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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    41 Applications 
    The nonresid ent sub sc rib er would  need  to p rovid e the c lient with only the 
    telep hone numb er of the automated  attend ant and  the sub sc rib er’s voic e 
    mailb ox numb er. The c lient c ould  then d ial the numb er for the automated 
    attend ant, listen to the attend ant menu, enter the voic e mailb ox numb er and  hear 
    the g reeting  for that sub sc rib er. Then the c lient c ould  either leave a messag e or 
    transfer to a sales c lerk. 
    Shared Extensions
    The Automated  Attend ant feature c an p rovid e voic e messag ing  c apab ilities for 
    several p eop le who share a sing le telep hone. For examp le, a university d ormitory 
    room has three roommates (Jerry Jones, Don Parker, and  Brent Deven) b ut only 
    one telep hone numb er. By ad ministering that extension as an automated  
    attend ant and  c reating  three voic e mailb ox numb ers that d o not exist in the 
    switc h d ial p lan, eac h roommate c an have a p rivate mailb ox without having  a 
    sep arate telep hone. See the Shared  Extension
     feature for more information. 
    Automated Attendants with Multiple Personal
    An automated  attend ant that is used  with the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature 
    c an b e a very flexib le tool. The automated  attend ant would  need  to b e 
    ad ministered  only onc e on the Subsc rib er sc reen, while the Multip le Personal 
    Greeting s feature c ould  p rovid e availab le op tions d ep end ing  on the typ e of c all. 
    For examp le, one automated  attend ant c ould  voic e any of the following  g reeting s 
    d ep end ing  on whether the c all is an internal, external, or out-of-hours c all: 
    nFor all internal c alls: 
    To leave a messag e for a sp ec ific  p erson, enter the extension numb er. 
    To reac h p ersonnel, p ress one. To reac h b enefits, press two.
    nFor all external c alls: 
    Welc ome to Davis Corp oration. To reac h the p ersonnel d ep artment, p ress 
    one on your touc h-tone telep hone. To reac h the b enefits d ep artment, 
    p ress two. To leave a messag e for a sp ec ific  p erson, enter that p erson’s 
    four-dig it extension numb er. For assistanc e, p lease wait.
    nFor all out-of-hours c alls: 
    Welc ome to Davis Corp oration. Our normal offic e hours are 8:00 A.M. to 
    5:00 P.M. mountain standard time. To leave a message for a specific 
    p erson, enter that p erson’s four-dig it extension numb er using  your 
    touc h-tone telep hone. If this is an emerg enc y, p lease p ress nine.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    42 Applications 
    Automated Attendants with the Multilingual 
    Multiling ual automated  attendants c an b e set up  with two or more lang uag es. 
    The first stag e of an automated  attend ant in a multiling ual environment mig ht ask 
    the user to selec t a lang uag e, and  sub seq uent stag es c ould imp lement the 
    Auto-Attend ant func tion in the lang uag e c hosen. 
    If using  only two lang uag es with the Automated  Attendant, the system 
    ad ministrator c ould  set the Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e field  to y (yes) on the 
    Automated  Attend ant Sub sc rib er or COS sc reen. The ad ministrator then c an 
    rec ord  Dual Languag e Greeting s rather than Multip le Personal Greeting s. The 
    p rimary g reeting  would  tell the c aller, in the sec ondary lang uag e, to p ress     
    to switc h to the sec ond ary lang uag e. 
    If using  the Multiling ual feature with the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature, the 
    system ad ministrator would  set the Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e field  to n (no) 
    on the Automated  Attend ant Subsc riber or COS sc reen. Sinc e the ad ministrator 
    rec ord s the automated  attend ants, automated  attend ants are not limited  to only 
    two lang uag es. The automated  attend ant main menu c ould  d irec t c allers to 
    several lang uag es. For examp le: 
    In English, 
    For English, press 1.
    In Canad ian Frenc h,
    For Frenc h, p ress 2 .
    In Sp anish, 
    For Sp anish, p ress 3 .
    Then for eac h c hoic e, the ad ministrator would rec ord  a nested  automated  
    attend ant in the ap p rop riate languag e. 
