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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Login Announcement 161 Feature Operation After following the proc edures for making a Log in Announc ement, turn off the rec ip ient’s ab ility to d ial-throug h or skip the Log in Announc ement b y following the p roc ed ures b elow. 1. Press to turn off d ial-thoug h c ap ab ility. NOTE: Turning off this op tion ensures that every sub sc rib er will hear the entire announc ement while log g ing in. 2. Do one of the following: nPress ag ain to turn the d ial-throug h c ap ab ility on ag ain and return to step 1. nPress to c hange the announc ement expiration d ate. Go on to the next sec tion, Chang ing the Messag e Exp iration Date. nPress to app rove the op tion setting s and return to step 4 in the p revious sec tion, Making a Message a Login Announcement. Changing the Message Expiration Date Figure 15. Changing the Message Expiration Date The DEFINITY AUDIX system normally retains Login Announc ements for two d ays after the d elivery d ate. This means that sub sc rib ers will hear the Log in Announc ement for up to three days (tod ay, tomorrow, and the d ay after), then the announc ement is no long er p layed . After following the p roc ed ures for making a messag e a Log in Announc ement, you c an c hang e its exp iration d ate b y following the p roc ed ures b elow. 1 1 2 # 11 Non-Dial-Through Change Expiration Date 2 # Approve M * Login Options # Month DayEnterListen Dial-Through

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Login Announcement 162 Feature Operation 1. Press from the Log in Op tions Menu. 2. Enter numb ers for the month and d ay of exp iration. For examp le, p ress for Aug ust 29th. The month c an b e either one or two d igits, while the day requires two digits. 3. Press to sig nal that you have entered the exp iration d ate. 4. Listen while the system rep eats the entire sc hed ule. If the sc hed ule is not c orrec t, p ress to enter the d ate ag ain. 5. Press to app rove the sc hedule and return to step 4 in the p revious sec tion, Making a Message a Login Announcement. Deleting a Login Announcement Figure 16. Deleting a Login Announcement If a Log in Announc ement has b ec ome obsolete and you want to p urge it to p revent ad d itional subsc rib ers from hearing it, d o the following : 1. Log into the sp ec ial b road c ast mailb ox. 2. Press or to ac c ess the inc oming sec tion of the mailb ox and find the ac tive Log in Announc ement. 3. When you find the Log in Announc ement, p ress . You c an p ress while listening to the announc ement head er, after listening to the header, while listening to the announc ement, or after listening to the announc ement. Callers who sub seq uently log into the system will not hear the Log in Announc ement. 2 8 29 # 2 # 2 Get Messages 7 Scan Messages D* Delete Announcement Find Announcement to DeleteLog Into Special Broadcast Mailbox 27 *D *D

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Login Announcement 163 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Login Announc ement feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Log in Announc ement feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features Log in Announc ement is exc lusively a voic e mail feature, and has no d irec t interac tions with any features related to c all answer. It interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAMIS Analog Networking: Log in announc ement messag es c an b e sent ac ross the analog network, b ut are not rec og nized or presented as log in announc ements. They are simp ly d elivered as normal messag es. nBroad c ast Messag e: Log in Announc ements are c reated and sent in a similar way as Broad c ast Messag es. The b road c asters d esig nated b y the system ad ministrator often have p ermission to send b oth Log in Announc ements and Broad c ast Messag es. The broad c ast mailb ox is also used for Log in Announc ements. A Log in Announc ement c annot also b e a Broad c ast Messag e. nClass of Servic e: The system ad ministrator c an assig n p ermission to send Log in Announc ements ac c ord ing to c lass of servic e. nDelivery Sched uling: A Log in Announc ement is sc hed uled for d elivery just as is a reg ular messag e. nMessag e Send ing Restric tions: Send ing restric tions do not ap p ly to Log in Announc ements g enerally. If ind ivid ual remote rec ip ients are sp ec ified , however, as is req uired in a network, send ing restric tions app ly. This is b ec ause the announc ement is treated as reg ular voic e mail in that instanc e. nMWI: Login Announc ements d o not ac tivate an MWI. nMultiling ual: The Log in Announc ement g oes to all sub sc ribers of the system and p rob ab ly should b e rec ord ed in all system lang uag es. nOnline Help: Voic e p romp ts assoc iated with the d elivery op tions help the b roadc aster in assig ning log in announc ement status to a messag e. nOutc alling: Log in Announc ements d o not ac tivate the Outc alling feature. nPlayb ac k and Rec ord ing Control: Log in Announc ements c an b e controlled during playback and recording just as regular messages are.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Login Announcement 164 Interactions with Other Features nPri o r it y M e s sa g e: Log in Announc ements c annot also b e Priority Messag es. nPrivate Messag e: Log in Announc ements c annot also b e Private Messag es. nTD D: A hearing -imp aired user who uses only a teletypewriter (TTY) for c ommunic ations with the DEFINITY AUDIX system will not see anything on the TTY for a voic ed log in announc ement. If there are TTY users on the DEFINITY AUDIX system, it may b e a g ood id ea not to use the Log in Announc ement feature. If a log in announc ement is going to b e used , the system ad ministrator may want to send a TDD messag e to TTY users informing them of the following : — That they will rec eive a voic ed login announc ement when they log in and they will have to wait several sec ond s for a TDD p romp t b efore c ontinuing with their DEFINITY AUDIX session — The c ontents of the log in announc ement nTr a f f i c R e p o r t s: On the sub sc rib er traffic forms, d ata is availab le on the numb er of Log in Announc ements c reated p er sub sc rib er. On the feature traffic forms, d ata is availab le on the numb er of Log in Announc ements created per system. nVoice Mail: Login Announc ements are a sp ec ial typ e of voic e mail p resented to the rec ip ient d uring log in and not sub jec t to send ing restric tions unless sent to remote mac hines. nVoice Mailb ox: A broad c ast mailb ox must b e assig ned b efore any Log in Announcements or Broad cast Messag es can b e sent. Broad c ast mailb oxes c annot rec eive voic e mail. They are used stric tly for saving Log in Announc ements and Broad c ast Messag es.

