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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mail 341 Feature Operation b . You may either d eliver the messag e immed iately b y p ressing again, or first enter a d elivery op tion as d esc rib ed in step 5 of the p revious sec tion, Recording a Voice Mail Message, then p ress to ap p rove your op tions. After you have c omp leted this step , you will b e returned to the Ac tivity Menu. NOTE: Voic e mail messag es c reated at the PC using INTUITY Messag e Manag er can be addressed using I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. See the online help for instruc tions. Speed and Volume Control The DEFINITY AUDIX system p rovides sub scribers with the ab ility to control the sp eed and volume at whic h voic e p rompts and messag es are p layed . The c ommand s shown in the following figure d o not c hang e the p romp ts or messag es, only the sp eed and volume at whic h you hear them. After p ressing one of the keys shown in the fig ure several times, the sp eed or volume stays at the lowest or hig hest setting . Figure 58. Speed and Volume Control # # 2 1 *0 #9 8 7 4 5 63 Increase Speed Decrease Speed Decrease Volume Increase Volume

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mail 342 Feature Operation Nondeliverable Messages If messages c annot b e d elivered b ec ause of inc orrec t ad d resses, nonexistent remote subscrib ers, or full mailb oxes, the originating subscrib er will receive a nondeliverable message notific ation. The messag e will b e p lac ed in the nondeliverable sec tion of the sub sc rib er’s outg oing mailb ox.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mail 343 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Voic e Mail feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Voic e Mail feature is exc lusively a DEFINITY AUDIX feature and has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Voic e Mail feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features in the following ways: nADAP: Voic e Mail traffic d ata c an b e transferred to a personal c omp uter (PC) using ADAP. Information (stored in d BASE III PLUS format on the PC) on Voic e Mail inc lud es: sub sc rib er use of Voic e Mail, remote Voic e Mail messag e use, and the number of Voic e Mail messag es c reated and sent (daily or hourly). nDelivery Sched uling: DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers c an use the Delivery Sc heduling feature to sc hed ule when a Voic e Mail messag e is to b e d elivered to the intend ed rec ip ient(s). nDirec tory: The DEFINITY AUDIX system keep s a d irec tory of sub sc rib er names and extension numbers. Callers may use the (Names and Numbers Direc tory) c ommand to find out the name or extension numb er of a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er to whom they want to send a Voic e Mail messag e. This c ommand c an also be used to verify that the p erson the c aller is trying to send a messag e to is a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er. nINTUITY Messag e Manager: Sub sc rib ers c an c reate and transmit voic e mail messag es at their PC using I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. nMailing List: After a Voic e Mail messag e has b een c reated , it c an be easily sent to many sub sc rib ers using a Mailing List. nMessag e Send ing Restric tions: Subscribers can be categorized as memb ers of sp ec ific c ommunities that are allowed to send Voic e Mail messag es only to other memb ers of that group or to other sp ec ific g roup s. nMWI: New messag es lig ht the messag e-waiting lamp (if availab le) or ac tivate an aud ib le message-waiting ind ic ation. In most c ases, when the last new messag e or header in the inc oming mailb ox is sc anned , the lig ht g oes out. The exc ep tion is when a messag e is retained in the new category using the Untouc hed Messag e feature. An untouc hed messag e leaves messag e-waiting ind ic ation ac tive. **N

