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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    351 Feature Operation 
    Listening to Incoming Messages
    To listen to your inc oming  messages, d o the following : 
    1. Log  in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. You will b e told  the numb er of new 
    messag es you have received . 
    2. Press   to g et your inc oming messag es (or you may p ress   to use the 
    Automatic  Messag e Sc an feature). The system will read  you the first 
    head er (you may d ial throug h the head er to ac c ess the messag e). 
    3. Take one of the following ac tions ac c ord ing  to your need s: 
    nTo listen to the messag e: 
    a. Press  . If you want to stop the message momentarily while 
    you take notes, p ress  . To c ontinue p layb ac k, p ress   
    ag ain. 
    To replay portions of the message, rewind by four-second or 
    ten-sec ond  inc rements b y pressing    as many times as 
    nec essary. Ad vanc e b y four-sec ond  or ten-sec ond  
    inc rements b y p ressing   . (The inc rement is ad ministrab le 
    on the System-Parameters Features sc reen.) To rep lay the 
    entire messag e, press  .
    b . Go on to step 4. 
    nTo rewind  and  rep lay the head er: 
    a. Press    . You c an rewind  more than onc e to step  b ac k 
    more than one head er. 
    b . Choose an ac tion from step  3. 
    nTo skip  this messag e and  save it until later: 
    a. Press  . The system will move the messag e from the 
    c ateg ory to the 
    unopened c ategory and  read  the next 
    head er. 
    b . Choose an ac tion from step  3 for the next head er. 
    nTo skip  to the next message c ateg ory: 
    a. Press    . The system will read  the head er of the first 
    messag e in the next categ ory. 
    b . Choose an ac tion from step  3 for the next head er. 
    nTo hold  this message in the new c ateg ory and  save it until later: 
    a. Press      . Your messag e-waiting lamp  will stay on and  
    the system will g o to the next head er. 
    b . Choose an ac tion from step  3 for the next head er. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    352 Feature Operation 
    4. Take one of the following ac tions ac c ord ing  to your need s: 
    nTo d elete the messag e after you have listened  to it, p ress    . 
    The messag e will b e d eleted  and  the system will automatic ally g o 
    to the next head er. 
    nTo und elete the messag e you just d eleted , p ress      . You 
    c annot und elete a messag e if you have entered any valid  ac tions 
    sinc e you d eleted  the messag e other than    . 
    nTo hold  the new message in its c urrent c ateg ory after you have 
    listened  to it, p ress      . Your messag e-waiting  lamp  will stay 
    on and  the system will automatic ally g o to the next head er. 
    nTo save the message after you have listened  to it, p ress  . The 
    messag e will b e stored  in the 
    old  messag e c ateg ory of your 
    inc oming  mailb ox and  the system will automatic ally g o to the next 
    head er. 
    5. Rep eat steps 3 and  4 to hear the next messag e. When you have finished 
    listening  to your inc oming  messag es, you will b e returned  to the Ac tivity 
    After you have listened  to your new messag es, the system will 
    b eg in read ing  the unop ened  and  old  messag e head ers to you. 
    However, you need  not wait until you have new messag es to listen 
    to unop ened  or old  messag es. You c an c all the system at any time 
    to listen to any of the messages in your inc oming  mailb ox.
    Shortc ut To listen to an inc oming  messag e, save it, and  skip  to the next 
    head er, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Press   to g et your inc oming  messag es. The system will p lay 
    the first head er. 
    3. Press   to listen to the messag e. 
    4. Press   to save this messag e and  skip  to the next head er. 
    5. Listen to the next head er. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    353 Feature Operation 
    Responding to a Message
    Figure 61. Responding to a Message Shortc ut To listen to an inc oming  messag e, d elete it, and  automatic ally 
    skip to the next head er, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Press   to g et your incoming messag es. The system will 
    p lay the first head er. 
    3. Press   to listen to the messag e. 
    4. Press     to d elete this messag e. 
    5. Listen to the next head er. 
    7 Reply to sender
    by voice mail
    (no attachment) ²
    Log into
    4 Record a
    new message2
    Forward with
    comment at beginning Call sender
    Reply to sender
    by Voice Mail
    Forward with
    comment at endRespond
    to message
    ² If the message you are responding to isprivate, you will not be able to forward it to other subscribers. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    354 Feature Operation 
    If you c hoose to resp ond  to an inc oming  messag e, listen c arefully to the 
    messag e head er (the head er may c ontain the name of the c aller, just the 
    extension numb er, or no information ab out the c aller at all) so you c an d etermine 
    the method s of resp onse that are availab le to you: 
    nIf the system tells you the name of the p erson who left you a messag e, you 
    have four c hoic es: 
    — Rep ly to the send er immed iately b y Voic e Mail, using  the Automatic  
    Reply feature. 
