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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Outcalling 261 Feature Operation nPress to turn on outc alling for new priority messag es only. If Outc alling is alread y on, you must still p ress b efore switc hing to or from Priority Outcalling. Responding to an Outcall When an outc all is answered , the system p rovid es the p erson answering the c all with three c hoic es: rec eive the messag es, c anc el Outc alling , or d isc onnec t. nTo rec eive the messag es: 1. Answer the ring ing p hone. 2. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 3. Listen to messag es. nTo c anc el Outc alling : 1. Answer the ring ing p hone. 2. Press to c anc el the outc all; the system won’t c all again until there are more new messag es. nTo d isc onnec t: Hang up without log g ing in or c anc eling the outc all; the system will resc hed ule the outc all for the next ad ministered outc alling interval. NOTE: Central Offic es c an take up to 30 sec ond s to d isc onnec t the system after an outc all has b een p lac ed to a remote loc ation. If the system is still c onnec ted after an outc all is mad e and you need to make another c all, use the Exit c ommand b y p ressing to forc e the system to hang up . Remote subsc rib ers may wish to end eac h Outcalling session b y p ressing . 2 Y *# **X **X
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Priority Outcalling 262 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Priority Outc alling feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features Priority Outc alling interac ts with the switc h as follows: nRe s t r i c t i o n - C o d e Re s t r i c t i o n: Priority outc alls c an b e restric ted to sp ec ific g eog rap hic al areas (b y area c odes) using this switc h feature. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features Priority Outc alling interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nBroad c ast Messag e: Broad c ast Messag es c annot b e d efined as priority. nOutc alling: Priority Outc alling is a sub feature of Outc alling in that it allows Outc alling to b e turned on only for this sp ec ial typ e of new messag e. nPri o r it y M e s sa g e: If no subsc rib ers are send ing p riority messag es, either b ec ause they d o not use the feature, or b ec ause the system administrator has not assigned anyone that capability, the Priority Outcalling feature will never b e used . Priority Outc alling is a sub feature of Outc alling . See the Outcalling feature for further interac tions.
Private Message 263 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Private Messag e feature provid es sub sc rib ers with the ability to p revent a rec ip ient from forward ing a voic e mail message to other subscribers. In ad d ition, p eople who reac h the DEFINITY AUDIX system through the Call Answer feature c an also p revent the rec ip i- ent from forwarding their message by invoking the Private Message feature. Wh o h a s i t: All sub sc rib ers and anyone who reac hes the system throug h the Call Answer feature c an d esig nate messages as private. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: Only the person who d esig nates the messag e as p rivate c an d elete that status. Note that this c an b e done only before the message has been delivered. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Messages that are d esig nated as p rivate c an b e ac c essed only b y the sub scrib ers who receive them; they c annot b e forward ed to other sub scrib ers. nPrivate messag es c an also b e pri- ority messages, or broadcast messag es. They c annot also b e login announc ements. nPrivate messag es c annot be sent via AMIS Analog Networking or Messag e Delivery. nOnly the send er c an c anc el the Private Messag e status. Private Message N/A
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Private Message 264 Applications Applications This feature is used to p revent DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers from forward ing p artic ular messag es to other sub sc rib ers. It c an also b e used to sig nal sub sc rib ers who use speakerp hones that the messag e c ontains c onfid ential information and should b e listened to using the telep hone hand set. Requirements The Private Messag e feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. Feature Operation Figure 44. Private Message Operation You have the op tion of making a voic e mail messag e private after ad d ressing it b y simp ly p ressing . Callers with touc h-tone p hones c an also p revent rec ip ients from forward ing their Call Answer messag es b y p ressing after approving their message. The Private Messag e status c an b e c anc eled b y the send er b y p ressing ag ain anytime before it is d elivered . If a messag e is sc hed uled for future d elivery (that is, if it is still in your outg oing mailb ox), the Private Messag e status c an b e altered at any time before it is delivered. Private messages can also be priority messag es. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Private Messag e feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Return to Activity Menu Private On/Off 1Approve #Approve # Create a New Message Record a Call Answer Message Use/Modify an Existing Message Address Message ² ² Not included when recording a call answer message. 1 1 1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Private Message 265 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Switch Features The Private Messag e feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Private Messag e feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAMIS Analog Networking: You will not b e ab le to send Private Messag es with the AMIS Analog Networking feature. nBroad c ast Messag e: Broad c ast Messag es c an also b e Private Messag es. nCall Answer: Callers c an invoke the Private Messag e feature for their Call Answer messag es. nLog in Announc ement: A Log in Announc ement c annot also b e a Private Messag e. nMailing List: A Private Messag e c an b e sent using a Mailing List. This p revents all rec ip ients from forward ing the messag e. nMessag e Delivery: You will not b e ab le to send Private Messag es with the Messag e Delivery feature. nMessag e Send ing Restric tions: Send ing restric tions ap p ly to Private Messag es just as they do for reg ular messag es. nOnline Help: Help is availab le at any time b y p ressing . nPri o r it y M e s sa g e: Priority Messag es c an also b e Private Messag es. It d oes not matter in what ord er the status is assigned . nVoice Mailb ox: If the send er saves a Private Messag e in the file c ab inet and then re-send s the messag e (from the file c ab inet), the messag e will retain its p rivate status. *H
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Private Message 266 Interactions with Other Features