    Automated Attendants for Business and Holiday 
    You c an c reate up  to four automated attend ants for varying  b usiness sc hed ules 
    and  four ad d itional automated  attend ants for holid ays. These features ensure 
    that c allers rec eive ac c urate automated  attend ant messages at a variety of 
    First, a c aller may b e asked  to c hoose from a list of languag es. Sec ond , the c aller 
    may b e asked to c hoose from a menu of b usiness sc hed ules that may, for 
    examp le, c orresp ond  to time zones they may be c alling  from. [ Chec k ac c urac y.]  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    43 Applications 
    Holid ay sc hed ules, unlike b usiness sc hed ules, are ac tivated  automatic ally. 
    These sc hedules, once administered, automatically override other automated 
    attend ants on the d ay they are sc hed ules for.
    TTY Automated Attendants
    The Telec ommunic ations Devic e for the Deaf (TDD) announc ement set enab les 
    the system ad ministrator to set up teletyp ewriter (TTY) automated  attend ants that 
    p rovid e automated  attend ant servic e to hearing -imp aired  c allers. (The TDD 
    announc ement set is not required  to set up  TTY automated  attend ants; b ut, it 
    d oes make it more c onvenient to b uild  a TTY automated  attend ant.) See the TTY 
    Automated  Attend ant feature for c omp lete information on what is req uired  to set 
    up  a TTY automated  attend ant. 
    Luc ent Tec hnolog ies strong ly rec ommend s that TTY automated attend ants and  
    voic ed  automated attend ants have sep arate telep hone numb ers. The Multiling ual 
    feature c an b e used  to ad minister an automated  attend ant with nested  TDD 
    menus and  nested  voic e menus, b ut TTY users will see nothing  or unreadab le 
    c harac ters resulting  from voic ed  p romp ts or g reeting s, and  hearing  users will 
    enc ounter some TTY messag ing  noise. 
    Providing Information to Callers
    An automated  attend ant c an b e used  to route c allers to Bulletin Board s that 
    p rovid e them with various typ es of information. For examp le, a state’s Division of 
    Wild life c ould  use an automated  attend ant to route c allers to sp ec ific  Bulletin 
    Board s that c ontain information on fishing  c ond itions and  stoc king  rep orts for 
    d ifferent reg ions of the state. 
    Nesting Attendants
    An automated  attend ant menu selec tion c an lead  to another automated  
    attend ant (this is c alled 
    nesting automated  attend ants). In this way a 
    sop histic ated  hierarc hy of information c an b e p resented  to c allers. The stand ard  
    DEFINITY AUDIX c all-d istrib ution g roup  hand les all inc oming automated  
    attend ant c alls, so c allers always hear the c orrec t automated  attend ant g reeting . 
    An automated  attend ant c an also p rovid e sec urity or c ontrolled  ac c ess to 
    conference b rid g e sessions, host comp uter ports, or voice mailb oxes. For 
    examp le, to join c onferenc e b ridg e sessions without manual intervention, a c aller 
    d ials a numb er that red irec ts the c all to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The 
    automated  attend ant for that number p romp ts c allers for a password . Eac h 
    numb er of the p assword is a menu c hoic e that lead s to another (nested ) 
    automated  attend ant, and  the last numb er selec ts the c aller’s intend ed  b ridg e 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    44 Using Rotary Phones with an Automated Attendant 
    With the DEFINITY AUDIX system’s d ial ahead  c ap ability, the p assword  may b e 
    entered  all at onc e (c allers d o not need  to p ause b etween d ig its). When the final 
    d ig it is entered , the DEFINITY AUDIX system transfers the c all b ac k to the switc h 
    and  the c aller is p lac ed  in the intend ed  b rid g e session. The system administrator 
    c an c hang e these nested  menus freq uently to p rovid e g reater sec urity. An 
    inc orrec t p assword  may route the c aller to another automated  attend ant for error 
    hand ling  and aud it trac king  of break-in attemp ts. 
    Name Addressing
    The automated  attend ant c an b e ad ministered  to use name ad d ressing . For 
    examp le, the automated attend ant c ould  g reet c allers with the following: 
    “ Thank you for c alling  ABC Comp any.”