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mail 344 Interactions with Other Features nMultiling ual: If the Multiling ual feature is ac tivated , the Log in Announc ement Set sp ec ified on either the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen is used for all subscriber prompts. nName Record by Subscriber: Head er information attac hed to a Voic e Mail messag e c an c ontain the send er’s name voic ed b y the sender instead of the ad ministrator. nOnline Help: While c reating and ad d ressing Voic e Mail, the system g uid es the sub sc rib er throug h eac h step . However, if the sub sc riber req uires more information, an online help fac ility is availab le b y p ressing . The system will d efine the ac tivity that the subsc rib er is using and will voic e all options availab le at that sp ec ific p oint in the proc edure. nOutc alling: When a Voic e Mail messag e has b een d elivered to a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox, the Outc alling feature (if ac tivated ) will inform the sub sc rib er that a new messag e exists b y p lac ing a c all to a p red efined telephone or pager. nPlayback and Recording Control: While c reating a Voic e Mail messag e, sub sc rib ers c an use the Playb ac k and Rec ord ing Control feature to mod ify new or existing messag es. nPri o r it y M e s sa g e: Voic e Mail messages c an be g iven p riority status. These messag es will b e sp ec ially marked and p referentially presented to rec ip ients. nPriority Outcalling: When a p riority messag e has b een d elivered to a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox, the Priority Outc alling feature (if ac tivated ) will inform the sub sc rib er that a new messag e exists b y p lac ing a c all to a predefined telephone or pager. nPrivate Messag e: Voice Mail messages can be made private (the rec ip ient will not b e allowed to forward the messag e to other sub sc rib ers). nTr a f f i c R e p o r t s: Subscriber use of Voice Mail can be monitored and analyzed using the Traffic Rep orts feature. Sp ec ific ally, d ata is g athered on the numb er of Voic e Mail messag es c reated , the averag e storag e time of a Voice Mail message, the number of messages rescheduled for d elivery, the numb er of messag es sent to remote systems, and the numb er of Voic e Mail messag es and sessions that oc c urred d uring p rime time and nonp rime time. nUntouc hed Messag e: The Untouc hed Messag e feature p rovides the ab ility to listen to a new Voic e Mail messag e (in the inc oming sec tion of the Voice Mailbox) and by pressing (Hold) leave the message in the new c ateg ory. Thus, the MWI remains ac tive for this messag e. nVoice Mailb ox: Voice Mail messages are created in the outgoing section of a sub sc rib er’s Voic e Mailb ox. After the messag e is c reated , it c an b e stored in the file c abinet sec tion of the mailb ox and sent to other sub sc rib ers where it is stored in the inc oming sec tion of their mailb oxes. If the messag e c annot b e delivered , it will remain in the outg oing sec tion of the send er’s mailb ox. *H **H

Voice Mailbox 345 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens A Voic e Mailb ox is a storag e area on d isk where voic e mail messages are created and stored (the outgoing section of the mailb ox), and where voic e mail messag es from other sub sc rib ers and c all answer messag es are rec eived and ac c essed (the inc oming sec tion of the mailb ox). Wh o h a s i t: All sub scrib ers automatically rec eive a Voic e Mailbox when they are administered on the system. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The system ad ministrator c ontrols specific features for subsc ribers’ mailb oxes suc h as the ord er that messag es p lay, the leng th of time messag es are stored , and the amount of d isk sp ac e availab le. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: D EFI N I TY AU D I X s ys t e m sub sc rib ers c ontrol ac c ess to their individ ual mailb oxes throug h a p rivate, user-d efined p assword. Other users or outsid e c allers c an leave messag es in a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox, but c annot ac c ess or c hang e messag es or p rivate mailing lists in that mailbox. N/A nMessag es and head ers stored in a sub sc rib er’s Voic e Mailb ox auto- matic ally exp ire after an interval set b y the system ad ministrator. nPersonal g reeting s (used for Call Answer and Automated Attend ant menus) are also stored in sub - sc rib ers’ Voic e Mailb oxes. There is no exp iration time limit for p er- sonal g reeting s. nMailing Lists are also stored in sub sc rib ers’ Voic e Mailb oxes. There is no exp iration time limit for Mailing Lists. nIf a sub sc rib er is low on storag e sp ac e in his/her Voic e Mailb ox, a warning messag e is given when the sub sc rib er log s in to the sys- tem. Voice Mailbox N/A

