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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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Message-Waiting Indicator 191 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The DEFINITY AUDIX system p rovid es sub sc rib ers with two d ifferent method s of informing them that new messag es exist in their voic e mailb oxes. The following method s are referred to as the Messag e-Waiting Ind ic ator (MWI) feature. For sub sc rib ers who have telep hones with messag e-waiting lamp s, the lamp lig hts automatic ally when new DEFINITY AUDIX messag es are rec eived . When the last new message or header in the incoming section of a voice mailbox is heard , the messag e-waiting lamp g oes out. The only exc ep - tion is when a messag e is retained in the new category using the Untouc hed Messag e feature (for more information, see the Untouc hed Messag e feature). The message-waiting lamp is also used for message servic es other than the DEFINITY AUDIX system (see the Leave Word Calling (CL Mod e Only) feature). Some voic e terminals inc lud e d isp lay sc reens that serve as MWIs (see Consid erations on the next p ag e). nIf no MWI is available via the switc h, the Outc alling feature c an always b e used as a sub stitute (for more information, see the Out- calling feature). nFor systems installed using the digital port switch integration method , the Leave Word Calling (LWC) switc h feature must b e enab led for DEFINITY AUDIX p orts (the LWC feature is used to ac tivate MWIs for those systems). Message-Waiting Indicator N/A
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Message-Waiting Indicator 192 Applications Applications This feature is used to inform sub sc rib ers that new messag es exist in their voic e mailb oxes. Considerations DEFINITY AUDIX systems set up in d isp lay set (DS) integ ration mod e rely on the Leave Word Calling switc h feature to turn on MWIs. Those installed using the c ontrol link integ ration method emp loy an ind ep end ent mec hanism for c ontrolling the MWIs. Thus, the following imp ortant note ap p lies to DS systems only. NOTE: Telep hones with b uilt-in d isp lays ind ic ate when DEFINITY AUDIX messag es have b een rec eived b y d isp laying “ AUDIX” . For a system in DS mod e, the number shown next to the AUDIX d isp lay d oes not ind ic ate the numb er of messag es waiting . Rather, it ind ic ates the numb er of times MWI ac tivation req uests have b een sent b y the system. Thus, without telling how many, d isp lay p hone sets only show that at least one messag e is waiting . The only ad vantag e of a d isp lay set is that it d ifferentiates b etween DEFINITY AUDIX messag es and other typ es of messag es. DEFINITY AUDIX systems set up in c ontrol link (CL) switc h integ ration mod e offer fully integ rated messag ing . This means that messag es g enerated b y other messag ing systems on the switch are d etected b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system and p resented to the rec ipient muc h the same as are voic e messag es. Systems set up in DS integ ration mod e d o not offer integ rated messag ing . Thus, the following imp ortant note ap p lies to systems in DS mod e only. NOTE: If LWC is enab led for sub sc rib ers, ac tive MWIs may ind ic ate the p resenc e of LWC messag es, whic h c annot b e retrieved throug h the DEFINITY AUDIX system. If a messag e-waiting lamp remains lit after a sub scrib er retrieves DEFINITY AUDIX messag es, the sub sc rib er must exit the DEFINITY AUDIX system and retrieve the LWC messag es b y other means. Only then will the MWI be d eac tivated . Requirements For systems in DS mod e, Leave Word Calling must b e enab led for the DEFINITY AUDIX p orts, b ut Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rec ommend s that it not b e enab led for other stations on the switc h. For more information on sp ec ific hard ware and software req uirements for this feature, see D EFI N I TY AU D I X Sys t e m — Sy s t e m Desc rip tion, 585-300-214.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Message-Waiting Indicator 193 Feature Operation Feature Operation The DEFINITY AUDIX system in DS mod e uses the Leave Word Calling switc h feature to turn the MWIs on when new messag es are rec eived , and turn them off after the messag es are ac c essed . The DEFINITY AUDIX system in CL mod e uses a sep arate, d ed ic ated link for c ontrolling the MWIs. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the MWI feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The MWI feature interac ts with switc h features as follows: nDig ital Disp lay Mod ule: For voic e terminals with d ig ital d isp lay modules, the LWC method of ac tivating MWIs c an c ause c onfusion in c ertain situations (see Consid erations ab ove). nLeave Word Calling: Leave Word Calling ac tivates MWIs ind ep endently or in c onjunc tion with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. (See Consid erations ab ove.) nUnified Messaging: Automatic messag e-waiting ind ic ation is p art of Unified Messaging’s Integrated Message Notification (IMN) feature. All integ rated messag e servic es on a switc h lig ht the message-waiting lamp on the sub sc riber’s telep hone when new messag es are rec eived , as long as the telep hone has a message-waiting lamp and is ad ministered c orrec tly on the switc h. Users of elec tronic mail servic es suc h as Luc ent Mail, Offic e TeleSystem mail, and UNIX System mail whic h are integ rated throug h Unified Messag ing c an c reate and send messag es using their d ata terminals or p ersonal c omp uters. When the elec tronic mail messag e arrives from any integ rated sourc e, the Unified Messag ing feature ac tivates the MWI for the c alled p arty and tells the switc h that there is a text servic e messag e. The MWI itself d oes not ind ic ate the typ e of new messag e. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The MWI feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nBroad c ast Messag e: Broad c ast Messag es ac tivate the MWI as an op tion. The d efault mod e for Broad c ast Messag es is to not ac tivate the MWI. If the b road c aster c hooses to ac tivate the MWIs, however, it c ould take some time to notify everyone, d ep ending on the numb er of sub sc rib ers and the load on the switc h. Therefore, there may b e a b rief
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Message-Waiting Indicator 194 Interactions with Other Features window of time immediately after sending a Broadcast Message in which sub sc rib ers who log in (without their MWI ac tive) find that they ac tually do have a new Broad c ast Messag e. nCall Answer: Call Answer messag es ac tivate MWIs. nDCS Networking: The messag e-waiting lamp (if availab le) should indic ate new messag es on all switc hes in a DCS Network. For more information, see App end ix D. nOutc alling: The Outc alling feature allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system to call sub scribers when they receive new messag es. This is esp ecially useful for systems that d o not have other MWIs. Sub sc rib ers c an selec t the time p eriod d uring whic h the system may c all them, the numb er where they c an b e reac hed, and whether or not the Outc alling feature is ac tive. nUntouc hed Messag e: Sub sc ribers c an listen to a message and keep it in the new c ateg ory of the inc oming sec tion of their voic e mailb ox b y using the Untouc hed Messag e feature. This allows a sub sc rib er (or a sec retary) to review new inc oming messages and still have the MWI remain ac tive, reminding the sub sc rib er to listen to the messag e at some future time. nVoice Mail: Voic e mail messag es ac tivate MWIs.
Multilingual 195 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Multiling ual feature allows sub sc rib ers to hear voic e p romp ts from the announc ement set of their c hoic e as long as the announc ement set has b een installed on the system. It also allows c all answer users a c hoic e b etween two lan- guages for greetings and prompts The c alled sub sc rib er’s c hosen primary announc ement set and second ary announc ement set d etermine the lang uag es in whic h the c all answer user c an interac t with the system. The sub sc rib er’s c hosen log in announc ement set d efines the lang uag e in whic h the sub sc rib er interac ts with the system. All three announc ement sets — primary, sec ond ary, and login — may be different The Multiling ual feature also p rovid es messag ing servic e to hearing -imp aired p eop le on the same system used for hear- ing p eople. An announc ement set using the tone-b ased p ro- toc ol for teletyp ewriters (TTYs) c an b e run simultaneously with voic ed announc ement sets. See the Telec ommunic a- tions Devic e for the Deaf (TDD) feature for more information. nDifferent announc ement sets (lan- g uag es) may be installed on the same system, up to a limit of 9, as long as enoug h d isk sp ac e is availab le. nSubscribers can interact with the DEFINITY AUDIX system in the lang uag e of their c hoic e as ad ministered b y the system ad ministrator. nSub sc rib ers may c hoose the pri- mary and sec ond ary lang uag es in which c allers to their mailb ox may interac t with the system. nThe sub sc rib er c an rec ord per- sonalized g reeting s for the p ri- mary and sec ond ary lang uag es chosen. nCall answer users c an b e g reeted in the p rimary languag e, then instruc ted in the sec ond ary lan- g uag e to enter to switc h to the secondary language. *1 Multilingual Sy s- Pa r Fe a , C OS, Su b
