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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Administration and Data Acquisition Package 
    11 Applications 
    nData searc hes — Download ed  system traffic  d ata c an b e formatted  in 
    rep orts that list all field s for all loc al subsc rib ers, list all field s for all remote 
    sub sc rib ers, or d isp lay ind ivid ual loc al or remote sub sc rib er rec ords. 
    nData manag ement — Download ed  system traffic  d ata c an b e selec tively 
    b ac ked  up from the PC to a d iskette, d eleted  from the fixed  d isk, or 
    restored  to the PC from a bac kup  d iskette using  PC2AUDIX menu op tions. 
    PC2AUDIX inc lud es an online help  p rog ram that c an b e invoked  interac tively at 
    any time d uring  PC2AUDIX op eration. 
    DOS-Level Commands
    DOS-level c ommand s are p rog rammer-oriented , UNIX-like c ommand s that c an 
    modify subscriber data directly in the DEFINITY AUDIX database and download 
    selec ted  d ata from the DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase to the PC. Syntax for 
    DOS-level c ommand s is c ryp tic  and therefore use of these c ommand s is not 
    rec ommend ed for nonp rog rammers. 
    No rep orting  c ap ab ility is inc lud ed  with the DOS-level c ommand s. It is left to the 
    c ustomer to manip ulate the d ata using  d atab ase manag er software on the PC 
    (suc h as d BASE III PLUS) to c reate c ustomized  reports or to up load  the d ata 
    from the PC to a host c omp uter (suc h as a mainframe) for further analysis using  
    custom-developed software. 
    There are three method s for entering  DOS-level c ommand s: 
    nEnter ind ivid ual c ommand s from the PC keyb oard  at the DOS p rompt. 
    Results are written to standard  outp ut in a flat ASCII format on the PC. 
    nExec ute c ommand s from a b atc h file. If dBASE III PLUS is inc lud ed  in the 
    b atc h file, retrieved  data is automatic ally c onverted  into a d BASE III PLUS 
    format; otherwise it is written in a flat ASCII format. 
    nWrite ap p lic ations that use DOS-level c ommand s and  d atab ase manag er 
    software to org anize DEFINITY AUDIX d atabase information in c ustomized  
    rep orts. (PC2AUDIX is an examp le of an ap p lic ation that uses these 
    DOS-level c ommand s and  the d BASE III PLUS d atab ase manag er 
    software to c reate rep orts.) 
    ADAP DOS-level c ommand s p rovid e the following  c ap ab ilities: 
    nAdd or delete subscriber records or modify subscriber field values directly 
    in the DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase. 
    nDownload  selec ted  COS sc reens d ata to the PC. 
    nDownload  selec ted  Attend ant sc reens d ata to the PC. 
    nDownload  selec ted  Sub sc rib er sc reens d ata to the PC (inc lud ing  the loc al 
    and  remote d ata).  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Administration and Data Acquisition Package 
    12 Requirements 
    nDownload  selec ted  Maintenanc e sc reens d ata to the PC (inc lud ing  alarms 
    and  errors). 
    nDownload  selec ted  System-Parameters sc reens d ata to the PC. 
    nDownload  selec ted  Traffic  sc reens d ata to the PC. 
    nDownload  p erformanc e statistic s d ata to the PC. 
    The following hard ware and  software are req uired  to run ADAP: 
    nA Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 6286 WGS (rec ommend ed ), Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 
    6386 WGS, or other c omp atib le PC that c an run the MS-DOS 3.1 (or later) 
    op erating  system. The PC or Work Group  System (WGS) must have at 
    least 640 Kb ytes of memory b efore load ing  ADAP and  357 Kb ytes of RAM 
    availab le after ADAP is load ed . At least a 40-Mb yte hard  d isk is need ed. 