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mailbox 346 Applications Applications The Voice Mailbox feature has many applications. A voice mailbox is not only used to c reate and d eliver voic e mail messages to other sub sc rib ers, b ut it c an also store messag es (and other information) as shown in the following list. nAttend ant Menu: This is a menu voic ed by the system that p rovides c allers with op tions for c all transfers (no exp iration). nBulletin Board: Where messages are p osted so that any c aller c an ac c ess them (no expiration). nFi l e C a b i n e t : Where messag es are saved (for referenc e) b y sub sc rib ers in the outg oing sec tion of their mailb oxes (exp iration is set b y system ad ministrator und er outg oing mailb ox). nInc oming Mailb ox: Where new messag es are rec eived b y sub sc rib ers and saved messag es are stored . nMailing Lists: These are addresses of regular DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers (no exp iration). nPersonal Greeting s: These are p ersonal messag es used for the Call Answer feature (no exp iration). nUndelivered Messages: These are messag es sc hed uled for d elivery b ut not yet sent. nNondeliverable Messages: These are messag es that c ould not b e delivered. Requirements The Voic e Mailb ox feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. Feature Operation Sub sc rib ers ac c ess their Voic e Mailb oxes b y log ging into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Sub sc rib ers may use a touc h-tone voic e terminal or telep hone (rec ommend ed ) or a rotary p hone if a tone generator is used . Sub sc rib ers first d ial the main DEFINITY AUDIX numb er. When the system answers, they enter their extension number and p assword . The p assword p reserves sec urity for the system and p revents unauthorized ac c ess to subsc ribers’ messag es. After a sub sc rib er log s in, the system p lays a Log in Announc ement (if one is ac tive), and then voic es the name of the sub sc rib er. The system next reports the numb er of broad c ast, p riority, p rivate, and other new messag es (if any) that were rec eived . Eac h messag e c onsists of two p arts: the header and the messag e itself (you mig ht think of head ers as envelop es that c ontain your messag es).

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mailbox 347 Feature Operation Your messages will contain the following information: Voic e Mailb oxes are d ivid ed into two sec tions: the inc oming mailb ox, and the outgoing mailbox. Figure 59. Voice Mailbox Sections HeaderThe time and date of d elivery and the typ e of messag e: Call Answer, AMIS Analog , or Voic e Mail. You will also be notified if the message is a p rivate, p riority, or b road c ast messag e. If your inc oming messag e is from another DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er, the system will tell you the send er’s name and extension number. With Call Answer, the system will tell you the name and extension numb er of the c aller if the c aller is a sub sc rib er on your system. If the c all is from an internal c aller who is not a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er, the system will tell you the extension numb er of the c aller, b ut not the name. Messag eThe c aller’s sp oken messag e or, in the c ase of a nond eliverab le message notific ation, a stand ard system messag e. INCOMING SECTION ·New ·Unopened ·OldMessage Waiting Indicator OUTGOING SECTION·Delivered ·Undelivered ·Nondeliverable ·Filed ·Accessed VOICE MAILBOX

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mailbox 348 Feature Operation Incoming Mailbox The inc oming sec tion of the mailb ox rec eives messag es from DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers, g uest-p assword users, the DEFINITY AUDIX system (nond eliverab le messag e notific ation), and all c allers who are red irec ted to the system throug h the Call Answer features. These messag es may b e saved, d eleted , sent b ac k to the send er, or forward ed to another sub sc rib er with a messag e attac hed (unless the messag e has b een d efined as private). The DEFINITY AUDIX system sep arates your inc oming mail into three c ateg ories: new, unop ened , and old . Unless your system ad ministrator has reset the ord er, you will hear them in the following ord er: New Messag esMessag es and head ers that have not yet b een listened to. If you have a messag e-waiting lamp, it turns off after you have listened to all of your new messag