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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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    							Broadcast Message 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
    May 1999
    DescriptionPoints to Remember
    Administration Screens
    The Broad c ast Messag e feature enab les the system ad min-
    istrator and  other d esig nated users (b road c asters) to send  a 
    voic e mail message to all sub sc rib ers automatic ally. The 
    message c an also b e sent to sp ec ific  remote sub sc rib ers in 
    an AMIS Analog  Network (see that feature). The system 
    administrator assig ns one b road c ast mailb ox for hold ing 
    ac tive Log in Announc ements and  Broad c ast Messages.
    The message is c reated  as a normal voic e messag e, then 
    assig ned  b road c ast status. The b road c aster may sp ec ify the 
    exp iration d ate of the messag e — the last d ay the messag e 
    should  b e p layed  to the rec ip ients. The b road c aster may 
    also tell the DEFINITY AUDIX system to ac tivate the rec ipi-
    ents’ message-waiting indicators (MWIs) (message-waiting 
    lamp s, outc alling , or other method s of notifying  rec ip ients of 
    a new messag e).
    Broad c ast Messag es are treated  as 
    new messag es in that 
    they are p resented  with other new messag es. Usually they 
    are p resented  first, unless the rec ip ient’s mailb ox has b een 
    administered to present old messages first.
    Who has it: The system administrator c an 
    designate broadcasters to send 
    Broad cast Messag es.
    Who controls it: Broadcasters and the system 
    administrator c ontrol how and  
    when Broad c ast Messag es are 
    Who c an ac c ess it: Broad c ast Messag es are rec eived  
    b y all loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub scrib ers.
    nIf the Broadc ast Messag e is a 
    rec ipient’s only new message, the 
    MWI will b e d eac tivated after the 
    exp iration date of the Broad c ast 
    Messag e.
    nBroad c ast Messag es are never 
    automatic ally resc hed uled  for 
    future d elivery, b ut bec ome non-
    deliverable immediately if the first 
    d elivery attemp t to the sp ec ial 
    b roadc ast mailb ox fails.
    nRec ip ients c an rec eive Broad c ast 
    Messag es even if their mailb oxes 
    are full, but they must make room 
    in their mailboxes if they want to 
    copy and save the messages.
    Broadcast Message
    Sys-Par Fea, Ad d  MO-Disk, Sa v e ,   
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    62 Applications 
    This feature is used  p rimarily for keep ing  sub sc rib ers ab reast of c hanges in the 
    system, b ut c an also b e used  for imp ortant c omp any or emerg enc y 
    announc ements. 
    Any user with b roadc ast p ermission c an interac t with the system in the 
    announc ement set of his/her c hoic e if the Multilingual feature is ac tivated . The 
    b roadc aster should  c onsid er the app rop riateness of b road c asting  a uniling ual 
    messag e versus a multiling ual messag e to a multiling ual c ommunity. 
    Ac tivating  the MWIs c an d rain the system’s resourc es, p artic ularly if outc alling  is 
    used . It will further tax the system b y trig g ering  a surg e of users retrieving  
    messag es. Rec ip ients are automatic ally notified  of Broad c ast Messag es when 
    they log  in. System ad ministrators and  b road c asters c an minimize potential 
    slow-d owns by: 
    nLimiting  the numb er of b road c asters 
    nBeing  c onservative with ac tivating  message-waiting  notific ation 
    nSc heduling  d elivery (and  notific ation) for off-hours 
    When send ing  a Broad c ast Messag e throug h an AMIS network, it is nec essary to 
    send  the messag e as voic e mail to a spec ific  mailb ox on eac h remote system. 
    The remote rec ip ients c an then forward  the messag e throug h their resp ec tive 
    systems, or red esignate the messag e as b road c ast. 
    Bec ause of their time-dep end ent nature, and  b ec ause full mailb oxes d o not 
    d eter d elivery, Broadc ast Messag es should  never b e nond eliverab le. However, if 
    the sp ec ial b road c ast mailb ox is full, or alread y has 16 ac tive Broad c ast 
    Messag es, the new Broad c ast Messag e would  immed iately b e c ateg orized  as 
    nondeliverab le. The b road c aster would  then rec eive notific ation that the messag e 
    was nond eliverab le and the messag e itself would  b e stored  in the outg oing  
    sec tion of the b road c aster’s mailb ox. 