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 196 Applications Applications The Multiling ual feature has several ap p lic ations: nIf the Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e c ap ab ility is on, c all answer users are g reeted in the p rimary lang uag e and then instruc ted in the sec ond ary lang uag e to enter if they p refer to use the sec ond ary lang uag e. If they enter , the g reeting is rep layed in the sec ond ary lang uag e. This c ap ability is id eal for reg ions where two or more lang uag es p red ominate, and it also enables the DEFINITY AUDIX system to ac c ommod ate reg ional laws req uiring that multip le lang uag es b e eq ually availab le for all users of the system. nSub sc rib ers c an hear voic e p romp ts in a c hosen languag e as long as that lang uag e is installed on the DEFINITY AUDIX system and has b een ad ministered as the Log in Announc ement Set for the sub sc rib er. The log in announc ement set may b e d ifferent from both the p rimary announc ement set and the sec ondary announc ement set for the sub sc rib er. nA sub sc riber c an use the Dual Lang uag e Greeting s c ap ab ility of the Multiling ual feature to rec ord p ersonalized greeting s in one or b oth of the two lang uag es id entified as the p rimary and sec ond ary announc ement sets for the sub sc rib er. The p rimary g reeting should tell the c aller, in the alternate lang uag e, to p ress to switc h to the alternate lang uag e. If Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e is set to “ y” (yes), the sub sc rib er may not use the Multip le Personal Greetings feature b ut uses the p ersonalized Dual Lang uag e Greetings c ap ab ility instead . nHearing -impaired p eop le c an use the same DEFINITY AUDIX system as hearing p eop le. An announc ement set using the tone-b ased p rotoc ol for TTYs c an b e used simultaneously with voic ed announc ement sets. If the called p arty also receives voice calls, it is recommend ed that the called p arty maintain two sep arate telep hone numb ers — one for TTY c allers and one for non-TTY c allers; however, it is p ossib le to serve both TTY users and non-TTY users with one telep hone numb er. nMultiling ual automated attendants c an b e set up with two or more lang uag es. The first stag e of an automated attend ant in a multiling ual environment might ask the user to selec t a lang uag e, and sub seq uent stag es c ould imp lement the auto-attend ant func tion in the languag e c hosen. It is rec ommended that TTY automated attend ants and voic ed automated attend ants have sep arate telephone numb ers. *1 *1 *1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 197 Considerations Considerations If the Multiling ual feature is ac tivated while the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature is off, the p ersonal greeting b ec omes the sub sc riber’s p rimary personal g reeting if Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e is set to “ y” (yes). When the following two c ond itions exist: nThe Multiling ual feature is ac tivated with Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e set to “ y” (yes) for a sub sc rib er, nThe Multip le Personal Greeting s feature is on and g reeting 1 exists and is ac tive for all c alls, all p ersonal g reeting s are d eleted when the next mailb ox aud it runs exc ep t for p ersonal g reeting 1 whic h b ec omes the sub sc rib er’s p rimary p ersonal g reeting . The sub sc rib er should d o the following : nRerec ord this g reeting and tell the c aller, in the alternate lang uag e, to p ress to switc h to the alternate lang uag e and rec ord a sec ond ary p ersonal g reeting if d esired (the system g reeting is used if a p ersonalized g reeting is not ac tivated ). nUse the system g reetings for the p rimary and /or the sec ond ary g reeting s. If the Multiling ual feature is d eac tivated for a sub sc rib er when Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e is set to “ n” (no), no c hang es are ap p arent to the subsc riber. If the Multiling ual feature is d eac tivated and the sub sc rib er has rec ord ed p ersonalized Dual Languag e Greeting s, the p rimary g reeting (g reeting 1) immed iately b ec omes the ac tive p ersonal greeting for all c alls. The sec ond ary g reeting is d eleted when the next nig htly mailb ox aud it runs. The sub sc rib er should rerecord the personal greeting, leaving out any reference to pressing to switc h to an alternate lang uag e. Requirements The Multiling ual feature is a p urc hasab le feature that is ac tivated b efore system c utover or b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies’ remote maintenanc e p ersonnel. The system ad ministrator must id entify a system announc ement set on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. If the Multiling ual feature is not enab led , all sub sc rib ers must use the system announc ement set for c all answer and log in sessions. Eac h ad d itional announc ement set is p urc hased sep arately and is ship p ed on an mag neto-op tic al (MO) d isk 1 whic h must b e installed on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. There must b e enoug h d isk spac e to ac c ommod ate eac h ad d itional 1. Announc ement sets are ship p ed on tap e for releases earlier than 4.0 *1 *1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 198 Feature Operation announc ement set. See DEFI N I TY AU D I X Sys t e m — Sy s t e m D e s c r ip t i o n, 585-300-214, for information on announc ement sets and d isk sp ac e. The d oc umentation p rovid ed with the announc ement set d isk will p rovid e an estimate of the numb er of b loc ks of storag e the announc ement set will oc c upy on the system. Feature Operation The Multiling ual feature