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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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    							Digital Networking 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
    May 1999
    DescriptionPoints to Remember
    Administration Screens
    Dig ital Networking allows sub sc rib ers on loc al DEFINITY 
    AUDIX systems to exc hang e voic e messages with sub sc rib -
    ers on other DEFINITY AUDIX systems,  AUDIX R1 systems, 
    NTUITY systems and  Interc hang e systems using  many of the 
    same features on their loc al DEFINITY AUDIX systems. Dig i-
    tally networked  AUDIX systems, or 
    nod es, can be colocated 
    or d istrib uted  over many loc ations.
    Dig ital Networking uses Luc ent Tec hnolog ies’ p rop rietary 
    Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP) to send  messages 
    using  the hig h-q uality d igital alg orithm c od e-exc ited  linear 
    p red ication (CELP) to transmit voic e messag es via AUDIX 
    Using  Dig ital Networking  is fast, c lear, and  effic ient, in that it 
    d oes not c omp ete for use of the voic e p orts.
    Dig ital Networking is availab le in DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    releases 3.2 and  later.
    nDig ital Networking  c an c onnec t 
    up  to 100 AUDIX systems.
    nDig ital Networking  is more sec ure 
    than AMIS analog  networking . 
    nIn DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    Release 4.0, using a low-speed 
    Dig ital Networking c onnec tion will 
    sig nific antly red uc e the numb er of 
    loc al sub sc rib ers, remote sub -
    sc rib ers, and  remote nod es the 
    system will sup p ort.
    Digital Networking
    St a t i o n 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Digital Networking 
    112 Applications 
    If sub sc rib ers are g eograp hic ally distant, they c an still enjoy many of the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX features they share with their other loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub sc rib ers, suc h as ad d ress- or dial-b y-name, p rivate and  p riority messag ing , 
    and  b road c ast messag ing , as if they were c oloc ated .
    DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking  uses Luc ent Tec hnolog ies’ DCP to 
    exc hang e voic e messag es, sub sc rib er p rofiles, and messag e status information 
    with other AUDIX systems. Sub sc rib ers on one DEFINITY AUDIX system c an 
    ad d ress and  send  messag es to and  rec eive messag es from any sub sc rib er on 
    other networked  systems. 
    Dig ital Networking  offers several ad vantag es over AMIS Analog  Networking , 
    inc lud ing  the following :
    nDig ital Networking  is more sec ure than AMIS Analog  Networking .
    nDig ital Networking  allows sub sc rib ers to hear voic ed  name c onfirmation 
    when they ad d ress messag es to subscribers on remote systems.
    nDig ital Networking  allows sub sc rib ers to hear the status of their sent 
    messag es, suc h as the d ate and  time the rec ip ient ac c essed  the 
    messag e.
    In its maximum c onfig uration, the DEFINITY AUDIX system may c onnec t with up 
    to 100 remote nod es and supp ort up to 2000 loc al subsc rib ers and  100,000 
    remote sub sc rib ers.
    1 The total numb er of networked  systems and  loc al and  
    remote subsc rib ers d epend s on several fac tors, inc lud ing  the following :
    nThe numb er of networking  p orts
    nThe speed  of d ata transp ort b etween the systems
    nThe amount of availab le storag e for remote sub sc riber d ata
    DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking  p rovid es b oth high-sp eed  and  low-sp eed  
    c onnec tivity. The typ e of d ata c onnec tion you use d ep end s on the fac ilities at 
    your site and  how you p lan to c onnec t with remote sites. 
    High-speed Connectivity
    Hig h-sp eed  c onnec tivity is p referred if you have hig h-sp eed  fac ilities between 
    loc ations or heavy traffic  b etween sites. DEFINITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking  
    p rovid es two hig h-sp eed  network c onnec tion typ es.