    “To leave a message for one of our sales agents, please enter
    his or her name starting  with the last name.”
    To administer name ad d ressing , enter name
     in the Ad dressing  Format field  on 
    p ag e 2 of the Sub sc rib er sc reen. On p ag e 3 of the Sub sc rib er sc reen, enter e
    the extension c olumn for b uttons 2 throug h 9. It is rec ommend ed  that a Timeout 
    Treatment also b e ad ministered  on p age 3 of the Sub sc riber sc reen. If the Leng th 
    of Timeout on Initial Entry field  is set to “ 1”  or “ 0” , c allers to the automated  
    attend ant will be transferred  immed iately if they d o not enter a sub sc rib er’s 
    When the DEFINITY AUDIX system find s four or more matc hes for name 
    ad d ressing , the system req uests more d ig its.
    “ Enter more c harac ters followed  b y the p ound  sig n. If you just c omp leted 
    entering  the last name, enter the first name and  p ound  sig n.”
    When three or fewer matc hes exist, the c aller then selec ts a name from the three 
    or fewer matc hes. The c aller may p ress  
      to d elete the previously d ialed  
    Using Rotary Phones with an 
    Automated Attendant
    Automated  attendants c an work with rotary telep hone users if the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system has an attac hed  p ulse-to-tone c onverter. A p ulse-to-tone 
    c onverter is a small b ox outsid e the switc h b etween the switc h and  the c entral 
    offic e. Set the Between Dig its at Auto-Attend ant or Stand alone Menu field  on the 
    System-Parameters Features sc reen to b etween 3 and  12 sec ond s (5 or 6 
    sec ond s is rec ommend ed ). This sets the d elay in sec ond s b efore the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system times out. Determine the b est value after ac tual use.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    45 Requirements 
    Customers who have larg e numb ers of sub sc rib ers or c allers who use 
    rotary-d ial telep hones may want to set the Between Dig its at 
    Auto-Attend ant or Stand alone Menu field  to a hig her value to allow 
    rotary-d ial users time to enter their selec tions.
    If the c aller fails to enter any tones at an automated  attend ant menu, the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system uses the timeout treatment ad ministered  on the 
    Automated  Attend ant Sub sc rib er sc reen. The timeout treatment on the 
    Automated  Attend ant Sub sc rib er sc reen should  b e g reater than the Between 
    Dig its at Auto-Attend ant or Standalone Menu field  on the System-Parameters 
    Features sc reen, or the automated  attendant may time out b efore the first d ig it 
    can be entered.
    If not using a p ulse-to-tone c onverter, leave the Between Dig its at Auto-Attend ant 
    or Stand alone Menu field  on the System-Parameters Features sc reen at the 
    d efault of 3.
    The Automated  Attend ant feature may affec t the numb er of p orts that should  b e 
    installed  in the system. Eac h Automated  Attend ant menu need s ab out 10 
    sec ond s for all the op tions to p lay, and  usually another 2 to 7 sec ond s to transfer 
    the c all out of the DEFINITY AUDIX system. This ad d itional p ort use should  b e 
    fig ured  into the total numb er of p orts need ed  when ord ering  the system. 
    Feature Operation
    Automated  attendants are set up as DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers on the 
    Sub sc rib er sc reen and  ap p ear the same as reg ular sub sc rib ers exc ep t they are 
    id entified  as an automated attend ant in the Permissions-Type field , and  have a 
    third  p ag e where the menu c hoic es are d efined . 
    If the automated  attend ant extension is to b e c alled  d irec tly, the attend ant’s 
    extension must b e ad ministered  on the switc h and forward ed  to the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system. If the attendant will b e reac hed  only b y other automated  
    attend ants, it c an be a nonresid ent sub sc rib er extension ad ministered  in the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system b ut not on the switc h. 
