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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multiple Personal Greetings 221 Interactions with Other Features 4. Listen to the greeting number and status. The greetings are retrieved in numeric al ord er. The system tells you when you have reac hed the end of your list of g reeting s, then automatic ally returns you to the Personal Greeting Ad ministration Menu. While you are sc anning your g reeting s, you may d o any of the following : nTo stop sc anning your g reeting s, p ress and you will b e returned to the Personal Greeting Ad ministration Menu. nTo listen to the greeting , p ress and return to the b eginning of this step . nTo rerec ord the g reeting , p ress and g o to step 6 of the p revious p roc ed ure, Chang ing a Rec ord ed Personal Greeting . nTo b ac k up to the previous greeting , p ress and return to the beginning of this step. nTo skip to the next g reeting , p ress and return to the b eg inning of this step . nTo d elete the g reeting, p ress and return to the beg inning of this step . Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the MPG feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The DEFINITY AUDIX system rec eives information ab out c all typ es from the c onnec t messag e it g ets from the switc h. For examp le, if the numb er typ e on the messag e ind ic ates a trunk g roup (T), the c all is identified as external. If the system rec eives an extension number, the numb er is internal. Similarly, the b usy/no answer information c omes from the reason for red irec t field of the messag e. The MPG feature works with the Call Answer (DEFINITY AUDIX) feature. See the Interac tions with Other Features sec tion of the Call Answer c hap ter to und erstand the switc h asp ec ts of having c alls interc epted b y the system. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The MPG feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: *# 0 1 2 # *D

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multiple Personal Greetings 222 Interactions with Other Features nAutomated Attend ant: The MPG feature may be used with the Automated Attend ant feature. All of the g reeting s and c all typ es are available for the attend ant mailbox. When using multip le g reeting s with the Automated Attend ant feature, a p ersonal g reeting must b e set up for eac h c all typ e that has been administered. nCall Answer: MPG is related to c all answer in that c all answer uses multiple p ersonal g reeting s if the MPG feature is ac tive. If the MPG feature is inactive, single greetings can be recorded and used as described in the Call Answer feature d esc ription. nAnnounc ement Sets: It is p ossib le for the system ad ministrator to rec ord any of the voic e p romp ts used in this feature. nFull Mailb ox Answer Mod e: If the full mailb ox c all answer is trig g ered , c allers hear the ap p rop riate p ersonal g reeting before b eing told that the mailb ox is full and b eing offered other op tions for c omp leting the c all. nINTUITY Messag e Manager: Sub sc rib ers c an set up multiple p ersonal g reeting s using I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. nMultiling ual: If the Multiling ual feature is ac tivated and Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e is yes on the Subsc rib er or COS sc reen for a sub sc rib er, the sub sc rib er rec ords p rimary and /or sec ond ary p ersonal g reeting s rather than Multip le Personal Greetings. The two g reeting typ es are mutually exc lusive. nName Record by Subscriber: If sub sc rib ers have rec ord ed their own names, the system inc orp orates that rec ord ing in the system g reeting . nOnline Help: Online help (*H) is availab le for this feature. nPlayback and Recording Control: The stand ard p layb ac k and rec ord ing c ontrol b uttons are ac tive when you are rec ord ing multip le p ersonal g reeting s.

