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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Playback and Recording Control 251 Interactions with Other Features nTo temp orarily suspend record ing : 1. Press (if you want to p ause and c ollec t your thoug hts). 2. Press ag ain to c ontinue rec ord ing. The DEFINITY AUDIX system will continue recording without a break in the message. nTo rewind and play b ac k the message: 1. Press to rewind to the b eginning of the messag e. 2. Press to p lay the messag e. You c an also press to rewind the messag e in four-sec ond or ten-sec ond intervals or to advanc e throug h the messag e in four-sec ond or ten-sec ond intervals. nTo rec ord over a p ortion of the messag e: 1. Press to rewind and p lay b ac k the messag e. 2. Press to stop the rec ord ing at the ap p rop riate p lac e. You c an p ress to rewind the messag e in four-sec ond or ten-sec ond intervals or to ad vanc e throug h the messag e in four-sec ond or ten-sec ond intervals to loc ate the p oint that you want to beg in rerec ord ing . 3. Press to c ontinue rec ord ing from this p oint. nTo d elete this messag e and rec ord a new one: 1. If you are not satisfied with the messag e you have just rec ord ed and want to rerec ord it, p ress to delete the messag e. Then, p ress to b eg in rec ord ing a new messag e. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Playb ac k and Rec ord ing Control features with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Playb ac k and Rec ord ing Control features have no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Playb ac k Control feature c an b e used with the following DEFINITY AUDIX features: nAnnounc ement Sets nAutomatic Messag e Sc an nBroad c ast Messag e 1 1 2 35 6 23 3 5 6 1 *D 1

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Playback and Recording Control 252 Interactions with Other Features nCall Answer nLog in Announc ement nOnline Help nUntouc hed Messag e nVoice Mail nVoice Mailb ox The Rec ording Control feature c an b e used with the following DEFINITY AUDIX features: nAutomated Attend ant nBulletin Board nCall Answer nMultiple Personal Greeting s nName Record By Subscriber nVoice Mail nVoice Mailb ox nTD D: Bec ause of TDD mod e sync hronization, the step b ac kward s/step forward s c ap ab ility d oes not work reliably. Promp ts for the TDD announc ement set d o not referenc e this c ap ab ility.

Priority Message 253 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Priority Messag e feature allows some sub sc rib ers to send priority voic e mail messag es that will b e sp ec ially marked and p referentially p resented to rec ip ients. Also, c all- ers c an leave p riority c all answer messag es. The DEFINITY AUDIX system treats Priority Messag es d ifferently from reg u- lar messag es in the following ways: nIf sc heduled for immediate d elivery, Priority Messag es are d elivered b efore reg ular messag es. nMessag e head ers ind ic ate the p riority status of mes- sag es. nWhen retrieved, Priority Messages are presented before other new messag es (b ut after Broad c ast Messag es). Sub sc rib ers c an p rioritize messag es with the touc h of a b ut- ton, and c hang e them b ac k to reg ular messag es just as eas- ily. If a p riority voic e mail messag e is sc heduled for future delivery at the same time as a regular message, it will be delivered according to its order in the delivery queue. Wh o h a s i t: Althoug h the system ad ministrator c an assig n the ab ility to send p riority voic e mail messag es to eac h subsc rib er, g enerally the feature is reserved for a sp ec ific c lass of servic e. Any caller leaving a call answer message can make the messag e p riority. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The system administrator d etermines who has the ability to leave p riority voic e mail messag es, and assigns it according to class of servic e and /or sub sc rib er. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Every subscriber is capable of rec eiving Priority Messag es, whic h are grouped in a special c ategory. nPriority messag es are d istinc t from reg ular messag es only in the head er and notific ation func tions. nA Priority Message can also be a Private Messag e. nA Priority Messag e c annot also b e a Broad c ast Messag e or Login Announc ement. nThis feature inc lud es p riority notifi- c ation via the Priority Outc alling feature. For more information, see the Priority Outcalling feature. Priority Message C O S, Su b

