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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    391 DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 
    nDelivery Sched uling:   The Delivery Sc hed uling  feature allows sub sc rib ers 
    to send  voic e mail messag es to other subsc rib ers at a d esig nated  time 
    and  d ate. After voic e mail messag es have been c reated  and  ad d ressed , 
    the send er has the op tion of having  the DEFINITY AUDIX system d eliver 
    the message immediately or sc hedule a time and date (up to one year in 
    the future) that the messag e is to b e d elivered . 
    nDial Ahead /Throug h:   The Dial Ahead /Throug h feature allows sub sc ribers 
    to enter keyp ad  c ommand s throug h the system voic e p romp ts. It also 
    allows sub sc rib ers to “ c ue up ”  a series of c ommand s without waiting  for 
    eac h c ommand  ac tion to take effec t. 
    nDirec tory:   The DEFINITY AUDIX system keep s a d irec tory of sub sc rib er 
    names and  extension numbers. Callers may use the       (Names and  
    Numbers Direc tory) c ommand  at any time to find  out the name or 
    extension numb er of a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er, or to verify whether 
    the p erson they are trying  to reac h is a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er. 
    nEsc ap e to an Attend ant:   This feature allows a DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub sc rib er with the Call Answer feature to have a p ersonal attend ant or 
    op erator ad ministered  to p otentially pic k up  a c all. Callers who reac h the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system for that sub sc rib er throug h Call Answer may 
    immed iately redirec t the c all to reac h the live attendant by p ressing   , or 
    first leave a messag e and  then p ress   to reac h the live ag ent. 
    Sub sc rib ers who have this feature may wish to mention the transfer op tion 
    in their p ersonal g reeting s to help  outsid e c allers who may not b e familiar 
    with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    nExit AUDIX:   Callers c an p ress       (Exit) to have the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system d isc onnec t 
    without hang ing up . This feature is esp ec ially 
    useful for toll p hone c alls or remote outc alls. 
    nFull Mailb ox Answer Mod e:   This feature p rovid es the c aller with 
    alternative op tions for c omp leting  a c all when the rec ip ient’s mailb ox is 
    full. If the rec ip ient has a p ersonal g reeting  ac tivated , the c aller hears the 
    g reeting  followed  b y announc ements stating  that a messag e c annot b e 
    left and  listing  other op tions. If the rec ip ient is using  the system g reeting , 
    the c aller hears only the DEFINITY AUDIX announc ements. 
    nGuest Password :   This feature allows p eop le who are not DEFINITY 
    AUDIX sub sc rib ers to ac c ess the DEFINITY AUDIX system b y dialing the 
    main DEFINITY AUDIX numb er and  entering  a sub sc rib er’s extension and  
    the system-wid e g uest p assword . These c allers c an leave messag es for 
    that sub sc rib er b ut c annot listen to other messag es in the mailb ox. The 
    g uest p assword may also b e used  to leave messag es for sub sc rib ers who 
    d o not have c all c overag e to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, or to b yp ass an 
    ag ent in a c overag e p ath to rec ord  a DEFINITY AUDIX messag e for 
    another sub sc rib er. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    392 DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 
    nLog in Announc ement:   The Log in Announc ement feature enab les the 
    system ad ministrator and  other d esig nated  users (b road c asters) to c reate 
    a voic e mail message that is automatically p layed  to all subscribers when 
    they log  in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Broad c asters have the op tion 
    of allowing  sub sc rib ers to d ial-through the announc ement. 
    nMailing  List:   Mailing  Lists c onsist of several DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub sc rib ers’ ad d resses (either names or extensions). They are a 
    c onvenient way to send messag es to sub sc ribers who freq uently need  to 
    rec eive the same information, suc h as memb ers of a d ep artment or 
    p rojec t. 
    nMessag e Delivery:   This feature p ermits sub sc rib ers to forward  DEFINITY 
    AUDIX Voic e Mail messag es to any touc h-tone telep hone, anywhere in the 
    world . 
    nMessag e Sending  Restrictions:   This feature restric ts the messag e routing  
    of various c ommunities of sub sc rib ers. Sinc e it regulates voic e mail only, 
    sub sc rib ers c an b yp ass the restric tions b y using  the Call Answer feature. 
    The system ad ministrator sets up  a 
    restric tion matrix which ind icates 
    whic h c ommunities of users c an send messag es to eac h other. Eac h 
    sub sc rib er may b e assigned  to only one c ommunity. A d efault c ommunity 
    is d efined so that it is not nec essary to administer eac h subsc riber 
    sp ec ific ally. 
    nMessag e-Waiting  Ind ic ator:   For subsc ribers who have telep hones (or 
    voic e terminals) with messag e-waiting lamp s, the lamp  lig hts 
    automatic ally when new DEFINITY AUDIX messag es are rec eived . In most 
    c ases, when the last new messag e or head er in the inc oming  sec tion of a 
    voic e mailb ox is heard , the message-waiting  lamp g oes out. 
    nMultiple Personal Greeting s:   The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature 
    allows sub sc rib ers to rec ord  up  to nine p ersonal g reetings. All typ es of 
    mailb oxes c an use Multip le Personal Greeting s, inc lud ing  Bulletin Boards 
    and  Automated  Attend ants. These g reeting s, and  the system g reeting , 
    c an b e assig ned  to sp ec ific  
    c all typ es. Call typ es inc lud e the following : 
    — Internal c alls (made to a sub sc rib er from an extension on the same 
    switc h) 
    — External c alls (mad e to a subsc riber from a p hone outside the 
    switc h) 
    — Busy c alls (mad e to a sub sc rib er’s p hone that is oc c upied ) 
    — No Answer c alls (mad e to a sub sc riber’s p hone that is not 
    answered  after a numb er of ring s sp ec ified  b y the system 
    ad ministrator) 
    nName Record by Subscriber:   This feature gives the system administrator 
    the op tion of having  all sub sc ribers rec ord  their own names. If the feature 
    is ac tivated  and  a new sub sc rib er log s in, the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    exp lains how to rec ord  a name and p ermits no other ac tivity until the name  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    393 DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 
    is rec ord ed . The rec ord ing  is used  to voic e a name in the system g reeting , 
    verify a messag e add ress to the send er, id entify the send er of a messag e 
    to a rec ip ient, and  voic e names in the personal and  system d irec tories. 
    nOn-line Help:   While voic e p rompts are p rovid ed  at eac h step  to help  
    users selec t the ap p ropriate keys to perform d esired  tasks, ad d itional 
    information is availab le at any time using  the On-Line help  feature. 
    nOutc alling:   This feature allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system to c all 
    sub sc rib ers when they rec eive new messag es. This is esp ec ially useful for 
    systems that d o not have other messag e-waiting ind ic ators (MWIs). 
    Sub sc rib ers c an selec t the time p eriod  d uring  whic h the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system may c all them, the numb er where they c an be reac hed , and 
    whether or not the Outc alling  feature is ac tive. Outc alls c an b e p lac ed  to 
    telephones and pagers. 
    nPersonal Direc tory:   Personal Directory permits each subscriber to create 
    a p rivate list of c ustomized  names. These 
    aliases c orresp ond  to other 
    sub sc rib ers. As with the system d irec tory, the p ersonal d irec tory is 
    q ueried  b y name and  used  for ad dressing  messag es, transferring  c alls, 
    and  c reating mailing  lists. 
    nPlayb ac k and  Rec ord ing Control:   The Playbac k and  Rec ord ing  Control 
    features are used  b y anyone entering  the DEFINITY AUDIX system who 
    wants to c reate, leave, or listen to messag es. Using  the Playb ac k Control 
    feature, sub sc rib ers c an listen to their c all answer and  voic e mail 
    messag es, then rep lay the entire messag e or step  b ac kward s or forward s 
    in intervals. Using  the Rec ord ing  Control feature, c allers c an leave a c all 
    answer messag e for a sub sc rib er, then rep lay the messag e and ed it it as 
    nec essary. Sub sc rib ers c an c reate voic e mail messag es and  d o the 
    nPri o r it y M e s sa g e:   This feature allows some sub sc rib ers to send  p riority 
    messages that will be specially marked and presented to recipients before 
    other messages. Primarily an exec utive feature, it c an b e ad ministered  b y 
    c lass of servic e and  b y sub sc rib er. Priority messag e status is togg led  on 
    and  off b y p ressing  a sing le key from the Op tions Menu. 
    nPriority Outcalling:   Priority Outc alling  works with the Priority Message 
    feature in that the rec ip ient c an elec t to b e notified b y outc alling  only when 
    a p riority messag e has b een rec eived. To p revent abuse of the func tion, 
    p riority messag es c an only b e sent by sp ec ific  sub sc rib ers. 
    nPrivate Messag e:   A DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er c an d esig nate a 
    messag e as 
    private d uring  messag e c reation, ad d ressing, or sc hed uling . 
