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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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    							Automated Backup 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
    May 1999
    DescriptionPoints to Remember
    Administration Screens
    Selec ted  sub sc rib er and  system d ata is automatic ally 
    b ac ked  up  nig htly to p revent the loss of c ruc ial d ata in the 
    event of a d isk d rive failure. The user-rec ord ed  names c an 
    also b e bac ked  up  weekly. The weekly b ac kup s are enab led  
    or d isab led  on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. 
    Nig htly and  weekly b ac kup s c an always b e run manually via 
    the Save sc reens. The d ata is restored  via the Bac kup  
    sc reen.
    Althoug h automated  b ac kup s save message head er infor-
    mation, voic e messag es themselves are not b ac ked up  auto-
    matic ally b ec ause typ ic ally this d ata c hang es c onstantly and  
    takes up  a d isp rop ortionate amount of spac e on the b ac kup  
    d isk. Voic e messag es c an, however, b e b ac ked  up  manually. 
    See the Save Voic e feature for more information.
    The system estimates the numb er of remaining  b ac kups p os-
    sib le on the d isk. In DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0, 
    the system c an rec ord up  to 2 weeks of nig htly and  weekly 
    b ac kup s on one 640 Meg ab ye mag neto-op tic al (MO) disk. 
    Releases earlier than 4.0 c an rec ord  up  to four weeks of 
    nig htly and  weekly b ac kup s on one 160 Meg ab yte tap e. 
    Release 4.0’s MO d isk drive will overwrite bac kup s on the 
    MO d isk one at a time when the MO d isk is full. Releases ear-
    lier than 4.0 will overwrite an entire tap e onc e the tap e is full, 
    unless the tap e is rep lac ed . 
    In releases earlier than 4.0, the system rec ord s a warning  
    message in the ad ministration log  if there is room for fewer 
    than four b ac kup s on the d isk. In Release 4.0, the system will 
    rec ord  a similar warning  when the system c an store fewer 
    than 14 nig htly b ac kup s and  two weekly b ac kup s. The sys-
    tem will still overwrite the nig htly and  weekly b ac kup s one at 
    a time, rather than overwriting the whole MO d isk. When the 
    system starts this p roc ed ure, however, two weeks of nig htly 
    and  weekly bac kup s will not b e availab le.  
    1. You must enter diplay backups or restore backups to 
    d isp lay the Bac kup screen. 
    nAutomatic  b ac kup s are also use-
    ful for hard  d isk up g rad es.
    nThe nightly and weekly backups 
    oc c ur after the nig htly aud its, 
    whic h b eg in at 1:00 AM.
    nSome non-c ritic al files, inc lud ing  
    p ersonal d irectories and mailing  
    lists, are not saved  automatic ally 
    and  must b e rec onstruc ted  after a 
    d isk failure.
    nAny p rob lems with the b ac kup  
    (suc h as those c aused  b y a 
    d efec tive MO d isk) are rec ord ed  
    on the error log .
    Automated Backup
    Sys-Par Fea, Ad d  MO-Disk, Sa v e ,   
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Backup 
    52 Applications 
    The Automated Bac kup feature allows recovery of important subscriber and 
    system d ata in case of a catastrophic  d ata loss (a d isk c rash). It also is useful for 
    effic ient d isk up g rad es. 
    The system ad ministrator must ensure that a MO d isk is installed  (and  
    ad ministered  via the Ad d  MO-Disk sc reen) at all times. The d isk should  b e 
    sp ec ified  as typ e backup
     on the sc reen. Weekly b ac kup s of the sub sc rib ers’ 
    rec ord ed  names must b e enab led  via the System-Parameters Features sc reen. 
    Feature Operation
    After the 1:00 AM nig htly aud it, sub sc rib er and  system d ata is automatic ally 
    b ac ked  up on an op tic al d isk. Weekly aud its, whic h must b e manually enabled , 
    are p erformed  rig ht after the nig htly b ac kup  early on Sund ay morning s. Problems 
    are rec ord ed  in the error log. 
    Manual b ac kup s of the same or ad d itional information c an b e done via the Save 
    sc reens. The d ata c an b e restored  via the Bac kup  sc reens. 
    For more information about administering automated and manual bac kups, see 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration, 585-300-507. 
