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    of 450
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    201 Feature Operation 
    nTo playback the greeting, press    .
    nTo ap p rove the greeting , p ress  . You are returned  to the Personal 
    Greeting  Ad ministration Menu. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    202 Interactions with Other Features 
    Interactions with Other Features
    This section id entifies the interactions of the Multiling ual feature with switch 
    features and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    The Multiling ual feature works with the Call Answer (DEFINITY AUDIX) feature. 
    See the Interac tions with Other Features
     sec tion of the Call Answer c hap ter to 
    und erstand  the switc h asp ec ts of having  c alls interc epted  b y the system. 
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    The Multiling ual feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: 
    nAMIS:   AMIS network outc alls will b e mad e using  the system 
    announc ement set. 
    nAutomated  Attend ant:   The Multiling ual feature may b e used  with the 
    Automated  Attend ant feature. The first stage of an automated  attend ant in 
    a multiling ual environment mig ht ask the user to selec t a lang uag e. 
    Sub seq uent stag es c ould  imp lement the automated-attend ant func tion in 
    the language chosen. 
    Seamless lang uage p romp ting c an b e ac hieved  with automated  
    attend ants in a multiling ual environment as long  as the p rimary 
    announc ement set sp ec ified  for eac h automated  attend ant matc hes the 
    lang uag e of the b ranc h in whic h eac h automated  attend ant resid es in the 
    automated -attend ant tree. 
    nBroad c ast Messag e:   Sinc e it is not nec essary to log in to the b road c ast 
    mailbox to create a broadcast message, any user with broadcast 
    p ermission c an interac t with the system in the announc ement set of his/her 
    choic e if the Multilingual feature is activated. The broadcaster should 
    c onsid er the ap p ropriateness of b road c asting  a uniling ual messag e 
    versus a multiling ual messag e to a multiling ual c ommunity. TTY users who 
    c annot hear should be notified  of the b road c ast messag e. 
    nBulletin Board:   If the DEFINITY AUDIX Sub sc rib er sc reen for an 
    extension has a PERMISSIONS Typ e of b ulletin-b oard , the extension 
    retains all of the Multilingual feature c ap ab ilities of a c all-answer 
    PERM I SSI ON S Ty p e .  
    nCall Answer:   For call answer sessions, the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    greets a c aller with the system g reeting for the c alled  sub sc rib er’s 
    d esig nated  p rimary announc ement set or with the rec ord ed  p ersonal 
    g reeting  assoc iated  with the p rimary announc ement set (the p rimary 
    p ersonal g reeting ). The system g reeting  (or the p rimary p ersonal g reeting , 
    if so d esired) instruc ts the c aller to enter     to switc h to the alternate 
    (sec ond ary) lang uag e g reeting . The instruc tions to switc h are in the 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    203 Interactions with Other Features 
    alternate lang uag e. If the c aller enters    , the system p lays the 
    sec ond ary system g reeting or, if rec ord ed , the sec ond ary personal 
    g reeting . 
    The caller’s choic e directs system behavior for the call in the following two 
    nDetermining  which g reeting  is p layed  
    nDetermining  whic h announc ement set to use for any system 
    If the c aller d oes not switc h to the alternate lang uag e, system p romp ts for 
    the c all will b e in the sub sc rib er’s d esig nated  p rimary lang uage. If a 
    switc h is mad e to the alternate lang uag e, the system promp ts for the c all 
    will be in the sub sc rib er’s d esig nated  sec ond ary lang uag e. 
    nClass of Servic e:   Field s on the Class of Servic e (COS) sc reen sp ec ify 
    sub sc rib er-sp ec ific  announc ement set selec tions for Log in 
    Announc ement Set, Call Answer Primary Announc ement Set, and  Call 
    Answer Sec ond ary Announc ement Set and  whether a Call Answer 
    Lang uag e Choic e is allowed . 