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Message 254 Applications Applications The p rimary sc enario for the Priority Messag e feature is that of exec utives send ing p riority voic e mail messag es or p riority c all answer messag es to emp loyees who mig ht normally rec eive many other messag es. The exec utive is assured that the imp ortant messag e will b e at the top of the emp loyee’s stac k of messag es. An ad d itional ap p lic ation may b e to assig n the feature to emp loyees working on a p riority p rojec t, so sup ervisors or c oworkers c an b e kep t informed of the p rojec t’s status more effic iently. Requirements The Priority Messag e feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. Feature Operation Voice mail messag es are p rioritized or unp rioritized via the Messag e Op tions Menu. Call answer messag es are p rioritized or unp rioritized via the Delivery Options Menu. Priority Messag es are p resented to rec ip ients p referentially in the new messag e c ateg ory.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Message 255 Feature Operation Voice Mail Sender ’s Procedures Figure 42. Priority Voice Mail Message Operation The p roc ed ure for p rioritizing a voic e mail messag e is summarized b elow. 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Rec ord or ed it and ad d ress the messag e ac c ording to the Re c o r d i n g a New Voice Mail Message, Using/Modifying an Existing Voice Mail Messag e, and Ad d ressing a Voice Mail Messag e p roc edures found in the Voic e Mail feature d esc rip tion. 3. Listen to the d elivery op tions rec ited b y the system by p ressing . You may have from three to six d elivery op tions, d epend ing on the typ es of messag es you have p ermission to c reate. If you have only three op tions (Private, Sc hed ule Delivery, and File a Cop y), you have not b een assig ned p ermission to p rioritize messag es and should c ontac t your system ad ministrator. 4. Press to mark the messag e as priority. 5. Do any combination of the following: nTo make the messag e private, press . nTo unp rioritize the message, p ress ag ain. nTo sc hed ule future d elivery of the messag e, p ress , then enter the d elivery time and d ate as instruc ted b y the voic e p romp ts (see the Delivery Sc hed uling feature). Return to Activity Menu Log into AUDIX 1 Record Message 4 Review Outgoing Messages Record or Edit Message²Address Message²# Approve Schedule Delivery 3 1 Private On/Off Priority2 # Approve File a Copy 4 # Approve ² See the procedures forRecording a New Voice Mail Message, Using/Modifying an Existing Voice Mail Message, andAddressing a Voice Mail Messagein theVoice Mailfeature description. See also theDelivery Schedulingfeature description for scheduling procedures. 0 2 1 2 3

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Message 256 Feature Operation nTo file a c op y of the message, p ress . All of these d elivery op tions are tog g le switc hes. By p ressing eac h option numb er key rep eated ly, you c an turn eac h op tion on and off like a lig ht switc h. A Priority Messag e c an also b e a Private Messag e, b ut it c annot also b e a Log in Announc ement or Broad c ast Messag e. See the p roc ed ures listed for those features. 6. Press to app rove your d elivery op tions and return to the Ac tivity Menu. Call Answer Caller’s Procedures See the Call Answer feature for the Call Answer Op eration d iagram. To make a Call Answer messag e a p riority messag e, d o the following : 1. Sp eak your messag e after the DEFINITY AUDIX system answers the p hone. 2. Ed it your messag e if desired ac c ord ing to the Leaving a Call Answer Mes- sag e p roc ed ures found in the Call Answer feature. 3. To approve your message, press . 4. Do one of the following to make the messag e p rivate or p riority: nTo make this messag e private (this is an op tion that p revents the rec ip ient from forward ing the messag e to other sub sc rib ers), p ress and rep eat this step. By p ressing ag ain, you c an c hang e this from a p rivate messag e b ac k to a p ub lic messag e. nTo make this messag e p riority, p ress . (This is an op tion if Priority on Call Answer is set to yes on the System-Parameters Features Sc reen.) 5. Hang up if finished. Recipient’s Procedures The p roc ed ures for g etting a Priority Message are id entic al to those used for g etting other messag es (see the Automatic Messag e Sc an, Call Answer, and Voic e Mail features). Priority Messag es are p resented in the new messag e c ateg ory, b efore other new messag es, reg ard less of when they were rec eived . If you have the Priority Outc alling feature, you c an elec t to b e c alled b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system only when you receive Priority Messag es. 4 # # 11 2