    The attend ant menu that is voic ed  b y the automated  attend ant is ac tually the 
    p ersonal g reeting  for that automated  attend ant extension. This is c onvenient 
    b ec ause you c an easily c hang e the text of the messag e just as you would  any 
    p ersonal g reeting . You c an also use the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature to 
    p rovid e a d ifferent menu of op tions for different typ es of c alls or Dual Languag e 
    Greeting s with the Multiling ual feature.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    46 Interactions with Other Features 
    The ac tions eac h attend ant p erforms when sp ec ific  keys are p ressed  are 
    sp ec ified  on the last p ag e of the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Extensions are assig ned  to 
    keys (  throug h  ) and  a c all-treatment c od e is assigned  to d etermine if the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system should  transfer the c all throug h the switc h to an 
    extension’s telep hone (treatment  transfer) or d irec tly into the extension’s voic e 
    mailb ox to leave a messag e. If the c all is transferred  d irec tly to a voic e mailbox, 
    the c all-treatment c od e also sp ec ifies whether the system Guest Password  
    g reeting  or the subsc rib er’s Call Answer g reeting  is p layed . The system Guest 
    Password greeting is played if the c all-treatment is 
    guest-greeting. If the 
    c all-treatment is 
    call-answer, the sub sc rib er’s Call Answer greeting  is p layed  if 
    one is rec ord ed  and  ac tive, otherwise the system Call Answer g reeting  is p layed . 
    Transfers from an automated  attend ant to a nested automated  attend ant should  
    b e g iven a treatment of c all-answer so that c allers remain in the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system and  are not transferred  through the switc h. This makes nesting  
    transp arent to the c aller sinc e there is no d elay b etween the ac tion selec ted  at 
    the first attend ant and  the b eg inning  of the selec ted  attend ant’s voic e p romp t. 
    Interactions with Other Features
    This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Automated  Attend ant feature with 
    switc h features and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features.
    Interactions with Switch Features
    The Automated  Attend ant feature interac ts with switc h features as follows: 
    nCall Coverag e:  Chec k the following  list for imp ortant Call Coverag e 
    feature interac tions that may affec t the exp ec ted  p erformanc e of the 
    automated  attend ant: 
    — The automated  attend ant extension should  b e ad ministered  on the 
    switc h to red irec t c alls to another numb er in c ase the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system is b usy or is not working  (req uires vec toring  — 
    Generic  3 only). For examp le, a live ag ent or other staffed  p osition 
    should be used as a backup if possible. 
    — If telephone users on System 75 or DEFINITY Generic  1 switc hes 
    p ress   for Op erator, they g o to a human attendant, 
    not the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX automated  attend ant. The   button is 
    hard -c od ed  in System 75 and  DEFINITY Generic  1 switc hes to 
    transfer to a live op erator or attend ant, and  c annot c urrently b e 
    reassig ned  to direc t c alls to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The 
    automated  attend ant is reac hed  b y d ialing  the assig ned (nonzero) 
    automated  attend ant extension numb er. 
    — On most switc hes, sub sc rib ers c annot transfer c alls direc tly 
    to an 
    attend ant c onsole using  either the Transfer Out of AUDIX feature or 
    an automated  attend ant. Chec k your switc h d oc umentation for 
    restric tions on attend ant op eration and  c all transfers. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    47 Interactions with Other Features 
    nPhantom Extensions:  For System 75 and  Generic  1 switc hes, it is 
    nec essary to add  a p ort b oard  for eac h p hantom extension. This is 
    nec essary for Generic  3 switc hes. 
    Se e  Installation and  Switc h Ad ministration for DEFINITY AUDIX 
     585-300-122, for c omp lete step -b y-step  instruc tions for 
    ad ministering  a DEFINITY AUDIX automated attend ant on a switc h. 
    Always see the ap p rop riate switc h d oc umentation for switc h 
    interac tions and  p roc ed ures. 
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    The Automated  Attend ant feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features 
    as follows: 
    nADAP:  The AUDIX Ad ministration and  Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e (ADAP) 
    p rovid es the system administrator with the ab ility to d ownload  information 
    on automated  attend ants to a p ersonal c omp uter (the information is stored  
    in d BASE III PLUS format). All of the information p rovid ed  on the 
    Sub sc rib er and  List Attend ants sc reens c an be transferred . 
