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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Administrators Guide
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Administrators Guide
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and abbreviations 1657 stroke counts A method used by ACD agents to record up to nine customer-defined events per call when CMS is active. SVN Security-violation notification switch Any kind of telephone switching system. See also communications system . switchhook The buttons located under the receiver on a voice terminal. switch-node (SN) carrier A carrier containing a single switch node, power units, and, optionally, one or two DS1 converter circuit packs. An SN carrier is located in a center-stage switch. switch-node (SN) clock The circuit pack in an SN carrier that provides clock and maintenance alarm functions and environmental monitors. switch-node interface (SNI) The basic building block of a switch node. An SNI circuit pack controls the routing of circuit, packet, and control messages. switch-node link (SNL) The hardware that provides a bridge between two or more switch nodes. The SNL consists of the two SNI cir- cuit packs residing on the switch nodes and the hardware connecting the SNIs. This hardware can include lightwave transceivers that convert the SNI’s electrical signals to light signals, the copper wire that connects the SNIs to the lightwave transceivers, a full-duplex fiber-optic cable, DS1 converter circuit cards and DS1 facilities if a company does not have rights to lay cable, and appropriate connectors. switch-processing element (SPE) A complex of circuit packs (processor, memory, disk controller, and bus-interface cards) mounted in a PPN control carrier. The SPE serves as the control element for that PPN and, optionally, for one or more EPNs. SXS Step-by-step synchronous data transmission A method of sending data in which discrete signal elements are sent at a fixed and continuous rate and speci- fied times. See also association . SYSAM System Access and Administration system administrator The person who maintains overall customer responsibility for system administration. Generally, all adminis- tration functions are performed from the Management Terminal. The switch requires a special login, referred to as the system administrator login, to gain access to system-administration capabilities. system printer An optional printer that may be used to print scheduled reports via the report scheduler. system report A report that provides historical traffic information for internally measured splits. system-status report A report that provides real-time status information for internally measured splits.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and abbreviations 1658 system manager A person responsible for specifying and administering features and services for a system. system reload A process that allows stored data to be written from a tape into the system memory (normally after a power outage). T T1 A digital transmission standard that in North America carries traffic at the DS1 rate of 1.544 Mbps. A T1 facility is divided into 24 channels (DS0s) of 64 kbps. These 24 channels, with an overall digital rate of 1.536 Mbps, and an 8-kbps framing and synchronization channel make up the 1.544-Mbps transmission. When a D-channel is present, it occupies channel 24. T1 facilities are also used in Japan and some Middle-Eastern countries. TAAS Trunk Answer from Any Station TABS Telemetry asynchronous block serial TA C Trunk-access code tandem switch A switch within an electronic tandem network (ETN) that provides the logic to determine the best route for a network call, possibly modifies the digits outpulsed, and allows or denies certain calls to certain users. tandem through The switched connection of an incoming trunk to an outgoing trunk without human intervention. tandem tie-trunk network (TTTN) A private network that interconnects several customer switching systems. TC Technical consultant TCM Traveling class mark TDM See time-division multiplexing (TDM). TDR Time-of-day routing TEG Terminating extension group terminal A device that sends and receives data within a system. See also administration terminal . tie trunk A telecommunications channel that directly connects two private switching systems.