Mailing List 165 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens Mailing Lists are lists c omp osed of subsc ribers’ ad d resses (either names or extensions). They are a c onvenient way to send messag es to sub sc rib ers who freq uently need to rec eive the same information, suc h as memb ers of a d ep art- ment or p rojec t. Wh o h a s i t: All sub sc rib ers c an c reate Mailing Lists. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The number of lists and entries (ad d resses) eac h sub sc rib er may have is defined by the DEFINITY AUDIX system administrator on the Class of Servic e or Sub sc rib er screens. The system p ermits up to 999 lists and 9,999 total entries per subscriber. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Sub sc ribers c an make their Mailing Lists private or public. A Mailing List with private status means other DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers c annot use that list. A public list allows other sub sc rib ers to use that list to ad d ress their messages if they know the owner’s extension or name and the list ID. However, only the owner (c reator) of the list may c hang e it. The owner may assig n or c hange p rivate or p ub lic status when a list is c reated , reviewed , or mod ified . nNo sing le list c an c ontain more than 250 total entries, inc lud ing messag e ad d resses that c ontain other lists (the total number of rec ip ients must b e 250 or less). nIndividually addressed subscrib- ers may also b e ad ded to a mes- sage that is addressed with a list (or lists). nIf a message is addressed using multiple lists, sub scrib ers who ap p ear on more than one list will rec eive only one c op y of the mes- sag e. nINTUITY Messag e Manager allows sub sc rib ers to set up mailing lists from their PC. Mailing List C O S, Su b

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Mailing List 166 Applications Applications Mailing Lists c an b e c reated to inc lud e group s of related DEFINITY AUDIX users, suc h as memb ers of a dep artment, allowing a messag e to b e sent to everyone on the list in one q uic k step. For examp le, to inform an entire d ep artment ab out a sc hed uled meeting , one messag e c an b e c reated , ad d ressed (using a p red efined list c ontaining the names or extensions of all memb ers of the d ep artment), and the system will transmit a c op y to eac h p erson on the list at the sp ec ified time and date. Requirements The Mailing List feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Mailing List 167 Feature Operation Feature Operation Figure 17. Mailing List Operation This sec tion instruc ts the sub sc rib er on how to c reate, use, review and mod ify, and scan Mailing Lists. NOTE: Sub sc rib ers are stored in lists with a unique sub sc rib er ID that never c hang es. Thus, if the system ad ministrator c hang es a sub sc rib er’s name or extension, there is no imp ac t on any list that sub sc rib er is on. If the ad ministrator d eletes a sub sc rib er, that subsc riber’s ID is “ frozen” until the Mailing List and Subsc rib er Data aud its are run. These aud its remove d eleted sub sc rib er IDs from other sub scrib ers’ lists as well. If the ad ministrator deletes, then ad d s the same sub sc rib er rig ht away, the ad d ition won’t “ take.” That sub sc rib er will b e d eleted at the next aud it and must be added again later. #Owner Extension EnterListen Review/ Modify List 3 5 Personal Options Admin. Log Into AUDIX Enter#List ID 1 Review * Approve #* Stop Add More Entries1Private Enter # List ID#Extension EnterRestart *R Transfer T* Approve # Listen 2Public Create List 1 1 List Admin. 2 Summary Of All Lists Add More Entries #Extension EnterListenAdd More Entries1 Add Entries/ Change Status Modify StatusY N # Skip Entry D *Delete Entry2 Previous Entry0 2 Listen to List ID, # of Entries, and Status Review List Members Rewind to Previous List Listen # Skip to Next List D * Delete List # #Stop # End Review * Review 1Listen D * Delete Entry #Extension Enter #Skip Entry Add Entries/ Change Status 1 N YModify Status 2 Previous Entry

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Mailing List 168 Feature Operation Creating a Mailing List Figure 18. Creating a Mailing List Creating Mailing Lists is similar to add ressing messag es. First, you enter a new list name (ID) with whic h to id entify the list in the future. Then, you enter either the extension numb er, name, or alias for eac h subsc rib er you want on the list. You c an use names, extension numb ers, aliases, and other lists as ad d resses within the same list. You c an d esig nate your list as either p rivate or p ub lic . A p rivate list c an b e ac c essed and used only by the c reator of the list, while a p ub lic list c an b e ac c essed and used b y other DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers who know the list ID and are on the same DEFINITY AUDIX system. Reg ardless of whether the list is p ub lic or private, however, only the c reator of a list c an modify or d elete it. To c reate a Mailing List, d o the following : Add More EntriesPrivate 1 Enter #List IDEnter#ExtensionR * Restart Transfer T * #ApproveListen 2Public Create List 1 Personal Options Admin. 5 Log Into AUDIX1 List Admin.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Mailing List 169 Feature Operation 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system,. 2. Press to selec t Personal Options Ad ministration. 3. Press to selec t the List Ad ministration ac tivity. 4. Press to c reate a Mailing List. 5. Enter a list ID of up to six letters (or d ig its) for your list. For examp le, enter DEPT ( ) for a list of your d ep artment memb ers. 6. Press to sig nal that you have entered the list ID. 7. Press if you want your list to b e p rivate, or p ress if you want to make your list public. 8. Enter the extension numb er, name, or alias of an individ ual rec ipient on your list. The following op tions are availab le when ad d ing entries to a list: nTo switc h b ac k and forth b etween extension and name ad d ressing, p ress . nIf you want to enter another list as an ad d ress, follow step s 3 throug h 6 under Using a Mailing List to Ad d ress a Messag e found later in this sec tion. NOTE: If you c reate a Mailing List b y “ read ing-in” another list, your new list d oes not remain c oup led to the old list. Any c hang es mad e to the old list after you have c reated your new list will not b e reflec ted in your new list. 9. Press to sig nal that you have entered the ad dress. 10. Rep eat steps 8 and 9 until your Mailing List is c omp lete (you c an have as many as 250 rec ip ients on your list). 11. Press to tell the system that you have finished c reating the list. 12. Take one of the following ac tions, ac c ord ing to your need s: nTo c reate another list, rep eat step s 5 throug h 11. nTo return to the Ac tivity Menu, p ress . nTo transfer out of the DEFINITY AUDIX system, press . nHang up . 5 1 1 3378 # 12 *A # # *R *T

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Mailing List 170 Feature Operation Using a Mailing List to Address a Message Figure 19. Using a Mailing List to Address a Message You c an use your Mailing Lists in the same way that you use ind ividual ad d resses. In fac t, you c an use b oth lists and ind ividual extensions (or names) in ad d ressing the same message. Any time you ad d ress a messag e, whether you’re c reating a new messag e, resp ond ing to an inc oming messag e, or resending a file c ab inet message or und elivered messag e, you can ad d ress it with a list. To ad d ress a messag e with a list (after you have c reated the list or know the ID of someone else’s list), d o the following : 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Create a messag e (see the proc ed ure for Rec ord ing a New Voic e Mail Messag e found in the Voic e Mail feature d esc rip tion) and ap p rove it b y p ressing . 3. Press to tell the system that you’re about to enter a list as the address. 4. Enter the list owner’s add ress and p ress . If you own the list, you may simp ly p ress . 5. Enter the list ID. 6. Press to sig nal that you have entered the list ID. If you want to review the names of the rec ipients at any time, you c an p ress to return to the beg inning of the list you’re using as an ad d ress. To ad d to or d elete a name from this list, follow step 9 under Reviewing and Modifying a Mailing List , found later in this sec tion. Enter Extension# No Action Enter Additional Lists #Approve Delivery Options² # Enter List ID#Enter Owner Extension L* Address with a List Create a Message ² See theVoice Mailfeature for delivery options. # *L # # # *1