    If a Broad c ast Messag e is deleted  b y the b road c aster, the MWIs for that 
    messag e will not b e d eac tivated  until the nig htly system aud it has run. 
    Sub sc rib ers are told  that the broad c aster has d eleted the messag e when they try 
    to listen to it. 
    It is not nec essary for rec ip ients to have sp ac e available in their mailb oxes to 
    rec eive Broad c ast Messag es. This is b ec ause the Broad c ast Messag e is not 
    ac tually rep rod uc ed  and  sent to eac h rec ip ient’s mailbox. The DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system c onserves resourc es by p lac ing  an elec tronic  p ointer in eac h mailb ox  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    63 Feature Operation 
    that transp arently direc ts eac h rec ip ient to a sing le Broadc ast Messag e. This 
    also allows the messag e to b e effic iently d elivered  and c onveniently d eleted . It 
    c an b e manually d eleted  from the sp ec ial b road c ast mailb ox at any time, or 
    automatic ally deleted  after the sp ec ified  exp iration p eriod  has passed . 
    The system ad ministrator must g ive selec ted  sub sc rib ers p ermission to send  
    Broad c ast Messag es (using  the Sub sc rib er sc reen). The ad ministrator must also 
    assig n a b road c ast mailbox (using  the same sc reen) b efore using  the feature. 
    The sp ec ial b road c ast mailb ox is c onsid ered  a uniq ue type of DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub sc rib er and c annot rec eive messag es from other sub sc rib ers, but this 
    mailb ox c an store a maximum of 16 Broad c ast Messag es and  one Log in 
    Announc ement. The system informs b road c asters that Broad c ast Messag es are 
    nondeliverab le if the b road c ast mailb ox is full. 
    Feature Operation
    Broad c asters c reate, edit, and  assig n delivery op tions for messag es in the 
    normal way. Making  a messag e b road c ast is one of the d elivery op tions availab le 
    to ad ministrators and  b roadc asters. 
    Broadcast messages can be created from any mailbox with broadcast 
    p ermission. 
    It is not nec essary to log  in to the b roadc ast mailb ox to c reate a 
    broadcast message.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    64 Feature Operation 
    Broadcaster ’s Procedures
    Figure 2. Broadcast Message Operation
    Making a Message Broadcast
    The p roc ed ures for making  a messag e b road c ast are summarized below. 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Press   or   to rec ord  or review a messag e. 
    3. Rec ord , ed it, and  ad d ress a messag e ac c ord ing  to the p roc edures listed  
    in the 
    Vo i c e  M a i l sec tion of this manual. 
    4. Listen to the system rec ite the d elivery options to you. You may have up  to 
    six d elivery op tions availab le after ad dressing  a messag e, d ep end ing  on 
    the p ermissions you have b een assig ned . If the system rec ites only the 
    first few op tions, you p rob ab ly don’t have p ermission to send  a Broad c ast 
    Messag e, and  should  c ontact your system ad ministrator. These d elivery 
    op tions are also available for Log in Announc ements and  Priority 
    Messages. See the proc edures listed for those features. 
    5. Press   to mark the messag e as b road c ast. 
    6. Do none, one or all of the following : 
    nPress   ag ain to remove b road c ast status. 
    nPress   to make the messag e Private if d esired . 
    ² See theVoice MailandVoice Mailboxfeatures for these procedures.
    ³ Only presented if user has permission.
    8 Broadcast³
    File a
    4 Schedule
    Return to Activity Menu
    Month DayEnterListen
    Record or
    Log Into
    Noti®cation Message
    2Date Expiration Change
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    65 Feature Operation 
    nPress   to sched ule d elivery. 
    See the 
    Delivery Scheduling feature for more information. 
    nPress   to file a c op y of the message in the File Cab inet p ortion of 
    your mailb ox. 