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and abbreviations 1659 time-division multiplex (TDM) bus A bus that is time-shared regularly by preallocating short time slots to each transmitter. In a PBX, all port cir- cuits are connected to the TDM bus, permitting any port to send a signal to any other port. time-division multiplexing (TDM) Multiplexing that divides a transmission channel into successive time slots. See also multiplexing . time interval The period of time, either one hour or one-half hour, that BCMS measurements are collected for a reports. time slice See time interval . time slot 64 kbps of digital information structured as eight bits every 125 microseconds. In the switch, a time slot refers to either a DS0 on a T1 or E1 facility or a 64-kbps unit on the TDM bus or fiber connection between port net- works. time slot sequence integrity The situation whereby the N octets of a wideband call that are transmitted in one T1 or E1 frame arrive at the output in the same order that they were introduced. to control An application can invoke Third Party Call Control capabilities using either an adjunct-control or domain-control association. to monitor An application can receive event reports on an active-notification, adjunct-control, or domain-control associa- tion. TOD Time of day tone ringer A device with a speaker, used in electronic voice terminals to alert the user. TOP Task-oriented protocol trunk A dedicated telecommunications channel between two communications systems or COs. trunk allocation The manner in which trunks are selected to form wideband channels. trunk-data module A device that connects off-premises private-line trunk facilities and DEFINITY ECS. The trunk-data module converts between the RS-232C and the DCP, and can connect to DDD modems as the DCP member of a modem pool. trunk group Telecommunications channels assigned as a group for certain functions that can be used interchangeably between two communications systems or COs. TSC Technical Service Center TTI Terminal translation initialization

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and abbreviations 1660 TTR Touch-tone receiver TTT Terminating trunk transmission TTTN See tandem tie-trunk network (TTTN). TTY Teletypewriter U UAP Usage-allocation plan UART Universal asynchronous transmitter UCD Uniform call distribution UCL Unrestricted call list UDP See Uniform Dial Plan (UDP). UL Underwriter Laboratories UM User manager Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) A feature that allows a unique 4- or 5-digit number assignment for each terminal in a multiswitch configura- tion such as a DCS or main-satellite-tributary system. UNMA Unified Network Management Architecture UNP Uniform numbering plan UPS Uninterruptible power supply USOP User service-order profile UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX Communications Protocol UUI User-to-user information

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and abbreviations 1661 V VA R Value-added reseller VDN See vector directory number (VDN). vector directory number (VDN) An extension that provides access to the Vectoring feature on the switch. Vectoring allows a customer to spec- ify the treatment of incoming calls based on the dialed number. vector-controlled split A hunt group or ACD split administered with the vector field enabled. Access to such a split is possible only by dialing a VDN extension. VIS Voice Information System VLSI Very-large-scale integration VM Voltmeter VNI Virtual nodepoint identifier VOA VDN of origin announcement voice terminal A single-line or multiappearance telephone. W WAT S See Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS). WCC World-Class Core WCR World-Class Routing WCTD World-Class Tone Detection WFB Wireless fixed base Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS) A service in the United States that allows calls to certain areas for a flat-rate charge based on expected usage.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and abbreviations 1662 wideband A circuit-switched call at a data rate greater than 64 kbps. A circuit-switched call on a single T1 or E1 facility with a bandwidth between 128 and 1536 (T1) or 1984 (E1) kbps in multiples of 64 kbps. H0, H11, H12, and N x DS0 calls are wideband. wideband access endpoint Access endpoints, extended with wideband switching to include wideband access endpoints. A wideband access endpoint consists of one or more contiguous DS0s on a line-side T1 or E1 facility and has an exten- sion. The Administered Connections feature provides call control for calls originating from wideband access endpoints. wink-start tie trunk A trunk with which, after making a connection with a distant switching system for an outgoing call, the sys- tem waits for a momentary signal (wink) before sending the digits of the called number. Similarly, on an incoming call, the system sends the wink signal when ready to receive digits. work mode One of four states (Auto-In, Manual-In, ACW, AUX-Work) that an ACD agent can be in. Upon logging in, an agent enters AUX-Work mode. To become available to receive ACD calls, the agent enters Auto-In or Man- ual-In mode. To do work associated with a completed ACD call, an agent enters ACW mode. work state An ACD agent may be a member of up to three different splits. Each ACD agent continuously exhibits a work state for every split of which it is a member. Valid work states are Avail, Unstaffed, AUX-Work, ACW, ACD (answering an ACD call), ExtIn, ExtOut, and OtherSpl. An agent’s work state for a particular split may change for a variety of reasons (example: when a call is answered or abandoned, or the agent changes work modes). The BCMS feature monitors work states and uses this information to provide BCMS reports. write operation The process of putting information onto a storage medium, such as a hard disk. WSA Waiting session accept WSS Wireless Subscriber System Z ZCS Zero Code Suppression