    1. These limits are sig nific antly red uced  for low-sp eed  Digital Networking  for Release 4.0. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Digital Networking 
    113 Requirements 
    The DEFINTIY AUDIX system offers three typ es of Dig ital Networking  
    c onfig urations—DCP Mod e 1, DCP Mod e 2, and  DCP Mod e 3.
    nDCP Mod e 1 c onnec tions transmit d ata at 56 Kb ps. DCP Mod e 1 uses a 
    DS1 fac ility on the switc h or a d ed ic ated  fac ility on a T1 c arrier.
    nDCP Mod e 3 c onnec tions transmit d ata at 64 Kbp s. DCP Mod e 3 c an use 
    a DS1 fac ility or an Integ rated  Servic es Dig ital Network (ISDN) fac ility on 
    the switc h or a ded ic ated  fac ility on a T1 c arrier.
    Low-Speed Connectivity
    DEFINITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking  p rovides one low-sp eed  network c onnec tion 
    type. DCP Mod e 2 is an async hronous, 9600 b p s c onnec tion that uses EIA 
    RS-232 Async hronous p rotoc ol to c onnec t remote AUDIX systems. A DCP Mod e 
    2 c onnec tion c an be c onfigured  in two ways, d ep end ing  on the p ort typ e 
    availab le on the switc h:
    nThe system c an c onnec t to a DCP p ort on a d ig ital station c irc uit p ac k, 
    7400A d ata mod ule, a typ e-ap p roved  9600 b p s mod em, and an analog  
    p ort on the switc h.
    nThe system c an c onnec t to an Elec tronic  Ind ustries Assoc iation (EIA) p ort 
    on a TN726 c irc uit p ac k, an async hronous d ata unit (ADU), a modem, and  
    an analog  p ort on the switc h. 
    Bec ause only one Dig ital Networking  p ort is availab le on Release 4.0, 
    however, low-sp eed  Dig ital Networking  traffic  is limited  signific antly. For 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0, the following  traffic  limits ap p ly:
    n10 remote nod es
    n100 loc al sub sc rib ers
    n10,000 remote sub sc ribers
    In DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0, high-sp eed  and  
    low-sp eed Dig ital Networking  c onnec tions have the same traffic  limits. 
    Multistage Dialing
    DCP Mod e 2 c onnec tions that use a mod em and a d ata module use multistag e 
    dialing. Multistage dialing permits a DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking port to 
    p lac e a c all to another DEFINITY AUDIX system in three stag es. The DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system d ials an AUDIX R1, I
    NTUITY, or Interc hang e system in two stag es.
    1. (To a remote DEFINITY AUDIX system only) Call a DCP-to-mod em 
    c onversion resourc e.
    2. (To any remote AUDIX system) Initiate a sec ond  c all off p remises over 
    analog fac ilities to a remote mod em.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Digital Networking 
    114 Feature Operation 
    3. (To any remote AUDIX system) Estab lish the final c onnec tion to the remote 
    Dig ital Networking  p ort. 
    All systems that network at low sp eed  with a DEFINITY AUDIX system must have 
    multistage dialing capability. The DEFINITY AUDIX system, I
    system, and  AUDIX R1V5 and  later systems2 have multistage dialing.3 Se e  
    DEFINITY AUDIX System — Dig ital Networking, 585-300-534, for more 
    information ab out multistag e d ialing .
    Modem Compatibility
    Mod em c omp atib ility may b e a p rob lem esp ec ially when networking  with old er 
    AUDIX R1 systems that use modem p ooling .4 Se e  DEFINITY AUDIX System — 
    Dig ital Networking
    , 585-300-534, for more information on mod em c omp atib ility.
    Mixed High-Speed and Low-Speed Connectivity
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an sup p ort all three typ es of networking  
    c onnec tions. The c onnec tion typ es (DCP Mod e 1, DCP Mod e 2, and  DCP Mod e 
    3) are d ynamic  and  c an c hang e on a c all-b y-c all b asis to d ifferent systems for 
    eac h networking p ort. For examp le, you c ould have a low-sp eed c onnec tion 
    b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX system and  a g eog rap hic ally remote system and  a 
    high-sp eed  c onnec tion to a system in the same b uild ing. See 
    System — Dig ital Networking , 
    585-300-534, for a d esc rip tion and  examp les of 
    Feature Operation
    The DEFINITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking  p orts emulate the op eration of a Dig ital 
    Terminal Data Mod ule (DTDM) whic h c an b e attac hed  to a 7405D d ig ital 
    telep hone. The Dig ital Networking  p orts ap pear to be DTDMs to the switc h and  
    use the sec ond , p reviously unused, DCP I-c hannel. Therefore, Dig ital Networking  
    d oes not need  to use the voic e p orts.
