honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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(From page 11-118) Check for an open in tha wire ISH()2S linel:1. Turn th€ ignition switch OFF.2. Connect ECM/PCM connectorterminals A23 and C18 with a iumper ware.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 4. Check the Secondary HO2S(Sensor 2) output voltage withthe scan tool. Repair opon in tho wire botwaenthe ECM/PCM lA23l and theSecond.ry HO2S (Sonsot there 0.6 V or more? Substitute a known.good ECM/PCM .nd recheck. It symptom/indication goes rway, replace the origin.l ECM/PCM. (98 - 00 models) ECM/PCM CONNECTORS A l32Pl Wire side of fomale terminals L _._._ _ _I SHO2S W}iT/RED) | JUMpER W;RE (contd) 1 1-1 19
PGM-FI System Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (secondary HO2SI (sensor 2l (cont,d) lTol3al The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0139: A slow response probtem in the Secondary Heated- Uxygen Sensor (HO2S) (Sensor 2l circuit. - The MIL has b€en reoorted on.- DTC P0139 is storad. Probl€m ve.itication:1. Do the ECM/PCM Reset Procedure,Start the engine. Hold theengine at 3,000 rpm with noload (in Park or neutral) untilthe radiator fan comes on.Check the Secondary HO2S(Sonsor 2) output at 3,000 rpmwith the scan tool. lntehittont failure, 3ystem is OKat this time. Chock for poor con-nections o. loose at C127(located on ECM/PCM brack€t),C721 {Secondary HO2S, Sensor 2land at the EcM/PcM. Does the voltage stay within0.3 - 0.6 V for two minutes? 11-120
Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S| Heater The scan tool indicatos Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0135: A problem in the Primary Heated Oxygen Sensor {Primarv HO2S) (Sensor 1) Heater circuit. The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0141: A problem in the Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor (Secondary HO2S) (Sensor 2) Heater circuit. Fol3sl Fo11tl PBIMARY HO2S ls.n.or ll 4PCONNECTOR (CI 1 1 I, SECONDARYHO2S ls.n.o.2l aP CONNECTORlc721l. Terminal side of male t€rminals PRIMARY HO2S lson.o. 1l aPCONNECTOR {Cl 1 1 }, SECONDARYHO2S ls.nror 21 4P CONNECTORtcr21l. so2sHTctBLK/WHn. PO2SHTC(BLK/ WHTItGlIBLKAAIHTI Wire sid€ of lemale terminals (97 model: To page 11-122) (98 - 00 models: To page 11-123) *: P0141 (97 model: To page11-122) 198 - 00 modelsl To page 11-123)(contd) 11-121 - Th6 MIL h.. bocn roponod on.- DTC P0135, and/oi mlal arestored. Probl.m verification:1. Do the ECM/PCM Resot Pro-cedure,2. Start the engine.Int.rrnittaii frilurc, awtom ir OKat thi3 time. Chock lor poor con-n.ctiona or loosa wiro3 !t C111 lPrim.ry HO2S, Sen3o. 11. C12?llocatcd on ECM/PCM,C721 lsocond.ry Ho2s, s.n3or2r and at tho ECM/PCM. ior an opon or shoYt in theHO2S:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnoct the Ho2s (Primary or Secondary*) (Sensor 1 orSensor 2)4P conneclor.3. At the HO2S side, measureresistance between the HO2S4P connector terminals No. 3and No.4. ls there 10 - 40 0? Check for continuity betweenbody ground and the HO2S 4Pconnector terminals No. 3 andNo. 4 individually. Check tor an op6n or 3hort in thewires IPO2SHTC, SO2SHTClinel:1. Turn the ignition swhch ON {ll).2. Moasure voltage between theHO2S 4P connector terminalsNo.3 and No.4.