    This p revents the rec ip ient from forward ing  the messag e to others. In 
    ad d ition, p eop le who reac h the DEFINITY AUDIX system throug h the Call 
    Answer feature c an p revent the rec ip ient from forward ing  their message. 
    Private messag e status is tog g led  on and  off b y p ressing  a sing le key from 
    the Options Menu. 
    nSec u ri t y  Pas sw o rd:   The Sec urity Password  feature p rohib its unauthorized  
    ac c ess to the DEFINITY AUDIX system; thus, p reventing  nonsubsc rib ers 
    from ac c essing  c onfid ential information, messag es, and  lists.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    394 DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 
    nShared  Extension:   The Shared  Extension feature allows several 
    sub sc rib ers to share a voic e mailb ox on one extension. Callers are 
    p rompted  to leave a message for a sp ec ific  ind ivid ual or a g eneral 
    messag e for anyone b y p ressing  sp ec ific  keys. 
    nSystem Cloc k:   This feature p rovid es an ac c urate internal c loc k that 
    allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system to keep  time without relying  on the 
    switc h. 
    nTr a f f i c  R e p o r t s:   The Traffic  Rep orts feature c ollec ts d ata on DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system ac tivities d uring  sp ec ified  hours, days, and months. These 
    rep orts indic ate how many sub sc rib ers are using  the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system, when they use it, and  how intensively. The system ad ministrator 
    c an d efine rep ort c riteria to help  manag e system resourc es and d etermine 
    when ad d itional hard ware or ad ministrative c hanges are nec essary. 
    nTransfer Into Mailb ox (DS Mod e Only):   The Transfer Into Mailb ox feature 
    allows an attend ant to transfer a c all into the DEFINITY AUDIX system, 
    enab ling  the c aller to rec ord  a messag e for the sub sc rib er he/she was 
    trying  to reac h. 
    nTransfer Out of AUDIX — Basic  (DS Mod e Only):   The Transfer Out of 
    AUDIX — Basic  feature allows any c aller who has reac hed the system to 
    leave it and  transfer to any extension in the switc h’s d ial p lan. 
    nUntouc hed  Messag e:   A sub sc rib er can scan messag es or message 
    head ers in the inc oming  sec tion of the mailb ox without c hang ing  the 
    status from 
    new to old, or from unop ened to old, by pressing    
    (Hold ). This feature is availab le only in the inc oming  sec tion of the 
    mailb ox. 
    nVoice Mail:   Voic e Mail is like a “ verbal letter”  that c an b e sent to one or 
    more of the sub sc rib ers on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system, in this c ase, b ec omes an elec tronic  p ost offic e that 
    d elivers sp oken messag es. 
    Unlike the Call Answer feature (that offers the c aller an op p ortunity to 
    leave a messag e if the c alled  p arty is unavailab le), sub sc rib ers c an use 
    the Voic e Mail feature to rec ord  a messag e that is d elivered  d irec tly to the 
    rec ip ient’s Voic e Mailb ox (muc h as a note or memo is d elivered  throug h 
    c omp any mail). Thus, the Voic e Mail feature is a p roac tive means of 
    p rovid ing  information, whereas the Call Answer feature is reac tive. 
    nVoice Mailb ox:   A Voic e Mailb ox is a storag e area on d isk where voic e 
    mail messag es are c reated and  stored  (the outg oing  sec tion of the 
    mailbox), and where voice mail messages from other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    sub sc rib ers and  c all answer messag es are rec eived  and  ac c essed  (the 
    inc oming  sec tion of the mailb ox). From within the mailb ox, sub sc rib ers 
    c an resp ond to messages in various ways. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    395 DEFINITY AUDIX R2.0 
    Control-link (CL) switc h integ ration mod e was ad d ed  in Release 2.0. DEFINITY 
    AUDIX R2.0 software runs in b oth CL mod e and  DP mod e, althoug h there are a 
    few features that work only in one mod e. In CL mod e, the system c an sup port a 
    maximum of 16 voic e p orts and  40 hours of storage. The following  features and  
    c ommand s were part of Release 2.0 of the DEFINITY AUDIX system software: 
    nDistrib uted  Communic ations System (DCS):   DCS is a switc h feature. 