    nAutomated  Attend ant:  The Automated  Attendant feature c an transfer c alls 
    to other automated  attend ants; this is c alled  nesting  automated  
    attend ants. The p erson resp onsib le for ad ministering  the automated  
    attend ants must ensure that nested  attend ants c annot b ec ome loc ked  into 
    a rec ursive loop. The only way this situation c an oc c ur is if the time-out 
    field s for attend ant “ A”  are ad ministered  for the extension of attend ant “ B”  
    with c all-answer or transfer c all-treatment, and  if the time-out field s for 
    attend ant “ B”  are ad ministered  for the extension of attend ant “ A”  with 
    c all-answer or transfer c all-treatment. To illustrate, if a c aller d ials 
    attend ant “ A”  and  is not using  a touc h-tone telep hone, that c aller must 
    wait to b e timed -out and transferred  to attend ant “ B” . The c aller will hear 
    the attend ant menu for “ B”  and  then must wait to be timed -out and  
    transferred  b ac k to attend ant “ A” . This loop  will c ontinue until the c aller 
    hang s up . 
    nBulletin Board:  The Automated  Attend ant feature c an b e used  to p rovid e 
    callers with a menu of Bulletin Boards. By pressing the appropriate button 
    on a telep hone keyp ad , the c aller c an transfer to any of the Bulletin 
    Board s d efined  on the automated  attend ant menu. By sp ec ifying  the 
    ap p rop riate c all-treatment (treatment g uest-greeting ) on the Sub sc rib er 
    sc reen, the system ad ministrator c an allow c allers to leave messag es in 
    the Bulletin Board ’s voic e mailb ox. 
    nCall Answer:  Automated  attend ants are given auto-attend ant Call Answer 
    p ermission; this is d efined  on the COS or Sub sc riber sc reen. Also, b y 
    d efining  the c all-treatment as c all-answer, c allers are transferred  d irec tly 
    to the voic e mailb ox of the d esired  extension and  hear the ap p rop riate 
    Call Answer g reeting  (either p ersonal or system).  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    48 Interactions with Other Features 
    nClass of Servic e:  The COS  sc reen c an be used  b y the system 
    ad ministrator to d efine an automated  attend ant (typ e auto-attendant
    Answer p ermission). This  sc reen c an also b e used  to d efine an entire 
    c lass of servic e for automated  attend ants. 
    nDial-b y-Name:  If c all transfer (   ) is administered  for an automated  
    attendant (using the Subscriber and System-Parameter Features sc reens), 
    c allers c an use the Dial-By-Name feature to transfer to a DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub sc rib er. 
    nEsc ap e to Attend ant:  If   is administered  to transfer the c aller to a live 
    attend ant, c allers c an transfer to the attend ant simp ly b y p ressing   .To 
    b e c onsistent with other DEFINITY AUDIX features, we rec ommend  that   
    b e reserved  as the menu selec tion to reac h a live attend ant. 
    nFull Mailb ox Answer Mod e:  If an automated  attend ant transfers a c all to a 
    voic e mailb ox that is full, the c aller will hear the Full Mailb ox Answer Mod e 
    announc ement. 
    nGuest Password:  An automated  attend ant that offers nonresid ent 
    extensions as c hoic es p rovides an alternative to the Guest Password  
    feature in that c allers c an leave messag es d irec tly without having  to know 
    a Voic e Mailb ox numb er (if this is a menu selec tion) and  the Guest 
    Password . The Guest Password  g reeting “
    Please leave a messag e for 
    < name>
    ”  will b e p layed for the c aller if the c all-treatment for this extension 
    is d efined  as g uest-g reeting  on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. If the c all-treatment 
    is d efined  as c all-answer, the c aller will hear the sub sc rib er’s Call Answer 
    g reeting  (either p ersonal or system). 
    nMessag e-Waiting  Ind ic ator:  The Messag e-Waiting  Ind ic ator (MWI) feature 
    (either the messag e-waiting  lamp  or stutter d ial-tone) works as follows for 
    nonresid ent and  shared  extensions: 
    — Nonresid ent Extension — Sub sc rib ers who do not have a phone set 
    and  are assigned  a false extension (on the switc h) must c all the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system or ad minister the Outc alling  feature to get 
    messag es (the MWI feature c annot b e ac tivated ). 