    nFull Mailb ox Answer Mod e:   If a sub sc riber’s mailb ox is full, the c aller 
    hears the sub sc rib er’s p ersonal greeting  or the system g reeting  followed  
    b y the DEFINITY AUDIX announc ements stating  that a messag e c annot 
    b e left and  listing  other op tions. If Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e is “ y”  
    (yes), the c aller hears the g reeting  in the c aller’s p rimary announc ement 
    nGuest Password:   When someone uses the g uest p assword  to log  in to 
    the system, the DEFINITY AUDIX system announc es the     op tion to 
    switc h announc ement sets if the sub sc rib er extension used to log  in to the 
    system has the Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e (CALC) field set to “ y”  
    (yes). If CALC =  y (yes), the p rimary and  sec ondary announc ement sets 
    for the c all are the same as those for the sub sc rib er extension used  b y the 
    g uest to log  in. If CALC =  n (no), the announc ement set used  for the c all is 
    the p rimary announc ement set for the sub sc rib er extension used  b y the 
    g uest to log  in. 
    nINTUITY Messag e Manager:  Sub sc rib ers c an set up  Multiling ual p ersonal 
    g reeting s (Dual Lang uag e Greeting s) from their PC using  I
    NTUITY Message 
    Manag er.
    nLog in Announc ement:   The Log in Announc ement g oes to all sub sc rib ers 
    of the system and  p rob ably should  b e rec ord ed  in all system lang uag es. 
    TTY users who c annot hear should  b e notified that there is a Login 
    Announc ement. 
    nMessag e Delivery:   If the Multiling ual feature is enab led , Messag e 
    Delivery announc ements will b e in the system announc ement set. If the 
    uniling ual nature of this p romp t is unac c ep tab le, the c ustomer may 
    rerec ord  the p rompt in all lang uag es of interest. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    204 Interactions with Other Features 
    nMultiple Personal Greeting s:   The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature is 
    not availab le to sub sc rib ers that elec t to g ive c allers a c hoic e of 
    lang uag es (Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e set to “ y”  (yes)). Sub sc rib ers 
    c an rec ord  p rimary and /or sec ond ary Dual Lang uag e Greeting s rather 
    than Multip le Personal Greeting s. 
    nOutc alling:   The DEFINITY AUDIX system uses the sub sc rib er’s log in 
    announc ement set when p lac ing  an Outc all. 
    nShared  Extension:   The Automated  Attend ant menu used  for a shared  
    extension c an be voic ed  in multip le lang uag es. 
    nTD D:   A TDD announc ement set is availab le for purc hase and  c an b e 
    used  with the Multiling ual feature as another announc ement set on the 
    system. It is rec ommend ed , but not nec essary, that TTY c allers and  voic e 
    c allers use separate telep hone numb ers. 
    nTTY Automated  Attend ant:   Automated  Attend ants c an b e set up  for TTY 
    c allers. It is rec ommend ed , b ut not nec essary, that sep arate Automated  
    Attend ants b e set up  for TTY c allers and  for voic e c allers and  that the TDD 
    announc ement set b e installed  on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    nTransfer Into AUDIX (CL Mod e Only):   Onc e an attend ant transfers a c all 
    to the p rinc ipal’s mailb ox, c all treatment proc eed s as for normal c all 
    c overag e to the p rinc ip al’s mailbox with full Multiling ual feature c ap ab ility. 
    nTransfer Into Mailb ox (DS Mod e Only):   The DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    answers a transferred  c all from the AUDIX TRANSFER p ort in the system 
    announc ement set and  p romp ts the c aller to enter the numb er of the 
    desired subscriber mailbox. This feature is typically used by secretaries to 
    transfer the c aller into the p rinc ipal’s mailb ox. If all sec retaries using  this 
    feature c an work with the system p rimary announc ement lang uag e, then 
    no c hang e is required . Otherwise, the system ad ministrator mig ht rerec ord  
    the p rompt in all lang uag es of interest. 
    nVoice Mail:   If the Multiling ual feature is ac tivated, the Log in 
    Announc ement Set is used  for all interac tions. 
    nVoice Mailb ox:   If the Multiling ual feature is ac tivated , the Log in 
    Announc ement Set is used  for all interac tions.  