PGM-FI System Heated Oxygen Sensor IHO2S) Heater (contd) {97 model) (From page l1-121) PRIMARY HO2S (S.nsor 1) ap CONNECTOR{cl111 | 112 ||.i-l 13 .l ot X-tErK/ (9YELI -L Wire side of female terminals SECONDARY HO2SISENSOR 21 4P CONNECTORlcr21l, IGl IBLK/WHTI Wire side ol female terminals Wire side of female terminals So2HTCIALK/WHTI* PO2SHTCIBLK/WHTI Chock for en open or lhort in thewire (lG1 line):Measure voltage between theHO2S 4P connector terminal No.3 (secondary: No. 4) and bodyground, Reprir op6n or 3hort in thc wircbetwo.n th€ No. 15 ALTERNA-TOR SP SENSOR (7.5 Al fu!. rndtho HO2S (Primary. Socond.ry*). Ch€ck for an open in the wire(PO2SHTC, SO2SHTC. lin€):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Reconnect the HO2S 4P con- 3. Disconnect the PCM connec-tor A (32P).4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).5. Measure voltage betweenPCM connector t€rminals 46and A10 (A5 and A10)*. Bepair opon in the wiro botwoonthe PcM (A6. A5lr and tho Ho2s{Prim.ry, Socond!ryr}. ls thero 0.1 V or less? Substitute a lnown-good PCMand recheck. lt 3ymptom/indica-tion goes away, .oplaco the origi-nal PCM. Check fo. a ahort in the wireIPO2SHTC, SO2SHTC. lins):1. Turn the ignirion switch OFF.2. Disconnect the PCM con-nector A {32P).3. Check lor continuily betweenthe PCM connector terminal46 (A5)* and body ground. Bopair short in the wire lrotwsentho PC{r4 {A6, A5rl and the HO2SlPiimary, S€condary.l. Substitute a known-good PCMand .echgck. lf 3ymptom/indica-tion go€s awry. repl.cethe origi-nal PCM. 11-122
Check for an open in the witoa(lGP,lGllino): Mgasure voitage between the pri- mary HO2S 4P connector terminalNo. 3 (secondary HO2S: No. 4) andbody ground. Bepair opan or short in tho wilobdtween th6 nlo. 15 ALTERNATORSP SENSOR 17.5 Al fu$ .nd th6HO2S {Primrry, S€condtrytl. Chock lor sn opon in the wires IPO2SHTC, SO2SHTC lincl:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Reconnect the HO2S 4P con-nector.3. Disconnect the ECM/PCM con-nector C (31P) (ECM/PCM con-neaor A (32P))*. 4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 5. Moasure voltage betweenECM/PCM connector terminals82 and Cl (82 and A8)*. Repsir opsn in tha wire betweentho ECM/PCM (C1, A8.) .nd theHO2S lPrimsry, Socond.ry*}.ls there 0.1 V or less? Sub.titute a known-good ECM/PCM and rocheck. lf iymptom/indicrtion goes away, repbcethe original ECM/PCM. (98 - 00 models) Wire side of female terminals ECM/FCM CONNECTORS IGl IBLK/WHT} PRIMARY HO2S {S.n3or 1l aP CONNECTOR lc111l 11 2l r--T -l3t.lL-.IJ------J lcl /5tErK/ g,YELI I Wire side of female terminals SECONDARY HO2S {SENSOR 2} 4P CONNECTOR(c7211 PGl (BLK} lFrom page 11-12!) Chock lor a short in the, SO2SHTC linol:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the EcM/PcM con-nector C {31P) lECM/PCM con-nector A (32P))*. 3. Check for continuity betweenECM/PCM connector terminalCl (A8)* and body ground. Roolir 3hort in th. wiro betwoonthe ECM/PCM lC1, A8l and theHO2S (Primary, S6condary*).ls there continuity? Sub3tituie s known-good ECM/PCM and rech6ck. It symptom/indicaiion goes away. lgplacoth6 origin.l ECM/PCM. Wire side of lemale terminals: P014l 11-123
PGM-FI System Fuel Supply System [POliil Thentool indicates Diagnostic Troubte Code (DTC) p0171:Thefuet system istoo lean. [Fo17ZJ rhntool indicates Diagnostic Troubte code {DTc) p0172:Thefuel svstem istoorich. Description By monitoring the Long Term Fuel rrim, long term malfunctions in the fuel system will be detected.lf a malfunction has been detected during two consecutive trips, the MIL will come on and DTc p0171 and/or pol72 will bestored. NOTE: lf someof the DTCS listed below are stored atthesametimeas DTC P017l and/or p0172, troubleshoot those DTcsfirst, then troubleshoot DTC P0171 and/or PO1i2. P0107, P0108, P1128, P1129: MAP Sensor P0135: Primary HO2S (Sensor 1)Heater P0137, P0138: Secondary HO2S {Sensor 2)P0141: Secondary H02S (Sensor 2) Heater P0441*r: EVAP System lnsufficient Purge FtowP1456*,, Pl457 *?i EVAP System Insufficient purge Ftow Possible Cause DTC P0171 too lean *1: 97 model*2: 98 - 00 models Fuel Pump insufficient flow/pressure Fuel Feed Line clogged. leaking Fuel Pressure Regulator stuck openFuel Filter clogged Fuel Injector clogged, air leakage Gasoline doesnt meet Owners Manual spec.Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) deteriorated Valve Clearance Exhaust leak Fuel Pressure Regulator clogged, stuck closedFuel Return Pipe clogged Fuel Injector leaking Gasoline doesnt meet Owners Manual spec.Primary H02S (Sensor 1) deteriorated EVAP Purge Control Solenoid Valve leaking, stuck openedValve Clearance DTC P0172 flch 11-124
Troubleshooting Flowchart - The MIL has been rePorted on- DTC P0171 andlot P0172 are stored, Check the lu6l pressuro regulator and tusl relum the lLrel pressure too high Check lhe Primaty HO2S:1. Start the engine. Hold the engine at 3,000 rpm with no load (in Park ot neutral) until the radiator fan comes on 2. Check the Primary HO2S(Sensor 1) outPut with the scan tool. Check lh€ fuel pumP. fuel faedpipe. fuel fiher, and luel Prossurc.eguhior. Does it stay at lessthan 0.3 V or more than 0.6 V? Check for a sticking or leaking EVAP purge control solenoid With a vacuum pump, aPPIY vacu um to the EVAP Purge control solenoid valve from the intake manifold side. Does it hold vacuum? Check th6 valve clearanc€s and adjust il necessary. It the valv€ clearances are OK, replace the fuel iniectors.
