honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Moa3ura VB SOL Voltago:1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) 2. lreasure the voltage between the D5 and 820 or 822 termi-nats. Chock for blown No. 15 (7.5 Al luse in tho undor-dr.h lusa/lel.Y box. lf tho fulo i! oK, roprir op€n in the wiro betw6on th. D5 tor minal and the und.r_dtahtuao/rohY box. Chock for looto torminrl fit in the PCM connectoJr. ll nocot3a.Y, rubstitut. . known-good PCM and rschock. PCM CONNECTORS a t32Pl B (25P1 c (31P1 D {16P1 Wire side of lemalo terminals 14-95
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control Sotenoid Valve B Possibl€ Cause . Disconnected lock-up control solenoid valve A/8 assembly connector. Short or open in lock-up control solenoid valve B wire. Fauhy lock-up control solenoid valve B. Open in VB SOL wir€ PCM CONNECTORSLC B {GRN/8LKI LG1{BRN/BLK} I-G2{BRN/BLK) Wire side of female terminals A {32P1 To page 14 98 .OBD ll Scan Tool indicatesCode Pl758.. Sell-diagnosis Dl or E indica-tor light blinks twic€. lf the PGM Tester is available,relrieve the A,/T Freeze Data, thenclear the PCM- Test-drive the vehicle under thesame conditions the Freeze Data Interm ittant tailure. The lystem isOK at this time. Check the tii ottho pin3 in all connectors athedby this code. Did the code return? Check for a Short to Pow€r:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the B 125P) and D(16P) con nectors lrom thePCM.3. Turn the ignition switch ON 1ll).4. Measure the voltage betlveenthe D3 and 820 or 822 termi-nals. Repair shon to power in the wirebetween tho D3 terminal and thelook-up control solenoid valve B. Measure Lock-up Control SolanoidValve B Resistanc€:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Measure the resistancebetween the D3 and 820 or822 terminals. ls the resistance 12 - 25 O? To page 14-97
From page 14-96 Check Ior continuity betlveen the B2O terminal and body ground, and between the 822 terminal and body ground. Bepair open in the wirea between the 820 and 822 te.mi- nals and ground (G1011. Check Lock-up Control Solenoid Valve I fo. a Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the lock_u p control solenoid valve A,/B assembly2. Check for continuity betweenthe D3 and 820 or 822 termi nats. short to ground in the wiie between the D3 terminal and the lock-uD control solenoid valve there continuity? Measure Lock-up Control Solenoid valve B Resistance at the solenoid ConnedoMeasure the resistance between the No. 1 terminal of the lock_up control solenoid valve A/B assembly connector and bodYground. Replace the lock_up conirol solenoid valve A/8 a$ the resistance 12 - 25 O? Check for open in the wiro betwoen the D3 terminal and the lock-up control solenoid valve B. PCM CONNECTORS B (25Pt c (31P1 D (16P1 rc1 rBRN/BLKk c$G2 {BRN/BLKI t Wire side ol female terminals L(rcK.UP CONTROL SO1TNOID VALVE A/B ASSEMBLY CONNECTOR LC B IGRN/BLK) (contd) 14-97 A {32P1
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Modelsl Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control Solenoid Valve B (cont,d) From page 14 96 PCM CONNECTORSVB SOL (BLK/YEL} LG1 (BBN/8LKI LG2 (BRN/BLKI Wire side of Iomale terminals Measuro VB SOL Voltago:1. Turn the ignition switch ON llt).2. Measure the voltage betlveenthe D5 and 820 or 822 terminals, Check tor blown No. t5 (7.5 Alfuse in the underdash fu36/.elaybox. lf th6 fuse is OK, ..pair openin the wire betwooo tho D5 t.rmi-nel and thg underdash two/relayItox. ls there battery voltage? Check for loose terminal lit in thePCM connectors. ll n€ces3a.y,substitute a known-good pCM and .€check. A l32P) 14-98
TroubleshootingFfowchart - AIT Gear Position Switch {Short) Possible Cau3e . short in A/T gear position switch wire. Faulty A/T gear pGition switch NOTE: Code 1705 (5) is set when the PCM receives two gear position inputs at the same time, PCM CONNECTORS A (32P1 LGl IBRN/BLK) LG2 (BRN/BLK) Wire side of female terminals O8O ll Scan Tool indicatas Code P1705.. self-diagnGi3 E or El indica tor light blinks five time3 Obs€rve the A/T Goar Position lndicalor:1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 2. Observe the A/T gear Positionindicator, and shift each Position seParatelY. The system is OK at lhis time. Check the wir€ harne3s fot dam age. Does any indicator stay on when the shift lever is not in thatposition? Moasu.e ATP R Voltage:1. Shift to all positions other than E.2. Measure the voltage between the D6 and 820 or 822 termi-nals, Check for short in the wire betwoon thc DS terminal and tho A/T gear position switch or A/Tgear porition indicatol, and check for open in the wires batween the 820 and 822 t6lmi nals and body ground 1G1011. lf wires are OK, check lor loos€ i€r_ minel fit in the PCM connectors. lf necBsarv, substittlle a knowngood PCM and recheck. To page14-100 (contd) 14-99