    							Multiple Personal Greetings 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
    May 1999
    DescriptionPoints to Remember
    Administration Screens
    When the DEFINITY AUDIX System answers c alls for sub-
    scrib ers via the Call Answer feature, sub scrib ers c an instruct 
    the system to g reet their c allers with a p ersonal messag e, as 
    an answering  mac hine d oes. Subsc ribers c an rec ord  up  to 
    nine d ifferent personal g reeting s and  have the system play a 
    sing le greeting  for all c alls or p lay sp ec ific  g reeting s for d if-
    ferent typ es of c alls. The system c an id entify c alls (known as 
    c all typ es) in the following  ways:
    nInternal and Ex t e r n a l — Calls made from an extension 
    on the same switc h versus c alls mad e from a p hone 
    outsid e the switc h
    nBusy and  No Answer — Calls mad e to a sub sc rib er’s 
    extension while the sub sc rib er is alread y on the p hone 
    versus c alls mad e to a sub sc riber’s extension and  the 
    subsc riber d oes not answer
    nOut-of-Hours — Calls mad e to a sub scriber’s extension 
    outsid e of b usiness hours (these time p eriod s are 
    defined  b y the system ad ministrator)
    Up  to three g reeting s c an b e ac tive simultaneously. Sub -
    sc rib ers c an assig n g reeting s to c all typ es in any of the fol-
    lowing  ways:
    nA sing le greeting  for all c alls (the d efault)
    nDifferent g reeting s for (1) internal and (2) external c alls
    nDifferent g reeting s for (1) b usy and  (2) no answer c alls
    nDifferent g reeting s for (1) p rime-time and  (2) 
    out-of-hours c alls
    nDifferent g reeting s for (1) p rime-time internal, (2) 
    prime-time external, and  (3) out-of-hours c alls
    nDifferent g reeting s for (1) p rime-time b usy, (2) 
    prime-time no answer, and  (3) out-of-hours c alls
    nIf a sub sc rib er d oes not rec ord  
    and  ac tivate any p ersonal g reet-
    ings, the system uses the system 
    g reeting  to answer the sub -
    sc rib er’s c alls.
    nIf the Multiling ual feature is ac ti-
    vated  and  Call Answer Lang uag e 
    Choic e is yes on the Sub sc rib er or 
    Class of Servic e sc reen for a sub -
    scriber, the subscriber records 
    p rimary and /or sec ond ary per-
    sonal g reeting s rather than Multi-
    p le Personal Greeting s. The two 
    g reeting  typ es are mutually exc lu-
    nTo c reate one g reeting  for 
    prime-time callers and one greet-
    ing for out-of-hours c allers, it is 
    nec essary to administer three c all 
    types and  assig n the two 
    p rime-time c all typ es to the same 
    g reeting .
    nThe numb er of greeting s ad minis-
    tered  c an seriously imp ac t d isk 
    sp ac e req uirements.
    nSub sc rib ers c an set up  p ersonal 
    g reeting s using  I
    NTUITY Messag e 
    Manag er.
    Multiple Personal Greetings
    Sys-Par Fea 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Multiple Personal Greetings 
    206 Applications 
    The Multip le Personal Greeting s (MPG) feature allows users to c reate and  store 
    up  to nine p ersonal g reeting s and  use eac h as need ed. For examp le, John 
    End all is a c ustomer sup p ort tec hnic ian who is p rep aring  to g o on vac ation. He 
    c urrently has his p ersonal greeting s set for internal/external and  out-of-hours 
    calls, as follows: 
    John has also rec ord ed  a p ersonal g reeting  to b e used  while he is on vac ation. 
    Before he leaves, John instruc ts the DEFINITY AUDIX system to p lay the vac ation 
    g reeting  for all c alls to his extension. The three p ersonal g reeting s he uses on a 
    d aily b asis are saved  in his lib rary of nine greeting s and c an b e reinstated  up on 
    his return. 
    Personal greeting s are stored  in sub sc rib er’s mailb oxes. If mailbox sp ac e is low, 
    the sub sc rib er c an d elete old  or unwanted  g reeting s to free storag e sp ac e. The 
    system d oes not renumb er the greeting s if any are d eleted. 