    The PC or WGS c an b e c ab led  from either COM1 or COM2 d irec tly to a 
    DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration p ort or throug h a mod em or Mod ular 
    Proc essor Data Mod ule (MPDM) to d ial into the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    at from 1200 to 9600 b p s. See 
    AUDIX Ad ministration and  Data Ac q uisition 
    Pa c k a g e
    , 585-302-502, for c omp lete installation instruc tions and  a list of 
    supported modems. 
    nA 513 terminal emulation p ac kag e. This is an op tional p ac kag e for ADAP, 
    used  only to troub leshoot the c onnec tion to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    However, it is req uired  if the ADAP PC is to also serve as an ad ministration 
    terminal c ap ab le of log ging  in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system with the 
    ad ministrative log in and displaying  the ad ministrative and  maintenanc e 
    sc reens d irec tly on the PC sc reen. 
    nA 570 parallel, 572 serial, or other 473-c omp atib le Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 
    p rinter. This is op tional b ut rec ommend ed. 
    nThe d BASE III PLUS software p ac kag e (version 1.1 or later) if PC2AUDIX 
    is used . ADAP is not yet c omp atib le with d BASE IV software. 
    Feature Operation
    The ADAP PC, whic h c an serve as the DEFINITY AUDIX administration terminal, 
    c an b e c onnec ted via either the COM1 or COM2 p ort on the PC to an 
    ad ministration p ort on the DEFINITY AUDIX system, using  either a d irec t 
    c onnec tion or a d ial-up  mod em c onnec tion. The ADAP PC also c an b e used  as 
    the ad ministration terminal for the DEFINITY AUDIX system; a terminal emulation 
    p ac kag e installed  on the PC allows the ad ministrator to d isp lay the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX ad ministration and maintenanc e sc reens on the PC sc reen. 
    If PC2AUDIX is used , the administrator simp ly invokes PC2AUDIX and selec ts 
    op tions from the root menu. PC2AUDIX automatic ally log s in to the DEFINITY  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Administration and Data Acquisition Package 
    13 Feature Operation 
    AUDIX system as req uired  d uring  the session in resp onse to menu op tions that 
    are selec ted . 
    There are several imp ortant d etails to rememb er ab out using  PC2AUDIX: 
    nBefore PC2AUDIX rep orts c an b e generated , the report d ata must b e 
    retrieved  to the PC using PC2AUDIX menu op tions. 
    nData is not stored  ind efinitely in the DEFINITY AUDIX d atabase, so it must 
    b e retrieved  to the PC on a reg ular b asis. 
    nData retrieval c an b e a time-c onsuming  p roc ess and  should  b e d one 
    d uring off-hours to free up  the ad ministration terminal d uring  d aytime 
    hours and  to minimize the imp ac t of ADAP op erations on DEFINITY AUDIX 
    The PC2AUDIX sc hed uling  op tion fac ilitates this p roc ess b y allowing  up  to 100 
    jobs to b e sc heduled for off-hours exec ution. Individ ual jobs c an be sc hed uled  to 
    run at the same time eac h week, so that ADAP d ata retrieval is an automatic  and 
    regular process. 
    To use the DOS-level c ommand s, the ad ministrator log s in to the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system by invoking  either the ADAP automatic  log in c ommand  or the 
    ADAP manual log in c ommand .
    Th e  
    AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Pac kage, 585-302-502, 
    document describes how to install ADAP and how to use PC2AUDIX and the 
    ADAP DOS-level c ommand s. ADAP software is ship p ed  on 3.5-inc h d iskettes.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Administration and Data Acquisition Package 
    14 Interactions with Other Features 
    Interactions with Other Features
    This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the ADAP feature with switc h features 
    and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    ADAP has little d irec t relation to switc h features. Some switc h feature setting s 
    may affec t the traffic  d ata that ADAP ac c esses, b ut have no effec t on the 
    op eration of ADAP itself. 
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    Tr a f f i c  R e p o r t s:  ADAP c an b e used  to download  d ata from all traffic  sc reens.  
    							Alarm Origination 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
    May 1999
    DescriptionPoints to Remember
    Administration Screens
    The Alarm Orig ination feature initiates a c ommunic ation link 
    b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX system and  Luc ent Tec hnolo-
    g ies’ Op erations Supp ort System (OSS) to inform the OSS 
    that an alarm has b een ac tivated . The system d ownload s 
    sp ec ific  information ab out the alarm from the alarm log . It 
    p rovid es an effic ient means for g etting  alarms resolved  
    q uic kly and  inc lud es a variety of options that allow the sys-
    tem administrator to c ustomize the typ e of alarm notific ation 
    to suit any servic e ag reements.
