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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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Security Password 281 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Sec urity Password feature p rohib its unauthorized ac c ess to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. It p revents nonsub - sc rib ers from ac c essing c onfid ential information, messag es, and lists. This feature inc orp orates the following sec urity measures: nThe system automatic ally d isc onnec ts c allers who c an- not log in after three attemp ts. nThe system will lock a sub sc rib er’s voic e mailb ox if the system limit of c onsec utive log in attemp ts is reac hed (this limit is sp ec ified on the System-Parameters Fea- tures sc reen). If the limit is exc eed ed , the system ad ministrator must unloc k the mailb ox using the Sub - sc rib er sc reen. nThe system ad ministrator c an set Password Ag ing for all password s on the system whic h d efines the numb er of days a p assword is ac tive before a sub sc rib er must enter a new p assword . Wh o h a s i t: All sub sc rib ers have p assword s. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: Sub sc ribers c reate their own p assword s, and c an c hang e them at any time. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: No one c an ac c ess a sub sc rib er’s p assword . Password s are not d isp layed on any ad ministration sc reen, and therefore, if forg otten, must b e c hang ed b y the system administrator. nThe d efault system limit for c on- sec utive failed log in attemp ts is 18. nThe maximum p assword leng th is 15 dig its. nPassword s should b e at least six digits long. nSub sc rib ers should c hang e their p assword s reg ularly to keep their mailb oxes sec ure. Password Ag ing forc es sub sc rib ers to c hang e their p assword when their current password expires. nIf Password Ag ing is ac tive, the system ad ministrator c an forc e the exp iration of the sub sc rib er’s password. nBreak-in attemp ts are log g ed and displayed using the Admin Log sc reen. Security Password Sys - Pa r Fe a , A d m in L o g

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Security Password 282 Applications Applications The Sec urity Password feature’s sole p urp ose is to limit ac c ess to the DEFINITY AUDIX system to authorized p ersonnel. Requirements The Sec urity Password feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. Ad d itional sec urity measures are availab le with the Sec urity Password feature. nThe system ad ministrator c an set up Password Ag ing for the system. Password Aging is ad ministrab le on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. The Password exp iration interval sp ec ifies the numb er of d ays that a sub sc rib er’s p assword is ac tive. When the password exp ires, the sub sc rib er must enter a new p assword . The Minimum Ag e b efore Chang es field allows system ad ministrators to sp ec ify the minimum number of days which must pass before subscribers can again change their password after a suc c essful c hang e. This p revents sub sc rib ers from c hang ing their p assword , and then c hang ing it b ac k to its old value rig ht away. nWhen Password Ag ing is active, anytime a system ad ministrator ad d s a sub sc rib er or c hang es a sub sc rib er’s p assword , the sub sc rib er must log in with the new, ad ministered p assword . However, the sub sc rib er is forc ed to c hang e the p assword immed iately after log g ing in the first time. nIf Password Ag ing is ac tive, the system ad ministrator c an forc e the exp iration of a sub sc rib er’s p assword b y entering “ e” in the Password field of the Subsc riber sc reen. nWhether Password Ag ing is ac tive or not, the system ad ministrator c an op tionally set a minimum p assword leng th for extra sec urity. If a minimum p assword leng th is spec ified on the System-Parameters Features sc reen, the system req uires all sub sc rib ers who have shorter (invalid ) p assword s to c hang e them the next time they log in. It is a g ood id ea for the system ad ministrator to d efine a password that is shorter than the minimum p assword leng th when first setting up a mailb ox for a subsc rib er. The sub sc rib er will have to c hang e the password the first time he/she logs in. nIf a sub sc rib er fails to enter a valid p assword three times in a row, the sub sc rib er is d isc onnec ted and must d ial in ag ain. If an ad ministrab le numb er of failed log in attemp ts oc c urs, the sub sc rib er is loc ked out of the system until the ad ministrator c an release the log in using the Sub sc rib er sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Security Password 283 Feature Operation Feature Operation After c alling the system and entering an extension, eac h sub sc rib er must enter their Sec urity Password to ac c ess their voic e mailb ox. This sec tion d esc rib es how sub sc rib ers c an c hang e their p assword s and what to d o if they forg et their p assword or are loc ked out of their voic e mailb ox. Changing Your Password Figure 52. Changing a Security Password You may c hange your p assword as often as you wish. If Password Ag ing is ac tivated , you will b e forc ed to c hang e your p assword p eriod ic ally. To c hang e your p assword , d o the following : 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press to selec t the Personal Options Ad ministration Menu. 3. Press to c hange your p assword . 4. Enter your new p assword (up to 15 d ig its, 0 throug h 9), and p ress . Your system administrator d etermines the numb er of d ig its you c an use in your password. 5. Enter your new password again, and press . Forgetting Passwords or Being Locked Out of Your Mailbox Oc c asionally you may forg et your p assword , so you c annot log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. If you try to log in inc orrec tly too many times, the system will loc k your voic e mailb ox. If either of these situations oc c ur, c all your system # NewÄPassword# NewÄPassword45Log Into AUDIXEnter Enter Change Password Personal Options Admin. 5 4 # #

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Security Password 284 Interactions with Other Features ad ministrator. The ad ministrator c an unloc k your voic e mailb ox and assig n you a new p assword . After the system ad ministrator c hang es your p assword , you should c hang e it again immed iately after log g ing in to the system. NOTE: If you find your voic e mailb ox loc ked and you did not forg et your p assword or try to ac c ess your mailb ox rec ently, notify your system ad ministrator immed iately. This c ould mean that someone was trying to b reak into your mailb ox. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Sec urity Password feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Sec urity Password feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Sec urity Password feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nGuest Password: Sinc e the DEFINITY AUDIX g uest p assword should b e p ub lished and read ily availab le to outsid e users, the system ad ministrator is responsible for notifying guest-password users if the minimum p assword leng th chang es. The system ad ministrator may wish to initially make the guest p assword a long numb er so it d oes not need to b e c hang ed or extend ed if the minimum p assword leng th c hang es. nTraffic Rep orts: The system ad ministrator c an use the List Measurement Feature and Ad min Log sc reens to loc ate failed log in attemp ts. If there are numerous b reak-in attemp ts, lower the numb er of p ermissib le c onsec utive login failures on the System-Parameters Features sc reen and ad minister a minimum password requirement. nVoice Mailb ox: Before sub sc rib ers are allowed to ac c ess their voic e mailb oxes, they must first enter their sec urity p assword .

Shared Extension 285 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Shared Extension feature allows several sub sc rib ers to share a voic e mailbox on one extension. Callers are p romp ted to leave a messag e for a sp ec ific ind ivid ual or a g eneral messag e for anyone b y p ressing sp ec ific keys.nUp to ten sub sc ribers c an share the same extension. Shared Extension List Att

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Shared Extension 286 Applications Applications The Shared Extension feature c an p rovid e voic e messag ing c ap ab ilities for several p eop le who share a sing le telep hone. For examp le, a university d ormitory room has three roommates (Jerry Jones, Don Parker, and Brent Deven) b ut only one telep hone numb er. By ad ministering that extension as an Automated Attend ant and c reating three voic e mailb ox numb ers that d o not exist in the switc h d ial p lan, eac h roommate c an have a p rivate mailb ox without having a sep arate telep hone. In this sc enario, if the Automated Attend ant answers the c all, the voic ed attend ant menu c ould b e: You have reac hed room 125 of Baker Dormitory. To leave a messag e for Jerry Jones, p ress one. To leave a messag e for Don Parker, p ress two. To leave a message for Brent Deven, p ress three. If you would like to leave a messag e for all three roommates, p ress four. By p ressing , the c aller would hear the g reeting used for the Guest Password feature and c ould then leave a messag e in the voic e mailb ox of the Automated Attend ant, ac tivating the messag e-waiting lamp . If the c aller were to leave a messag e sp ec ific ally for one of the roommates, the roommate would have to c all the DEFINITY AUDIX system or ac tivate the Outc alling feature to know if a messag e has b een left. Requirements See the Automated Attend ant feature. Feature Operation See the Automated Attend ant feature. Interactions with Other Features See the Automated Attend ant feature for interac tions of the Shared Extension feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 4