    More than one DEFINITY AUDIX system (op erating  in CL Mod e) c an b e 
    c onnec ted  to a DCS Network d ep end ing on the switc hes used  in the 
    network; and  the DEFINITY AUDIX systems c an exc hang e messag es 
    throug hout the DCS Network using  AMIS Analog  Networking . 
    nDial-b y-Name:   The Dial-b y-Name feature allows c allers to transfer to any 
    DEFINITY AUDIX subscriber by dialing the subscriber’s name instead of 
    his/her extension number. 
    nLeave Word  Calling  (CL Mod e Only):   Leave Word  Calling (LWC) is a 
    switc h feature that allows p eop le within a c omp any to leave a p rerec orded  
    messag e (req uesting  their c all b e returned ) b y p ressing  a button on their 
    voic e terminal. If the c aller d oes not have a LWC b utton, the c aller c an d ial 
    the LWC d ial ac c ess c od e followed  b y the d estination extension. When 
    integ rated  with the DEFINITY AUDIX system in CL mod e, LWC does not 
    allow the c aller to leave a sp oken messag e, b ut d oes id entify who c alled , 
    the time and  d ate of the c all, and  the extension of the c aller. 
    nRestart Command  (CL Mod e Only):   Allows sub sc rib ers who have 
    reac hed the DEFINITY AUDIX system throug h the Call Answer feature to 
    ac c ess their own mailb oxes b y typ ing  the     (Restart) c ommand . This 
    is esp ec ially useful for long -distanc e c alls. 
    nTransfer Into AUDIX (CL Mod e Only):   The Transfer Into AUDIX feature 
    allows an attend ant to easily transfer a c all into the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system, enab ling  the c aller to rec ord a messag e for the sub sc rib er he/she 
    was trying  to reac h. 
    nTransfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed  (CL Mod e):   The Transfer Out of 
    AUDIX — Enhanc ed  feature allows any c aller who has reac hed  the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system to leave it and  transfer to any extension in the 
    switc h’s d ial p lan. 
    The following features were p art of Release 3.0 of the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    nAnnounc ement Sets:   New announc ement sets were available with R3.0, 
    and  more than one announc ement set c an b e run simultaneously with the 
    Multiling ual feature. These inc lud e: U.S. Eng lish (U.S. Eng lish Terse is 
    availab le with the U.S. Eng lish announc ement set), U.S. 123, British 
    English, Latin Spanish, Canadian Frenc h, and U.S. English TDD. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    396 DEFINITY AUDIX R3.0 
    nEnhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion:   The Enhanc ed  Disc onnec t Detec tion 
    feature allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system administrator to ad minister 
    one or two d ifferent mec hanisms for d etec ting  d isc onnec ts — tone 
    d etec tion and  silenc e d etec tion — when the DEFINITY switc h is unab le to 
    p rovid e reliable d isc onnec t information to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    nMultiling ual:   The Multiling ual feature allows sub sc rib ers to hear voic e 
    p rompts from the announc ement set of their c hoic e as long  as the 
    announc ement set has b een installed  on the system. It also allows c all 
    answer users a c hoic e b etween two lang uag es for g reeting s and  promp ts. 
    The c alled  sub sc rib er’s c hosen 
    primary announc ement set and  
    sec ond ary announc ement set d etermine the languag es in whic h the c all 
    answer user c an interac t with the system. The sub sc rib er’s c hosen 
    log in 
    announc ement set d efines the lang uag e in whic h the sub sc rib er interac ts 
    with the system. All three announc ement sets — p rimary, sec ondary, and  
    login — may be different. 