    All of these op tions are 
    togg le switc hes. By p ressing  eac h key 
    rep eated ly, you c an turn eac h d elivery option on and  off like a lig ht 
    switc h. A Broad c ast Messag e c an 
    also b e a Private Messag e 
    (which simply prohibits the message from being forwarded), but it 
    c annot also b e a Log in Announc ement or Priority Message. See the 
    p roc ed ures listed  for those features. 
    7. If you have d esig nated  the messag e as a Broad c ast Messag e, do one of 
    the following : 
    nPress   to app rove your messag e status and  return to step  2. 
    You c an always c hang e the status of a messag e any time b efore it 
    is sent. (See the 
    Voic e Mailb ox feature.) 
    nPress     to c hange the b roadc ast op tions. 
    Go on to one or b oth of the following  sec tions (
    Turning on Messag e 
    Notific ation
     and  Chang ing  the Messag e Exp iration Date). 
    Turning on Message Notification
    Figure 3. Turning on Message Notification
    After following the proc edures for making a messag e b roadc ast, turn on 
    messag e notific ation for the Broad c ast Messag e b y following the proc edures 
    1. Press   to turn on message notification. 
    # Approve
    2 Change
    Date Message
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    66 Feature Operation 
    Messag e notific ation should  only b e used  for Broadc ast Messag es 
    in emerg enc y situations. The system p erformanc e c ould  b e 
    impacted (via inc reased port usage) if many subscribers login to 
    g et messag es simultaneously. 
    2. Do one of the following: 
    nPress   ag ain to turn off messag e notific ation and  return to step  1. 
    nPress   to c hang e the messag e exp iration d ate. Go on to the next 
    sec tion, 
    Changing the Messag e Exp iration Date. 
    nPress   to app rove the op tion setting s and  return to step  7 in the 
    p revious sec tion, 
    Making  a Messag e Broad c ast. 
    Changing the Message Expiration Date
    Figure 4. Changing the Message Expiration Date
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system normally retains Broadc ast Messag es for two d ays 
    after the delivery d ate. This means rec ip ients c an g et a Broad c ast Messag e for 
    up  to three d ays (tod ay, tomorrow, and  the d ay after), then the messag e c an no 
    long er b e ac c essed . Often b road c ast information is time-d ep end ent, so after 
    following  the p roc ed ures for making a messag e b road c ast, you c an c hang e its 
    exp iration date b y following  the p roc ed ures b elow. 
    1. Press   from the Broad c ast Op tions Menu. 
    2. Enter numb ers for the month and  d ay of exp iration. For examp le, p ress   
         for Oc tob er 8th. 
    The month c an be either one or two d ig its, while the d ay req uires two 
    Month Day
    fcdxmsg1 EWS 030899
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    67 Feature Operation 
    3. Press   to sig nal that you have entered  the exp iration d ate. 
    4. Listen while the system rep eats the d ate. 
    If the d ate is not c orrec t, p ress   and  enter it again. 
    5. Press   to app rove the exp iration d ate and  exit the Broad c ast Options 
    Menu. Then return to step  6 in the earlier sec tion, 
    Making  a Messag e 
    Broadc ast
    Making a Message Broadcast in an AUDIX 
    AMIS Analog Network
    The p roc ed ure for making  a messag e b road c ast throug hout an AUDIX AMIS 
    Analog  Network (
    c omp osed  of DEFINITY AUDIX Systems or AUDIX systems 
    ) is summarized  b elow. 
    1. Create a Broad c ast Messag e using  the p revious three proc ed ures. 
    2. Address the message to any additional subscribers on remote DEFINITY 
    AUDIX systems or AUDIX systems (the remote sub sc rib ers should be 
    ad ministered  to have b road c ast p ermission). 
    3.When the Broad c ast Messag e arrives in the remote sub sc rib ers’ 
    mailb oxes, those sub sc rib ers will need  to log in, ac c ess the messag e, and  
    resp ond  to it b y either ap p end ing or p rep end ing  a b rief statement. Then, 
    b y following  the p roc ed ure in the p revious sec tion, 
    Making  a Messag e 
    Broad c ast
    , the messag e c an b e b roadc ast on the remote mac hines. 