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Message 257 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Priority Messag e feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Priority Messag e feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Priority Messag e feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAMIS Analog Networking: Priority voice mail messag es will b e delivered to remote AMIS systems, b ut they will not b e rec og nized as p riority messag es b y remote systems. nBroad c ast Messag e: Broad c ast Messag es c annot b e p rioritized . They are a sep arate c lass of new messag es, p resented to rec ip ients before Pr io ri t y Messag es. nCall Answer: A c aller may mark a c all answer messag e as p riority. nClass of Servic e: The Priority Messag e feature for voic e mail c an b e ad ministered as p art of a c lass of servic e. nLog in Announc ement: Log in Announc ements c annot be p rioritized . They are alread y uniq uely p rioritized in that they are p resented immed iately after the rec ip ient log s into the system. nMailing List: If a p riority voic e mail messag e is ad d ressed via a mailing list, eac h p erson on the list will rec eive the messag e marked with priority status. nMessag e Delivery: Priority voic e mail messag es will b e d elivered to remote telep hone numb ers, b ut they will not b e rec og nized as p riority messag es at remote destinations. nMessag e Send ing Restric tions: Send ers c annot send p riority voic e mail messag es to those whom they are restric ted from send ing reg ular messag es. nName Record by Subscriber: If p ersons send ing or leaving Priority Messag es have rec ord ed their names, those rec ord ing s will b e p layed b ac k in the messag e header, just as they are for reg ular messag es. nOnline Help: Help messag es are availab le for the Priority Messag e feature. nOutc alling: Priority Messag es trig g er outc alls just as d o other new messag es.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Message 258 Interactions with Other Features nPlayb ac k and Rec ord ing Control: Priority Messag es can b e c ontrolled during playback and recording just as regular messages are. nPriority Outcalling: If the Priority Outc alling feature is ac tivated , only Priority Messag es trig g er outc alls. nPrivate Messag e: Priority Messag es c an also b e Private Messag es. It d oesn’t matter in what ord er the status is assigned . nVoice Mailb ox: Automatic Rep ly to Send er — Unless restric ted by messag e send ing restrictions, recip ients normally can send a voic e mail resp onse to the send er of a Priority Messag e. Note that a messag e will not keep its priority status when forward ed . The rec ip ient c an rep rioritize the messag e when forwarding it, b ut only if the rec ip ient has p ermission to send Priority Messag es.

Priority Outcalling 259 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens Priority Outc alling works with the Priority Messag e feature in that the rec ipient c an elec t to b e notified b y outc alling only when a p riority messag e (voic e mail or c all answer) has b een rec eived . To p revent ab use of the func tion, p riority messag es c an b e sent only b y sp ec ific sub sc rib ers. As with Outc alling , the feature is turned on from the Outc all- ing Ad ministration Menu (numb er 6 on the Ac tivity Menu). The subsc rib er c an elec t to b e c alled for all new p riority mes- sag es. If there are new p riority messag es in the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox when Priority Outc alling is turned on, an outc all will not be p lac ed until another new p riority messag e is rec eived . If a p riority messag e is rec eived d uring off hours (when the sub sc rib er has sp ec ified that outc alls are not to b e plac ed ), the system waits until the time p ermitted for outc alling to make the outc all. Before c alling , it c hec ks the p riority mes- sag e to see if the sub sc rib er has alread y log g ed in and retrieved the messag e. Wh o h a s i t :Only DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers who have b een g iven Outc alling p ermission b y the system ad ministrator c an use Priority Outcalling (see Outcalling ). Who c ontrols it:The system ad ministrator d efines system-wid e Outc alling p arameters using the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it :If Outc alling is ac tivated for the entire system, any sub sc rib er who has p ermission c an ac tivate Priority Outcalling. nThis feature is unnec essary if the Priority Message feature is not used b y any send ers. nIf there is a messag e-waiting lamp , it lig hts normally to ind ic ate new messag es are waiting .This is indep end ent of any outc alling set- ting . nThe system ad ministrator must give individual subscribers per- mission to use outc alling (and thus, p riority outc alling ) via the Sub sc rib er and Class of Servic e sc reens. nSub sc rib ers authorized to use this feature can define outcalling inter- vals, whether they should b e called for all messag es or just Pri- ority Messages, and whether the feature is ac tive or not. Priority Outcalling C O S, Su b , Sy s- Pa r O u t

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Outcalling 260 Applications Applications Outc alling c an be a nuisanc e if the rec ip ient is c ontinually interrupted b y messag e notific ations. Priority Outc alling solves the p rob lem b y notifying the rec ip ient of p riority messag es only. It is p artic ularly useful for salesp ersons who typic ally rec eive many messag es and must deal with them in ord er of p riority. Requirements The system ad ministrator ac tivates Outc alling using the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. The field s on this sc reen allow the ad ministrator to set c ertain restric tions on outc alling ac tivity. After outc alling has b een ac tivated and ad ministered on the sc reen, an aud it must b e run; otherwise, the Outc alling feature will not work. Note that any time the ad ministrator c hang es the number of p orts availab le for the Outc alling feature, the switc h-translations aud it must b e run to ac tivate those c hang es. Feature Operation Figure 43. Priority Outcalling Operation Sub sc rib ers c an set up Priority Outc alling at any time b y following the p roc ed ure below: 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to select Outcalling ad ministration. 3. Press to turn on outc alling . 4. Do one of the following: nPress to turn on outc alling for any new messag es. For Any Messages For Priority MessagesReturn to Activity Menu Return to Activity Menu Log Into AUD I X OutcallingChange Number Schedule Help Tu r n O f f Tu r n O n To Hear a List of Options 6 Y 1