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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Online Help 231 Feature Operation Administration Terminal Online Help The DEFINITY AUDIX system inc lud es an ad ministration terminal online help fac ility. This Online Help feature g ives an ad ministration terminal user a summary of c ommand s, sc reens, and field op tions at the touc h of a key. All DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reens offer three levels of online help to sup p lement written d oc umentation: INTUITY Message Manager Online Help See INTUITY Message Manag er User’s Guid e, 585-310-725, for information on how to use the various typ es of IMM online help Command HelpWhenever your c ursor is on the c ommand line of the terminal sc reen, you c an use the Online Help feature to find out the next p ossib le seg ments (parts) of a sc reen name b y either p ressing the key or using a CTRL-key seq uence. The Online Help feature lists all leg al c ommand op tions availab le to you at that point in the p ath. After typ ing a valid seg ment (or its uniq ue ab b reviation) and p ressing , you c an ag ain req uest help for the next seg ment. Sc reen HelpWhenever a sc reen is d isp layed , use the key (or eq uivalent) to show a summary of the sc reen’s purpose, valid c ommand s (suc h as the Enter c ommand s), and other pertinent information. The d isp lay-only field s for that sc reen (if any) are also listed . Fi e l d H e l pWhenever the c ursor is on a d ata-entry (mod ifiab le) field in a sc reen, you c an use the key to show a b rief d esc rip tion of that field and list the valid options you may enter. Bec ause the c ursor c annot rest on a d isp lay-only field , these field s are d esc rib ed in the sc reen summary. CHOICES ENTER HELP CHOICES
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Online Help 232 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Online Help feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Online Help feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Online Help feature is availab le for all of the DEFINITY AUDIX features.
Outcalling 233 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens Outc alling allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system to c all sub - sc rib ers and inform them of new messag es Wh o h a s i t: Only DEFINITY AUDIX sub scrib ers who have b een g iven Outc alling p ermission b y the system ad ministrator c an use this feature. The system ad ministrator c an ac tivate or d eny Outc alling for individ uals on the Class of Servic e or Sub sc rib er sc reen. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The system ad ministrator d efines system-wid e Outc alling p arameters using the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. These p arameters inc lud e enabling or disabling Outcalling for the entire system, defining up to three periods per day when Outc alling is ac tivated (or it c an b e left c ontinuously ac tive), setting the maximum numb er of d ig its the system c an d ial to p lac e an outc all, d efining the maximum numb er of p orts that the system c an use simultaneously to p lac e outc alls, and d efining the retry interval. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: If Outc alling is ac tivated for the entire system, any DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er who has p ermission c an use ac tivity 6 on the Ac tivity Menu to instruc t the system to plac e outc alls to them at the p hone numb er they sp ec ify. nIf an outc all is p lac ed to a rotary p hone or p ag er, you will not b e ab le to retrieve your messag es. For this reason, assign Outc alling only to touc h-tone p hones unless you are using this feature for mes- sag e notific ation. nOutcalls are not placed while you are log g ed on to the system. If you hang up without reviewing your new messag es, outc alls will b e p lac ed using the c urrent sc hed - ule. nThe maximum numb er of d ig its sub sc rib ers c an sp ec ify as their outc all numb er may b e limited to p revent sub sc rib ers from req uest- ing long -d istanc e c alls (the maxi- mum leng th is 60 d ig its). Limiting the numb er of d ig its may p revent having p ag ers alerted throug h Outcalling, however. Outcalling C O S, Su b , Sy s- Pa r O u t
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Outcalling 234 Applications Applications This feature is often used on systems that d o not have messag e-waiting lamp c ap ability. It may also b e useful for sub sc rib ers who work at home or another loc ation, or who wish to b e notified p romp tly of new messag es d uring or after reg ular working hours. Further, this feature c an b e used to notify sub sc rib ers of new messages by calling their pagers or radio pagers. Considerations Outc alling permission should b e g iven with c are, b ec ause it uses p orts and trunk lines that mig ht otherwise b e used for stand ard voic e mail and c all answer op eration. If outc alling is used exc essively, or if the system is und ersized , it may tax system resourc es. Bec ause even routine messag es trig g er outc alls, outc alling c an use resourc es unnec