    Deleting a Broadcast Message
    Figure 5. Deleting a Broadcast Message
    If a Broad c ast Messag e has b ec ome ob solete and you want to p urge it to 
    p revent ad d itional subsc rib ers from hearing  it, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the sp ec ial b road c ast mailb ox. 
    2 Get
    7 Scan
    D* Delete
    Find Message
    to DeleteLog Into Special
    Broadcast Mailbox 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    68 Feature Operation 
    2. Press   or   to ac c ess the inc oming  sec tion of the mailb ox and  find  the 
    ac tive Broadc ast Messag e. 
    3. When you find  the Broad c ast Messag e that you want to d elete, p ress   
    . You c an p ress     while listening  to the messag e head er, after 
    listening  to the header, while listening  to the messag e, or after listening  to 
    the messag e. 
    Callers who sub seq uently log  into the system will not hear the Broad c ast 
    Messag e. If messag e-waiting  ind ic ation was ac tivated  for this messag e, it will 
    take one aud it c yc le (overnight) to up d ate the MWI feature. If a sub sc rib er whose 
    MWI is on log s into the system p rior to the aud it, that sub sc rib er will hear a 
    system messag e stating  that the b road c aster has d eleted  the messag e. 
    Recipient’s Procedures
    The p roc ed ures for g etting  a Broad c ast Messag e are id entic al to those used  for 
    g etting  other messag es (see the Automatic  Messag e Sc an and  Voic e Mailb ox 
    features). Broad c ast Messag es are announc ed  b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    as d istinc t Broad c ast typ es of messag es. They are p resented  as are other new 
    messag es, exc ep t that they are p resented  b efore Priority Messag es and  other 
    new messag es. 
    Thoug h only one Broad c ast Message is c reated  to whic h all subsc rib ers have 
    ac c ess, the rec ip ient’s interfac e is the same as if a c op y of the messag e had 
    b een p lac ed  in eac h mailb ox. If rec ip ients c hoose to not d elete the messag e 
    after first hearing  it, the system p lac es a c op y of the messag e in those rec ip ient’s 
    mailb oxes. These ind ivid ual c op ies of the Broad c ast Messag e are c onsid ered 
    messag es, just as are other messag es the rec ip ient has heard but not d eleted . 
    Also, rec ipients who listen to the messag e head er, but not the messag e itself, will 
    have a c opy of the messag e p lac ed  in their mailboxes — marked  as 
    unop ened. 
    These c op ies of the Broad c ast Messag e are not d eleted  if the b road c aster 
    d eletes the messag e from the b roadc ast mailb ox, nor are they d eleted  when the 
    exp iration date arrives. 
    They must be deleted by the recipient or by the system 
    ac c ord ing  to the rec ip ient’s inc oming  mailb ox retention interval.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    69 Interactions with Other Features 
    Interactions with Other Features
    This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Broad c ast Messag e feature with 
    switc h features and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    Broad c ast Messag e is exc lusively a voic e mail feature, and  has no d irec t 
    interac tions with any switc h features unless the MWI feature is ac tivated . 
    !WA R N I N G :
    If messag e notific ation is turned  on for any b road c ast messag e, it may 
    trig g er a surg e of c alls that c ould  tax switc h resourc es. 
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    Broad c ast Messag e is exc lusively a voic e mail feature, and  has no d irec t 
    interac tions with any features related to c all answer. It interac ts with other 
    DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: 
    nAMIS Analog  Networking:   When send ing  a Broad c ast Messag e to AMIS 
    analog ad d resses, it is nec essary to send the messag e as voic e mail to a 
    sp ec ific  mailb ox on eac h remote system. The messag e c an then b e 
    forward ed  b y the ad ministrators of the remote systems to their loc al 
    sub sc rib ers. 
    nAutomatic  Messag e Sc an:   Broad c ast Messag es are p resented  b efore 
    Priority Messag es and  other new messag es in the 
    new messag e c ateg ory. 