PGM-FI System Random Misfire lF()gool, tftod- and some or lpiogol throughTo3oti The scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0300*,, P1300*1 and some of po30t - pO3O4; Randommisfire. Descriotion Misfire detection is accomplished by monitoring the crankshaft speed with the crankshaft speed fluctuation (cKF) sensorwhich is attached to the crankshaft.lfmisfiring strong enough to damage the catalyst is detected, the MIL will blink during the time of its occurrence, and DTcP0300*, P1300*1 and some of DTCs P03ol through P0304 will be stored. Then, after misfire has ceased, the MtL will comeon, lf misfiring that increases emissions is detected during two consecutive driving cycles, the MIL will come on, and DTcand some of DTCS p0301 through p0304 wi be stored.NOTE: lf some of the DTCS listed below are stored at the same time as a misfire DTc, troubleshoot those DTcs first. thentroubleshoot the misfire DTC. P0106, P]128, P1129; MAp sensorP0171. P0172; Fuet metering P0505: ldle Control Svstem P1336, P1337; CKF sensor P1361, P1362: TDC sensor Pl381. Pl382: CYP sensor P1508: IAC valve *1:,97 model*2: 98 - 00 models Possiblo Caus€ . Fuel pump insufficient fuel pressure, amountofflow. Fuel line clogging. blockage, leakage. Fuel filter clogginga Fuel pressure regulator stuck open. Distributormalfunction . lgnition coil wire open, leakage. lgnition control module malfunction. Valves carbon deposita Compression lowa Fuel does not meet Owners Manual spec., lack offuel Troubleshooting By test-driving, determine the conditions during which misfire occurs. Depending on these conditions, test in the orderdescribed in the table below. Possible cause [ ;;;;- -.... Crankshaft speed fluctuation sensor Fuel pressureDistributor and lgnition wirestcMValve Clearance Conditionsection 611-178section 23section 23section 6 Only low rpm and load,6)o Only acceleratingooo Only high rpm and loado@,a@ Not specificationG\o@o@ NOTE: lf misfire doesnt recur, some possible causes are fuel that doesnt meet owners manual spec, lack of fuel, carbondeposits on spark plu9, etc. 11-126
Misfire Detected in One Cylinder Ipffi1] Thescantoot indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0301: Cylinder 1 misfire detected. lF03O2l 16.n toot indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0302; Cylinder 2 misfire detected. I P0303 | fne scan tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0303: Cylinder3 misfire detected. lF0il04l 16 un tool indicates Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) PO3O4: Cylinder 4 misfire detected Description Misfire detection is accomplished by monitoring the crankshaft speed with the crankshaft speed fluctuation (CKF) sensor which is attached to the crankshaft. lf misiiring strong enough to damage the catalyst is detected, the MIL will blink during the time of its occurrence. and DTC P0301, P0302, P0303 and/or P0304 will be stored. Then, after the misfire has ceased, the MIL will come on. lf misfiring that increases emissions is detected during two consecutive driving cycles. the MIL will come on, and DTc P0301, P0302, P0303 and/or P0304 will be stored. NOTE: lJ some of the DTcs listed below are stored at the same time as a misfire DTc, troubleshoot those DTcs first, then troubleshoot the misfire DTC. P0107, P0108, Pn2a, P1129t MAP sensor Po17 l , P0112t Fuel suPP|Y system P0441: EVAP insufficient Purge flow P1336, P1337: CKF sensor P1359, Pl361, P1362: TDC sensor Pl381, P1382: CYP sensor Possible Cause . Fuel injector clogging, fuel leakage, air leakage . Fuel injector circuit open or shorted . Spark plug carbon deposits, fouling, malfunction . lgnition wires open, leaking . Distributor malfunction . Compression low . Valve clearance out of specification (contd) 11-127
PGM-FI System Misfire Detested in One Cylinder (contdl Troubl93hooting Flowchart The illu stration shows97 - 98 models,99 - 00 modelsare similar. NOTE:.lf there is no freeze data ol misfiring,just clear the DTC..lf there is no freeze data ot misfiring,test drives under various conditionsare necessary, - Th. MIL h!3 b6on r.portod on.- DTC m30r, P0302, m303. orP0304 is indicated. tho fuol inicctor tunction:Start the engino, and listen for Iclicking sound at the fuol injectorin the probl€m cylinder. Check for an open or short in theharness between the ECM/PCMand the luel injector. Boprir opan or 3hort in tha wlre. - Roplaco th. tuel inioctor.- Substitut. . known-goodECM/PCM .nd rochock. It3ym ptom/ indicati on go.3aw.y, replace the oliginalECM/PCM. Problom vorification:1. Atter chacking the lre€ze data,do the ECM/PCM Reset Pro-cedure.2. Exchange the spark plug fromthe problem cylinder with oneol another cylinder.3. Connect the SCS service con-nector.4. Tost-drive the vohicle severaltimes in the rango ol the freezedata. (To page11-129) 11-128