Save Voice 267 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Save Voic e feature allows system ad ministrators to man- ually b ac k up all the voic e messag es, inc lud ing p ersonal g reeting s and automated attend ants, on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The Save Voic e feature allows c ustomers to keep a lasting record of their voice messag es. Comb ined with the system’s nig htly and weekly automated b ac kup s, the Save Voic e fea- ture p rovid es ad d itional insuranc e ag ainst system failures. nSave Voic e is not p art of the auto- mated backup regimen. nSystem ad ministrators should b ac k up voic e messag es on a separate magneto-optical (MO) d isk from the d isks they use for automated b ac kups. nFor systems with voice storag e c ap ac ities g reater than 75 hours, system ad ministrators may need to ask sub scrib ers to d elete old or unwanted messag es b efore they c an b ac k up the system’s voic e messag es. nSystem ad ministrators should sc hed ule the save voic e p roc e- d ure to avoid c omp etition with heavy traffic and the system’s automated b ac kups. Save Voice Ad d MO Disk, Save
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Save Voice 268 Applications Applications Some c ustomers may want to keep a lasting rec ord of all the voic e messag es on their DEFINITY AUDIX systems. The Save Voic e feature allows system ad ministrators to save the voic e messag es at intervals c ustomers d eem most ap p rop riate for their need s. NOTE: Ind ivid ual subsc rib ers c an also keep a lasting rec ord of their voic e messag es on their p ersonal c omp uters (PCs) using I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. Requirements To use the Save Voic e features, must have a DEFINITY AUDIX system release other than 3.2. Feature Operation To run the save voic e p roc ed ure, you have three op tions that affec t the c omp rehensiveness of the b ac kup , as well as the system’s op erations d uring the backup: nYou may run the voic e b ac kup in the system’s AUDIX state or the system’s op eration, ad ministration, and maintenanc e (OA&M) state. nYou may run the weekly b ac kup in ad d ition to the voic e b ac kup . nYou may run the announc ements b ac kup in ad d ition to the voic e b ac kup . Important Considerations Reg ard less of whic h op tions you c hoose to use d uring the voic e bac kup , you must rememb er three imp ortant c onsid erations for sc hed uling the voic e b ac kup : nRun the save voic e p roc ed ure at times when system traffic is low. Running the p roc ed ure when traffic is hig h may c ause inc onsistenc ies in the system’s d atabase. nSc hedule the save voic e p roc ed ure so that it d oes not interfere with the system’s automated b ac kup s. If an automated b ac kup interrup ts the voic e b ac kup , the system will miss the automated b ac kup or the b ac kup will b e saved on the d isk you want to use for the voic e b ac kup . You also may not b e ab le to run the voic e bac kup . nYou must run a manual nig htly b ac kup b efore you run the voic e b ac kup . If you d o not run the nig htly b ac kup , you will not b e ab le to ac c ess the voic e d ata you save d uring the voic e b ac kup .
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Save Voice 269 Feature Operation System State You may run the voic e b ac kup while the system is in the AUDIX state or in the OA&M state. OA&M State If you run the voic e b ac kup while the system is in its OA&M state, you avoid d isc rep anc ies in the system’s d atab ase. While the system is in the OA&M state, however, sub sc rib ers and c allers c annot ac c ess the system. While the system is in the OA&M state, only system ad ministrators and Luc ent Tec hnolog ies tec hnic ians c an ac c ess the system. Sub sc rib ers and c allers c annot ad d or d elete messag es in the system’s d atab ase. Running the save voic e p roc ed ure in the OA&M state ensures that all the voic e messag es that are saved d uring the p roc ed ure will b e ac c essible onc e the p roc ed ure is c omp lete. Downtime is the main c onsid eration for running the save voic e p roc ed ure while the system is in its OA&M state. The save voic e p roc ed ure may take several hours, d uring whic h sub sc rib ers and c allers will not b e ab le to ac c ess the system. To avoid system d owntime, run the save voic e p roc ed ure in the system’s AUDIX state. AUDIX State If you run the save voic e p roc ed ure while the system is in its AUDIX state, you avoid long p eriod s of d owntime that will result from running the p roc ed ure in the system’s OA&M state. If the system is in its AUDIX state, however, inc onsistenc ies may oc c ur in the system’s datab ase during the b ac kup . While the system is in the AUDIX state, servic e to sub sc rib ers and c allers is not interrup ted b y the voic e b ac kup. If sub sc rib ers or c allers ad d or d elete messag es or c hange p ersonal g reeting s, during the voic e b ac kup , however, these messag es will b e inac c essib le from the b ac kup d isk. The messag es in the d atab ase that c hang e d uring the voic e b ac kup will not affec t the messag es that d o not c hang e. However, some inac c essib le files will exist in the d atab ase, and some files will b e missing from the d atab ase. Running the b ac kup when system traffic is low will red uc e the numb er of inc onsistenc ies that oc c ur in the d atab ase. To avoid any inc onsistenc ies in the system’s d atabase, run the voic e b ac kup in the system’s AUDIX state.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Save Voice 270 Feature Operation Other Backups You must p erform a manual nig htly b ac kup when you p erform a voic e b ac kup . You may also run a weekly b ac kup , an announc ement b ac kup , or b oth when you run the voic e b ac kup . While the nig htly b ac kup is req uired , the weekly and announc ements b ac kup s are op tional. The weekly bac kup saves the system’s voic ed names. The main reason to p erform a manual weekly b ac kup is to b ac k up voic ed names. The announc ements b ac kup saves the system’s announc ement sets. The only reason to p erform an announc ements bac kup is to b ac k up c ustomized announc ement sets. Bec ause b oth the weekly and announc ements b ac kup s save voic e d ata, eac h of these b ac kup s will ad d c onsid erab ly to the time it takes to run the b ac kup and the storage sp ac e you will need for the b ac kup s. Some c ustomers may need two MO d isks to run these bac kup s. Save Voice Procedure To b ac k up the system’s voic e messag es, use the following p roc ed ure: 1. At the DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, log on to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using the c ust log in and p assword. The system d isp lays a b lank DEFINITY AUDIX Ad ministration sc reer: