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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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AMIS Analog Networking 21 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens Aud io Messag ing Interc hang e Sp ec ific ation (AMIS) Analog Networking is an op tional feature that p ermits sub sc rib ers to exchang e voice mail messag es with voice mail systems any- where in the world , p rovid ed those systems also have AMIS- analog c ap ab ilities (AMIS is an ind ustry-wid e stand ard ). Messages also c an be exc hang ed with users on remote sys- tems with AMIS c ap ab ilities mad e b y vend ors other than Luc ent Tec hnolog ies. The ad ministrator may ad minister a set of remote voic e mes- sag ing systems for two-step ( casual) ad dressing (for instanc e, an entire area c od e) without ad ministering remote systems individ ually. If the traffic b etween the loc al system and a p artic ular remote system is heavy, however, the administrator may ad minister the remote system for one-step ( p re-ad ministered) ad d ressing . To ad d ress a message via AMIS analog two-step ad d ress- ing , the sub sc rib er must spec ify both the telephone numb er of the remote voic e mail system and the mailb ox ID of the intend ed rec ip ient. To ad dress a messag e via AMIS analog one-step ad d ressing , the sub sc rib er need only spec ify the remote mailb ox ID of the intend ed rec ip ient. Users on remote systems ad ministered for one-step ad d ressing c an b e administered on the loc al system via the Sub sc rib er sc reen, and they may b e includ ed in sub scrib ers’ mailing lists and p ersonal d irec tories. The loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will transmit messag es at sp ec ific times set b y the DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministrator on the Mac hine sc reen. The times spec ified on this sc reen must b e a sub set of the outc alling p eriod s ad ministered on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. nEac h DEFINITY AUDIX system using AMIS Analog Networking c an exc hang e messag es with any voic e mail system with AMIS ana- log capabilities. nRemote systems c an be ad minis- tered for easy one-step ad d ress- ing . nAs d efined b y the AMIS analog specification, messages will be transmitted sep arately for eac h remote recipient, even if recipients resid e on the same system. nMessag es are played b y the send ing system and rec ord ed by the rec eiving system. nBecause messages are played and transmitted via analog lines, their q uality may d eg rad e. AMIS Analog Networking Su b , M a c h , Sy s -Pa r O u t
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 22 Applications Applications AMIS Analog Networking is p rimarily of interest to b usinesses that use voic e messag ing systems that d o not use Luc ent Tec hnolog ies’ p rop rietary AUDIX software. AMIS Analog Networking allows remote or systems to“ talk” to eac h other using a d ial-and-answer system like a telephone c all. Customers whose ad d itional voic e messag ing systems use AUDIX software may want to use Dig ital Networking . See the Dig ital Networking feature for more information ab out Dig ital Networking . Considerations A p rimary c onsid eration in AMIS Analog Networking , as with the Outc alling feature, is how often the feature will b e used . This typ e of networking uses voic e p orts whic h is an imp ortant c onsid eration when p lanning a system c onfiguration. The c onsid erations for one-step and two-step ad d ressing are d isc ussed b elow. AMIS Analog One-Step Addressing If the traffic b etween the loc al system and a p artic ular remote system is heavy, the ad ministrator may administer the remote system for p re-ad ministered ad d ressing . In this c ase, the ad ministrator must ind ivid ually administer the remote system rather than inc lud ing it in a set of administered remote systems. To add ress a messag e via AMIS analog one-step ad d ressing, the sub sc rib er need s to sp ec ify only the remote mailb ox ID (normally an extension) of the intend ed rec ip ient. Users on remote systems administered for one-step ad d ressing on the loc al system also c an b e ad ministered on the loc al system via the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen. These loc ally ad ministered, remote users may b e inc lud ed in sub sc rib ers’ mailing lists (see the Mailing List feature) and p ersonal d irec tories (see the Personal Direc tory feature). Sinc e they are listed in the system d irec tory, they also c an be ad d ressed b y name (see the Ad d ress-b y-Name feature). AMIS Analog Two-Step Addressing The ad ministrator may ad minister a set of remote voic e mail systems for c asual ad d ressing . A set of systems c ould , for examp le, b e an entire area c ode or all loc al numb ers. In this c ase, ind ivid ual remote voic e mail systems d o not need to b e ad ministered sep arately. To add ress a messag e via AMIS analog two-step ad d ressing , the sub sc rib er must sp ec ify b oth the telep hone numb er of the remote voic e mail system and the mailb ox ID of the intend ed rec ipient on the remote system. Users on these remote systems c annot b e ad ministered on the loc al system, nor c an they b e inc lud ed in sub sc rib er-defined ad d ress lists or p ersonal d irec tories.