es. However, when a messag e is retained in the new messag e c ateg ory, using the Untouc hed Messag e feature, the messag e-waiting lamp remains lit. Unopened MessagesMessag es whose head ers you have heard , b ut the messag e itself you have not yet listened to. The messag e-waiting lamp d oes not stay on for an unop ened messag e after you listen to its head er. Old Messag esYou c an also ask your system ad ministrator to set the order in which your individual messages are heard within the inc oming sec tion of your mailb ox: either the last messag e rec eived to b e the first one p layed (lifo) or the first messag e rec eived to b e the first one p layed (fifo). Note that Broad c ast Messag es are always p layed first followed by any Priority Messag es that you rec eive.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mailbox 349 Feature Operation Outgoing Mailbox The outgoing section of a mailbox stores messages created or forwarded by sub sc rib ers until they c an b e d elivered to the intend ed rec ip ient(s). Unless you ask your system ad ministrator to reset the order in whic h you ac c ess your outgoing mailb ox c ateg ories, you will hear them in the following order: Fi l e d M e s s a g e sCop ies of messag es that are c reated to send to other sub sc rib ers c an b e saved in the outgoing sec tion of a mailb ox for future reference. These messag es may later be ac c essed , modified , ad d ressed and sent ag ain, or d eleted . Undelivered MessagesMessag es that have not yet b een sent (for examp le, those sc hed uled for d elivery at a future time or d ate). Messag es and their ad d resses may b e ac c essed or c hanged at any time b efore delivery. Nondeliverable MessagesCop ies of messag es that c ould not b e d elivered . The system will attemp t to d eliver the messag e up to 10 times (this limit is set b y the system ad ministrator on the System-Parameters Features sc reen before p lac ing the messag e in this c ateg ory. Usually this ind ic ates that the intend ed rec ip ient’s inc oming mailb ox is full. On AMIS networks, this may mean the remote sub sc rib er d oes not exist (the send er p rob ab ly misd ialed the ad d ress) or that there were transmission problems across the analog lines. Messag es d efined as “ nond eliverable” may b e resc hed uled for d elivery with a new ad d ress, or altered to allow forward ing if need ed . Delivered MessagesCop ies of messag e head ers that have b een successfully delivered to a recipient’s inc oming mailb ox b ut have not yet been listened to. Ac c essed Messag esCop ies of messag e head ers that have b een delivered to a recipient, and the recipient has listened to either the header or the messag e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Voice Mailbox 350 Feature Operation Incoming Mailbox Operation Figure 60. Incoming Mailbox Operation When a new message arrives in your inc oming mailb ox, the Messag e-Waiting Ind ic ator (MWI) feature or the Outc alling feature informs you that the messag e is p resent. After you log in and tell the system that you want to listen to your inc oming messag es, the system will read the head er information for the first new messag e and g ive you a c hoic e of things to d o with the messag e. For examp le, you c an c hoose to listen to the messag e or resp ond immed iately to the message. If you c hoose to listen to the messag e, the following op tions are availab le to you: rep lay the messag e or head er; skip to the next messag e head er; skip to the next messag e c ateg ory; hold this messag e in its c urrent c ateg ory (Untouc hed Messag e feature); or d elete the messag e. If you c hoose to resp ond to the messag e, the following op tions are availab le to you: p lac e a return c all, automatic ally, to the send er of the messag e; rep ly to the send er via Voic e Mail; forward the messag e to other sub sc rib ers; or c reate a new messag e for other sub sc rib ers. 7 Record a new message 4 Forward with comment at end 3 Reply to sender by Voice Mail 1 0Call sender Forward with comment at beginning 2 Reply to sender by voice mail (no attachment)Record message Attach originalN Y Hold message in current category * *H Listen to message 0 1 Respond Delete D * Skip to next header # Replay header32 Skip to next category * #Listen to message headerLog into AUDIX 7 Scan² Messages 2 Get Messages Listen to message category ² See theAutomatic Message Scanfeature for more information.