honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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(From page 11-128) lntormittent misfire due lo sparkplug fouling, etc. (no mislire at this tim€). ls DTC P0301, P0302, P0303,or P0304 indicated? ooes the misfire occur in theother cylinder?Replace the faulty spark Plug. Check lor fuel iniector maltunc- t|on:1. Exchange the fuel injectorfrom the problem cylinderwith one from another cylin-der.2. Let the engine idle for two min utes.3. Testdrive the vehicle severaltimes in the range of the freezedata, lntermittent misfiro due lo bad contrct in the fuel iniector con-nector {no misfire at this time). ls DTC P0301, P0302, P0303,or P0304 indicated? Does the misfire occur in theother cylinder?Replace lhe faulty luel inlector. Check following items- Valvo clearance- Cvlinder l€ak-down- Compression- Crsnkshaft Speed FluctuationICKF) sensol NOTE: lf there is no freeze data of misfiring, test drives under various condi_ tions are necessary. 11-129
PGM-FI System Knock Sensor {KSl (99 - 00 models) The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Troublo Code (DTC) P0325: A malfunction in the circuit ofthe Knock Sensor (KS). ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C 131P} Wire side of female terminals KS 1P CONNECTOR IC13? KSIRED/BLU) KS(BED/BLU) Wire side ol femaletermtnals ECM/PCM CONNECTORc (31P) - The MIL has been rooorted on.- DTC m325 is storod. Problem verification:1. Do the ECM/PCir, Reset Procedure,2. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator tan comes on,then let it idle.3. Hold the engine at 3,000 - 4,000 rpm for at least 60 sec-onds, Intermittent lailu.e, 3ystom is OKat thi3 tim. (te3t drive m.y benacalLrYr.Chock to. poor connsctions olloora wiros rt C137 lknock aon-.o. (KS)) and ar the ECM/FCM. Ch€ck tor a short in the wir6 {KSlinel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2, Disconnect the knock sensorlP connector.3. Check lor continuity betweenECM/PCM connector terminals C3 and body ground. Replil rhort in the n irg b6{wocntho ECM/PCM lc:ll and the knocks€ngr1. Check fo..n open in the wire{KS line):Check for continuity betweenECM/PCM connector terminal C3and knock sensor connector ter,minal No. 1. B.pair opon in the wirc lrotweenlho ECM/PCM lctl and thc knockacnsor. ls there cont;nuity? Substitute a known-good knocksensor and recheck. ls DTC P0325 indicated?Bcpl.ce the original knock 3€nsor, Substituto a known-good ECM/PCM and .echeck. lf 3ymptom/indication goes away, replacethe original ECM/PCM. NOTE: Torque the knock s6nsor to31 N.m (3.2 kgl.m, 23 lbf.ft). 1 1-130 Wire side ot female terminals
tro-rsl 1Tffi61 tF136t fPfa6r-1 tF138tl I-Pi382l Crankshaft Position/Top Dead Genter/Gylinder Position (CKP/TDC/CYPI Sensor The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0335; A malfunction in the Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor circuit, The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0336: A range/performance problem in the Crankshaft Position {CKP) sensor circuit. The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC) P1361: Intermittent interruption in the Top Dead Center (TDC) sensor circuit. The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1362: No signal in the Top Dead Center (TDC) sensor ci.cuit. The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1381: Intermittent interruption in the Cylinder Position (CYP) sensor circuit. The scan toot indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC) P1382: No signal in the Cylinder Position (CYP} sensor circuit. Description The CKP Sensor determines timing for fuel injection and ignition of each cylinder and also detects engine speed. The TDC Sensor determines ignition timing at start-up {cranking) and when crank angle is abnormal. The CYP Sensor detects the position of No. t cylinder for sequential fuel injection to each cylinder. The CKP/TDC/CYP Sensor is built into the distribu- ror. NOTE: lf DTC P1359 is stored atthesametimeas DTC P0335, P0336, Pl361, P1362, P1381 and/or P1382, troubleshoot DTC P1359 first, then troubleshoot those DTCS. DISTRIBUTOR lOPCoNNECTOR (Cl211 TDCP IGRNI Terminal side ofmale terminalsTIrcM IREOI 97 model: - The MIL has be€n reported on.- DTC P0335, P0336, P1361,P1362, Pl341 and/oi P1382 arestored. Problem verific.tion:1. Do the PCM Reset Procedure.2. Start the engine. Intermittent lailure, 3yd6m i3 OKat thb tims. Chcck tor poor con-nections ol looso wire3 si C12l ldistributor) .nd .t the PCM. ls DTC P0335, P0336, P1361, P1362,P1381 and/or P1382 indicated? for an open in tho CKP/TDC/CYP sensor:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the distributor 10Pconnector.3. Measure resistance betweenthe terminals of the indicatedsensor (see table). Replace tho distributor ignitionhousing {sea 3ection there 350 - 700 o? (To page 11-132) CYPP IYELI CYPM (BLKI SENSOEDTCSENSOBPCMERMINAIWIRECOLOR CKPP0335P0336 lc28LU 8c12 TDCP1361P1352 2GRN 9c13RED CYPPI381P1342 3c4YELt0c14BLK {contd) 11-131
PGM-FI System Grankshaft Position/Top Dead Center/Cylinder Position (CKP/TDC/CYPI Sensor (contd) DISTRIBUTOR10P CONNECTOR tCl2l)CKP P IBLUITDC P {GRNI PCM CONNECTORS C I31P) CKP P TDC P CYP PIBLU) IGRNI IYEL} Terminal side ofmale terminals IREDI IBLK) Wire side offemale terminals {WHT) {From page 11-131) Check for a short in the CKP/TDC/CYP sensor:Check for continuity to bodyground on both terminals of theindicated sensor individually (see table on page 1l 131). R€plac€ the distributor ignitionhousing {see section 4}.ls there continuity? Ch€ck fo. an open in the wires{CKP/TDC/CYP lines):1. Reconnect the distributor 10Pconnector.2. Disconnect PCM connector C(31P). 3. Measure resistance betweenthe terminals of the indicatedsensor on the PCM connectorlseetable on page 1l 131). Repair open in the indicated sen-sor wires {se6 table on page 11-131).ls there 350 - 700 0? Check tor a short in the wires{CKP/TDC/CYP linesllCheck for continuity betweenbody ground and PCM connectorterminals C2, C3 and/or C4 individ- R€Dair short in the indicatod sen-sor wires lsee table on page there continuity? Substitute a known-good PCM,and recheck. lf symptom/indica-tion goes away, r€place lhe origi-nal PCM. CKP P TDC P CYP P
TDCP (GRN) CYPP (YEL} TDCM (REDI 98 - 00 models: 98 model:DISTRIBUTOR 1OPCoNNECTOR (C121) CYPM IBLKI Terminal side of male terminals 99 - 00 modelr:DISTRIBUTOR 8PcoNNECTOR {C121) TDC M (RED} Terminal side of male terminals CKP P {BLU) 98 modeliTDC P {GRNI CKP MIWHT) TOC P IGRNI CYP P(YEL) (RED) CYP M(BLKI M female terminals(contd) 1 1-133 TDC P (GNN} CYP P IYEL} CYP M IBLKI SENSORDTCSENSORERMINAT):99 mode ECM/PCMIERMINAIWIRECOLOR CKPP0335P0336 1 t2)c8BLU 8 (6)c9 TDCP1361Pl362 2 (3)c20GBN 9 (7)c21RED CYPP]381P]382 3 (4)c29YEL 10 {8)c30BLK ECM/PCM CONNECTOFS C {31P) The MIL ha3 been reoorted on.DTC P0335. P0336, P1361,P1362. P1381 andlor P13V arestor€d, Problem verification:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Procedure.2. Start the engine.Intermittant tailure, svstom is OKat this time. Check