    If a sub sc rib er keep s a full lib rary of g reetings, a g ood  way to keep  trac k of them 
    is to use the 
    Scan All Greetings op tion. This op tion c an b e used  to p lay the 
    g reeting s b ac k in numb ered seq uenc e. Sub sc rib ers who are traveling  mig ht use 
    the sc an op tion to rec ord  all the g reeting s onto a poc ket d ic taphone. In this way 
    sub sc rib ers need  not c all the system to d isc over whic h g reetings are ac tive and  
    which are available. 
    InternalHi, this is John. I’m p rob ab ly b usy help ing a c ustomer rig ht 
    now. If you’d  like, leave a messag e, and  I’ll g et b ac k to you 
    as soon as I c an. 
    ExternalHello, you have reac hed  the voic e mailb ox of John End all at 
    the Customer Sup p ort Center. I am c urrently unab le to take 
    your c all. If you would  like, p lease leave a messag e 
    id entifying  the p rob lem and  a p hone number where you c an 
    b e reac hed , or p ress zero to transfer to another sup port 
    tec hnic ian. Thank you for c alling  the Customer Sup p ort 
    Center, and  have a nic e d ay. 
    Out-of-HoursHello, you have reac hed  the voic e mailb ox of John End all at 
    the Customer Sup p ort Center. Our b usiness hours are 
    Mond ay throug h Friday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 
    mountain stand ard  time. We are not op en on weekend s. 
    Please leave a messag e at the tone and  I will return your c all 
    as soon as p ossib le. Thank you for c alling  the Customer 
    Sup p ort Center.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Multiple Personal Greetings 
    207 Requirements 
    The MPG feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system itself. The system is delivered  with the MPG feature ac tivated . However, 
    the system ad ministrator c an d eac tivate this feature using  the 
    System-Parameters Features sc reen. 
    Feature Operation
    The MPG feature may be ac tivated or d eac tivated  for the entire system at any 
    time. The DEFINITY AUDIX system is d elivered with the feature ac tivated  and  
    answers c alls using  the g reeting  that is ac tive for eac h sub sc rib er — either the 
    system g reeting or a rec ord ed  p ersonal g reeting . This feature is simp ly an 
    op tion 
    for users to ap p ly; they need  not ever rec ord  or ac tivate a g reeting  for the system 
    to answer their c alls. If sub sc rib ers d ec id e to use this feature, they have the 
    op tion of using it from its simp lest sc reen — one p ersonal g reeting  for all c alls — 
    to d ifferentiating  their c all typ es and  having  up to three d ifferent g reeting s ac tive 
    at one time. If the Multiling ual feature is ac tivated  and  Call Answer Lang uag e 
    Choic e is yes on the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen for a sub sc rib er, the 
    sub sc rib er rec ord s p rimary and /or sec ondary p ersonal g reeting s rather than 
    Multiple Personal Greeting s. The two g reeting typ es are mutually exc lusive. 
    If the MPG feature is 
    d eac tivated, the system ad ministrator should  inform users 
    that their g reeting s 2 throug h 9 will b e d eleted when the nightly mailb ox audit is 
    run. Greeting  0 is always the system g reeting , and  the system assumes that 
    g reeting  1 is a stand ard, nonsp ec ific  g reeting . If a sub sc rib er has g reeting 1 
    ac tive for all c all types when the feature is d eac tivated , the system will still p lay 
    that g reeting  for all c alls. If g reeting  1 is ac tive only for spec ific  c all typ es, or if it is 
    inac tive when the MPG feature is deac tivated , the rec ord ing  will b e saved , b ut 
    the system g reeting  (0) will b e used  for all c alls. 
