honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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A {32P} From page 14-114 Check Mainshaft Speed Sensorfor a Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the D (16P) con-nector trom the PCM.2- Ch€ck tor continuity betweenbody ground and the D11 ter-minal and Dl2 terminal individually. ReDair short in tho wiros botwe€nth€ Dl1 and D12 torminal3.ndtho main3haft 3Doed aonlor. Moasure Mainshaft Sp6€d SonsorRosi3tancei1. Connect the mainshaft speedsensor conn6ctor.2. Measure the resistancebetween the Dl1 and D12 ter-mrnals, Run the Eloctric€l TroubldhootingFlowdrrrt for co& F0720 (codo 91.Chock lor loo3o torminrl fit in thePCM connectors. It necos3ary,substitute r known-good PCMand r€ch€ck. ls the resistance 400 - 600 0? Chock NM Wire Continuity:1. Disconnect the 2P connectortrom the m6inshaft speed sen- 2. Check for continuity betweenthe D11 terminal and the No. 2terminal of the mainshaftspeeo sensor connector, Rcpair opon in tho wire betw.enth6 Dll tarminal and the main-shaft lpood sonsor. To page14-116 PCM CONNECTORS c t3lPl wire side ol female terminals B l25Pt D t16PtNMSG-lTZ lit4l Fl l1til FTil ,l unrv v v v v l.t1lLtLt?!/]|,1tut larrlrllllpr=rtavtq tptntat EElt [1!]t! pl NM (RCD| (O) (o)Y Y= c {31P1--_|--1\‰1,/ s/1 st/v,1zzfififinffiiFrF/l,6t FFF| LrLrEllNM {REDI MAINSHAFT SPEEOSENSOR CONNECTOR Wire side of temale terminals (contd) 14-115

Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Mainshaft Speed Sensor (contd) PCM CONNECTORS MAINSHAFT SPEEDSENSOR CONNECTOR Wire side of female terminals From page 14 115 Ch6ck NMSG Wire Continuitv:Chock for continuity between theDl2 terminal and the No. 1 termi-nal of the mainshaft speed sen-sor conn€ctot. Ropai. op€n in the wi.e hn eonthe D12 terminal and the main-shaft sDeed lensor, ls there continuity? Check for looso terminal fit in thePCM connoctorc. lf necessary,substitute a known-good PCMand aech6ck. 14-116

Po$ible Cau3e Disconnectsd linoar solenoid conneclol. Short or open in linear solenoid wire. Faulty linear 3olenoid. Open in VB SOL wire. Open in PGI and PG2 wires or poot g.ound {G101). . OBD ll Scan Tool indic{t.. CodsP1768.. selt-diagnosis El or E indica-tor light indicrt.. Codo 16. lf the PGM Tester is available.retrieve the A/T Freeze Data, thenclear the PCM. Test drive the vehicle under thesame conditions the Freeze Data Inlermittont tailure, The 3yrtomis OK at thb time. Check the tit otlhe oins in all connectoE affoctodby this code. Did the code return? Meaaure Linear Solenoid R€sis-tanc€ at the Solenoid Connector:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the linear solenoid-2. Measure linear solenoid resis-tance at the solenoid connector. ls the resistance about 5 O? Chock Lino.r Sol.noid to. aShort Circuh:1. Disconnect the B (25P) con-nector lrom the PCM.2. Check tor continuity betweenbody ground and the 88 ter-minal and the 817 terminalindividually. Repair 3ho to ground in thewires belween the 88 rnd B17terminals and tho linaar there continuity? A l32PtB {2sP) LSP (REDI To page 14-118 SOLENOID COiINECTOR t-rtt (9l tt LINEAR Terminal side ol male terminals wire side oI temale terminals (contd) 14-117

ElectricalTroubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchaft - Linear Solenoid (contdl Wire side of female terminals LG2 {BRN/BLKI From page 14-117 Measure Linea. Solenoid Resis-tance:1. Connect the linear solenoidconnector,2. Measure the resistancebetween the 88 and 817 termrnals, Repair loose torminal oi open inthe wires between rhe 88 and817 terminals and the linearsolenoid. ls the resistance about 5 O? Measure VB SOL Voltago:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the D 116P) con-nector trom the PCM.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).4. Measure the voltage betweenthe D5 and 920 ot B22 tetmi-nals. Check for blown No. 15 17.5 Alfuse in the under-da3h tus€/relaybox. lI the fuse is OK, openin the wire betwe€n the D5 ter-minal and th€ under-dash tuso/relav box. ls there baftery voltsge? Check LG Wire for.n OpenCircuit:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Check for continuity betweenthe 820 terminal and bodyground, and between the 822terminal and body ground. Repair op6n in the wirosbetwe€n the 820 and 822 termi-nals and body ground, and repairpoor g.ound iG101). ls there continuity? Chack tor loose terminel fit in thePCM connecto13. It nocosaary,substitute a known-good PCM.nd recheck, a t32Plc t3lPl LSP (REO) a l32Pl A (32P1 LGl IBRN/BLK} B l2sP)c 13lPlD l16P) 14-118

Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control System Possible Caus6 Faulty lock-up control system . OBD ll Scan Tool indicatesCode P07,10.. selt-diagnGis El or E indica-tor light indicates Code 40. lf the PGM Tester is available,retrieve the A/T Freeze Data, thenclear the PCM. Test-drive the vehicle under thesame conditions the Freeze Data lntermittent failur6. The systemis OK at this time, Check the filol the pins in all connectorsaffected bv lhis code. Did the code return? Check for Another Codc:Check whether the OBD ll scan toolor rhe E or E]indicator light indicates anothercode, Perform tho TroubleshootingFlowchart for lh6 indicatedCodolll. Rechock tor code P0740(,lO) aft er troubleshooting. Does the OBD ll scan toolor the @ or E indicatorlight indicate another code? Test Lin€ Pres3uro:Measure the line pressure (see page 14161 and 14-162i. Repair th6 hyd.aulic system asnecessary {see page 14-161 and14-152). ls the line pressure withinthe service limit? To page 14-120 NOTE: Do not continue this trou-bleshooting until the causes of anyother DTCS have been corrected. (contd) 14-119

Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Models) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control System (contd) From page 14-119 Replace the Lock-up ControlSolenoid Valve A/B Assomblyand Recheck:1. Replace the lock-up controlsolenoid valve A,/B assembly(see page 14-!35).2. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reset the PCM memory byremoving the BACK UP (7.5 A)fuse in the undeFdash fuse/relay box for more than 10seconds.3. Using the scan tool, check tobe sure that the engine coolanttemperature is 176F {80C) orabove.4. Drive the vehicle at 55 mph(88 km/h) constantly tor morethan one minute.5. Recheck {or code P0740 (40i. Does the OBD ll scan tool indicatecode P0740 or does the [9i] or Eindicator light indicate code 40?The system is OK at this time. 14-120

Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control System Possible Cause Faultv shift control sYstem NOTE: Do not continue thas trou bleshooting until the causes of any other DTCS have been corrected. (contd) 14-121 . OBD ll Scan Tool indicates Code P0730.. Self-diagnosis Jir or E indica- tor light indicates Code 41. lf the PGM Tester is available, retrieve the AJ.I Freeze Data, then clear the PCM. Test-drive the vehicle under the same conditions the Freeze Data lntermittent failure. The system is OK at this time. Ch€ck the fit of the pins in all connectors atfected by this code. Did the code return? Check for Another Code: Check whether the OBD ll scan tool or the l-Drl or E] indicator light indicates another code. Perlorm the TroubleshootingFlowchart for the indicaled Codets). Recheck for code P0730 {411 6ft6r troubleshooting. Does the OBD ll scan tool or the Da or E indicatorlighl indicate another code? Measure Each Clutch Pressure: Measure the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th clutch Pressure (see Page 14 161 thru 14163). Repair the hydraulic sYstem as necessary (se€ page 14-162 and 14-163). ls eac h clutch Pressurewithin the service limit? To page 14-122