    Even thoug h Dig ital Networking traffic  does not use the voic e p orts, using  
    the Dig ital Networking feature d oes reduc e the maximum numb er of voic e 
    p orts that are availab le for the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Table 3 shows the 
    maximum numb er of voic e p orts availab le for the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    with and  without Dig ital Networking .
    2. TN539B network c ard  req uired
    3. AUDIX R1V8 is rec ommended  when networking  a DEFINITY AUDIX system with a 
    non-U.S. AUDIX R1 system.
    4. AUDIX R1V8 is rec ommended  when networking  a DEFINITY AUDIX system with a 
    non-U.S. AUDIX R1 system. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Digital Networking 
    115 Feature Administration 
    Table 3. Maximum Number of Voice Ports with and without Digital 
    Feature Administration
    During  installation, a software assoc iate or software sp ec ialist will ad minister the 
    d ata mod ule sc reen for a voic e p ort, whic h is the last p age of the Station sc reen 
    on the switc h. To ad minister one Dig ital Networking  p ort, the software assoc iate 
    or software sp ec ialist will ad minister the Data Module sc reen for voic e p ort one. If 
    you want two Dig ital Networking  p orts for DEFINITY AUDIX system releases 
    earlier than 4.0,
    5 the, software assoc iate or software sp ec ialist will ad minister the 
    Data Module sc reen for voic e port two.
    For systems with two Dig ital Networking  p orts, the networking  p orts should  b e 
    ad ministered  in a hunt g roup  on the switc h where the g roup  extension is within a 
    Direc t Inward  Dial (DID) rang e. In DCP Mod e 2 c onnec tions with two Dig ital 
    Networking  p orts, the ad ministrator should  set up  ad d itional hunt g roup s for eac h 
    p air of d ata module p orts or eac h p air of ADU p orts, as well as one for eac h p air 
    of modem ports.
    For more information about ad ministering  the Digital Networking  p orts, hunt 
    g roups for the Dig ital Networking  p orts, d ata mod ules, ADUs, or modems, see 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System — Dig ital Networking , 585-300-534.
    Interactions with Other Features
    This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Digital Networking  feature with 
    switc h features and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features.DEFINITY AUDIX SystemNumber of Digital 
    Networking PortsMaximum Number 
    of Voice Ports
    Releases earlier than 4.0 0 16
    2 (Maximum) 12
    Release 4.0 0 12
    1 (Maximum) 8
    5. Only one voic e p ort is availab le for DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0.
    6. In areas where DID or Direc t Inward /Outward  Dial (DIOD) is not availab le, the 
    ad ministrator may need  to ded ic ate a trunk to this ap p lic ation with one or two members.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Digital Networking 
    116 Interactions with Other Features 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    Dig ital Networking  d oes not interac t d irec tly with features on the switc h.
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    Dig ital Networking  interac ts with the following DEFINITY AUDIX system features.
    nVo i c e  M a i l:   Sub sc rib ers c an send  Voic e Mail messag es to sub sc rib ers on 
    other voic e messag ing  systems that use AUDIX software using  the same 
    extension typ es (a four- or five-numeral id entifier, for examp le) they use to 
    send  messag es to loc al sub sc rib ers.
    nAddress-by-Name:   Sub sc rib ers c an use the Ad d ress-b y-Name feature to 
    ad d ress Voice Mail messag es to sub scribers on remote AUDIX systems.
    nVo i c e  p o r t s:   Althoug h Dig ital Networking  d oes not use the system’s voic e 
    p orts, using  Dig ital Networking  red uc es the maximum numb er of voic e 
    p orts that are availab le on the system.
    nTr a f f i c:   For DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 in DCP Mod e 2 
    c onnec tions, the numb er of loc al subsc ribers, remote sub sc rib ers, and  
    remote nod es the system sup p orts is red uc ed  b y 90 perc ent.