affec ts the following three areas of the DEFINITY AUDIX user op eration: nSubscriber login nCall answer sessions nAd ministration of p ersonal g reeting s Subscriber Login When the Multiling ual feature is ac tive, the DEFINITY AUDIX system p lays the initial log in promp ts for voic e mail c alls in the system p rimary announc ement set. After the user enters password, the announc ement set c hang es to the Log in Announc ement Set sp ec ified for the user if one has b een sp ec ified , if the Log in Announc ement Set exists on the system, and if the Multiling ual feature is ac tive. NOTE: If the system ad ministrator d esires the log in p romp t to b e heard in multip le languag es, s/he may rerec ord the p romp t in the d esired lang uag es. See the Announc ement Customization g uid e for the announc ement set to b e c ustomized . Call Answer If the Call Answer Languag e Choic e is set to “ y” (yes) for the c alled subsc rib er, the DEFINITY AUDIX system, up on answering a c all, voic es either a stand ard system g reeting in the sub sc rib er’s Call Answer Primary Announc ement Set or the sub sc rib er’s p ersonal g reeting . The system g reeting tells the c aller, in the sec ond ary lang uage, to p ress to switc h to the Call Answer Sec ond ary Announc ement Set. Rec ord ing p ersonal g reeting s to rep lac e the p rimary and /or sec ond ary system g reetings is desc rib ed und er Personalized Dual Lang uag e Greeting s. If the c aller d oes not switc h to the alternate lang uag e, system p romp ts for the c all are in the sub sc rib er’s d esig nated p rimary lang uag e. If a switc h is mad e to the alternate lang uag e, the system promp ts for the c all are in the sub sc rib er’s d esig nated sec ond ary lang uag e. *1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 199 Feature Operation Personalized Dual Language Greetings If the Call Answer Languag e Choic e is yes for a subscriber, the subscriber can rec ord p ersonalized g reeting s — one for the Call Answer Primary Announc ement Set and one for the Call Answer Sec ond ary Announc ement Set. This is p art of the Dual Lang uage Greetings c ap ab ility of the Multiling ual feature. The sub sc rib er c an rec ord a p ersonal g reeting for one announc ement set and use the system g reeting for the other announc ement set or rec ord b oth p rimary and sec ond ary p ersonal g reeting s. When rec ord ing a personal g reeting in the p rimary lang uag e, the sub sc rib er should instruc t the c aller, in the sec ond ary lang uag e, to p ress to switc h to the sec ond ary lang uag e. The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature is not availab le to a sub sc rib er with the Call Answer Languag e Choic e set to “ y” (yes) . The following fig ure shows the flowc hart for ad ministering Personalized Dual Lang uag e Greeting s. Figure 23. Personalized Dual Language Greetings Administration Recording and Activating a New Personalized Dual Language Greeting To rec ord and ac tivate a new p ersonal g reeting , d o the following : *1 Record Greeting 1 # Delete Greeting D * *R Return to Activity Menu Administer Alternate Greeting 0 Listen to Greeting Administer Personal Greetings 3 Log Into AUDIX 1 Stop 2 Administer Secondary Greeting 1 Administer Primary Greeting # Approve 23 Playback D * Delete 1 Continue Recording
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Multilingual 200 Feature Operation 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to ac c ess the Personal Greeting Ad ministration Menu. 3. Press to rec ord a p rimary g reeting , or p ress to rec ord a sec ond ary g reeting . 4. Press to rec ord the g reeting . 5. Rec ord your g reeting at the tone. 6. Press to stop rec ord ing (this is an op tional step ). 7. Do any combination of the following: nTo c ontinue rec ord ing , p ress . nTo d elete the g reeting, p ress . nTo playback the greeting, press . nTo ap prove the g reeting , p ress . Onc e ap p roved , the greeting b ec omes ac tive. You are returned to the Personal Greeting Ad ministration Menu. Listening to, Changing, or Deleting a Recorded Personalized Dual Language Greeting To listen to, c hang e, or delete a p ersonal g reeting, d o the following : 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to ac c ess the Personal Greeting Ad ministration Menu. 3. Press to rec ord a p rimary g reeting , or p ress to rec ord a sec ond ary g reeting . 4. Do one of the following: nTo p lay the g reeting , p ress and return to the b eg inning of this step (step 4). If no p ersonalized g reeting is rec ord ed, the system g reeting plays. nTo d elete the g reeting, p ress . You are returned to the Personal Greeting Ad ministration Menu. nTo rerec ord the g reeting , p ress and g o on to step 5. nTo ad minister the alternate g reeting, p ress and return to the b eg inning of this step for the alternate g reeting . 5. Rec ord your g reeting at the tone. 6. Press to stop rec ord ing (this is an op tional step ). 7. Do any combination of the following: nTo c ontinue rec ord ing , p ress . nTo d elete the g reeting, p ress . 3 12 1 1 1 *D 23 # 3 1 2 0 *D 1 # 1 1 *D