    Interactions with Other Features
    This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Automated  Bac kup feature with 
    switc h features and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    The Automated  Bac kup feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Backup 
    53 Interactions with Other Features 
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    The Automated  Bac kup  feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as 
    nAMIS Analog  Networking: Remote sub sc riber and  mac hine names are 
    automatic ally bac ked  up  nig htly. 
    nAutomated  Attend ant: Automated  attendants are not b ac ked  up  
    automatic ally. They must b e saved  using the Save Voic e p roc ed ure.
    nClass of Service: The COS sc reen d ata is automatic ally b ac ked up  nig htly. 
    nDirec tory: Direc tory information is not exp lic itly b ac ked  up  automatic ally, 
    b ut c an b e easily rec onstruc ted  b y the system from the subsc rib er d ata. 
    nMailing  List: Personal mailing  lists c annot b e bac ked  up . They must b e 
    restored  b y sub sc rib ers. 
    nMessag e Delivery: If there are Messag e Delivery rec ip ients ad ministered  
    on this system, assoc iated  remote subsc riber names and  mac hine names 
    are automatic ally b ac ked  up  nig htly. 
    nName Record by Subscriber: The names that have b een rec ord ed  b y 
    sub sc rib ers c an b e automatic ally b ac ked  up  weekly. 
    nPersonal Greeting s: Personal g reeting s are not b ac ked  up  automatic ally. 
    They must b e saved  using  the Save Voic e p roc ed ure.
    nVoice Mail: Voic e mail messag es are not bac ked  up  automatic ally. They 
    must b e saved  using  the Save Voic e p roc ed ure. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automated Backup 
    54 Interactions with Other Features  
    							Automatic Message Scan 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
    May 1999
    DescriptionPoints to Remember
    Administration Screens
    The Automatic  Messag e Sc an feature allows sub sc ribers to 
    sc an all messag e head ers and /or messag es at the touc h of 
    two b uttons. The user simp ly selec ts the feature from the 
    ac tivity menu, then selec ts the mod e of automatic  sc anning : 
    head ers only, messages only, or b oth head ers and  mes-
    sag es.
    Onc e the sc anning  b eg ins, it is not nec essary to p ress a but-
    ton until the p layb ac k is c omp lete. Users c an, however, 
    p ress any button normally used  for manual messag e sc an-
    ning . Onc e the DEFINITY AUDIX system has c omp leted  the 
    task — resp ond ing  to or d eleting  a messag e, for examp le — 
    it resumes automatic  sc anning. Users hear all of the normal 
    p romp ts for tasks that are used  in manual sc anning  mod e 
    Rewound,”  etc .)
    There is a three-sec ond pause b etween messag es and /or 
    head ers to allow sub sc rib ers to manip ulate eac h message. 
    Also, so that the b utton-p ressing  c learly relates to the c orrec t 
    message, the system p rec ed es eac h messag e or head er 
    with an introd uc tion (“
    Next message” ). Just as with manual 
    sc anning , if just the head ers are sc anned , the messag es are 
    left in the 
    unopened c ateg ory. Sc anned  messag es are left in 
    old c ateg ory.
    Wh o h a s i t: This feature is availab le to all 
    DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers as a 
    b asic  op tion on the ac tivity menu.
    Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The system administrator c an 
    c ontrol some asp ec ts of the 
    feature suc h as rerec ord ing  the 
    voic e p romp ts.
    Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Only subsc rib ers c an sc an their 
    own messages automatically.
    nUsers are not prompted to delete 
    messag es as they are p layed  
    b ac k (as in manual sc anning  
    mod e), so it’s easy to forg et to 
    d elete them and  fill up  mailb oxes 
    nThe normal manual sc an b uttons 
    (  to rep lay,     to d elete, etc .) 
    also work in Automatic  Messag e 
    Sc a n  m o d e .
    nTh e  “Next messag e”  p rompt and  
    messag e c ateg ory announc e-
    ments are nond ial-throug h 
    p rompts so the system d oes not 
    g et ahead of the sub sc rib er. How-
    ever, if a sub sc rib er p resses  , 
      , or   
     to manip ulate a 
    messag e, the “
    Next message” 
    p rompt will not b e p layed .
    Automatic Message Scan
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automatic Message Scan 
    56 Applications 
    This is p rimarily a time-saving  feature, b ut it also eliminates ad d itional 
    b utton-p ushing to g et messag es. In that resp ec t, it is esp ec ially c onvenient for 
    those using  c ellular telep hones, p artic ularly while d riving . It also makes 
    transc rip tion easier in that rec ord ing  messag es via a d ic tating  mac hine c an b e 
    d one more c onveniently. 
    The Automatic  Messag e Sc an feature has no req uirements other than those of 
    the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. 
    Feature Operation
    Automatic  Messag e Sc an is a stand ard  op tion on the Ac tivity Menu. Onc e 
    ac c essed, sub sc rib ers need only p ress one b utton to selec t how they want the 
    messag e information p resented , then listen to the messag es and /or head ers. 
    While listening  sub sc rib ers c an p ress other keys to c ontrol the messag e and  
    header playback. 
    Figure 1. Automatic Message Scan Operation
    Note that for eac h of the following  p roc ed ures, if sub sc rib ers p ress  ,    , or 
         to manip ulate a messag e they have just sc anned , the “
    Next messag e” 
    p rompt will not b e p layed . 
