honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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98 - 00 mod6l3: - OTC P l1€7 is 3tored. Problcm vcrificrtion:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro-cedure,2. Start the engine.3. Turn on the headlights. Intcrmittent tailuro, ryrtom ir OK!t thi3 timo. tor poor con-nectiont or looao wire! at CXl54IELD) rnd at rh6 ECM/PCM, ls DTC P1297 indicated? Chock for 3hort in tho ELD:Measure voltage between bodyground and the ELD 3P connectorterminal No.3. ls there approx. 4.5 V? Chcck lor a 3horl in tho wiio (EL linol:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect ECM/PCM con-nector A (32P). 3. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and ECM/PCMconn€ctort€rminal A30. Ropair shon in thc wira botwocntho PcM (A301 rnd rho ELD. Sub.tituto a known.good ECM/PCM .nd rocheck. ll lymptom/indication gocs .w!y. replsceth6 o.iginal ECM/PCM, ELD 3P CONNECTOR ICAs4I f_l,I 2l3l- l--- r. &) iGRN/RED) T Wire side of temale terminals ECM/PCM CONNECTOR A I32P) Wire sid6 of female terminals (contd) -13911
PGM-FI System Electrical Load Detestor (ELDI (USA Model) (contdl The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC) Pl298; A high voltage problem in the Electrical Load Detector (ELD) circuit. 97 modsl: ELD 3P CONNECTOR {C35,I Wire sido oI lemale terminals r lzlrl--T_ow /6 IBLKI Y Repail op€n in th. wire b€tws€ntho No. 15 ALTERNATOR SPSENSOR 17.5 A) tuse in theunder-dlrh fuso/r.lay box andth6 ELD.EL {GRN/NEDI PCM CONNECTORS Problam verification:1. Do the PCM Reset Procedure.2. Start the engine.3. Turn on the headlights.Intermittent tailuro, systcm is OK.t this time. Chack for ooor con-noction! or looro wire3 at C127{locaied on PCM brackot), C35{{ELDI and .t tho PCM. Chack for an opan in tho wilellGl linol:1. Turn thg ignition and head-lights OFF.2. Disconnect the ELD 3P connector.3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).4. M6asure voltage b€tw€enbody ground and the ELD 3Pconnoctor terminal No. 1. Chock lol !n open in the wireIGND linel:1. Turn the ignition switch andheadlights OFF.2. Disconnect the ELD 3P conneqor,3. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and the ELD 3Pconnector terminal No. 2. Ropair opon in th6 wi.e betweonth. ELD connector rnd GiO2, lo. an open in th€ wiro (EL line):Check for continuity between theELD 3P connector terminal No. 3and PCM connector terminal 016. Chock for . malfunction in theELD:1. Reconnect the ELD 3P con-neclor,2. Start the engine and allow itto idle.3. While measuring voltagebetween PCM connector terminals 016 and A9. turn theheadlights on (low). ls there continuityT R6pafu op6n in tho wire betweenthe PCM {D161snd th6 ELD. Subltituto . known-good PCMand rachock, f symptom/indic.-tion goes awry, ropl.ce the origi-n.l PCM. Does the voltage drop? Wire side of lemale terminals 11-140 Wire side of lemale terminals
38 - 00 modeb: Problem verification:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Proceoure.2. Stan the engine.3- Turn on the headlights.Intermittent feilure, sysl.m is OKat this time. Check for ooor con-nections or loose wires at C354(ELDI and at the ECM/PCM. ls DTC P1298 indicated? Check lor an open in the wire(lG1 line):1. Turn the ignition and head-lights OFF.2. Disconnect the ELD 3P connector.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4, Measu re voltage betweenbody ground and the ELD 3Pconnector terminal No. 1.Reprir open or short in th6 wirebotweon the No. 15 ALTERNA-TOR SP SENSOR {7.5 Al fuse inthe under-drah fuse/relay boxand the ELD. Check tor an opon in tho wire{GND line}:1. Turn the ignition switch andheadlights OFF.2. Disconnect the ELD 3P connector.3. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and the ELD 3Pconnector terminal No. 2, Repair opon in the wire betweenthe ELD conneclor and GilO2. Ched( fo. an op€n in the wir€ (EL linel:Check for continuity between theELD 3P connector terminal No. 3and ECM/PCM connector termi-nalA30. Repair op€n in tha wile botwecnthe EcM/PCM lA30l .nd rhe ELD. Check for s malfunction in lhe ELD:1. Reconnect the ELD 3P con-nector.2. Start the engine and allow itto idle.3. While measuring voltagebetween ECM/PCM connectorterminals A30 and 820, turnthe headlights on (low). Substiiute a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. It symptom/indication goos away, replacethe original ECM/PCM. ELO 3P CONNECTOR {c35/rl Wire side of female terminals Wire side of female terminals Wire side ot temale terminals ELD 3P CONNECTOR {C35,lt EL IGRN/RED}Wire side of femaletermrnars ECM/PCM CONNECTORS A l32P) 11-141