    The c all is initiated  throug h a maintenanc e p ort on the sys-
    tem and  an internal or external mod em. The p ort and  mod em 
    are also availab le for remote ac c ess b y the OSS to resolve 
    alarms. When the alarms are resolved , the system op tionally 
    initiates another c all to the OSS to transmit an All Clear mes-
    sag e.
    Alarm orig ination op tions are ad ministered  for a variety of 
    func tional system g roup s. The system information transmit-
    ted  in the alarm c all is ob tained  from the alarm log . The log  
    p rovid es information ab out the suc c ess of alarm rep orts and  
    a mec hanism for testing  the feature.nIf the system fails to make the 
    c onnec tion b ec ause the alarm 
    p ort is b usy, or for any other rea-
    son, it will retry p eriod ic ally.
    nSup p ort personnel c an temp o-
    rarily override this feature by sup -
    pressing alarms. Suppressed 
    alarms that are not resolved  will 
    b e sent when the sup p ressed  
    state is no long er in effec t (unless 
    whoever suppressed the alarms 
    logs off).
    nAlarm notific ations c an be set for 
    up  to six sug gested  func tional 
    system g roup s.
    Alarm Origination
    Sy s- Pa r  M a in t ,  A la rm 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Alarm Origination 
    16 Applications 
    The p rimary ap p lic ation of this feature is to sp eed  up the resolution of alarms, 
    whic h it is estimated  to d o b y at least ten perc ent. The automatic  d ownload ing  of 
    alarm log s as they are g enerated  starts the resolution p roc ess almost at the 
    instant of failure. 
    Ad d itionally, this feature p rovid es more op portunity for c ustomers to partic ip ate in 
    system maintenanc e. By d efining  the types of alarms that orig inate alarm c alls, 
    c ustomers c an use in-house sp ec ialists to solve sp ec ific  typ es of p rob lems. 
    Customers c annot ad minister this feature d irec tly, b ut c an have it c ustomized b y 
    servic es p ersonnel. 
    Initialization and  Ad ministration Software (INADS) d atab ase entries must b e set 
    up  to hand le alarms from eac h remote system. 
    Feature Operation
    Little is req uired  of the system ad ministrator for this feature to op erate p rop erly. 
    The initial ad ministration is d one b y servic es p ersonnel. The b asic  feature 
    op eration is d esc rib ed  in the following  sec tion. 
    Initial Administration
    The system is shipp ed  with this feature turned  off. When turned  on, the feature 
    remains ac tivated  throug h system restarts. In ord er to ac tivate alarm orig ination, 
    d o the following : 
    1. Enter at the c ommand  line: change system-parameters maintenance
    This will b ring  up  the System-Parameters Maintenanc e sc reen. 
    2. Enter a Prod uc t ID in the ap prop riate field. 
    3. Enter a d ial string  in the ap p rop riate field  (This c ontains the phone numb er 
    and  mod em c ommand s for orig inating  the alarm c all). Unless you are 
    using an external mod em, use the 
    atdt p refix in the d ial string . 
    For example, you c ould type: atdt9,13035551213
    If you are using an external modem, see the modem manual for proper 
    ad ministration. 
    4. Enter the remote ac c ess p ort to use for orig inating  alarm c alls. 
    5. Enter the b aud  rate.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Alarm Origination 
    17 Feature Operation 
    6. Enter y
     in the Alarm Origination Ac tive field . If you wish c alls to b e plac ed  
    when all alarms have b een resolved , enter a y
     in the All Alarms Resolved  
    Notific ation field . 
    The all resolved notific ation inc lud es only those alarms whic h have 
    b een ad ministered  to c ause an alarm orig ination c all. In other 
    word s, ac tive alarms may b e outstand ing  when an All Clear c all is 
    7. Enter the alarm ac tion for eac h of the eig ht alarm c ateg ories, as well as 
    the failure mod es. 
