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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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Leave Word Calling (CL Mode Only) 151 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens Leave Word Calling (LWC) is a switc h feature that allows p eop le within a c omp any to leave a p rerec orded messag e (requesting that their c all b e returned ) b y p ressing a b utton on their voic e terminal. If the c aller d oes not have a LWC but- ton, the c aller c an dial the LWC d ial ac c ess c od e followed b y the d estination extension. As integ rated with the DEFINITY AUDIX system, LWC d oes not allow the c aller to leave a sp o- ken messag e, b ut d oes id entify who c alled , the time and d ate of the c all, and extension of the c aller. Wh o h a s i t: All DEFINITY AUDIX subsc rib ers c an leave and rec eive LWC messag es as long as LWC is c orrec tly ad ministered on a comp atible switch. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The switc h ad ministrator assig ns LWC for switc h users who have the LWC feature b utton on their voic e terminals, or assig ns a LWC d ial ac c ess c od e for users who d o not have this feature b utton. If the DEFINITY AUDIX system is the p rimary messag e servic e, LWC should be ad ministered on the switch to d eliver messag es to that system. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Any c aller who has LWC p ermission c an use it to leave messag es in a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er’s mailb ox. Only DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers c an ac c ess or d elete the LWC messag es in their Voice Mailb oxes. nLWC should b e used only in sys- tems set up in c ontrol link switc h integ ration mod e, preferably with the switc h ad ministered to send LWC messag es to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. nThe Call Answer and Voice Mail DEFINITY AUDIX features larg ely rep lac e Leave Word Calling . Gen- erally it is more effic ient to leave d etailed voic e (instead of LWC) messag es. nIf LWC is set up to d eliver mes- sag es to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, c allers c annot later c an- cel LWC messag es sent to DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers as they c an using adjunct processor or switc h LWC fac ilities. nLWC messag es c annot b e for- ward ed . Leave Word Calling (CL Mode Only) N/A
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Leave Word Calling (CL Mode Only) 152 Applications Applications The LWC feature is the q uic kest way to ask someone to return your c all. It is p artic ularly useful for someone c alling many c o-workers on the same switc h, some of whom are not DEFINITY AUDIX subsc rib ers. (If all rec ip ients of the messag e are DEFINITY AUDIX subscrib ers, using a mailing list to d istrib ute a voic e messag e is g enerally more effic ient. See the Mailing List and Voic e Mail features.) Considerations LWC can be administered or re-administered to store LWC messages on: nThe DEFINITY AUDIX system nAn ad junc t p roc essor nTh e s w i t c h The first method is g enerally p referab le in that the messaging is integ rated ; LWC messag es are ac c essed along with other DEFINITY AUDIX messag es. A minor d rawb ac k is that c allers c annot later c anc el LWC messages as they c an if those messag es are stored on the switc h or ad junc t p roc essor. If the messag es are stored on an ad junc t p roc essor, DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers are notified of “ new elec tronic text messag es” the next time they log on to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, and must retrieve the LWC messag es b y ac c essing a proc essor terminal or c alling a messag e c enter. If the messag es are stored on the switc h, DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers are notified of “ new Leave Word Calling messag es” the next time they log on to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, and must retrieve the messag es b y using their display p hone or c alling a messag e c enter. In the latter two c onfig urations, two sep arate messag ing systems (DEFINITY AUDIX and LWC) are using the same messag e-waiting ind ic ators (MWIs). In these setup s, system ad ministrators mig ht want to remind users that their MWIs will stay on until all (LWC and DEFINITY AUDIX) messag es have b een retrieved . In most c ases, it’s b est to have LWC messag es d elivered to the DEFINITY AUDIX system.