    Interactions with Features on Other AUDIX 
    Voic e messag es are transmitted  b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX system and  other 
    AUDIX systems in a d ig ital format similar to d ig ital file transfer b etween two 
    c omp uter systems. There are some c onsiderations, however, when networking  
    with an I
    NTUITY AUDIX system or an AUDIX R1 system.
    nVoice Mail:   The INTUITY AUDIX system and  the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    b oth use the CELP voic e messag ing enc od ing alg orithm, so the voic e 
    q uality of messag es sent b etween the two systems is not d eg rad ed .
    nFax Messag ing:   While the INTUITY AUDIX system sup p orts fax 
    messag ing , the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not. 
    nText Messag ing:   While the INTUITY AUDIX system sup p orts text 
    messag ing , the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not. 
    AUDIX R1 System
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an ac c ommod ate messag es enc od ed  using  the 
    CELP voic e messag ing  enc od ing  alg orithm or the sub -b and  alg orithm used  on 
    the AUDIX R1 system. CELP voic e messag ing  enc od ing  is a hig her q uality than 
    sub -b and . Bec ause AUDIX R1 uses only sub -band , outg oing  messag es  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Digital Networking 
    117 Interactions with Other Features 
    transmitted  from a DEFINITY AUDIX system to an AUDIX R1 system will b e 
    transc oded  (c onverted ) from CELP to sub -b and  format as the messag e is b eing  
    sent to the remote system, so the voic e q uality of the messag e will be sub -b and  
    q uality on the AUDIX R1 system. 
    Inc oming  messag es from an AUDIX R1 system will b e stored  in the sub -b and  
    format in whic h they are rec eived . A message rec eived from an AUDIX R1 
    system will b e lower voic e q uality than other messag es rec eived  on a DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system.
    All AUDIX Systems
    DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking  d oes not supp ort the following :
    nDirect RS-232 networking (DCP Mode 2 with a modem/data module 
    arrang ement p rovid es ind irec t RS-232 sup p ort.)
    nText Servic es Interfac e
    nCall Detail Rec ord ing 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Digital Networking 
    118 Interactions with Other Features  
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
    May 1999
    DescriptionPoints to Remember
    Administration Screens
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system keep s a d irec tory of sub sc rib er 
    names and  extension numb ers. Callers may use this feature 
    at any time to find  out the name or extension number of a 
    DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er, or to verify whether the p erson 
    they are trying  to reac h is a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er.
    Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    automatic ally upd ates the Direc tory 
    whenever changes are made using 
    the Sub sc rib er or Remote 
    Sub sc riber sc reens. There is no 
    administration nec essary for the 
    Direc tory feature.
    Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Any one who enters the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system c an ac c ess the 
    Direc tory feature.
    nTh e  l e t t e r  Q is represented by key-
    pad number .
    nThe letter Z is represented by key-
    pad number .
    nIn an AMIS network, only ad minis-
    tered  remote sub sc rib ers will b e 
    listed  in the Direc tory.
    Sub, Remote Sub 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    120 Applications 
    The Direc tory feature is p rimarily used  to look up subsc rib ers’ names and 
    extensions. It c an also b e used  to verify whether a p erson is a DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub sc rib er. 
    The Direc tory feature has no requirements other than those of the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system itself. 
    Feature Operation
    The Direc tory feature is availab le at any time while ac c essing  the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system. To use the Direc tory feature, d o the following : 
    1. Press       (for Names and  Numb ers). 
    2. Enter the name of the sub sc rib er (last name first) and  p ress  .
    The system announc es the sub sc rib er’s name and  extension numb er. 
    3. If the system req uests more letters, ad d  them from the p oint where you left 
    To find  out a name for a sp ec ific  extension, press     (for Alternate 
    Ad d ressing ) to switc h mod es, then enter the extension numb er and  press 
    4. To exit the Directory feature, press  .
    Interactions with Other Features
    This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Direc tory feature with switc h features 
    and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    The Direc tory feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. 
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