honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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From page 14-104 Measure ATP 1 Voliag€:1. Shift to E position.2, Measure the voltage betweenthe D15 and 820 or B22 termi-nals. Repair open in the wire betweenthe D15 terminal and the A/Tgear poaition switch. Check LG Wire tor an OpenCircuit:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Check lor continuity betweenthe 820 terminal and bodyground, and between the 822terminal and body ground. Repair open in th. wiresbetween the B20 and 822 tarmi-nals and body ground. and repairpoor ground {G101). ls there continuity? Check tor loose terminaltit in thePCM connectors. lf n6cassary,substitute d known-good PCMand recheck. B t25Pl FCM CONNECTORS c t3lPtD tl6Pl LGl IBRN/BLKI LGl (BRN/BLKI Wire side of female terminals A (32P1B (2sP)c (31P| 14-105
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control Solenoid Valve A Po$ible Caus€ . Short or open in shift control solenoid valve A wire. Faulty 3hift control 3olenoid valvo A. Ooen in VB SOL wire LGl To page 14-108 (BRN/BLKILG2 (BRN/BLKI A t32P) 8 {2sPl Ct3lPt ll Dll6Pt LG1IBRN/BLKI LG2IBRN/BLK} Wi16 side of femaleterminals A (:l2Pl a t25Pl - c {31P} . OBD ll Scan Tool indicatesCode P0753.. Self-diagnosis El or E indica-tor light blihk5 ievon times. It the PGM Tester is available,retrieve the A/T Freeze Data, thenclear th€ PCM. Test drive the vehicle under thesame conditions the Freeze Data Intermittent tailure. The systemb OX at this timo. Check the fito{ the pins in all connectora.ttected by this code. Did the code return? Ch6ck for a Short 1o Power:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the B (25P) and D(16Pi connectors from thePCM,3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Measure the voltage betweenthe D7 and 820 or 822 terminals. Repair short to power in the wirebetwoen tho D7 terminal and theshift control solenoid valve A. Moasure Shift Control SolenoidValv6 A Resistanco:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. [reasu re the resistancebetween the D7 and 820 or822 terminals. ls the resistance l2 - 25 0? To page 14-107 14-106
A l32Pl From page 14-106PCM CONNECTORS B (25P1 C (31 LGl IERN/BLKILG2 {BRN/BLK) Wire side of female terminals LGl IBRN/BLK}LG2 (BRN/BLK} SHIFT CONTROI SOLENOIDVALVE A/B ASSEMBLY CONNECTOR IiiE-] *otrau/aalF I Termanal side of male terminals (contd) 14-107 c (31P)D {16P) Check for continuity between the820 terminal and body ground. and between the 822 terminaland body ground. Ropair open in the wir.s betweonthe 820 and 822 terminal3 andground (G1011. Check Shilt Control SolenoidValve A for . Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the shift control solenoidvalve !yB assembly.2. Check tor continuity betweenthe D7 and B2O ot 822 tetmi-nals. Repair short to ground in the wirebe{we€n the D7 terminal and the3hift control solonoid valvo there continuity? Measure Shift Control SolenoidValve A Resistance at iheSolenoid Connector:Measure the resistance betweenthe No. I terminal of the shiftcontrol solenoid va lve A/Bassembly connector and bodygrou nd, Replace the shrft control solenoidvalve A/B the resistance 12 25 Q? Check for op.n in the wirebetwoon tho D7 terminal and theshift control solenoid valve A.
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control Solenoid Valve A (contd) From page 14-106 Wire side of female terminals Moasure VB SOL Voftago:1. Turn the ignition switch ONflr).2. Measure the voltage betweenthe D5 and 820 or 822 termi-nals, Check lor blown No. 15 (7.5 Alfuse in the under-dash fuse/relaybox. lf the tuse is OK, repair openin the wi.e between the D5 ter-minal and the under-dash fuse/relay box. ls there battery vohage? Check for loose terminalfit in thePCM connectors. lf necessary,subltitute a known-good PCMand recheck. VB SOL IBLK/YEL) 14-108
Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control Solenoid Valve B Po3sible€ .Dt. Short or oDen in shift control solenoid valve B wira F.ulW shitt cont.ol solonoid valvc B. Opon in VB SOL wir6 LGI {8RN/BLKI To page 14-111 PCM CONNECTOBS LGl {BRN/BLKI LG2 {BRN/BLK} Wire side of lemale terminals a l32Pl B {2sPl c t3tP} c (31P1 . OBD ll Scan Tool indicatos CodeP0758.. Self-di.gnosis E or E indica-lor lighf blinb 6ight times. lf the PGM Tester is available.retrieve the A/f Freeze Data, thenclear the PCM. Test-drive the vehicle under thesame conditions the Freeze Data Intermittent failu16. Tha 3yltgmis OK at thi3 time. Check the fitof the Dins in all connectorsaffocted by this codo. Did the code return? Check lol o Short to Power:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the B 125P) and D(16P) connectors from thePCM,3. Turn the ignition switch ON0ll.4. Measu.e the voltage betweenthe D2 and 820 or 822 termi-nals. Ropair short to powor in lhe wirebetwoon the D2 termin.l .nd thoshift cont.ol solenoid vslv6 B. Measuro Shift Control SolonoidValve I Rosbtance:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. M easu re the resistancebetween tho D2 and 820 or822 terminals. ls the resistanc€ 12 - 25 O? To page 14-110 LG2 IBRN/BLKI (contd)