PGM-FI System Grankshaft Speed Fluctuation (CKF) Sensor fF13361l Tj:l.tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCI P1336: Intermittent interruption inthe Crankshaft Speed: Fluctuation (CKF) sensor circuit. The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1337: No signal in the Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation (CKF) sensor circuit. Description The diagnostic system has a pulser rotor on the crankshaft and a pulse pick-up sensor on the engine block. The ECM/PCM monitors the crankshaft speed fluctuation based on the CKF sensor signal, and judges that an engine misfire occurred if the fluctuation goes beyond a predetermined limit. 37 mod.l: CKF SENSOR 2P CONNECTOR IClO4I T:]l-rr Lll l1 zLlCKF P I lcKF Mtalu/aeot fdJ twxrneor\-7 Terminal side of male terminals (To page 11-113) 11-142 - Tho MIL ha3 been reported on.- DTC P1336 and/or P1337 arestored. Problem verificrtion:1. Do the PCM Reset Procedure.2. Start the engine. Intermittent {ailure, systom is OK.l thia timo. Ch6ck tor poor con-nections or loose wir$ at ClorlICKF sonsorl .nd at tho PCM. Chock tor an opon in th6 CKF .en30r:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the CKF sensor 2Pconnector,3, M easure the resistancebetween the CKF sensor 2Pconnector terminals No. l andNo.2. ls there 1.6-3.2 kO? Check fo. a short in the CKF 3en-sot:Check for continuity betweenbody ground and the CKF sensor2P connector terminals No. 1 andNo.2 individually. CKF SENSOR
{From page 11-142) Chock to. an open in the wires(CKF lin06l:1. Reconnect the CKF sensor 2Pconnector,2. D;sconnect the PCM connec-tor C (31P). 3. Measure resistance betweenPCM connector terminals C1and Cl1. Ropair open in the wire betwoontho PCM lcl, Cl1l and th6 CKF! there 1.6 - 3.2 k0? Chock tor a short in the wires(CKF lino3):Check for continuity betweenbody ground and PCM connectorterminalCl. Rcoair short in thc wire b€tweenthe PCM {Cl I and the CKF .en!o.. Subsiituto r known-good PCMand r6chock. lf symptom/indica-tion goe3 away, roplaco the origi-n.l rcM. PCM CONNECTOR C 13lPI Wire side of lemale terminals CKF P IELU/REDI (contd) 11-143
PGM-FI System Grankshaft Speed Fluetuation (CKFI Sensor (contdl .98 - 00 modols: CKF SENSOR 2P CONNECTOR IClOI r-:-i-_ltr_- |l1 2ll,,-CKF P I ICKF MtsLuneotTOl wlrrneo)\7 Terminal side of male terminals r:l t! El .KFP XA*.talu rneor \:f f rwxvneor ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C (31P) CKF PIBLU/REDI CKF M(WHT/BEOI Wi16 side of l6male terminals 1278__l -lI(o T 161716t9202122 ,/ 2s262728293()3l M - The MIL has boon reported on.- DTC P1336 and/or P1337 arestored. ProblGm verification:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro-cedure,2. Stan the engine. Inte.mittant failuro, 3y*om b OKat thb tima. Chack lor ooor con-nections or looso wirea at C10a{CKF sensorl and.t the ECM/PCM, Chgck forun open in tho CKF son-sori1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the CKF sensor 2Pconnector.3. Measure the resistancebetween the CKF sensor 2Pconnector terminals No. 1 andNo.2. lsthere 1.6 - 3.2 kO? Check for a short in the CKF sen- Check lor continuity betweenbody ground and the CKF sensor2P connector terminals No. 1 andNo.2 individually. Check for an open in the wiresICKF linca):1. Feconnect the CKF sensor 2Pconnector.2. Disconnect ECM/PCM connec-tor C (31P). 3. Measure resistance betweenECM/PCM connector terminals C22 and C31. Repair opon in the wir6 botwoonthe ECM/PCM 1C22, glll lnd th6CKF s6n3or. ls there 1.6 - 3.2 kO? (To page 111451 11-144
(From page 11-144) Check for a shorl in the wires(CKF lines):Check lor continuity betweenbody ground and ECM/PCM connector terminal C22. Repair short in tho wire betweenthe ECM/PCM {C221 and rh. CKFls there continuity? Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. lf svmptom/indication goes away. replacethe original ECM/PCM. ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C (31PI Wire side of female terminals CKF P{BLU/RED) 11-145
PGM-FI System Crankshaft Position/Top Dead Center/Cylinder Position (CKP/TDC/CYP) Sensor The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Center/Cvlinder Position tCKP/TDC/CYP) sensor circuit. P1359:A problem in the Crankshaft Position/Top Dead - The MIL has been reoorted on.- DTC P1359 is stored. Problem verific.tion:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Proce-dure.2. Start the engine. lf the enginewont start, crank it continu-ouslyfor at least 15 seconds. Intermitteni lailure, system is OK.Check for ooor connections orloos€ wires al C121 {distributor}and at the ECM/PCM. ls DTC P1359 indicated? Check for poor connections orloose wires between the distributor and the EcM/PcM. Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM, and recheck. ll symplom/indication goes away, replace theoriginal ECM/PCM. 11-146
ECM/PCM Internal Circuit lFi6oil Th n tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC) P1607: An ECM/PCM Internal Circuit Problem. - The MIL has been reoorted on.- DTC PlmT is slor6d. Problom veritication:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 3, Wait three seconds, ls DTC P1607 indicated? Sub3tiiut€ a known-good ECM/PCM and recheck. lf symptom/indication goes away, replace theoriginal ECM/rcM. 11-147
PGM-FI System HO2S Replacement 1. Disconnect the HO2S 4P connector, and remove the HO2S. PRIMARY H02S: PRIMARY HO2S4P CONNECTOR 02 SENSORWRENCH PRIMARYHO2S44 N.m{4.5 kgt m,33lbf.ftl SECONDARY HO2S: SECONDARY HO2S4,0 N.m (4.5 kg{.ft, 33 lbtftl 2. Install the HO2S in reverse order of removal. 11-148