    Althoug h the MPG feature is extremely flexible and  allows sub sc rib ers to p erform 
    the following  tasks in almost any ord er, the easiest way to use this feature is to 
    p erform these tasks as follows: 
    1. Ad minister c all typ es 
    2. Rec ord  a g reeting  
    3. Ac tivate the g reeting  
    Sub sc rib ers are also p rovid ed  with the ab ility to sc an or listen to their lib rary of 
    p ersonal g reeting s (up  to nine greeting s).  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Multiple Personal Greetings 
    208 Feature Operation 
    Figure 24. Personal Greeting Administration Menu
    Using One Personal Greeting for All Call Types
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system comes pre-administered to make it easy for new 
    users to have one p ersonal g reeting  ac tive for all c alls. Users who d o not p refer 
    to have the system d isting uish b etween c all typ es c an rec ord  and  ac tivate one 
    p ersonal g reeting , q uic kly and  easily. 
    If you are new to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, or have not p reviously rec ord ed a 
    p ersonal g reeting , the system is using  the system g reeting  for your extension. 
    3 Log Into
    4 Administer
    Call Types Activate
    3 Listen to
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Multiple Personal Greetings 
    209 Feature Operation 
    Figure 25. Recording and Activating a Greeting for All Call Types
    To rec ord  and  ac tivate a g reeting  for all c all typ es, d o the following : 
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Press   to Ac c ess the Personal Greeting  Administration Menu. 
    3. Press   to rec ord  a g reeting . 
    4. Id entify the p ersonal g reeting  that you are ab out to rec ord by p ressing  a 
    numb er on the telep hone keyp ad  (1 throug h 9). You c annot rec ord  a 
    system g reeting  (g reeting  0). 
    5. Rec ord  your g reeting  at the tone. 
    6. Press   to stop  rec ord ing (this is an op tional step ). 
    7. Do none or any c omb ination of the following : 
    nTo c ontinue rec ord ing , p ress  .
    nTo d elete the g reeting, p ress    .
    nTo playback the greeting, press    .
    nTo ap prove the g reeting , p ress  .
    8. Do one of the following: 
    nTo ac tivate the g reeting  for all c alls, p ress  . You will b e returned  
    to the Personal Greeting  Ad ministration Menu. 
    nTo save the rec ord ed  g reeting  b ut not ac tivate it, p ress   
    9. Press   to return to the Ac tivity Menu. 
    Use Greeting
    for All Calls
    Number Record a
    *Delete Continue
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Multiple Personal Greetings 
    210 Feature Operation 
    Using Different Personal Greetings for Different
    Call Types
    The MPG feature is a very p owerful tool that allows sub sc rib ers to instruc t the 
    system to p lay sp ec ific  greeting s to d ifferent typ es of c allers. To do this, you must 
    first d efine the d ifferent typ es of c alls you want the system to d isting uish 
    b etween. You must then rec ord  the d ifferent g reeting s and  ac tivate them. 
    Althoug h this may seem c omp lic ated  at first, b y org anizing what you want to d o 
    b efore starting  the following  p roc ed ures, you c an g reatly simp lify these tasks. 
    First, d ec id e whic h of the following  d istinc tions you want the system to make 
    when answering  your c alls: 
    nInternal versus external calls 
    nBusy versus no answer calls 
    nPri m e -t i m e versus out-of-hours calls 
    nPrime-time/internal versus p rime-time/external calls, and out-of-hours calls 
    nPrime-time/b usy versus p rime-time/no answer calls, and out-of-hours calls 
    After you have d ec id ed  whic h c all typ es you want to use, you should  assig n a 
    numb er b etween 1 and  9 to eac h type. For examp le, if you c hoose to d ifferentiate 
    b etween internal and  external c alls, you c ould  id entify g reeting  2 as your internal 
    p ersonal g reeting  and  g reeting  3 as your external p ersonal g reeting. You should  
    then c onsid er what message you want to rec ord  for eac h g reeting . After 
    rec ord ing  your g reeting s, you will need  to ac tivate the ap p rop riate ones (a 
    maximum of three g reeting s may b e ac tive at any one time). The system enab les 
    you to ac tivate the greeting  immed iately after you first rec ord  it or at a later time. 
    Initial Call Type Administration
    If you are new to MPG, your first task must b e to ad minister the types of c alls that 
    you want the system to d isting uish between.  
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