    — Ad d  a c omment to either the b eg inning  or end  of the messag e and 
    forward  it. (This is not an op tion if the send er d esig nated  the 
    messag e as private or if this is a nond eliverab le messag e 
    notific ation messag e). 
    — Create a new Voic e Mail messag e for a p erson or persons other 
    than the send er. 
    — Transfer out of the system without hang ing  up , and  let the system 
    c all the send er automatic ally. 
    nIf the system tells you only the extension of the c aller who left a message, 
    you have three c hoic es: 
    — Ad d  a c omment to either the b eg inning  or end  of the messag e and 
    forward  it. (This is not an op tion if the send er d esig nated  the 
    messag e as private or if this is a nond eliverab le messag e 
    notific ation messag e). 
    — Create a new Voic e Mail messag e for a p erson or persons other 
    than the send er. 
    — Transfer out of the DEFINITY AUDIX system without hang ing  up , 
    and  let the system c all the send er immed iately. 
    nIf the system tells you neither the name nor the extension of your c aller, 
    you have three c hoic es: 
    — Ad d  a c omment to either the b eg inning  or end  of the Call Answer 
    messag e and  forward  it. (This is not an op tion if the send er 
    d esig nated  the messag e as p rivate or if this is a nond eliverab le 
    messag e notific ation messag e). 
    — Create a new Voic e Mail messag e for a p erson or persons other 
    than the send er. 
    — Hang up , and  then d ial the c aller’s numb er.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    355 Feature Operation 
    Returning the Call Automatically
    Figure 62. Automatically Returning a Call
    When you rec eive a messag e from someone within your c omp any and  the 
    system tells you the name or extension of the send er, you c an transfer out of the 
    system and  return the c all d irec tly without first hang ing  up . 
    To c all the send er immed iately without first hang ing  up  or returning  to the Ac tivity 
    Menu, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2.Listen to the send er’s messag e. 
    3. Press   to respond. 
    4. Press   to c all the send er. 
    The system will automatic ally p lac e the c all and  save the send er’s 
    messag e in the 
    old message c ateg ory. 
    If you transfer out of a DEFINITY AUDIX system administered  in CL mod e and  
    then leave a Call Answer messag e for another DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er, you 
    c an return to your own mailb ox without hang ing up  and p lac ing  another c all. 
    After you have spoken your message, press     and log in to the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system ag ain. This feature is not availab le in d isp lay set (DS) integ ration 
    mod e. 
    MessagesLog Into
    AUDIX21 Respond0Call SenderListen
    to Message
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    356 Feature Operation 
    Replying to Sender via Voice Mail
    Figure 63. Replying to Sender via Voice Mail
    With an integ rated  system, you c an immediately reply to a sub sc rib er who has 
    sent you a Voic e Mail or Call Answer messag e with a Voic e Mail messag e of your 
    own. There is no need  to wait until you have heard  all of your inc oming  messages 
    or to return to the Ac tivity Menu. 
    To rep ly to a sub sc rib er b y Voic e Mail, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Listen to the incoming message. 
    3. Press   to resp ond . If you wish to return to g etting  messag es b efore 
    c omp leting  the response ac tion, p ress  . You will b e returned  to the 
    same messag e to whic h you were resp ond ing (step  9 on the next p ag e). 
    4. Press   to rep ly to the send er via Voic e Mail. 
    If the orig inal messag e was a 
    private messag e, you will not b e ab le to 
    forward  it to other sub sc rib ers. 
    5. Sp eak your messag e. 
    6. If you are not satisfied  with your rep ly and you want to re-rec ord  it, p ress 
     to rewind  (or     to d elete). Then, press   to b eg in rec ord ing , and  
    follow step s 5 and  6. 
    7. Press   to app rove your rep ly. The system automatic ally add resses your 
    resp onse. 
    8. Enter any combination of the following: 
    nPress   to make this a p rivate messag e. 
    nPress   to make this a p riority messag e. 
    nPress   to sc hed ule d elivery of this messag e. 
    nPress   to file a c op y of this messag e. 
    to message2 Get
    MessagesLog into
    AUDIX1 Respond
    1 Reply to sender
    by Voice Mail
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    357 Feature Operation 
    nPress   to app rove the messag e (d o this last). 
    9. You are returned  to g etting  messag es. Do one of the following : 
    nTo hear the original message you just rep lied  to, p ress  .
    nTo d elete the messag e you just rep lied  to, p ress    .
    nTo skip  to the next message, p ress  .
    Forwarding Messages with Your Comments 
    Figure 64. Forwarding Messages with Comments
    You c an ad d  a c omment to the b eg inning  or end  of your inc oming  Voic e Mail or 
    Call Answer messag e and  then red irec t the c omb ination. However, if the system 
    informs you that the messag e is p rivate, you c annot forward  it.  Shortc ut To rep ly immed iately via Voic e Mail without attac hing a c op y of 
    the orig inal messag e and  without rep laying  your rep ly, do the 
    following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Listen to the message. 