essarily. A g ood way to make jud ic ious use of outc alling is to use the Priority Outc alling feature in c onjunc tion with the Pr io ri t y Messag e feature. I NTUITY Messag e Manag er (IMM) uses the Outc alling feature to c omp lete a c all to a sub sc rib er’s telep hone; this c an c ause p ort c ontention with other Outc alling c alls. The numb er of Outc alling p orts may need to b e inc reased when using IMM. The DEFINITY AUDIX system, like all voice messaging and automated attendant systems, is sub jec t to unauthorized long d istanc e c all attemp ts (toll fraud ). But the system ad ministrator c an take step s to minimize the risk. NOTE: To minimize the possibility of toll fraud, ad ministrators should turn off outc alling on a p er-subsc rib er b asis via the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reens. The numb er of d ig its used for outc alling c an also b e restric ted on a system-wid e b asis using the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. For more information on minimizing toll fraud , see DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507. Requirements The system ad ministrator ac tivates the Outc alling feature using the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. The field s on this sc reen allow the ad ministrator to set c ertain restric tions on outc alling ac tivity. After outc alling has b een ac tivated and ad ministered on the sc reen, an aud it must b e run; otherwise, the Outc alling feature will not work. Note that any time the ad ministrator c hang es the numb er of p orts availab le for the Outc alling feature, the switc h-translations aud it must b e run to ac tivate those c hang es.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Outcalling 235 Feature Operation Systems with Outc alling enab led may req uire ad d itional voic e p orts d ep end ing on the number of people who use the feature, the length of outcalls, and the freq uenc y of notific ation attemp ts. For examp le, a suc c essful (answered ) outc all may take 20 sec ond s to hang up , while an unsuc c essful outc all may take up to one minute for the system to hang up (the system waits for p otential inp ut b efore timing-out and end ing the c all). Feature Operation When sub sc rib ers rec eive new messag es and the Outc alling feature is ac tive, the system c alls them after the d elay spec ified by the system ad ministrator on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. The system pauses a few sec ond s, then p lays an Outc alling announc ement five times (this is b ec ause the system d oes not know when, or if, the c all is answered ). A tone p lays at the end of the announc ement in c ase another system answers the c all (as a result of normal c all-c overag e). This c auses the answering system to hang up without rec ording a messag e. Figure 34. Outcalling Operation Enter a.m.Enter a.m. Enter p.m.Enter p.m.Approve Delete Star t Time: End Time: Hour Minutes Hour Minutes Log Into AUDIX :: OutcallingChange Number For Any Messages Any Time New Number Schedule For Priority Messages Prime Time Help Specify Time Restrictions Tu r n Off Tu r n On To H e a r a List of OptionsListen to Restrictions Return to Outcalling MenuReturn to Activity Menu Return to Activity Menu Return to Activity MenuReturn to Outcalling Menu Return to Outcalling Menu Return to Outcalling Menu
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Outcalling 236 Feature Operation The following sec tions d esc rib e how you c an tailor the use of the Outc alling feature to your needs. The Priority Outc alling feature allows you to administer the system so that you will rec eive an outc all only when priority messag es have b een d elivered to your voice mailb ox. For more information, see the Priority Outc alling feature. Changing the Outcalling Number Figure 35. Changing the Outcalling Number You can change your Outcalling number at any time by following the procedure below: 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to select Outcalling ad ministration. 3. Press to c hange the Outc alling number. The system will pause 1.5 sec ond s for eac h that ap p ears in the Outcalling number string. This is useful when giving the system a pager numb er or a number for a remote loc ation. 4. Enter the new numb er (up to 60 c harac ters [ d ep ending on ad ministration], inc lud ing p auses), and then p ress . nIf the system is to p lac e an outc all to a p ag er, enter the p ag er numb er, c ount the numb er of sec ond s of silenc e b efore the b eep er sig nals to enter the final, id entifying d ig its, then c onvert the numb er of sec ond s to system pauses. For examp le, 6 sec ond s at 1.5 sec ond s p er p ause would eq ual four p auses (do not use a p ause as the first entry in your Outc alling numb er). Log Into AUDI X Outcal li ngChange Number New Number Schedule Hel p Tu r n O f f Tu r n O n To H e a r a Li st of Options Return to Outcal li ng MenuReturn to Outcalling Menu 6 1 * #
