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honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual

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    of 1395
    From page 14-64
    Check Lock-up Control Sol6noidValve A tor a Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the lock-up control solenoid valve 4!/B assembly.2. Check for continuity betweenthe 85 and A9 or A22 terminals.
    Reprir short to ground in the wire
    between the 85 terrninal and thelock-uD contiol solenoid valve A.
    Measuro Lock-up Control Sole-
    noid Valve A Resistance at the
    solenoid valve Connector:Measure the resistance betweenthe No. 2 terminal of the connec-
    tor and body ground.
    Check for open in the wire
    belwe€n the 85 teiminal and the
    lock-uo control solenoid valve Als the resistance 12 - 25 O?
    Replace the lock-np control sole-noid valve A/B assembly.
    Wire side of female terminals
    A Lc A IYELI(nJY
    Terminal side of male terminals
    Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model)
    Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control Solenoid Valve B
    Possible Causo
    . Disconnocted lock-up controlsol€noid valve A/B assembly
    . Short or op€n in lock-up control3olenoid vrlve B wi.e. Faulty lock-up control solenoidvalve B
    Wire side of female terminals
    . OBO ll Scan Tool indicates CodeP1758.. Self-diagnosis pr- indicator lightblink3 twice.
    Check and record the {reeze datajn case it is needed later for prob,lem verification.
    The system is OK at this time.Verify thet dll connectors in thecircuit are making good contact.
    Did the code return?
    Check tor a Short to Powerl1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the A (32P) and B(25P) connectors from thePCM.3. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll).4. Measure the voltage betweenthe 84 and Ag ot A22 tetminals,
    Repair short to power in tho wirebstween the 84 terminal and thelock-up control rolenoid valve B.
    Measure Lock-up Control Sole-noid Valve B Resistance:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Measure the resistancebetween the 84 and Ag orA22 terminals.
    Check tor loose terminal tit in thePCM connectors, It necessary,subslitute a known-good sole-noid valve assembly o. PCM andrech€ck.
    ls the resistance 12 25 O?
    To page 14-67
    Check Lock-up Control SolenoidValve B lor a Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the lock-up control solenoid valve A/8 assembly.2. Check for continuity betweenthe 84 and A9 or A22 lermi_nals-
    Repair short to ground in the wirebetween the 84 lerminal and the
    lock-up conlrol solenoid valve B.
    Me6aure Lock-up Control Sole_noid Valve B Resistance at the
    Solenoid Valve Connector:Measure the resistance betweenthe No. 1 terminal of the connec-
    tor and body ground.
    Check lor open in the wire
    bctween the 84 terminal and thelock-up control solenoid volva B.ls the resistance 12 - 25 0?
    Replace the lock-up conttol sole-noid valve A/B ass6mbly.
    From page 14 66PCM CONNECTORS
    Wire side of female terminals
    LC B (GRN/BLK)
    Electrical Troubleshooting {97 Model}
    Troubfeshooting Flowchart- AIT Gear Position Switch (Short)
    Po$ible Cause
     Short in A/T gear position switch
    . Faulty A/T gear position switch
    NOTE: Code P1705 (5) is caused whenthe PCM receives two gear positionanputs at the same time.
    . OBO ll Scan Tool indicat€s CodeP1705. Selt-diagnosis p1- indicator tightblinb Iive times.
    Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed later for prob-lem verification.
    Observe the A/T G€ar Po3itionIndicator:1. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).2. Observe the A./T gear positionindicator, and shilt to eachposition separately.
    Does any indicator stay onwhen the shift lever is not inthat position?
    The system is OK .t this time.Ch6ck ihe wii6 harness for dam-490,
    Do allgear position indicatorsgo out?
    Measure ATP R Voltago:1. Shitt to all positions other thantr.2. lMeasure the voltage betweenthe 816 and Ag or A22 termi-nals.Check tor 3hort in the wirebetwaen the 816torminal and thoA/T gear pGilion switch or A/Tgsar posiiion indicator. ff wire isOK, check for 10036 torminal flt inlhe PICM connectoB. It necessary,substitute a known-9ood PCMand recheck.