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and abbreviations 1663

Index IN-1 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 IN Index Numerics 3-b urst ring ing,1462 7-digit barrier codes,117332-c harac ter d isp lay stations,113840-c harac ter d isp lay stations,1138 302A attend ant console,92302B attend ant console,92302C attend ant console,93 7400A data module,4067400A/7400B d ata mod ule,4067400C Hig h Sp eed Link,407 g roup 4 fax ap plications,407LAN interconnect ap plications,407video telec onferencing,407 7400D data module,4077500 and World Class BRI Data Mod ule sc reen, see Data Mod ule sc reen 7500 data module ,405, 407d ata-c ommunic ations eq uip ment,407d ata-terminal eq uip ment,407 EIA 232C interface,407RS-366 automatic -calling unit interface,407V35 interfac e,407 8400B data module,406 A AAR and ARS d ig it analysis d efault translations ,1169Digit Analysis Table, commands,1041Digit Analysis Table, screen,451 Dig it Conversion Tab le, command s,1042Dig it Conversion Tab le, sc reen,455overlap sending,1171 AAR and ARS Digit Analysis Table c ommand s,1041 AAS (Auto Availab le Split), see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers ab and oned c all searc h, see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers Abbreviated Dialing (AD) adding AD lists ,79 button,59c ommand s,1042description,1129 end user op erations,1130enhanced lists,1130enhanced numb er lists,1130 fixing p roblems,82group lists,1129g roup number lists,1129 list typ es,1129, 1130 Ab breviated Dialing (AD), (c ontinued ) p ersonal lists ,1129program button,59sc reen,459 security alerts,80, 1129sp ec ial charac ter b utton,59sp ec ial lists,1130 system numb er lists,1130Ab breviated Dialing Enhanced List screen, see Ab breviated Dialing List sc reen Ab b reviated Dialing Group List sc reen, see Ab breviated Dialing List sc reen abbreviated ring button ,59 abbreviated ringing,1476Ab ort Transfer,1555absorbing digits,360 ACA Measurements Rep ort,1163Acc ess End points,1134ad ministered c onnec tion,409 commands,1044sc reen,467Acc ess Security Gateway (ASG),3 ASG Key,323, 1131ASG Log in Ad ministration sc reen, see Log in Ad ministration sc reen description ,319, 1131disabling,321monitoring the ASG history log,323 multiple ap p lic ation platform for DEFINITY (MAPD),1131restarting temp orarily d isab led ASG,322 setting up,320Acc ess trunks adding,348 description,1564ac c ount b utton,60account codes forc ing users to enter ,444trac king calls,443ACCUNET,1297 ACD stroke count b utton,77ACD, see Automatic Call Distrib ution (ACD) ac oustic coupled mod ems,1433 ac tivate malic ious c all trace b utton,72ac tivate nig ht servic e b utton,74 ACW (After Call Work), see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers Ad d/Remove Skills, see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers Ad ministered Connec tions (AC) ,408access endpoints,409, 1134 ad ministering,412alarm button,59ap p lic ations,1134 commands,1044description,408, 1133d rop ping,411 d rop ping ad ministered c onnec tions,1135errors,410, 1135estab lishing,410

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Index IN-2 Ad ministered Connec tions (AC), (c ontinued ) estab lishing a c onnection ,1134estab lishing administered connec tions,1134failures,410, 1135, 1136 fast retries,1136sc reen,471SDDN ISDN–PRI trunk g roup s,1133 typic al AC ap p lic ations,409Administrable Lang uag e Disp lays description,1138 feature information displays,1506Fr a nc e,1138Italy,1138 Sp a in,1138user-d efined,1138Administration without hardware, see swap ping p hones After Call Work (ACW), see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers after c all work b utton ,60Agent Call Handling , se e D EFIN ITY EC S Gu i d e to ACD Call Centers Agent LoginID sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers ag ents ,1373aging login passwords,317alarm b uttons ad ministered c onnec tion ,59automatic wakeup,75CDR link,65 DS1,75fac ility test c all,77link,71 major alarm,71minor/major alarms,73PM S l in k,75 PM S p r in t e r,75system p rinter,75alarms, sec urity violations,1479 alert ag ent,60alerting alerting p hones, see ring ing silent ,1476timers,1149 algorithms, call pickup distribution,1290alias,42Alias Station c ommand s ,1044sc reen,476alphanumeric dialing,399 Alp hanumeric Dialing