    They are retrieved  and  manip ulated  just as are other new messag es. 
    nClass of Service:   The system Ad ministrator c an assig n b road c ast 
    p ermission ac c ord ing  to c lass of servic e. Care should  b e taken, however, 
    that not too many broadcasters are assigned, as a proliferation of 
    Broad c ast Messag es c ould  seriously hamp er system p erformanc e. 
    nDelivery Sc hed uling:   A Broad c ast Messag e is sc hed uled  for d elivery just 
    as is a reg ular messag e. 
    nLog in Announc ement:   Broad c ast Messag es are c reated  and  sent in a 
    similar way as Log in Announc ements. The b road c asters d esig nated  b y 
    the system ad ministrator often also have p ermission to send Log in 
    Announc ements as well. The b road c ast mailb ox is also used  for Log in 
    Announc ements. A Broad c ast Messag e c annot also b e a Log in 
    Announc ement.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Broadcast Message 
    70 Interactions with Other Features 
    nMessag e Delivery:   When sending a Broadcast Message to Message 
    Delivery add resses, it is nec essary to send  the message as voic e mail to 
    eac h ad d ress sep arately. 
    nMessag e Sending Restrictions:   Send ing  restric tions d o not ap p ly to 
    Broad c ast Messag es g enerally. If ind ivid ual remote rec ip ients are 
    sp ec ified , however, as is req uired  in a network, send ing restric tions app ly. 
    This is b ec ause the messag e is treated as reg ular voic e mail in that 
    instanc e. Send ing  restric tions also ap p ly when a rec ip ient rep lies to a 
    Broad c ast Messag e. 
    nMWI:   The b road c aster spec ifies whether message-waiting  notific ation will 
    b e ac tivated  for a Broad c ast Messag e. If a Broad c ast Messag e is a 
    rec ip ient’s only new messag e, the MWI will b e d eac tivated  after the 
    exp iration date. On a larg e system with several thousand  sub sc rib ers, it 
    may take several hours for all the MWIs to b e ac tivated . If a rec ip ient 
    rec eives a Broad c ast Messag e b efore the MWI is ac tivated , the 
    notific ation is c anc eled . 
    nMultiling ual:   Any user with b road c ast p ermission c an interac t with the 
    system in the lang uag e of his/her c hoic e. Sinc e b road c ast messag es are 
    sp oken b y the b road c aster, the Multiling ual feature is not an interac tion 
    p er se; b ut, the b road c aster should  c onsid er the ap p rop riateness of 
    b roadc asting  a unilingual messag e versus a multiling ual messag e to a 
    multiling ual community. 
    nName Record  by Sub sc rib er:   The sp ec ial b road c ast mailb ox c annot have a 
    name rec ord ed  for it using  this feature. 
    nOnline Help:   Voic e promp ts assoc iated  with the Messag e Op tions and  
    Broad c ast Op tions Menus help  the broad c aster in assig ning  b road c ast 
    status to a message. 
    nOutc alling:   If a broad c aster req uests messag e-waiting notific ation, the 
    Broad c ast Messag e will also ac tivate outc alling  where p ossib le. The 
    interac tion is identic al to that of 
    Message-Waiting Indicator. 
    nPlayback and Recording Control:   Broad c ast Messag es c an b e c ontrolled  
    during playback and recording just like regular messages. 
    nPri o r it y  M es sa g e:   Broad c ast Messag es c annot also b e Priority Messag es. 
    Priority Messag es are p resented  to rec ip ients after Broad c ast Messag es. 
    nPrivate Messag e:   Broadc ast Messag es c an also b e Private Messages, 
    whic h p revents them from b eing  forward ed . 
    nTD D:   A hearing -imp aired  user who uses only Teletyp ewriter (TTY) for 
    c ommunic ations with the DEFINITY AUDIX system will not see anything  on 
    the TTY for a voiced broadcast message. The system administrator may 
    want to send  a TDD messag e to TTY users informing  them of the following : 
    — That they will rec eive a voic ed  b road c ast messag e and  that they 
    should  d elete this message 
    — The c ontents of the b road c ast message  
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