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control Solenoid Valve B {contd) PCM CONNECTORS a {25P) C t31 I Wire side of l6male terminals LG1 IBRN/BLKILG2IBRN/BLKI SHIFT CONTROL SOLENOIDVALVE A/B ASSEMBLY CONNECTOR lF-E] I SH B IGRN/WHTI (ol YII Terminal side of male terminals From page 14-109 Check for continuity between the820 terminal and body ground, and between the 822 terminaland body ground. Repair open in the wire! b€twoenth6 B20 and 822 terminals andground lG101l. Check Shilt Control SolenoidValve B for a Sho.t Circuit:1, Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the shift control solenoidvalve !VB assembly.2. Check tor continuity betweenthe D2 and B2O o( 822 tetmi-nals, Repair short to ground in thewir€ b€twe6n th€ D2 terminaland the shift control solenoidvalve B. Measu.e Shift Control SolenoidValve B Rasistance at tha Solo-noid Connector:Measure the resistance betweenthe No. 2 terminal of the shift control solenoid valve NB assemblvconnector and body ground. ReDlac. the shift control sole-noid valve A/B r$ the resistance 12 25 O? Check for oDen in the wireb€twoen ths D2 torminal and theshift control 3olenoid valve 8. A (32P1c 13lPlD tl6Pl a t32Ptc {31P1 14-110
From page 14-109 M6r3ure vB SOL voltage:1. Turn ihe ignition switch ONflr).2. Measure the voltage betweenthe D5 and B20 or B22 termi-nals. Ch6ck tor blown No. 15 {7.5 Alfuse in tho undo.-dash tuso/telaybox. It the fu3s is OK, tepair openin the wire bctweon the D5 ter-minal and the under-dash fose/rolaY box. Chack to. loo3e te.minal fit in lhoPCM connectols. lf nccoa3ary,substituto a known-good PCMsnd rechock. PCM CONNECTORS A l32Pl B (25Pt C (31P1 o (16P) Wire side of female terminals 14-111
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Po$ibl€ Csuse . Loo3€ or tauhy conn€ction batween the PCM and vehicle harness. Diaconnected countetshaft 3Deod sensor connectoa. Short or opon in countershalt spegd sensor wiro. Faulty countershatt spoed sensol COUNTERSHAFT SPEEDS€NSOR CONNECIOR tttl-T-T- rolYILI Terminal side of male terminals . OgD ll Sc.n Tool indicat* Codem720. selt-diagnosis E or E indica-tor light blinks nin6 time3. It the PGM Tester is available,retrieve the A/T Freeze Data, thenclear the PCM. Test-drive the vehicle under thesame conditions the Freeze Data Intormittent failuro. The systomis OK .t thb time. Check the Iit ofthe pins in rll connsctors .fLctodbv thi! code. Check the countershaft speedsensor installation. and check itfor damage. ls the countershaft speed sensorinstalled properly. and not dam-aged?Reinstall or replace and rechcck. Measure Countershaft Sp6€dSonsoa R€sistsnc€ at the SenlorConnector:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the countershaft speed 2. Measure countershaft speedsensor resrstance at the sensorconnector. ls the resistance 400 - 600 0? To page 14-113 14-112
Check Countershaft Speed Sen-sor for a Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the D (16P) connector from the PCM.2. Check lor continuity betweenbody ground and the D10 ter-minal and Dl6 terminal indi-vidually. Repair short in the wire3 botweonthe Dl0 and D16 terminals andthe countershaft 3De€d sensor. Measure Countershatt SpeedS6n3or Circuit to. an Open:1, Co n nect the countershaftspeeo sensor connector,2. Measu re the resistancebetween the D10 and D16 ter-mrnals, Repair loose terminal or open inthe wiies between the D10 andO16 terminals and th. countet-shaft sD€ed sensor. ls the resistance 400 - 600 0? Check tor loos. terminal fit in thePCM conn€ctoas. It necessary,substitute a known-good PCMand recheck. From page 14112 A t32PlB (25P1 a l32PlB (25P1 PCM CONNECTORS Wire side ol female terminals NC IBLUI D {16P1 NCSG IGRNI c l31P) ial, tu]g c (31PI NCSG IGRN} 14-113
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Modelsl Troubleshooting Flowchart - Mainshaft Speed Sensor Porsible Cruse . Disconnsct€d msinsh.ft 3pood 3gnlor conncctol. Short or open in mainshaft 3poed sensor wire. Faultv mainshrtt speed sonsot NOTE: Codo P0715 (15) on the PCM doesnt always moan theres an electricalproblem in the mainshaft or countershaft speed sensor circuit; code P0715 (15)may also indicate a mechanical problem in the transmission. Any problem caus-ing irregular countershaft to mainshaft spoed difference can cause this codo; thiscan sometimes be seen in A/T Free2e Data. Freeze Data can also indicate an elec-trical problem in the sensor circuits ;f one of the sensors reads 0 mph during atest dnve. MAINSHAFT SPEEDSENSOR CONNECTOR Terminal side of male terminals . OBD ll Scan Tool indicat$ Codem715.. S€lf-diagnosi3 E or @ indica-tor light indicatos Code 15. lf the PGM Tester is available,retrieve the A/f Freeze Data, thenclear the PCM. Test-drive the vehicle under thesame conditions the Freere Data Intermittont tailuro. Tha sy3temb OK at this tims. Check thefit oftho pins in .ll connoctoB alt6ctedbv this code. Did the code return? Check the mainshaft and counter-shaft speed sensors installation,and check them for damage. Are the mainshaft and counter-shaft speed sensors installedproperly, and not damaged?Reinstall or ropllce and rochock. Moasure Mainshatt Spe€d SenrorR€sirtanco at ths S€nsol Connoc-tor:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the mainshaft speed sensor.2. Measure mainshatt speed sen-sor resrstance at the sensorconnefior. ls the resistance 400 600 0? To page 14-115 14-114