    The Multiling ual feature also p rovides messag ing servic e to 
    hearing -imp aired  p eop le on the same system used  for hearing  p eople. An 
    announc ement set using  the tone-based  p rotoc ol for Telec ommunic ations 
    Devic e for the Deaf (TDD) c an b e run simultaneously with voic ed  
    announc ement sets. 
    nPlayb ac k and  Rec ord ing Control (Enhanc ement):   The system 
    ad ministrator now has the ab ility to ad minister the numb er of sec ond s the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system will skip ahead  or b ac k up  when subsc ribers are 
    using the Playb ac k and  Rec ording  Control feature. The ad ministrator c an 
    sp ec ify 4-sec ond  or 10-sec ond  inc rements for the rewind  and  ad vanc e 
    func tions. 
    nTD D:   The DEFINITY AUDIX system offers the TDD (Telec ommunic ations 
    Devic e for the Deaf) announc ement set. The Multiling ual feature makes it 
    p ossib le to p rovid e the TDD announc ement set on the same DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system as voic e announc ement sets, satisfying  the messag ing  
    need s of b oth g roups of users with one system. 
    nTDD Automated  Attendant:   The TDD announc ement set makes it more 
    c onvenient to set up TDD automated  attend ants that p rovid e automated  
    attend ant servic e to hearing-imp aired  c allers. 
    nTransfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed (Enhanc ement):   There are two 
    Transfer Typ es for Enhanc ed  Call Transfer that ap p ly when the c aller 
    p resses 0 to esc ap e to the op erator after being forward ed  to the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system: 
     treats the c all as a 
    red irec ted c all. The 
    c all will not b e subjec t to c all c overag e or c all forward ing  as 
    d efined  for the sp ec ified  d estination extension. 
     treats the c all as a 
    direct c all p rovid ing  c all 
    c overag e and  c all forward ing  as d efined  for the d estination 
    extension. The c overing  extension p erson will 
    not see (on the 
    d isp lay set) who the c all was orig inally sent to.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    397 DEFINITY AUDIX R3.1 
    nUnd elete Messag e Command:   An Und elete Messag e feature has b een 
    ad d ed  to the inc oming  voic e mailb ox. Pressing        (Und elete) will 
    restore the p reviously d eleted  messag e or head er. 
    The following features were p art of Release 3.1 of the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    nAd ministrab le Interd ig it Timing  on Rec eived DTMFs (Enhanc ement):  
    Automated  attendants c an work with rotary p hone users with the ad d ition 
    of the Between Dig its at Auto-attend ant or Stand alone Menu field  on the 
    System-Parameters Features sc reen. This enhanc ement requires a 
    p ulse-to-tone c onverter b etween the switc h and  the c entral offic e.
    n Announc ement Sets:  New announc ement sets were available with R3.1. 
    These were German, Dutc h, and  Portug uese.
    nAutomated -Attend ant Name Ad d ressing (Enhanc ement):  If a c aller uses 
    name add ressing  within an automated -attend ant to transfer to an 
    extension, and  the letters entered  matc h four or more names, the c aller is 
    p rompted  to enter more letters until three or fewer matc hes exist. When 
    three or fewer matc hes exist, the c aller is p romp ted to c hoose one of the 
    three names.
    nGeneric  without an Announc ement Set:  Every DEFINITY AUDIX system is 
    ship p ed  with a g eneric  software d isk (without an announc ement set) and  
    an announc ement set disk. The first-c hoic e announc ement set d isk is 
    inc lud ed  with the system. All ad d itional announc ement set d isks are 
    p urc hasab le.
    nINTUITY Messag e Manager:  INTUITY Messag e Manag er c lient software 
    p rovid es some voic e p roc essing features at a PC that has ac c ess to the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX server on a local area network.
    nNon-Addressed Message Retention (Enhanc ement):  In R3.1, a 
    sub sc rib er is g iven a sec ond  op portunity to enter ad d resses for a 
    messag e. If no ad d resses are entered  the sec ond  time and  the sub sc rib er 
    tries to send  the messag e, the messag e is d eleted . 
    nOutc alling  to a Rad io Pag er (Enhanc ement):  This enhanc ement allows 
    sub sc rib ers to set up  outc alling  to a rad io p ag ing  system b y allowing  up  to 
    60 digits (including pause indicators) in the outcalling digit string and 
    allowing  #s anywhere in the outc alling  string .
