve hold vacuum? Chock the EVAP control canbtel vent shul valvo:1. Turn the ignition sw;tch OFF. 2. Disconnect the EVAP controlcanister vent shut valve 2P connector.3. Check for continuity betlveen the EVAP control canister vent shut valve 2P connector termi-nal No. 1 snd body ground. Roplac€ the EVAP contlol canbt€]venl shut valve and O-ring. Chock lor a short in the wire(VSV lino)r1. Disco n nect the EcM/PCN4connoctor A (32P). 2. Check for continuity betweenthe EVAP control canister vent shut valve 2P connector termi- nal No. 1 and body ground. Reorir 3hort in tho wiro bgtweonthe EC1I/I/PCM lAal .nd the EVAP codrol canbtor vent shut valv6. Substitute a known.good ECM/ PCM and recheck. lf symptom/indicrtion goes awaY, replace the original ECM/PCM. VACUUMPUMP/GAUGE,0 - 30 in.Hg A973X - 041 - XXXXX EVAPTHREE VALVEEVAPCONTROLCANISTER EVAP CONTROLCANISTER VENT SHUTVALVE 2P CONNECTOR IC361) r+l1t2l f1 VSV (o) tLT cnrulwxrt 1 Wire side of female terminals EVAPCONTROLCANISTERVENTSHUTVALVE O.RINGReplace. ILT GRN/WHT) (contd) -21711

Emission Control System Evaporative Emission IEVAPI Controls (contd) lTi,t56l (onto) Vacuum hoses and connectionstelit.(The continuarion of DTC P1456troubleshooiing.l Check the vacuum ho3es andconnect|ons:Check the following parts forleaks at atmospheric p ressu re{see page 11-204).. Fueltank. Fuel fill cap. Fuelfill pipe. EVAP two way valve. Fueltank pressure sensor Repair or replaco the parts. Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. lf symptom/indication goes away, replac€the original ECM/PCM. 11-218