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Leave Word Calling (CL Mode Only) 153 Requirements Requirements The LWC feature is availab le on all DEFINITY AUDIX systems that are installed using the c ontrol link switc h integ ration method . An ad junc t p roc essor or extra memory on the switc h is not req uired . NOTE: If LWC storag e is c hang ed from one sourc e (suc h as the switc h) to leave messag es on the DEFINITY AUDIX system, sub sc rib ers must first retrieve all LWC messag es from the p revious servic e b efore LWC is ad ministered for the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Otherwise, their messag e-waiting lamp s will always remain lit. Feature Operation This sec tion d esc rib es how the leave word c alling works when the switc h is ad ministered to send LWC messag es to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. A user with LWC p ermission may p lac e the LWC messag e b efore, d uring , or after the c all is answered . For examp le, a LWC messag e may b e left while the c alled sub sc rib er’s p hone is ring ing , b usy, or answered . LWC may also b e sp ec ified if a c all has b een routed to c overage or a c overing ag ent. To leave a LWC message on a switc h, the c aller p resses the LWC feature b utton or d ials the LWC d ial ac c ess c od e followed b y the d estination extension. The switc h then send s the c alling - and c alled-extension information to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The DEFINITY AUDIX system g enerates a voic e messag e from this information, id entifying the c aller, time, and d ate of the messag e. The DEFINITY AUDIX system then p lac es the messag e in the c alled sub sc riber’s inc oming mailb ox. The MWI feature rep orts that a new messag e has b een rec eived. The DEFINITY AUDIX Sub sc rib er is notified of “ new voic e mail messag es” the next time the system is ac c essed . LWC messag es are retrieved just as normal messag es are retrieved . The DEFINITY AUDIX system identifies the message as “ leave word c alling” and p rovid es the c aller’s extension numb er, the time, and the d ate of the c all. If the c all is from another DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er, the DEFINITY AUDIX system also id entifies the c aller b y name. The stand ard messag e is “ p lease return the c all,” followed b y the extension numb er. After listening to the LWC messag e, the sub sc rib er c an c all the orig inator of the messag e b y p ressing and the DEFINITY AUDIX System will automatic ally p lac e the c all. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion identifies the interac tions of the LWC feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 10
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Leave Word Calling (CL Mode Only) 154 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Switch Features The LWC feature interac ts with the switc h in the following ways: nLuc ent Tec hnolog ies 3B2 Messag ing Server: If a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er is a 3B2 Messag ing Server p rinc ip al, you may wish to ad minister LWC messag es to b e routed to the Messag e Server. LWC should normally b e routed to the user’s main messag e servic e, and that servic e should b e the last point in the sub sc rib er’s c overage p ath. nCall Answer: A c aller may p lac e a LWC messag e instead of rec ording a voic e messag e if red irec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX system b y the Call Answer feature. If a c aller p lac es a LWC messag e in ad d ition to a voic e messag e, the called sub scrib er receives two messag es: one LWC messag e, and one Call Answering messag e. NOTE: Usually c allers rec eive a c onfirmation tone (three short b ursts) after p lac ing a LWC messag e. However, if the Call Answer feature is voic ing a greeting or rec ord ing a messag e, no c onfirmation tone is g iven, even thoug h LWC still works. Sometimes a b rief b lank messag e is rec ord ed d uring the LWC op eration (suc h as background noise while the LWC button is being pressed). nCall Coverag e: A c aller may p lac e a LWC messag e at any p oint in a c all-c overag e p ath. LWC messag es for a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er are red irec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX System and p lac ed in the inc oming mailb ox for the orig inally c alled p arty. nCall Forward ing: LWC messag es are not forward ed b y the Call Forward ing feature, b ut remain at the c alled sub sc rib er’s loc ation. If Call Forward ing red irec ts a c all to another nod e in a DCS Network, LWC c annot b e used to leave a messag e (the LWC messag e is sent only to the local node). For more information, see Appendix D. nDCS Network Transp arenc y: LWC messag es may b e g enerated on the loc al switc h or on a transparent remote switc h in a DCS Network. For more information, see App end ix D. nLWC Canc el: Callers may not c anc el a LWC messag e whic h has been red irec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX system (unlike PBX AP, 5ESS Switc h AC P, o r PBX s w i t c h LWC ) . nMWI: The messag e-waiting lamp (if sup p orted ) should b e ad ministered on the switc h to lig ht when new messag es are rec eived . Other MWIs (suc h as stutter dial tone) should b e administered on the switc h if ap p rop riate. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The LWC feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows:
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Leave Word Calling (CL Mode Only) 155 Interactions with Other Features nCall Answer: The LWC feature g ives internal c allers (on the same switc h as the c alled sub sc rib er) an ad ditional c all answer op tion. If the c alled susb c rib er d oes not answer, the c alling sub sc rib er c an simp ly p ress the LWC b utton rather than leaving a more involved or c omp lete c all answer messag e. nMWI: On systems installed using the digital port switch integration method , the LWC feature is used b y the DEFINITY AUDIX System to ac tivate the MWIs. For these systems, it’s b est not to enab le LWC for any of the users on the switc h. nVoice Mailb ox: LWC messag es are p lac ed in a sub sc rib er’s inc oming mailb ox if LWC is ad ministered through the switc h to d irec t messag es to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Only the sub sc rib er c an ac c ess or d elete these messag es.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Leave Word Calling (CL Mode Only) 156 Interactions with Other Features
Login Announcement 157 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Log in Announc ement feature enab les the system ad min- istrator and other desig nated users (b road c asters) to c reate a voic e mail messag e that is automatic ally played to all sub - sc rib ers every time they log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX sys- tem. The announc ement c an also b e sent to d esig nated remote AMIS sub scrib ers. The system ad ministrator assig ns one broadcast mailbox for hold ing an ac tive Log in Announc ement and Broad c ast Messag es. The announc ement is c reated as a normal voic e messag e and p layed to all subsc rib ers. The Log in Announc ement g oes to all sub sc rib ers of the system and p rob ab ly should b e rec ord ed in all system lang uag es. The b road c aster op tion- ally sp ec ifies the exp iration d ate of the announc ement, whic h is the last d ay it should b e p layed to rec ip ients.The b road - c aster may also tell the DEFINITY AUDIX system to d eac ti- vate d ial-throug h for the Log in Announc ement.If d ial-throug h is ac tivated (this is the d efault mod e), the system will resp ond to keyp ad c ommand s while the Login Announc e- ment is p laying , allowing the rec ip ient to skip the announc e- ment. However, if dial-throug h c ap ab ility is not ac tivated , the system will ig nore any c ommand s while the announc ement is playing. Log in Announc ements d o not turn on messag e-waiting indi- c ators (MWIs), so should not b e used for emerg enc y announc ements. Wh o h a s i t: The system ad ministrator d esig nates who c an send Log in Announc ements. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: Broad c asters and the system ad ministrator c ontrol how and when Login Announc ements are sent. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Log in Announc ements are p layed to all DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers who log in while the announc ements are ac tive. nLog in Announc ements are not p lac ed in rec ip ients’ mailboxes. The only way to hear Log in Announc ements is to log in to the system. nRec ip ients c annot delete, save, or manip ulate Log in Announc ements in any way. nOnly one Log in Announc ement can be active at a time. nLog in Announc ements are never resc hed uled for future d elivery after one d elivery attemp t. nLog in messages c an be c reated from any mailb ox with log in announc ement permission. nIt is only nec essary to ac c ess a b roadc ast mailb ox when deleting b roadc ast and log in messages. Login Announcement C O S, Su b