    Return to Activity Menu
    7AUDIXLog IntoHeaders
    and Messages
    3 2
    HeaderMessageEnd of
    MessageEnd of
    Message Repeat as Necessary
    Repeat as Necessary
    Repeat as NecessaryNo More
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automatic Message Scan 
    57 Feature Operation 
    Use the Automatic  Messag e Sc an feature as follows:
    1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    2. Press   to select Automatic  Messag e Sc an. 
    3. Choose one of the following : 
    nPress   to listen to head ers and  messag es. The DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system will: 
    a. Play eac h head er, then its assoc iated  messag e 
    b . Ind ic ate the end  of the messag e 
    c . Pause three sec ond s 
    d . Ind ic ate the start of the next header and  message 
    This is the most verb ose op tion for getting  the information. 
    Sub sc rib ers may want to use it only when they have a few 
    messag es, and  need the head er information to know the exac t time 
    of the c all. All 
    new messag es sc anned  in this manner will b e 
    redefined as 
    old messag es and  will be sc anned  ag ain when they 
    reach the 
    old  messag es c ateg ory (unless they d elete the messag e 
    or use the Untouc hed  Messag e feature). 
    nPress   to listen to head ers only. The DEFINITY AUDIX system will: 
    a. Play eac h head er 
    b . Pause three sec ond s 
    c . Ind ic ate the start of the next header 
    This op tion is the most exp ed ient when sub sc rib ers have many 
    messag es, or must otherwise screen them. Just p ress   to listen to 
    any message just after its head er is p layed . All 
    new messag es 
    sc anned  in this manner will b e red efined  as 
    unop ened messages 
    and  will b e sc anned  ag ain when they reac h the 
    messag e
     c ategory (unless they d elete or listen to the messag e or 
    use the Untouc hed  Messag e feature). 
    nPress   to listen to messag es only. The DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    a. Play each message 
    b . Ind ic ate the end  of the messag e 
    c . Pause three sec ond s 
    d . Ind ic ate the start of the next messag e 
    This op tion is most exp ed ient when sub sc rib ers have few 
    messag es (or the luxury of listening to them all) and  are not 
    immed iately interested  in when they were d elivered  or where they 
    orig inated . All 
    new messag es sc anned  in this manner will b e 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automatic Message Scan 
    58 Interactions with Other Features 
    redefined as old messag es and  will be sc anned  ag ain when they 
    reac h the 
    old message c ateg ory (unless they d elete the messag e 
    or use the Untouc hed  Messag e feature). 
    The messag es are c learly d ifferentiated  b y voic e p romp ts and  a long  
    p ause. The promp ts and  p ause allow sub sc rib ers time to resp ond  to eac h 
    messag e (or use the p layb ac k c ontrol b uttons) and  b e sure that the 
    resp onse is d irec ted to the ap p rop riate messag e. When they have 
    sc anned  all of the messages in one c ategory, the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    will id entify the next c ateg ory b efore p laying  the next messag e. They c an 
    skip messag es at any time b y p ressing    or skip  c ateg ories b y p ressing 
    Interactions with Other Features
    This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Automatic  Messag e Sc an feature 
    with switc h features and  other DEFINITY AUDIX features. 
    Interactions with Switch Features
    The Automatic  Messag e Sc an feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h 
    Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    The Automatic  Messag e Sc an feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX 
    features as follows: 
    nBroad c ast Messag e:   Broad c ast messag es c an b e sc anned 
    automatic ally. However, if sub sc rib ers are sc anning  only messag es (not 
    head ers), they will not be informed  that this is a Broad c ast messag e. 
    nOnline Help:   Help  information is availab le for this feature, and  is similar to 
    that for other options on the Ac tivity Menu. 
    nPlayb ac k Control:   Sub sc rib ers c an use the Playb ac k Control p roc ed ures 
    to c ontrol how the messag es are p layed  bac k. 
    nPri o r it y M e s sa g e:   Priority messag es c an b e sc anned  automatic ally. 
    However, if sub sc rib ers are sc anning  only messag es (not head ers), they 
    will not b e informed  that this is a Priority message. 
    nPrivate Messag e:   Private messages c an b e sc anned  automatic ally. 
    However, if sub sc rib ers are sc anning  only messag es (not head ers), they 
    will not b e informed  that this is a Private messag e. 
    nVoic e Mail:   From the time that the head er or messag e first beg ins to p lay, 
    until the voic e p romp t sig naling  the next head er or messag e p lays, 
    sub sc rib ers c an use the stand ard  Voic e Mail proc ed ures for hand ling  
    eac h messag e (delete, listen to messag e, rep ly to send er, etc .). 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automatic Message Scan 
    59 Interactions with Other Features 
    nVoice Mailb ox:   Messag es are p ut in the unop ened c ateg ory if only the 
    head ers have b een sc anned. Messag es that have b een sc anned  (and  not 
    d eleted ) are p ut in the 
    old message category.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
    May 1999
    Automatic Message Scan 
    60 Interactions with Other Features  
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