    — Shared  Extensions — The MWI feature on a shared  extension will 
    b e ac tivated  only if a messag e is left for the extension. Messag e 
    notific ation for users who share an extension and  have voic e 
    mailb ox numb ers that d o not c orresp ond  to ind ividual telep hones 
    on the switc h c an only b e ac c omp lished  using the Outc alling  
    nMultiling ual:  Multiling ual automated  attend ants c an b e set up  with two or 
    more lang uag es. The first stag e of an automated  attend ant in a 
    multiling ual environment mig ht ask the user to selec t a lang uag e, and  
    sub sequent stag es c ould  imp lement the Auto-Attend ant func tion in the 
    lang uag e c hosen. If only two lang uag es are inc lud ed  in the automated  
    attend ant, the system ad ministrator c an rec ord  the menus as the primary 
    and  sec ond ary greeting s for the automated  attend ant, Call Answer 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    49 Interactions with Other Features 
    Lang uag e Choic e set to y (yes), rather than rec ord ing  Multiple Personal 
    Greeting s. The p rimary menu would  have to tell the c aller, in the alternate 
    lang uag e, to press     to hear the menu in the alternate lang uag e. 
    nMultiple Personal Greeting s:  The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature c an 
    b e ac tivated  for automated  attend ants. All of the greeting s and  c all typ es 
    are availab le to the attend ant. When using  this feature with an automated  
    attend ant, users 
    must have a p ersonal g reeting  rec ord ed  for eac h c all 
    type they have c hosen to d ifferentiate. The c omb ination of the Multip le 
    Personal Greeting s and  Automated  Attend ant features make the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system an extremely flexib le tool. The Multiple Personal Greeting s 
    feature c annot be used  if the Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e is set to y 
    (yes) on the Sub sc rib er or COS  sc reen for the automated  attend ant. 
    nOnline Help:  A c aller may ask the system to rep lay the automated  
    attend ant menu at any time b y pressing      .
    nPlayback and Recording Control:  The Playb ac k and  Rec ording  Control 
    features are available when c reating  an automated  attendant menu. These 
    features are also availab le to c allers who have b een transferred  to a voic e 
    mailb ox and  want to leave a messag e. Playb ac k c ommand s are not 
    availab le while listening  to the attend ant menu (p ressing      will rep lay 
    the menu). 
    nShared  Extension:  The Automated  Attend ant feature c an b e used  to allow 
    several sub sc rib ers to share an extension. The Shared  Extension feature is 
    a sub feature of the Automated  Attendant feature. The automated  
    attend ant menu used for a shared  extension c an b e voic ed  in multip le 
    lang uag es. 
    nTTY Automated  Attend ant:  The TDD announc ement set enab les the 
    system ad ministrator to set up  TTY automated  attend ants that p rovid e 
    automated  attend ant servic e to hearing -imp aired c allers. 
    nTr a f f i c  R e p o r t s:  Bec ause automated  attend ants ap p ear as DEFINITY 
    AUDIX sub sc rib ers, their use c an b e monitored throug h the Traffic  Rep orts 
    feature using  the Subsc rib er Daily Traffic  sc reen. This information c ould be 
    esp ec ially useful on small systems, where the number of p orts d ed ic ated  
    to Automated  Attend ant may need  to b e kep t at a minimum. The List 
    Attend ants sc reen shows all automated  attend ants in the system 
    (sub sc ribers with an auto-attend ant in the Permission-Typ e field ) and  their 
    extension numbers. 
    nTransfer Out of AUDIX:  An automated  attend ant must b e ad ministered  to 
    ac c ep t the     (Transfer Out of AUDIX feature) c ommand  using  the 
    Sub sc rib er and  System-Parameter Features sc reens for this typ e of c all 
    transfer to work. The system ad ministrator must ac tivate c all transfer 
    (defined  on the System-Parameters Features sc reen) in ord er to take 
    ad vantag e of the     c ommand or the transfer c all treatment op tion. 
    nVoic e Mailb ox:  Automated  attend ants c an transfer c allers direc tly to a 
    voic e mailb ox to leave a c all answer messag e. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Attendant 
    50 Interactions with Other Features  
    All Lucent Technologies manuals Comments (0)

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