    3. Press     to rep ly without attac hing  the orig inal messag e. 
    4. Sp eak your messag e. 
    5. Press     to stop  rec ord ing , app rove, and  send  
    immed iately without filing  a c op y. 
    Forward with
    Comment at End
    3 Forward with
    Comment at Beginning
    1 RespondLog Into
    AUDIX2 Get
    to Message 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    358 Feature Operation 
    To add  your c omments to the b eg inning  or end  of an inc oming  messag e and  
    forward  them, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Listen to the inc oming  head er and  messag e. 
    3. Press   to resp ond . If you wish to return to g etting  messag es b efore 
    c omp leting  the response ac tion, p ress  . You will b e returned  to the 
    same messag e to whic h you were resp ond ing (step  9 on the next p ag e). 
    4. Take one of the following ac tions ac c ord ing  to your need s: 
    nTo ad d your c omment to the beg inning of the orig inal messag e, 
    p ress .
    nTo ad d your c omment to the end  of the messag e, press  .
    5. Sp eak your c omment. 
    6. If you are not satisfied  with your rep ly and you want to re-rec ord  it, p ress 
     to rewind  (or     to d elete). Then, press   to b eg in rec ord ing , and  
    follow step s 5 and  6. 
    7. Press   to app rove your rep ly. The system automatic ally add resses your 
    resp onse. 
    8. Enter any combination of the following: 
    nPress   to make this a p rivate messag e. 
    nPress   to make this a p riority messag e. 
    nPress   to sc hed ule d elivery of this messag e. 
    nPress   to file a c op y of this messag e. 
    nPress   to app rove the messag e (d o this last). 
    9. You are returned  to g etting  messag es. Do one of the following : 
    nTo hear the original message you just forward ed , p ress  .
    nTo d elete the messag e you just forwarded , p ress    .
    nTo skip  to the next message, p ress   
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    359 Feature Operation 
    Creating a New Message for a Third Person
    Figure 65. Responding to a Message with a New Message
    After you have just listened  to an inc oming  Voic e Mail messag e, you c an c reate a 
    new messag e and  ad d ress it to a third  p erson without returning  to the Ac tivity 
    To c reate a new messag e and  send  it to one or more p ersons, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Listen to the incoming message. 
    3. Press   to resp ond . If you wish to return to g etting  messag es b efore 
    c omp leting  the response ac tion, p ress  . You will b e returned  to the 
    same messag e to whic h you were resp ond ing (step  12 on the next pag e). 
    4. Press   to c reate a new messag e.  Shortcut To add a comment to the beginning of a message and forward it 
    immed iately to one person, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Listen to the messag e. 
    3. Press     to begin recording. 
    4. Sp eak your c omment. 
    5. Press   to stop  rec ord ing and  app rove your c omment. 
    6.Enter the rec ip ient’s ad d ress. 
    7. Press     to app rove your ad d ress and  send  immed iately. 
    Record a
    New Message
    1 RespondLog Into
    AUDIX2 Get
    to Message
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Voice Mailbox 
    360 Feature Operation 
    5. Sp eak your messag e. 
    6. If you are not satisfied  with the messag e you have just rec ord ed  and  you 
    want to rerec ord  it, p ress   to rewind  (or     to d elete). Then, p ress   
    to b egin rec ord ing, and  follow steps 5 and  6. 
    7. Press   to app rove your messag e. 
    8.Enter the new rec ipient’s ad d ress and  p ress  . If you d o not p ress a key 
    within five sec ond s after p ressing the p ound  sig n, you will hear the 
    following  d ial-through p rompt, Enter ad dress, followed b y the p ound sign, 
    or if you are finished  ad d ressing , p ress p ound ; to have system wait, p ress 
    star-W. Press     if you need  to wait. Rep eat this step for ad d itional 
    sub sc rib ers. 
    9. Press   to tell the system that you have finished  ad d ressing . 
    10. Press   to sc hed ule immediate d elivery, or see the Delivery Sc hed uling
    feature for information on sc hed uling future d elivery. 
    11. You will be returned  to rec eiving your messag es. 
    12. Take one of the following ac tions ac c ord ing  to your need s: 
    nTo hear the last messag e: p ress  .
    nTo d elete the messag e: p ress    .
    nTo skip  to the next message: p ress  .
    Shortc ut To c reate a new messag e and  send  it to a sing le rec ip ient other 
    than the send er of the last messag e, d o the following : 
    1. Press     to begin rec ording. 
    2. Sp eak your messag e. 
    3. Press   to stop  rec ord ing  and  ap p rove your messag e. 
    4. Enter the recipient’s address. 
    5. Press     to ap p rove your ad d ress and  send  immed iately. 
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