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Outcalling 237 Feature Operation nTo inc lud e a p ound sig n (#) as the first d ig it of the numb er, enter . nTo inc lud e a star (*) as the first d ig it of the numb er, enter . nIf the system is to p lac e an outc all to a p ag er that req uires sig ns as p art of the d igit string other than as the first d ig it, enter (the tells the system to inc lud e in the numb er. In this c ase, the system d oes not reg ister as a p ause). For examp le, for the system to reac h your p ag er with an outc all, it may need to d ial a 9, wait 1.5 sec ond s, d ial a seven-d ig it number, then d ial # and a three-d ig it numb er, followed b y a pound . You would enter the following : nFor pagers requiring a pound sign termination, end your digit string with . nAnything you enter will b e interp reted as p art of the c alled numb er. No g lob al c ommand s suc h as are ac c ep ted at this time. nIf a mistake is mad e while entering the numb er, p ress , then, p ress ag ain and enter the c orrec t numb er. NOTE: Although p ag er c alls are not g uaranteed to work with the DEFINITY AUDIX system, there are many b rand s of p ag ers that are c urrently in use with DEFINITY AUDIX systems. The Motorola p ag er and the Skyp ag er have b een tested with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Sub sc rib ers should experiment with the numb er of p auses need ed to make an outc all to a p ag er. # * # *# *# * 9*1234567*#123# *## *D # 1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Outcalling 238 Feature Operation Scheduling Outcalling Figure 36. Scheduling Outcalling To spec ify a d aily time p eriod for the system to p lac e an outc all, d o the following : 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to select Outcalling ad ministration. 3. Press to sc hed ule Outc alling . 4. Take one of the following actions: nTo b e c alled any time (d ay or nig ht), p ress . nTo b e c alled d uring p rime time (set b y your system ad ministrator), p ress . nTo listen to the sc hed uling restric tions ind ic ating when Outc alling is availab le (set b y your system ad ministrator), p ress . nTo sp ec ify a time p eriod for the system to p lac e an outc all, a. Press to selec t a time p eriod for Outc alling to start and end . b . Enter the starting hour and minutes (either one or two d ig its for the hour and two d ig its for the minutes). For example, press for 2:05. Enter a.m.Enter a.m. Enter p.m.Enter p.m.Approve Delete Star t Time: End Time: Hour Minutes Hour Minutes :: Any Time Prime Time Specify Time Restrictions Listen to RestrictionsReturn to Outcalling Menu Return to Outcalling MenuReturn to Outcalling MenuLog Into AUDIX OutcallingChange Number Schedule Help Tu r n O f f Tu r n O n To H e a r a List of Options 6 2 1 2 4 3 205
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Outcalling 239 Feature Operation c . Press (2) for A.M. or (7) for P.M., and then p ress . d . Enter the end ing hour and minutes. e. Press (2) for A.M. or (7) for P.M., and then p ress . If the sc hed ule is not c orrec t, p ress to d elete, and re-enter the time p eriod . f. Press to app rove the sc hedule. Turning Outcalling On/Off Figure 37. Turning Outcalling On/Off An Outc alling numb er is not erased when Outc alling is turned off. Outc alling c an always b e turned on ag ain to use the orig inal number you set without req uiring you to re-enter the numb er. 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to select Outcalling ad ministration. 3. Press (9) to turn Outc alling on, or p ress (6) to turn Outc alling off. If you turn Outc alling on, you must selec t either to ac tivate Outc alling for all new messag es, or to ac tivate Outc alling for only new Priority messag es. AP# AP# *D # Y On Log Into AUDIXOutcalling 6 2 For All New Priority Messages 1 For All New Messages Off N 6 YN 1 2
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Outcalling 240 Interactions with Other Features Responding to an Outcall When an outc all is answered , the system p rovid es the p erson answering the c all with three c hoic es: rec eive the messag es, c anc el Outc alling , or d isc onnec t. nTo rec eive the messag es: 1. Answer the ring ing p hone. 2. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 3. Listen to messag es. nTo c anc el Outc alling : 1. Answer the ring ing p hone. 2. Press to c anc el the outc all; the system won’t c all again until there are more new messag es. nTo d isc onnec t: Hang up without log g ing in or c anc eling the outc all; the system will resc hed ule the outc all for the next ad ministered outc alling interval. NOTE: Central Offic es c an take up to 30 sec ond s to d isc onnec t the system after an outc all has b een p lac ed to a remote loc ation. If the system is still c onnec ted after an outc all is mad e and you need to make another c all, use the Exit c ommand b y p ressing to forc e the system to hang up . Remote subsc rib ers may wish to end eac h Outc alling session by p ressing . Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Outc alling feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Outc alling feature interac ts with the switc h as follows: nRe s t r i c t i o n - C o d e Re s t r i c t i o n: Outc alls c an b e restric ted to sp ec ific g eog rap hic al areas (b y area c odes) using this switc h feature. *# **X **X