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 23 Requirements The AMIS Analog Networking feature is desig ned to b e very similar to the stand ard Voic e Mail and Networking features. However, sub sc rib ers who rec eive AMIS analog messag es from remote systems ad ministered for AMIS two-step ad d ressing will notic e information inc lud ed in the head er that is not inc lud ed in stand ard voic e mail messag es. This inc lud es a statement that the messag e is an AMIS analog messag e and , g enerally, the c omp lete telep hone numb er of the remote voic e mail system (d epend ing on ad d ress rang e) in ad d ition to the mailb ox ID of the p erson who sent the messag e (the send er’s name will not b e voic ed ). Requirements The AMIS Analog Networking feature must b e ac tivated b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies’ remote maintenanc e p ersonnel. Eac h remote system, whic h may b e a Luc ent Tec hnolog ies system or another vend or’s voic e mail system, must have AMIS analog capabilities activated. Feature Operation The local system simp ly c alls the remote system and , when the remote system is read y, plays the messag e. The remote system rec ord s the messag e and p uts it in the rec ipient’s mailbox. Since the analog messages are actually played back to the remote system and not transmitted d ig itally, the remote system will take one minute to rec ord a one minute messag e, for examp le. If a messag e is sent to more than one sub sc riber on the same remote system, it is p layed to the remote system multiple times. See AMIS Analog Networking, 585-300-512, for the sp ec ific p roc ed ures req uired to ad minister the AMIS Analog Networking feature. AMIS Two-Step Addressing Procedure The p roc ed ure to send AMIS messag es from the loc al mac hine to a remote system ad ministered for AMIS two-step add ressing is summarized as follows: 1. A loc al subsc riber either c reates a voic e mail messag e, forward s a Call Answer or voic e mail messag e, or retrieves a messag e saved in the outgoing mailb ox. Note that AMIS messag es d esig nated private are not delivered. AMIS messages designated priority are d elivered , b ut they ap p ear as reg ular messag es to the remote system. 2. When p romp ted for the rec ip ient’s extension, the sub sc rib er enters the AMIS p refix, if one is ad ministered , followed b y the full telephone numb er of the remote voic e mail system (area c od e or c ountry c od e p lus area c od e may b e nec essary), followed b y the key. For more information on p refixes, see Remote Ad d resses later in this sec tion. #
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 24 Feature Operation 3. When the system rec og nizes the telep hone numb er as b eing in the rang e of AMIS two-step ad d resses, it p romp ts the subsc rib er for the mailb ox ID on the remote system. The sub sc riber enters the mailb ox ID (normally an extension) followed b y the key. 4. Sub sc rib ers c an spec ify a time when they would like the messag e d elivered , b ut the messag e may have to wait in the outc alling q ueue for the next administered AMIS transmission period . 5. The system attemp ts to deliver the messag e d uring an outc alling p eriod sp ec ified on the Mac hine sc reen. The times sp ec ified on this sc reen must b e a subset of the outc alling times ad ministered on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. If the outc alling p orts are all b usy, the system retries in one minute. If an outc alling p ort is availab le, b ut for some reason the system c annot deliver the AMIS messag e, the system uses the retry intervals specified on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. 6. The DEFINITY AUDIX system makes three attemp ts to d eliver the messag e. If the messag e is d elivered suc c essfully, the system up d ates the outgoing message status to delivered. If all three attemp ts fail, the system send s a messag e to the senders, notifying them that the AMIS messag e was und eliverab le. NOTE: Name ad dressing d oes not work with the AMIS two-step ad d ressing procedure. AMIS Two-Step Addressing Example Two p eop le who work for the same c omp any, and who are sub sc rib ers on d ifferent voic e mail systems, mig ht need to exc hang e voic e mail messag es. For examp le, if sub sc rib er L (a sub sc rib er on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system) need s to send a voic e mail messag e to sub sc rib er R (an emp loyee of the same c omp any at a remote site ac