Electrical Troubleshooting {gB - 00 Models} Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control System (cont,d) From page 14 121 Replace Shilt Cont.ol SolenoidValve A$ambly and Recheck:1. Replace the shift controlsolenoid valve A/B assembly(see page 14-136) and the lin,ear solenoid assembly (seepage 14138).2. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reset the PCM memory byremoving the BACK UP (7.5 A)tuse in the !nder-hood luse/relay box for more than 10seconos.3. Drive the vehicle at over 12 mph (20 km,/ti) in lst,2nd,3rd,and 4th gear tor more than 30seconds in E position.4. Recheck for code P0730 (41). Does the OBD ll scan toolindicate code P0730 or doesthe E orE indicator lightindicate code 41? Tho system is OK .l this tim€.

Troubleshooting Flowchart - Df or @ Indicator Light Does Not Come On PCM CONNECTORS B t2sPl c (31D (16P) l*f4tr 8- f - -- -6 3 rol ,: irr t lrpri$fe?0?r/a)1 e oI 13 11/ / l//|rrr I , ltelx ?r2? r,/i-T_LG1 {8RN/BI-KI I LG2 (BRN/BL()I @@I++ Wire side of lemale terminals (contd) 14-123 The E or El indicator light doe3not cofie on when the ignitaon switch is first turned ON {ll). {ltshould como on for about two s.cond3 and ihen go out.l Check ths Service Check Con- neclor:Make sure the special tool (SCS Service Connector) is not connected to the service check connector. Disconnecl the special lool lromtha service check connoctor andrecheck. ls the special tool (SCS ServiceConnector) connected to the ser_vice check connector? check the E or E Indicator Ught:Shift to E or E position. Check for loo3e t6lminal tit in thePCM connectors. lf necessary.substitute a known-good PCMand recheck. Does the E or P indica-tor light come on? Check the Gtound Circuil:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the B (25P) con-nector from the PCM.3. Check for continuitY betweenthe 820 terminal and bodyground, and between the 822 terminal and body ground. Repair open in the wires betweenthe 820 and 822 terminals andground {G1011, and r€Pair Poorground (G101). ls there continuity? Measure Power Supply CircuitVoltage:1. Turn the ignition switch ON 1ll).2. Measure the voltage betweenterminals B1 and 822 andbetween terminals Bg and 820. Repair open or short in tho wi.ebetween the 81 and/or Bg tormi-nals and the PGM-FI main r€lay,.nd between tho PGM-FI mainrelay and the under-hood tuse/relay box. ls there battery voltage? A l32Plc (31P) c (31P) YES To page 14-124

Electrical Troubleshooting (98 - 00 Modelsl Troubleshooting Flowchart - E or @ Indicator Light Does Not come on(contd) PCM CONNECTORS B {25P} C (3D (16P1 n f,-ff nt f,Fjrti.trnnmflnr D4 INO or D IND IGRN/BLKI From page 14-123 Measure D4IND or D Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Connect the B (25Plconnector to the PCM.3. Connect a djgital multimeterto the A14 and 820 or B22 terminals,4. Turn the ignition switch ON(ll), and make sure that voltageis available for two seconds. Check lor open in the wireb€tween the Al/t terminal .nd thegeugo a$eftbly. lf wi.a is OK.check tor a fautty E or E indica-tor light bulb or a faulty gaugeass€mbly p.inted circuit board. Check D4 IND or D IND for aShort CircuitiCheck for continuity between theA14 terminal and body ground. Ropair short in tha wiro b€twesnthe A14 termin.l and th€ gaugo.ssemblv. Check tor looso telminal tit in thePCM connoctors. Chock the A/Tgear position swiich. It neces-3ary, substitute a known-goodPCM and rech€ck. c (31P) LG2 (BRN/BLKI Wire side of female terminals D {16P) D4 IND or D IND 14-124