for poor con-nections or loose wirgs al C121{distributo.l .nd at the ECM/PCM. ls DTC P0$5, m$6, Pl361, P1362,P1381 and/or Pl382 indicated? Check for an open in th6 CKP/TDC/CYP sensor:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the distributor 10P(8P)* connector.3, Measure resistance betweenthe terminals of the indicatedsensor {see table). Rephce the distributor ignitionhouaing l3e9 3oction 4).ls there 350 700 0? Check for a short in the CKP/TDC/CYP s€nsor:Check for continuity to bodyground on both terminals of theindicated sensor individually (see table). Replaco tho distributor ignitionhousing lsee soction tll. Check for an op€n in th6 wiresICKP/TDC/CYP linesl:1. Reconnect the distributor 10P(8P)* connector.2. Disconnect ECM/PCM connec-tor C (31P). 3. Measure resistance betweenthe terminals of the indicatedsensor on the ECM/PCM connector (see table). Repair open in the indicated sen-sor wires lsee t.ble).ls there 350 700 O? (To page 11-134) :99 - 00 models
PGM-FI System Grankshaft Position/Top Dead Center/Cylinder Position (CKP/TDC/CYPI Sensor {contd} (From page 11 133) ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C {3IPI Wire side of female terminals Chock lor r 3hon in tho wirerICKP/TDC/CYP lin6):Check for continuity betweenbody ground and ECM/PCM con-nector terminals C8, C20 and/orC29 individually. lhort in ths indicated son-aor wiroa 136o table on prge 11-133). Substituto r known-good ECM/PCM, and .6chock. tf 3ymptom/indication goe3 swey, replrcetho original ECM/PCM. 11-134
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSSI lPosoo-]-. |posol l- 97 modol: The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code {DTC} P0500*or P0501*r: A range/perfor- mance in the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) circuit. * I ; A/T*2i Mfi FCM CONNECTORS A t32Pl LG1(BRN/BLK) NOTE: Do not use the engine to turn thofront wheels with th6 rear wheels on theground. The 4WD system will engage andthe vehicle will suddenlv Iurch forward. Wire side ot female terminals LGl {BRN/BLKI (contd) 11-135 The MIL hes boen roported on.DTC m501 is 3tor€d. Problom verificetion:1. Testdrive the vohicle.2. Check the vehicle speed withthe scan tool, lntormittent tailure, rystom b OKat thia timo. Chock tor poor con-nection3 or 10o3o wires rt C129lvss) .nd rr rhe Pcfr4, ls the correct speed indicated? Chock for an open in tho PiCM:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Block the rear wheels and setthe parking brake.3. Jack up the lront of the vehicleand support it with saletystands.4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 5. Elock the right front wheel andslowly rotate the left trontwheel by hand.6. Measure voltage betweenPCM connector terminals C18and A9. Substitulc a known-good PCMand .och6ck. It symptom/indicd.tion go.a away, .cplaco tho origi-nel FCM. Doesthe voltage pulse 0 Vand 5 V or battery voltage? Check for a .hort in the PCM:L Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the PCM connector C (31P). 3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Elock the right front wheeland slowly rotate the left front 5. Measure vohage between PCMconnector terminals C18 andA9. Substituto e known-good PCMand rochock. f rymptom/indica-tion goos rwry, roplsc. tho origi-nalFCM. Doesthe voltage pulse 0 Vand 5 V or battery voltage? - Repair short in the wirebetween the PCM lC18l,cruise control unit, speodo-meter, and VSS,- Repair opon in the wirebetween the PCM {C181 .ndrhe vss.- f wire is OK. tost lho VSS l3oosoction 231.