    Measure ATP NP Voltage:1. Shift to all positions other thanNorE.2. Measure the vohage betweenlhe 825 and Ag or A22 termi-nals.Chock for ahort in the wirebetw€en tho 825 torminal end theA/T 96.r pGition indicstor, or asho.t in tha wiro! b€tween theA/T gear po3ition indicator andthe A/T g€ar position lwitch. lfwircs ar€ OK, ch6ck for loos€ ter-minal fit in the PCM connectors. Itnece3sary, substitute a known-good PCM and recheck.
    ls there battery vohage?
    Wire side of female terminals
    To page 14-69
    From page 14-68
    Measure ATP D4 Voltage:1. Shift to all positions other than
    Eil2. [/leasure the voltage betweenthe 824 and Ag or A22 termi-nals.Check tor short in the wire
    between the 824 terminal and theA/T geai position indicator. or a
    3hort in the wir6s between theA/T gear position indicttor and
    the A/T gear position switch. lf
    wires are OK, check lor loose terminal fit in the PCM conneclo.s. lf
    necessary, substitute a knowngood PrCM and recheck.
    ls there approx. 5 V?
    M€asure ATP D3 Voltage:L Shift to all positions other than
    tr.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe 88 and A9 or A22 terminats.
    Check for short in the wi.ebetween the 88 torminal and the
    A/T gear position switch or A/Tgear position indicator. lf wire i3
    OK, check lor loose terminaltit in
    the PCM connectors. lf neces-
    sarY, 3ubslitute a knowngoodPCM and recheck.
    ls there baftery voltage?
    Measur€ ATP 2 Vohage:1. Shift to all positions other thanl;
    2. Measure the voltage betweenthe 817 and Ag or A22 terminals.
    Check for short in the wire
    bstwe€n the 817 terminal and the
    A/T gear posilion switch or A/Tgear position indicator. lf wire is
    OK, check lor loose terminal fit in
    th6 PCM conn€ctoF. lf nec€ssaty,substitute a known-good PCMand recheck.
    Mersure ATP 1 Volt.ge:1. Shift to all positions other than
    El.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe 818 terminal and A9 orA22 terminals.
    Check lor short in the wire
    betw.en the 818 torminal and
    the A/T gear position switch or
    A/T gear position indicator. lI
    wiro is OK. check for loose termi-nal fii in the PCM connectorc. lf
    necessary. substitute a knowngood PCM and recheck.
    ls there battery voltage?
    Check for loose terminalfit in thePCM connectors, lf neces3aty,substitute e known-good PCMend rocheck.
    Wire side of female terminals
    Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model)
    Troubleshooting Flowchart - A/T Gear position Switch (Openl
    Po$iblo C.u3e
    . Disconnected A/T gear positionswitch connectol. Open in A/T goar position switch
    . Faulty A/T goar position switch
    Wire side ot temale terminals
    . OBD ll Scan Tool indicat6 CodeP1706.. Setf-diagnGb Dl indicator tightblinks six tim$.
    Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed later for prob-lem verilication.
    Test the A,/T gear position switch{see page 14139).
    Measu.e ATP R Voltage:1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).2. Shift to E position.3. Measure the voltage betweenthe 816 and Ag or A22 termi-nals.
    Repeir op€n in the wire botweenthe 816t€rminaland the A/T g€.rpo3ition switch.
    Measure ATP NP Voltage:1. Shift to E or E position.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe 825 and A9 or A22 termi-na ls,
    Repai. open in th6 wir6 bctwoanthe 825 terminal and tho A/T gearpolition indicltor or tho A/T gea.Doshion swhch.
    Moasure ATP 04 Voltage:1. Shift to E position.2. Measure the voltage betweenthe 824 and A9 or A22 termi-nars,
    Ropai. opcn in tho wiro betwoenthe B24 torminal .nd the A/T gcarDosition switch.
    To page 14-71
    From page 14-70
    Measure ATP D3 Vohag€:1. Shift to E position.
    2. Nleasure the voltage betweenthe 88 and Ag or A22 terminals,
    Repair open in the wirg bstween
    the 88 tolminal and tho A/l gear
    oo3ition 3witch.
    Msasure ATP2 Volttg6:1. Shiftto E position.
    2. Measure the voltage between
    the 817 and A9 or A22 terminals.
    Repair open in lhe wire between
    the 817 terminal and tho A/Tgear position switch.
    Moasure ATP1 Voltage:1. Shift to A position.
    2. Measure the voltage betweenthe 818 and Ag or A22 termi-nats,
    R€pair opon in the wiro betweenthe 818 terminll and the A/Tgoar poshion switch.
    Check tor looso terminal fit in thePCM connectors. lf necossarY,substitute a known-good PCM
    and rechock.
    Wire side of female terminals
    Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model)
    Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control Solenoid Valve A
    . Disconnected shift control solenoidvalve A/8 a$embly connector. Short or open in shift control sole-noid valve A wire
    Possible Causo
    shift control solenoid valve A
    lf the Honda PGMTester is available:
    Wire side of female termin6ls
    . OBD ll Scan Tool indicates CodeP0753.. Self-diagnosk E indicator lightblinks seven tim€s.
    Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed later for problem verification.
    Perform the shift control solenoidvalve A test using the HondaPGM Tester.
    The sol€noid is OK at this time.Verify that all connectors in thecircuit are making good contact.
    Did the solenoid pass the test?
    Check tor a Short to Power:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the A (32P) and B(2 5P) connectors from thePCM.3. Turn the ignition switch ON lll).4. Measure the voltage betweenthe 83 and Ag or A22 terminals.
    Repair short to power in the wirebetween the 83 terminal and theshift control solenoid valve A.
    Measure Shift Control SolenoidValve A Resistanco:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2, Measure the resistancebetween the 83 and A9 or A22termrnals,
    Check tor loose terminal tit in thePCM connectors, lf necessaay,subslituie e known-good sole-noid valve assemblv or PCM andrech€ck.
    ls the resistance 12 25 {)?
    To page l4-73
    From page 14-72
    Check Shift Con ol SolenoidValve A for a Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the shift control solenoidvalve AyB assembly.2. Check for continuity betweenthe 83 and A9 orA22terminals.
    Repai. short to ground in the wirebelw€en th6 83 terminal and theshift cont.ol solenoid valve A.
    Measure Shift Control SolenoidValv6 A Resistance at the SolenoidValve Connector:Measure the resistance betweenthe No. 1 terminal of the connector and body ground.
    Check lor ooen in the wirebetween the 83 terminal and theshift control sol€noid valve A.ls the resistance 12 - 25 0?
    Replace the shift control solenoidvalve A/B assemblv.
    Wire side of female terminals
    Terminal side of male terminals
    Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model)
    Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control Solenoid Valve B
    Po33ibla Crusa
    . Disconnec{ed shift cont.ol solenoidvalve A/B dssombly connector. Short or open in shift conlrol sole-noid valvg B wire Faultv shift comrol 3olenoid valvo B
    lf the Honda PGMT€ster is available:
    Wire side ot female terminals
    . OBO ll Scan Toot indicrt8 CodoP0758.. Setf-diagnGis E indicator lightblinks oight tim93.
    Check and r€cord the lreere datain case it is needed later for prob
    lem verilication.
    Test solenoid valve B with theHonda PGM Tester in the FLrnction test mode.
    The 3olonoid is OK at this time.Verifv that all connoctors in thecircuit are making good contlct.Did the solenoid Dass the test?
    Chock tor a Sho.t to Power:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the A (32P) and B{25P) connectors Irom the PCM.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).
    4. Measuro the voltage botveenthe 811 and Ag or A22 termi-nats.
    R.p.ir 3hort to power in the wirebotwo€n the 811 iormin.l andtho shift control sol.noid valve B.
    M.6sure Shift Control SolonoidValve B Reaistanco:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Measure the r€sistancebetween the 811 and A9 orA22 terminals.
    Checl lor loosc terminal fil in thePCM connactors. It nocessarv,substitute a known-good aole-noid vllvo asssmbly or PCM andr6chsck,
    ls the resistance 12 - 25 O?
    To page 14-75
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