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Login Announcement 158 Applications Applications This feature is used p rimarily for keep ing sub sc rib ers ab reast of c hanges in the system. If set as nond ial-throug h, it ensures that anyone log g ing into the system will hear the announc ement. Rec ip ients are not notified of the new announc ement, so Log in Announc ements should not b e used for emerg enc ies or where timing is c ruc ial. Requirements The system ad ministrator must g ive selec ted sub sc rib ers p ermission to send Log in Announc ements (using the Subsc rib er sc reen). The ad ministrator must also assig n a broad c ast mailb ox (using the same sc reen) b efore using the feature. The special broadcast mailbox is a unique type of DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er and c annot rec eive messag es from other sub sc rib ers, however this mailb ox c an store a maximum of 16 Broad c ast Messag es and one Log in Announc ement. The DEFINITY AUDIX system informs b roadc asters that new Log in Announc ements are nond eliverab le if the b road c ast mailbox alread y hold s a Log in Announc ement whose expiration d ate has not yet p assed . Feature Operation The system c onserves resourc es b y using an elec tronic p ointer at the log in interfac e that transp arently d irec ts eac h rec ip ient to a sing le Log in Announc ement. This also allows the announc ement to b e c onveniently d eleted . It can be manually deleted by the broadcaster at any time, or automatically deleted after the sp ec ified expiration d ate has p assed . Log in Announc ements are always retained in the assig ned b road c ast mailb ox. Log in Announc ements are not automatic ally resc hed uled for another d elivery attemp t when d elivery fails. Broad c asters c reate, edit, and op tionally ad d ress a messag e in the normal way. After ap p roving the messag e, they c an make it a log in announc ement b y simp ly p ressing . NOTE: Log in Announc ements c an b e c reated from any mailb ox with log in announc ement p ermission. It is not nec essary to log in to the b roadc ast mailb ox to c reate a log in announc ement or a b road c ast message . 9
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Login Announcement 159 Feature Operation Making a Message a Login Announcement Figure 13. Login Announcement Operation The p roc ed ures for making a messag e a Log in Announc ement are summarized below. 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press or to rec ord or review a messag e. 3. Rec ord , ed it, and ad d ress a messag e ac c ord ing to the p roc edures listed in the Voice Mail feature d esc rip tion. 4. Listen to the system rec ite the d elivery options to you. You may have up to six d elivery op tions availab le after ad dressing a messag e, d ep end ing on the p ermissions you have b een assig ned . If the system rec ites only the first few op tions, you p rob ab ly don’t have permission to send a Log in Announc ement, and should c ontac t your system ad ministrator. These d elivery op tions are also availab le for Broad c ast Messag es and Priority Messages. See the proc edures listed for those features. 5. Press to mark the messag e as a Log in Announc ement. ² See theVoice MailandVoice Mailboxfeatures for these procedures. ³ Only presented if user has permission. # Month DayEnterListen 3 Schedule Delivery 4File a Copy1 Private 2 Priority³ # Approve 9 Login³ ## ApproveLog Into AUDIX 1 Record Message 4 Review Outgoing MessagesRecord or Edit Message² Return to Activity Menu Login Options M * Change Expiration Date 2 # Approve# Approve Dial Through Nondial- Through 11 14 9
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Login Announcement 160 Feature Operation 6. Do one of the following: nPress ag ain to remove log in announc ement status. nEnter one of the following d elivery op tions: — Press to sched ule d elivery. See the Delivery Sc hed uling Feature for more information. — Press to file a c op y of the message in the File Cab inet p ortion of your mailb ox. These op tions are togg le switches. By p ressing each key rep eated ly, you c an turn eac h d elivery option on and off like a lig ht switc h. Other d elivery op tions are availab le, b ut a Log in Announc ement c annot also be a p rivate, p riority, or broad c ast messag e. See the p roc ed ures listed for those features. 7. If you have d esig nated the messag e as a Log in Announc ement, d o one of the following : nPress to app rove your messag e status and return to the Ac tivity Menu. nPress to c hange the login announc ement options. Go on to one or b oth of the following sec tions ( Tu r n i n g o f f Dial-Through Capability , and Changing the Message Expiration Date ). Turning Off Dial-Through Capability Figure 14. Turning off Dial-Through Capability 9 3 4 # *M 1 Dial-Through 1Non-dial-Through 2 Date Expiration Change Approve # * Login Options *M