    nPa s sw o rd  A g i n g (Sec urity Password  Enhanc ement):  The system 
    ad ministrator c an set Password  Ag ing  for all sec urity p assword s on the 
    system whic h d efines the numb er of d ays a p assword  is ac tive b efore a 
    sub sc rib er must c hang e his/her p assword
    nPriority Desig nation on Call Answer (Enhanc ement):  This enhanc ement to 
    the Call Answer feature allows a c alling  party leaving  a c all answer 
    messag e to mark it as a p riority message.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
    398 DEFINITY AUDIX R3.2 
    The following feature c hang es were p art of Release 3.2:
    nD ig i t a l  Po r t  Em u l a t i o n:  Digital port emulation was introduced for control 
    link integ ration in Release 3.2. The term 
    d isp lay set (DS) integ ration 
    rep lac ed  the term d ig ital p ort (DP) emulation to d esc rib e the system’s 
    non-c ontrol-link mod e of op eration. 
    nDig ital Networking:  Dig ital Networking  was introd uc ed  in Release 3.2.
    nTr a f f i c  R e p o r t s:  New ad ministration sc reens were ad d ed  to enhanc e the 
    Traffic  Rep orts feature.
    nOutc alling:  In Release 3.2, the system ad ministrator was first allowed  to 
    limit the numb er of Outc all attemp ts the system would  make to 
    sub sc rib ers.  
    The following feature c hang es were p art of Release 4.0:
    nAnnounc ement Sets:  New announc ement sets b ec ame availab le with 
    Release 4.0. These announc ment sets are not c omp atib le with releases 
    earlier than 4.0. See Announc ement Sets for a c omp lete list of these 
    Announc ment Sets.
    nSa v e  Vo ic e:  The Save Voic e feature was reintrod uc ed  in Release 4.0.
    nAutomated  Bac kup s:  The system’s mag neto-op tic al (MO) d isk d rive 
    allows nig htly and  weekly b ac kups to b e overwritten one at a time without 
    rewriting  the entire disk. The tap e d rive on earlier releases of the system 
    would  erase entire bac kup  tap es if they were not rep lac ed .
    nDig ital Networking:  Only one Digital Networking  p ort is availab le for 
    Release 4.0. See Dig ital Networking  and  
    DEFINITY AUDIX System — 
    Dig ital Networking
    , 585-300-534, for more information about the imp ac ts 
    of these c hanges.   
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    alternating  c urrent 
    automatic  c all d istrib ution
    ad ministration and  d ata acq uisition pac kag e 
    async hronous data unit 
    assemb ly load  and  test
    Aud io Messag ing  Interc hange Sp ec ification
    application programming interface
    Aud io Information Exc hang e
    AW G
    Americ an wire g aug e
    basic input/output system
    bits per second
    b asic  rate interfac e
    b inary synchronous c ommunic ations
    British thermal unit
    call c lassific ation analysis
    call d ata hand ler process
    cod e exc ited  linear predic tion
    customer information c enter
    customer information c ontrol system
    control link
    Comp ac t Modular Cab inet
    central offic e
    central offic e imp lemented  network
    serial communications p ort 1
    serial communications p ort 2
    class of restriction
    class of servic e
    central processing  unit
    called  subsc rib er information
    clear to send 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    d ial ac cess cod e
    d irec t current 
    d ata c ommunic ations eq uip ment
    d ata c ommunic ations interfac e unit 
    d ig ital c ommunic ations p rotoc ol
    distributed communications system
    direct inward dialing 
    d ata interfac e p roc ess
    d irec t memory ac c ess
    d ialed  numb er id entific ation servic e
    Delivery Operations Sup p ort System
    d isp lay set
    digital signal processor
    d ata service unit
    d ata terminal equipment 
    d ual tone multifreq uency
    d ata terminal read y
    Elec tronic Ind ustries Assoc iation 
    electrostatic d isc harg e
    electronic switc hing system
    first-in first-out
    fac ility out of servic e
    Glob al Business Communic ations Systems
    g rad e of service
    isolating  d ata interface
    NTUITY messaging ap p lication p rog ramming  
    interfac e 
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