System Clock 287 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The System Cloc k feature g reatly enhanc es the reliab ility of the entire system b y p rovid ing a switc h-ind ep end ent c loc k with b attery b ac kup . As with all voic e messaging systems, the DEFINITY AUDIX system is extremely d ep end ent on ac c urate time keep ing in ord er to p ut the c orrec t time and d ate on messag e head ers and to d o time-d ep endent tasks (suc h as automatic nig htly b ac kups). If the c loc k that the system d ep end s up on is imp rop erly set or malfunc tions, messages c an be d eleted , imp rop erly d elivered , or other- wise rend ered useless. Wh o h a s i t :This is a system ad ministration feature; it is not used b y sub sc rib ers other than to rec ord the times that messag es are c reated and sent (this is d one automatic ally b y the system). Who controls it:The System Cloc k is set b y the system ad ministrator in military hours using the Set Time sc reen. The administrator has the option of setting the System Cloc k manually or sync hronizing it with the switc h. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it :Normally, the system administrator is the only p erson who has ac c ess to this feature. nA warning alarm occurs if the switc h c loc k and DEFINITY AUDIX System Cloc k are more than 15 minutes ap art or if the System Clock fails. nIf a switc h c loc k board is rep lac ed or set to an inc orrec t time, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c ould rec eive the wrong time if it is syn- c hronized with the switc h. Ensure that the switc h time is c orrec t if you intend to sync hronize it with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. nThe DEFINITY AUDIX system knows ab out d aylig ht saving s time c hang es and will take c are of the one hour time c hang e without intervention from the system ad ministrator. System Clock Se t Ti m e

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 System Clock 288 Applications Applications The System Cloc k feature simply ad d s a reliab le b uffer to the DEFINITY AUDIX system ag ainst inac c urate time keep ing . This is imp ortant sinc e the c loc k is used to p erform c ertain time-d epend ent tasks suc h as d elivering messag es at p artic ular times. Thoug h the switc h c loc k and DEFINITY AUDIX System Cloc k c ould b e p urp osely set to d ifferent times (for examp le, one set to d aylight saving s time and the other not), the utility of this is p robab ly marg inal, and far overshad owed b y the c onsid erations of reliability and simp lic ity p rovid ed by sync hronizing the c loc ks. Requirements NOTE: It is imp ortant that the DEFINITY AUDIX System Cloc k b e ac c urate; it is less important that it and the switc h c loc k b e sync hronized . Feature Operation The System Cloc k is loc ated on the TN568 c irc uit p ac k for Release 4.0 or the Multifunc tion Board for releases earlier than 4.0. and normally rec eives power from the b ac kp lane. In c ase of a system p ower outag e, an on-b oard b attery keep s the c loc k running until reg ular p ower is restored (the c loc k d oes not have to b e reset after p ower-up ). This lithium b attery is sold ered to the b oard and has an app roximate 4-year lifesp an. The b attery d oes not d isc harg e unless the b oard is plugged into the backplane. NOTE: If the c loc k resets after a p ower outag e, the b attery may b e bad and the MFB should be replaced. If the system ever starts up and no year is set, a major alarm oc c urs until the c loc k is set. The system uses its own c loc k as the master c loc k, and will not sync hronize its time with the switc h unless sp ec ific ally d irec ted to d o so b y the system ad ministrator (using the Set Time sc reen).

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 System Clock 289 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the System Cloc k feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The System Cloc k feature interac ts with the switc h as follows: nSw it c h C l o c k: The DEFINITY AUDIX System Cloc k c an b e sync hronized with the switc h c loc k using the Set Time sc reen. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The following DEFINITY AUDIX features rely on the System Cloc k feature for the time-stamp ing of events and for message head er information: nAd ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e nAutomatic Messag e Sc an nCall Answer nTr a f f i c R e p o r t s nUntouc hed Messag e nVoice Mail nVoice Mailb ox The following DEFINITY AUDIX features rely on the System Cloc k feature for time-d ep endent ac tivities: nAMIS Analog Networking nAutomated Bac kup nDelivery Sched uling nMessag e Delivery nMultiple Personal Greeting s nOutcalling nPriority Outcalling

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 System Clock 290 Interactions with Other Features