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Modelsl Troubleshooting Flowchart - A/T Gear position switch (short) (contdl FCM CONNECTORS B t25Plc (31P) Wire side of lemale terminals A t32Pl LGl {BRN/BLK) From page 1 4-99 To page 14-101 Measur. ATP NP Voltago:1. Shift to all positions otherthan E or E.2. Measure the voltage belweenthe 013 and 820 or 822 termi-nats. Check for short in the wir6b.twoen tha Dl3 terminal andthe A/T go.r polition 3witch,and in th6 El and E poiition sig-nal wir.! betwoen the A/T garrpo3ition indicetor and the A/Tgarr position switch. lf wi.6s areOK, check for loole torminal fit intho PCM connccto.s, lf necca-sary, lubstituto a known-goodPCM and rocheck. Mcrsure ATP D4 Vohrg6:1. Shift to all positions otherthan E {98) or El (99 - oo).2. Measure the voltage betweenthe Dg and 820 or 822 termi-nals. Check tor Bhort in the wi..bctw6cn thg Dg torminal and theA/T ge.r position .witch or A/Tgeor poaition indicator. lf wiaaaare OK, lor loose torminalfit in the PICM conn.cto6. lf n€c-e3sary, subgthute r lnown-goodrcM and roch6d(. ATP NP ILT GRNI a t32Pl LGl IERN/BLK} 14-100
From page 14 100PCM CONNECTORS B (2sP)c (31P} t d. , lll;;l;nl, :if D t16P) D {16P1 ATP D3{PNK)LGl (BRN/BLK}LG2IBRN/BLK) Wire side of female terminals B l25Plc (31P1 LGl IBRN/BLKI A (32P1 Measure ATP D3 Vollage l98model):1. Shift to all positions other than E.2, Measure the voltage between the D8 and 820 or 822 termi- nals- Check for shott in the wire belween lh6 08 terminal and the A/T gear posilion switch or A/Tgear position indicator (98) lf wires are OK, check lor loose ter- minal tit in rhe PCM connectors. ff necessary, substitute a known_good PCM and recheck. ls there battery voltage? Mearure ATP 2 voltage:1. Shift to all positions otherthan E.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe D14 and 820 or 822 termi nals. Check for short in the wire between tho D1{ terminal and the A/T gear posilion switch or A/T gear position indicalor. lf wiles are OK, check for loose t€r minal fit in the PCM connectors.It necessarv, substitute a known-good PCM and recheck. To page 14-102 (contd) 14-101
Electrical Troubleshooting (gg - 00 Modelsl Troubleshooting Flowchart - A/T Gear position switch {short) (cont,d) PCM CONNECTORS B t25Ptc t3lPlD {16P1 LGl {BRN/BLK) Wire side of female terminals From page 14 101 Measure ATP 1 Voltag€:1. Shift to all positions otherthan E.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe D15 and 820 ot 822 tetmi-nals. Chock lor short in the wirebetween the D15 terminal andthe A/T gear position switch orA/T gear position indicator. lfwires a.e OK, ch6ck for loos€ t6r-minal fil in tho PCM connectorc.ll neco$ary, substiiute a known-good PCM and rechsck. Chock for loose terminalfit in thePCM connectors. lf nocessary,sub3titut€ s known-good PCMand recheck.The system 3hould be OK at thispoint. lf any indicators stay onwhen the shift lever is not in iheselect€d position, pertorm thistroubleshooting tlowchart again.
Troubleshooting Flowchart - A/T Gear Position Switch (Open) Po$iblg Cause . Dbconnected A/T gear position switch connoctor. Open in A/T gear po3ition switch wiro. Faulty A/T g€ar position switch Wire side of female terminals LGl {SRN/BLK) {contd) P,CM CONNECTORS LGT(BNN/BLKI LG2IBRN/BLK) A {32P)c l31P) ATP NP (LT GRN} . OBD ll Scan Tool indicatesCodo Pl706.. Self-diagnosis Fl or E indica-to. lighl blinks six times. The system is OK.tthis time.Check for oth6r probl€ms suchas harne3s damage. Are any ofthe gear position indicators not working when you shift them? Test the A/T gear position switch(see page 14-139). Measure ATP R Vohago:1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 2. Shitt to E position. 3. Measure ihe voltage betweenthe D6 and 820 ot 822 tetfiinals, Repair open in tho wiro betwoenthe D6 terminal and the A/T gear oosition switch. Measure ATP NP Volt.g€:1. Shift to Elor E position. 2. Measure the voltage betweenthe D13 and 820 or 822 terminals, Repair open in the wiro betweenth€ Dl3 terminal and th€ A/Tgesr posilion awitch. To page 14-104 14-103
Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Model) Troubleshooting Flowchart - A/T Gear Position Switch (Open) (contd) PCM CONNECTORS B {25Ptc (31P| LGl IERN/BLKI Wire side of female terminals LGl {BRN/BLKI LGl {BRN/ELXI From page 14-103 Me.sure ATP D4 Vohrge:1. Shift to E 198) or E (99 - 00) position.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe Dg and 820 or 822 termi-nats. Repair opon in th6 wire betweentho m tarminal and the A/T gealposition swhch. Me..ure ATP 03 Vohage l98modell:1. Shift to E position.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe DB and 820 or 822 tetmi-nals, Repair open in the wire botwoonth6 08 terminal .nd the A/T geatposition switch (381. Measuro ATP 2 Voltage:1. Shilt to E position.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe D14 and 820 or 822 terminats. Repair opon in the wire betweenthe D14 t€.minal end the A,/Tgear po3ition switch, To page 14 105