ross town from sub sc rib er L), she c ould d o so via two-step AMIS Analog Networking . Before sub sc rib er L c an send an AMIS analog messag e to sub sc rib er R’s voic e mailb ox, she need s to know the following information: nThe p refix, if assig ned on the Mac hine sc reen, identifying the rang e of hunt g roup numb ers for voic e mail systems to whic h sub sc rib ers c an send two-step AMIS analog messag es; assume this p refix has b een ad ministered to b e 7. nThe hunt g roup numb er for sub sc rib er R’s voic e mail mac hine (this is the numb er sub sc rib er R d ials to use his voic e mail system); assume the hunt g roup number is 222-5000. nSub sc rib er R’s mailb ox ID (this would normally b e subsc riber R’s extension); assume sub sc rib er R’s extension is 1111. #
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 25 Feature Operation To send subsc rib er R a messag e, sub sc rib er L should c omp lete the following step s: 1. Log on to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system and rec ord a messag e for sub sc rib er R. 2. When the system p rompts her for the extension to whic h she wants to send the messag e, she should enter the p refix, followed b y the hunt-g roup numb er of sub sc riber R’s voic e mail system, followed b y the key. In this examp le subsc rib er L would enter 72225000# . 3. When the loc al system p romp ts sub sc riber L for the mailb ox ID to whic h she wants to send the messag e, she should enter sub sc rib er R’s extension, followed b y the key. In this examp le subsc rib er L would enter 1111# . 4. Sub sc rib er L’s DEFINITY AUDIX system dials the hunt g roup for sub sc rib er R’s voic e mail system. In this examp le the loc al system would d ial 9-222-5000. 5. When the remote system answers the c all from the loc al system, the loc al system notifies the remote system that it has an AMIS analog messag e for mailb ox 1111. 6. Sub scrib er L’s system plays sub scrib er L’s message to sub scriber R’s system; meanwhile, sub scrib er R’s system records sub scrib er L’s messag e. 7. Sub scrib er R’s voic e mail system p uts sub scrib er L’s messag e in sub sc rib er R’s mailb ox and notifies him that he has a messag e. 8. Sub sc rib er R c an then retrieve sub sc riber L’s messag e as he would any other voic e mail messag e. NOTE: For sub sc rib er L to b e ab le to send a voic e mail messag e to sub scrib er R, the system ad ministrator of the local DEFINITY AUDIX system (on which subscrib er L is a sub sc rib er) must have ad ministered that system for two-step AMIS Analog Networking to loc al numbers. In ad d ition, the system ad ministrator of the remote system (on whic h subsc rib er R is a sub sc rib er) must have ad ministered that voic e mail system to ac c ep t inc oming AMIS Analog Messages. # #
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 26 Feature Operation AMIS One-Step Addressing Procedure The p roc ed ure to send AMIS messag es from the loc al mac hine to a remote mac hine ad ministered for AMIS one-step add ressing is summarized as follows: 1. A loc al subsc riber either c reates a voic e mail messag e, forward s a Call Answer or voic e mail messag e, or retrieves a messag e saved in the outgoing mailb ox. Note that AMIS messag es d esig nated private are not delivered. AMIS messages designated priority are d elivered , b ut they are treated as reg ular messag es b y the remote system. 2.When p romp ted for the rec ip ient’s extension, the sub sc rib er enters the AMIS p refix, if one is ad ministered , followed b y the remote mailb ox ID (normally an extension). For more information on p refixes, see Remote Ad d resses later in this sec tion. 3. Sub sc rib ers c an spec ify a time when they would like the messag e d elivered , b ut the messag e may have to wait in the outc alling q ueue for the next administered AMIS transmission period . 4. The system attemp ts to deliver the messag e d uring one of the intervals sp ec ified on the Mac hine sc reen. The times sp ec ified on this sc reen must b e a subset of the outc alling times ad ministered on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. If the outc alling p orts are all b usy, the system retries in one minute. If an outc alling p ort is availab le, b ut for some reason the system c annot deliver the AMIS messag e, the system uses the retry intervals specified on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. 