Name Record by Subscriber 223 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Name Rec ord b y Sub sc rib er feature g ives the system administrator the option of having all subscribers rec ord their own names. If the feature is ac tivated and a new sub sc rib er log s in, the DEFINITY AUDIX system exp lains how to rec ord a name and p ermits no other ac tivity until the name is rec ord ed . The rec ording is used : nTo voic e a name in the system g reeting nTo verify a messag e ad dress to the send er nTo identify the send er of a messag e to a rec ip ient nTo voic e names in the p ersonal and system d irec tories Sub sc rib ers c an also ac c ess the feature at any time from the sub sc rib er ad ministration menu to rerec ord their own names. The system administrator c an always rerec ord any name. The ad ministrator c an d isab le the feature at any time and b eg in rec ord ing names for all new sub sc rib ers. This d oes not affec t the names alread y rec ord ed b y sub sc rib ers. Similarly, turning the feature on d oes not affec t the names alread y rec ord ed b y the system ad ministrator. Wh o h a s i t :All new DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers must initially rec ord their names. Who c ontrols it:The system administrator enab les and d isables the feature using the System-Parameters Features screen. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it :All DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers, inc lud ing those whose names were rec ord ed b y the system administrator, have access to rerec ord their names. nThe sub sc rib er has an ad d ed resp onsibility to maintain the name rec ord ; up d ating or c hang - ing it as nec essary. nThe name rec ord func tion is not designed to replace personal g reeting s; the rec ord ed name must be brief. nIf this feature is ac tive, new sub - sc rib ers c annot proc eed after log- g ing in until they have rec ord ed their names or had the system ad ministrator rec ord their names. nThe system aud its the rec ord ed names and rep orts the unre- c ord ed names to the system ad ministrator. nSub sc rib ers c annot rec ord their names d uring the period ic aud it and b ac kup of names c arried out b y the system. Name Record by Subscriber Sys-Par Fea

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Name Record by Subscriber 224 Applications Applications The Name Rec ord b y Sub sc rib er feature c an save the system ad ministrator a g reat d eal of time. Also, some sub sc rib ers simp ly p refer to rec ord their own names to ensure the p ronunc iation and to ad d a more p ersonalized tone to their messag es. Sinc e sub sc rib ers c an rec ord their own names, they c an also p rovid e other information at the same time, suc h as “ John Parrot, on vac ation until Oc tob er 13th .” This information would be played to subscribers who address mail to John Parrot; up on hearing that he is on vac ation, the send er may d ec id e not to send him the messag e. Considerations If one ind ivid ual, suc h as the system ad ministrator or a p rofessional announc er, has alread y rec ord ed the names on the system, sub sc rib ers should b e c areful ab out rec ord ing their names themselves. Peop le often don’t like the sound of their own voic es. As d esc ribed in the Feature Op eration sec tion of this c hap ter, eac h sub sc rib er should b e warned to p lay b ac k his or her rec ord ing (press ) and make c ertain it is p referab le to the p revious rec ord ing b efore ap p roving it. Sub sc rib ers c an always rerec ord their names, b ut c annot return to the orig inal rec ord ing . Any sub sc rib er who has the Call Answer Primary Announc ement Set ad ministered as Telec ommunic ations Devic e for the Deaf (TDD) on the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen should rec ord his/her name using a TTY. Voic ed names d o not d isp lay on a TTY and TTY c allers to the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox would see nothing for a voic ed name. TTY users have 12 sec ond s to type their name when rec ord ing their name. Requirements There are no req uirements for the feature b eyond the basic req uirements for the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. 23

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Name Record by Subscriber 225 Feature Operation Feature Operation Figure 33. Name Recording Operation The p roc ed ures for rec ord ing a name ap p ear b elow. Bec ause new sub sc rib ers must immed iately rec ord names while log ging into the DEFINITY AUDIX system, their p roc ed ures ac tually b eg in at step 4. 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to selec t the Personal Options Ad ministration Menu. 3. Press to c hange your rec ord ed voic e name. 4. Sp eak your name after the tone. 5. Do one of the following: nPress to rep lay the name and return to the b eg inning of this step . nPress to rerec ord the name and return to step 4. nPress to app rove the name rec ord ing and return to the sub sc rib er menu. NOTE: After rerecording and approving a name, subscribers cannot go back to using a p revious version. Return to Activity Menu 2 Personal Directory 1 Stop 4 Change Password 5 Record NameRecord NameApprove # Replay 23 1Re-record Mailing Lists1 Log Into AUDIXPersonal Options Admin. 5 Initial Login to AUDIX 5 5 23 1 #