Tab le c ommand s,1045sc reen,478 Alternate Facility Restriction Levels (AFRL) authorization c od es,1140button,60 description,1140toll fraud prevention,1140alternate voic e d ata (AVD) sig naling,1320 analog p hones ,38tie trunk descrip tion,1568ANI calling p arty information, d isp laying,109 announcement d ata mod ule,365, 405announcements ad d ing extensions,367 backing up,369changing,368c ontinuous-p lay,373 copying,370d efinition,365deleting,372 erasing,372fixing p roblems,371for a hunt g roup,1370 playing,160rec ord ing,368restoring,371 saving,369Announc ements/Audio Sources commands,1045 sc reen,480Answer Detection ad ministering,361 answer sup ervision b y timeout,1142c all c lassification answer d etection,1141description,1141 network answer sup ervision,1142Answer Sup ervision answer detection,1142 telec ommuting,286tests,1557timer d etection,1142 answerb ac k p ag ing,384applications ad ministered c onnec tions,409, 1134 end point, wid eb and switc hing,424area cod es adding,187 restric ted,179ARS p artitioning,191ARS Toll Tab le commands ,1045sc reen,483 ASAI c ap ab ilities,435ASAI Cap ab ility Groups sc reen, see Sy s t e m Parameters Customer-Op tions screen ASG History Log , monitoring ,323ASG Key, loss,323ASG, see Ac cess Sec urity Gateway (ASG) assistance button ,61assoc iating offic e phone numb er to home station,297 async hronous d ata mod ule,408ATMS Trunk Test Schedule sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Maintenanc e Attendant call categories ,547Emerg enc y Ac cess to Attend ant,1323

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1 April 2000 Index IN-3 Attendant, (c ontinued ) Pull Transfer d esc ription ,1463Attendant Bac kup Alerting,106Attendant Call Waiting,1144 Attendant Calling of Inward Restricted Stations, see Class of Restric tion (Restric tion Overrid e field ) Attendant Console 302A and 302B ,92302C,93 adding,95c ommand s,1046feature b uttons,97 PC C o ns o le,95providing backup,106removing,104 sc reen,484Attendant Console Data Mod ule, see Attendant Console screen Attendant Control of Trunk Group Ac cess ,1145attend ant c risis alert,67Attendant Direct Extension Selec tion (DXS) ,1146Attendant Direct Trunk Group Selection,98Attendant Intrusion,1147 Attendant Overrid e of Diversion Features,1148Attendant Priority Queue,547attend ant q ueue c alls,61 attend ant q ueue time,61Attendant Room Status,1346Attendant Serial Calling,1148 attend ant timers,1149aud ib le alerting,1313Audible Message Waiting,1152 aud it trails,1163Authorization Cod e — COR Mapp ing c ommand s,1046 sc reen,497authorization c odes,1152, 1468AAR and ARS c alls,1154 creating,190in alternate fac ility restric tion levels (AFRL),1140 sec urity violation b utton,61setting up,331 using to overrid e c all restric tions,190Auto Available Sp lit (AAS), see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers Auto Start and Don’t Split ,1149autodial b utton,62auto-in mod e,62 Automated Attend ant description,164, 1157s e e a ls o D EFIN ITY EC S C a ll Vec t or i n g / EA S Guid e Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) ,173AAR analysis tab les,1170 AAR trunking fac ilities,1171authorization c od es,1154digit analysis table commands,1041 Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR), (continued ) d ig it c onversion table c ommand s ,1042partitioning,1123p rivate networks,1169 toll table c ommands,1045Automatic Call Distrib ution (ACD) description,169 enhancing an ACD system,170Automatic Callb ac k (ACB),61, 1159automatic circuit assurance (ACA) aud it trail rec ord s ,1163b utton,60description,1162 drop,1163messag e information,1163referral calls,1163 Automatic Hold,36automatic interc om,62, 386automatic messag e waiting,61 automatic numb er id entific ation (ANI),61, 1165, 1439Automatic Route Selec tion (ARS) allow loc al information c alls ,181ARS analysis tab les, d ig it analysis default translations,1170 ARS trunking facilities,1171assigning FAC,174authorization c od es,1154 defining partitions,191digit analysis table commands,1041d ig it c onversion table c ommand s,1042 d isp laying analysis information,175inter-exc hang e c arrier c alls (IXC),178modifying c all routing,186 op erator assisted c alls,178overrid ing c all restric tions,190partitioning,1123 p rivate networks,1169restric ted area c odes,179restric ting c alls,189 time of d ay routing plan c ommands,1063und erstanding,175Automatic Routing AAR ,1169AAR and ARS dig it analysis d efault translations ,1169AAR and ARS overlap send ing,1171ARS,1169 ARS d ig it analysis d efault translations,1170description,1167Facility Restriction Levels (FRL),1338 feature ac cess cod e (FAC),173Generalized Route Selec tion (GRS),1340Look Ahead Routing (LAR),1413 Time of Day (TOD) Routing,194, 1553Traveling Class Marks (TCM),1338trunking fac ilities,1171 Automatic Selection of DID Numb ers to Guest Roo ms,1347