PGM-FI System Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSSI {contd} 98 - 00 models: ECM/PCM CONNECTORS B t25Pl NOTE (4WD): Do not use the engine to turnthe front wheels with the rear wheels on theground. The 4WD system will engage andthe vehicle will suddenly lurch forward. Wire side of female terminals - The MIL ha3 been reDoned on.- DTC P0500 or P0501*1 i33torod. Probl6m verification:1. Test-drive the vehicle.2. Check the vehicle speed withthe scan tool, Intermittont failu.e, svstem is OKat thk time. Check for poor con-nection! or loose wiros at C129lvss) .nd ar the EcM/PcM. ls the correct speed indicated? Check for rn open in the ECM/PCM:l Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Elock the rear wheels and setthe parking brake.3. Jack up the front oI the vehicleand support it with satetystands.4. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll}.5. Block the right front whoel andslowly rotate the lett front 6. Measure voltage betweenECM/PCM connector termi-nals 820 and C23. Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM and rochock. ll symptom/indicetion 9063 away, .oplace th€origin.l ECM/PCM. Does the voltage pulse between0 V and 5 V or battery voltage? Check for a short in the ECM/PCMI1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect ECM/PCM connector C 131P).3. Turn the ignition swilch ON {ll).4. Block the right front wheeland slowly rotate the left front 5. Moasure voltage between ECM/PCM connector terminals 820and C23. Sub.titute a known-good ECM/PCM and rschock. It rymptom/indication goos .w.y. replecerhe original ECM/PCM. Does the voltage pulse betlveen0 V and 5 V or battery voltage? - R.pair short in the wirobetwe€n the ECM/PCM lC23).nd tho VSS.- Roprir open in th6 wirebotweon the ECM/PCM lc23land th6 vss.- It wirc is OK, te3t ihe VSS(!€e soetion 23). B (25P) 1 *2:Mft 1-136
Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1106: A range/performsnce problem in the Barometric Pressure {BARO) Sensor circuit. The MIL has been reDorted on.OTC Pl106 b slored. Problem ve.ification:1. Oo the ECM/PCM reset pro ceoure.2. Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (;n Park or neutral) untilthe radiator lan comes on, thenlet it idle.3. Connect the SCS service con-nector,4. Testdrive with the A/T in Eposition, M/T in 4th gear. 5. Accelerate Ior five secondsusing wide open throttle. Intermittent fsilure, sy3tom i5 OKat this DTC P1106 indicated? Substitute a known-good ECM/PCM .nd recheck. It symptom/indication goes away, replace theorigioal ECM/PCM. fTiloz l tP11o8l The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1107: A low The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Pl108: A circuit. voltage problem in the Baro sensor circuit. high voltage problem in the Baro sensor - The MIL h.3 b€en roport€d on.- OTC Pl10? or Pl108 i3 stored. Problom veritic.lion:L Do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro-cedure.2. Turn the ignition switch ON (lli. Intarmittoni failure, lystom b OKat thb DTC P1107 or P1108 indicated? Sub3tituto a known-good ECM/PCM and rcch6ck. ll symptom/indication 9oo3 away. .oplacorho o.igin.l ECM/PCM.
PGM-FI System Elestrical Load Detector (ELDI (USA Modell The scan tool indic€tes Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P1297: A low voltage problem in the Electrical Load Detector (ELD) circuit. 97 model: ELD 3P CONNECTOR {C354I --+-l1L2l3l ler- O) tcnrulaeot Y Wire side ot female terminals PCM CONNECTOR D I16P) Wire side of female terminals Problem vsriticltion:1. Do the PCM Feset Procedure.2. Start the engine.3. Turn on the headlights. Intormittent lailuic, 3vstom k OKat thk time. tor poor con-nections or loose wiro3 at C127(loc.ted on PCM b.sckot), C354{ELO, .nd at tho FCM. ls DTC P1297 indicated? for 3hort in lho ELD:Measure voltage between bodyground and the ELD 3P connectorterminal No.3. ls there approx. 4.5 V? Check for a short in tho wire IELlinel:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect PCM connector D(16P). 3. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and PCM connector terminal D16. Rcpair 3hort in tho $rire botwo€nthe PcM lDl6l and tho ELD. Substituto a known-good PCMand rocheck. lf 3ymptom/indic.-tion goos !w!y, repl.ce the origi-nal PCM. 1 1-138