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Name Record by Subscriber 226 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Name Rec ord b y Sub sc rib er feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Name Record by Subsc riber feature has no direct interactions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Name Rec ord b y Sub sc rib er feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAddress-by-Name: Voic e verific ations of sub sc rib ers ad d ressed b y name may b e sub sc rib er-rec ord ed names. nAnnounc ement Sets: Bec ause the novic e user must p erform a p otentially intimid ating DEFINITY AUDIX task immed iately, the system ad ministrator may want to mod ify the wording of voic e p romp ts for this feature. Reassuring word s from a familiar voic e, offering sp ec ific information, may help initiate new emp loyees to the system more smoothly. nAutomatic Messag e Sc an: The names voic ed in message head ers may be subscriber-recorded names. nCall Answer: The names voic ed in system g reetings may b e sub sc rib er-rec ord ed names. nDirec tory: Voic e verific ations of d ialed extensions or names may b e sub sc rib er-rec ord ed names. nLog in Announc ement: Log in announc ements are p layed before new sub sc rib ers are promp ted to rec ord their names. nMailing List: Voic e verific ations of ad d resses may b e sub sc rib er-rec ord ed names. nOnline Help: Bec ause rec ord ing a name may b e a user’s first enc ounter with the system, online help for this feature inc ludes very basic exp lanations. nPersonal Direc tory: Voic e verific ations of d ialed aliases may b e sub sc rib er-rec ord ed names.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Name Record by Subscriber 227 Interactions with Other Features nPlayb ac k and Rec ord ing Control: The rec ording c ontrol of this feature is more b asic than the c ontrols availab le for other features, suc h as rec ord ing a p ersonal g reeting . is unavailab le, and there is no p ause func tion. nTD D: Any subsc rib er who has the Call Answer Primary Announc ement Set administered as TDD on the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen should rec ord his/her name using a TTY. Voic ed names d o not d isp lay on a TTY a n d TTY callers to the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox would see nothing for a voic ed name. TTY users have 12 sec ond s to typ e their name when rec ord ing their name. *D

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Name Record by Subscriber 228 Interactions with Other Features

Online Help 229 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The DEFINITY AUDIX system p rovid es two online help fac ili- ties: one for DEFINITY AUDIX users and one for the system administrator. I NTUITY Message Manag er (IMM) p rovid es online help on the PC for IMM users. While voice prompts are p rovid ed at eac h step to help p hone users selec t the ap pro- p riate keys to p erform d esired tasks, ad d itional information is availab le at any time using the Online Help feature. Also, the system p rovid es three levels of on-sc reen information for system ad ministrators or service technicians working on a DEFINITY AUDIX terminal. Wh o h a s i t: Anyone who log s into the system via a p hone set, ad ministration terminal, or IMM PC c an use online help . Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: Online help for the AUDIX telep hone interface and the administration terminal is c ontrolled b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system software. Online help for IMM users is controlled b y the IMM c lient software. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Anyone who enters the system b y telep hone c an ac c ess the Online Help feature by p ressing . Anyone who log s into the system via the ad ministration terminal c an ac c ess the Online Help feature b y p ressing the or keys. IMM users have several typ es of help availab le to them suc h as online help , sc reen help , and field help . INTUITY Messag e Manag er User’s Guid e , 585-310-725, d esc rib es how to use the various typ es of online help. *H HELPCHOICES nIf you are using the U.S. Eng lish announc ement set, the U.S. Eng lish Terse version of the announc ement set is a quic ker, more c onc ise set of online help announc ements. Althoug h it is shorter, it does not omit any infor- mation. The system ad ministrator c hooses whic h announc ement set to use. nSee INTUITY Message Manag er User’s Guid e , 585-310-725, for information on how to use the vari- ous typ es of IMM online help Online Help HELP0

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Online Help 230 Applications Applications The Online Help feature c an b e used at any time to aid in the use of the DEFINITY AUDIX system. For examp le, if a sub sc rib er ac c id entally presses one or more keys that the system d oes not ac c ept as c ommand s, the system will inform the sub sc rib er that the entry was invalid . By p ressing , the sub sc rib er c an hear what the c urrent ac tivity is and the op tions that are availab le. The Online Help feature availab le from the administration terminal p rovid es information on c ommand s, sc reens, and field options. Requirements The Online Help feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. Feature Operation This sec tion d esc rib es the use of the users’, ad ministration terminal, and IMM online help . Users’ Online Help All DEFINITY AUDIX users c an press at any time for a c omp lete list of c urrent options. The system will tell you the c urrent ac tivity, g ive you a list of op tions, and tell you how to use eac h option. *H *H