    8. Use the   key to store the information entered . 
    Alarm Action
    When an alarm is raised , the following  hap p ens: 
    nThe ac tion for the g roup  assoc iated  with this alarm and  severity is 
    c hec ked . If a c all should  b e p lac ed , a timer is set for 5 minutes (to allow 
    the system to resolve the alarm automatic ally). 
    nAfter 5 minutes, if a c all is still required , it will be p laced . 
    nIf the result of the c all is an ac knowled gment from INADS, all g roup s with 
    alarms will b e treated  as ac knowled g ed , and  no further ac tion is need ed . 
    Any sub seq uent alarm(s) raised  in any of the alread y ac knowled g ed  
    c ateg ories (of the same or lower level) d o not c ause another c all to b e 
    p lac ed . 
    nIf the c all fails for any reason, it will b e resc hed uled  and  attemp ted  at a 
    later time. Possible reasons for failure inc lud e: 
    — INADS not p rep ared  for c all or having  p rob lems 
    — Maintenanc e p ort alread y in use 
    — Dial string  inc orrec t 
    — Modem problems 
    Three failures in a row cause the failure modes (from the sc reen) to be 
    examined and  relays to b e c losed  if so ad ministered. Calls will still b e 
    attemp ted  as per the retry strateg y. 
    All Clear
    If administered , alarm orig ination will plac e a c all informing  INADS that all 
    p reviously ac knowled g ed  alarms have b een resolved . No All Clear c all will b e 
    p lac ed  if there are ac tive alarms outstanding  in g roup s that are ad ministered  to 
    plac e c alls. For example: 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Alarm Origination 
    18 Feature Operation 
    nAn alarm is raised  for g roup  1, and  a c all is p lac ed  and  ac knowled g ed . 
    The Alarm is sub seq uently resolved . An 
    All Clear c all is sc hed uled . If a 
    new alarm is raised  in g roup  1 b efore the All Clear c all is p lac ed , the All 
    Clear c all will b e c anc eled , and  no new alarm c all will b e sc hed uled . 
    (Unless the new alarm is at a hig her severity). 
    nAn alarm is raised  for g roup  1, and a c all is p lac ed  and  ac knowled ged . An 
    alarm is raised  for g roup 2, and  the alarm c all is not ac knowledg ed . The 
    Alarm in g roup 1 is resolved . At this p oint, all ac knowled g ed  alarms have 
    b een resolved , b ut no All Clear c all will be p lac ed , b ec ause of the ac tive 
    g roup 2 alarm. If a resolution for the g roup  2 alarm is rec eived  (b efore or 
    after it is acknowledged) an All Clear call will be placed. 
    Alarm Suppression
    Alarm Orig ination may b e temp orarily sup p ressed  b y entering  the c ommand  
    disable alarm-origination
    . During supp ression, no c alls (other than test c alls) 
    will be attemp ted, nor will the relays b e op erated . Alarm orig ination would  
    typic ally b e sup p ressed  after logg ing  in throug h the maintenanc e p ort so that no 
    outgoing c alls are attemp ted while the p ort is b usy. Alarm or All Clear c alls will be 
    d elayed  until alarm orig ination is ag ain enab led . 
    Sinc e the p ossib ility exists that whoever had  sup p ressed  alarm origination may 
    fail to re-enab le it, it will be automatic ally re-enab led  whenever the log in that 
    originally suppressed it logs off. 
    Alarm Origination Not Active
    Even if alarm orig ination is not ac tive (the feature is turned off as op p osed  to 
    temp orarily sup p ressed ), the relays will still op erate. When alarms are raised , the 
    ac tion to take for the p artic ular g roup  (and  severity) will b e examined. If the 
    ac tion is to c lose the relays, they will b e c losed . If the ac tion to take is to c all, the 
    failure mod e will b e examined . If the failure mod e ind ic ates the relays should  b e 
    c losed , this will oc c ur immed iately. Therefore, turning  off the feature will not stop  
    op erations of the relays, unless ad ministered  otherwise. See 
    System — Maintenanc e
    , 585-300-121, for more information.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Alarm Origination 
    19 Interactions with Other Features 
    Interactions with Other Features
    This section identifies the interac tions of the Alarm Origination feature with switch 
    features and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    Contac t Relays:  The Alarm Orig ination feature c an b e set up  to work with switc h 
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    The Alarm Orig ination feature d oes not interac t with other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Alarm Origination 
    20 Interactions with Other Features  
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