5. The system makes three attemp ts to d eliver the messag e. If the messag e is d elivered suc c essfully, the DEFINITY AUDIX system up d ates the outgoing messag e status to delivered. If all three attemp ts fail, the system send s a messag e to the sub sc rib er notifying her that the AMIS messag e was undeliverable. AMIS Analog One-Step Addressing Example For one-step AMIS Analog Networking , ag ain c onsid er sub sc rib er L (a sub sc rib er on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system) who need s to send a voic e mail messag e to sub sc rib er R (an emp loyee of the same c ompany at a remote site ac ross town from sub sc rib er L). If subsc rib er R’s system is p re-ad ministered on sub sc rib er L’s system, instead of using the p roc ed ure c overed p reviously, she c ould use one-step ad d ressing to send a messag e to sub sc rib er R. Before sub sc rib er L c an send an AMIS analog messag e to sub sc rib er R’s voic e mailb ox, she need s to know the following information: nThe p refix that was assig ned to id entify sub sc rib er R’s voic e mail system on the Mac hine sc reen; assume this p refix is ad ministered to b e 7. nSub sc rib er R’s mailb ox ID (this would normally b e subsc riber R’s extension); assume sub sc rib er R’s extension is 1111.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 27 Feature Operation To send subsc rib er R a messag e, sub sc rib er L should c omp lete the following step s: 1. Log on to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system and rec ord a messag e for sub sc rib er R. 2. When the system p rompts her for the extension to whic h she wants to send the messag e, she should enter the p refix id entifying sub sc rib er R’s voic e mail system, followed b y sub sc rib er R’s mailb ox ID, followed b y the key. In this examp le subsc rib er L would enter 71111# . 3. Sub scrib er L’s DEFINITY AUDIX system calls sub scrib er R’s voic e mail system b y d ialing the d ig its in the Dial String field defined on the Mac hine sc reen for sub scrib er R’s voice mail system. 4. When the remote system answers the c all from the loc al system, the loc al system notifies the remote system that it has an AMIS analog messag e for mailb ox 1111. 5. Sub scrib er L’s system plays sub scrib er L’s message to sub scriber R’s system; meanwhile, sub scrib er R’s system records sub scrib er L’s messag e. 6. Sub scrib er R’s voic e mail system p uts sub scrib er L’s messag e in sub sc rib er R’s mailb ox and notifies him that he has a messag e. 7. Sub sc rib er R c an then retrieve sub sc riber L’s messag e as he would any other voic e mail messag e. NOTE: For sub sc rib er L to b e ab le to send a voic e mail messag e to sub scrib er R, the system ad ministrator of the local DEFINITY AUDIX system (on which subscrib er L is a sub sc rib er) must have ad ministered sub sc rib er R’s system for one-step AMIS Analog Networking on the loc al system. In add ition, the system ad ministrator of the remote system (on whic h sub sc rib er R is a sub sc rib er) must have ad ministered that voic e mail system to accept incoming AMIS Analog Messages. Remote Addresses Ad d resses for users on remote voic e mail systems c onsist of an op tional loc ation p refix and one of the following : nFor AMIS two-step ad d ressing — Remote voic e mail system telephone numb er (entered b y sub sc rib ers when they are p romp ted for an extension during addressing) plus remote mailbox ID nFor AMIS one-step add ressing — Remote mailb ox ID The p refix c onsists of 0 to 21 alp hanumeric c harac ters. Ad d ed to the extension, up to 31 c harac ters c an b e assig ned to an add ress rang e. #
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 28 Feature Operation The p refix, if d efined , is a set of d ig its that id entifies a remote voic e mail system. The first d ig it(s) of the Ad d ress Rang e Prefix field defined on the Mac hine sc reen must matc h the AMIS p refix d efined on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen. In ad d ition to the AMIS prefix, the ad d ress rang e p refix may c ontain, for examp le, an area c od e or a c ountry c od e plus area c od e. Prefixes are usually numeric and mimic the digits a subscriber would normally have to dial to address an AMIS messag e. In some c ases, a p refix may be req uired if remote extensions c onflic t with the loc al numb ering p lan of the host switc h. Prefixes c an b e d efined for remote systems ad ministered for AMIS two-step ad d ressing and AMIS one-step ad d ressing . In implementing the AMIS Analog Networking feature, a numb er of p refix op tions c ould b e used to help sub sc rib ers d isting uish between remote voic e mail systems. For examp le, a p refix c ould b e: nThe same numb ers as the c ountry c od e and area c od e. nThe same numb ers as the area c od e (NPA) and offic e c od e. nThe offic e c od e (NNX or NXX) if the remote system shares the same area code. nAn RNX c od e if the remote system is in a p rivate network. nAn alphanumeric c od e used as a mnemonic of a loc ation or system. nAll of the ab ove op tions c ould b e ad ministered to b e map p ed into a sing le rang e of remote AMIS ad d resses. The Ad d ress-Rang es sc reen c an list all ad d ress rang es that have b een ad ministered . NOTE: In all of the ab ove examp les, the p refixes must b e p rec ed ed b y the AMIS p refix, if one was d efined , on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen. AMIS Analog Networking ad d ress rang es c annot overlap with any other ad d ress rang es. That inc lud es ad d ress ranges used for the Messag e Delivery feature. In add ition, eac h AMIS two-step and AMIS one-step rang e must b e uniq ue. AMIS Analog Networking User Groups For the AMIS Analog Networking feature, users are divid ed into the following groups: nLoc al sub sc rib ers — Those sub sc rib ers whose mailb oxes resid e on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. nRemote voic e mail users — Those users whose mailb oxes resid e on a remote voic e mail system (any system other than the loc al system). Remote users are further d ivid ed as follows:
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 29 Feature Operation — Ad ministered remote voic e mail users — Those remote users who have been ad ministered on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system via the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen. These users c an b e ad d ressed b y name and their names, if rec ord ed , will b e voic ed b ac k. Only AMIS users whose mailb oxes resid e on systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing c an b e ad ministered on the loc al system. — Nonad ministered remote voic e mail users — Remote users who have not b een ad ministered on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. All users of remote systems administered for AMIS two-step ad d ressing are nonad ministered remote users. Remote users on systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step add ressing may be ad ministered or nonad ministered . The system administrator indic ates whether loc al sub sc rib ers c an send messag es to nonad ministered rec ip ients of remote systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing via the System-Parameters Features sc reen. They c annot c ontrol this for remote systems ad ministered for AMIS two-step ad d ressing, however. Nonad ministered remote voic e mail users are still further d ivid ed as follows: nNonverified nonad ministered remote users — Those nonad ministered remote users whose loc ations have not yet b een verified. For examp le, a messag e has b een ad d ressed to a remote AMIS ad d ress, b ut a suc c essful d elivery has not yet oc c urred . nVerified nonad ministered remote sub sc rib ers — Those remote users whose loc ation has been verified either b ec ause an AMIS messag e was suc c essfully d elivered to them or b ec ause they have sent an AMIS messag e to the local system. NOTE: Only ad ministered remote users c an b e inc lud ed in mailing lists or addressed by name.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking 30 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the AMIS Analog Networking feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features Sinc e the AMIS Analog Networking feature uses analog lines to transmit messag es, there are only minor interac tions with switc h features. Call Transfer: To avert toll-fraud , the switc h mig ht b e ad ministered to restric t voic e p orts for c ertain c alls, whic h mig ht slow or limit AMIS networking . Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The AMIS Analog Networking feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAddress-by-Name: You c an use the Ad d ress-by-Name feature to ad d ress AMIS messag es to ad ministered remote users on remote systems ad ministered for one-step ad d ressing . nAutomated Bac kup: This feature automatic ally c reates a b ac kup c op y of the d irec tories that have information nec essary for the AMIS Analog Networking feature. nCall Answer: Call answer messag es c an b e forward ed to remote voic e mail users on remote systems via the AMIS Analog Networking feature. nDelivery Sched uling: Messag es c an b e sc hed uled for delivery b etween systems networked via AMIS Analog . nDial-b y-Name: You c annot use the Dial-b y-Name feature to transfer ac ross an AMIS network. nDirec tory: If you are using the Direc tory feature in an AUDIX network, the only remote AMIS users you will b e ab le to look up will b e ad ministered sub sc rib ers on systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing. AMIS rec ip ients on remote systems ad ministered for AMIS two-step ad d ressing c annot b e inc lud ed in the Direc tory. nEnhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion: Sinc e AMIS outg oing or inc oming network c alls are terminated within the p rotoc ol, the Enhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion feature has no effec t on AMIS c alls. nINTUITY Messag e Manager: Sub sc rib ers c an ad d ress an AMIS messag e using I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. nMailing List: Unad ministered and ad ministered remote AMIS rec ip ients on remote systems administered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing may b e inc lud ed on mailing lists. AMIS rec ip ients on remote systems ad ministered