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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Directory 121 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Directory feature interacts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAMIS Analog Networking: Only ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers on remote AMIS systems ad ministered for one-step ad d ressing are listed in the Direc tory. If AMIS rec ip ients are listed in the Direc tory, only their extension numb ers will b e voic ed ; the c aller has to know the area c od e and p refix of those p ersons b efore send ing them a messag e or c alling them. The ad ministrator c an simp lify the p roc ess b y rec ord ing the p refix as p art of the mac hine name. nINTUITY Messag e Manager: Subscribers can access the Directory from their PCs using I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. nMessag e Delivery: Only administered Message Delivery message rec ip ients are listed in the Direc tory. If Messag e Delivery rec ip ients are listed in the Direc tory, only their extension numb ers will b e voic ed ; the c aller has to know the area c od e and p refix of those p ersons b efore c alling them. The ad ministrator c an simp lify the p roc ess b y rec ord ing the p refix as p art of the mac hine name. nPersonal Direc tory: When looking up a name entered b y the sub sc rib er, the system always c hec ks the sub sc rib er’s p ersonal d irec tory b efore c hec king the system d irec tory.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Directory 122 Interactions with Other Features

Enhanced Disconnect Detection 123 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Enhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion feature allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator to ad minister one or two d ifferent mec hanisms for d etec ting d isc onnec ts — tone d etec tion and silenc e d etec tion — when the DEFINITY switc h is unab le to p rovid e reliab le d isc onnec t information to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. nWhen one of the following forms of d isc onnec t sig naling is used , the DEFINITY switc h d isconnects c alls and the DEFINITY AUDIX system does not need to detec t d isc onnec ts: op en loop (analog trunks), p olarity reversal (analog trunks), and b it oriented sig naling (digital trunks). nTh e D EFI N I TY s w i t c h d o e s n o t rec og nize tone-b ased d isc onnec t sig naling . However, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an b e enab led to rec ognize many forms of tone-based disconnec t signaling. nIn some c ountries, there is no d is- c onnec t sig naling . For these c ountries, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an b e set up to g rac efully hand le quiet d isc onnec ts. Enhanced Disconnect Detection Sys-Par Fea

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Enhanced Disconnect Detection 124 Applications Applications With the Enhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion feature, the system ad ministrator c an ad minister the DEFINITY AUDIX system to d etec t the following typ es of d isc onnec ts: nTone Based Disc onnec t. This typ e of disc onnec t sig naling may b e need ed when tones are heard at the end of c all answer messages. The Central Offic e switc h send s tones to the DEFINITY switc h to indic ate a d isc onnec t. Sinc e the DEFINITY switc h d oes not d etec t the tones as a d isc onnec t, the DEFINITY AUDIX system mig ht ap p end the tones to the end of c all answer messag es until the maximum messag e leng th is reac hed . When tone d etec tion is ad ministered , the DEFINITY AUDIX system d etec ts the p resenc e of a c ad enc ed tone with freq uenc y c ontent b etween ap p roximately 350 Hz and 650 Hz and d isc onnec ts the c all. nQuic k Silenc e Disc onnec t. This typ e of d isc onnec t sig naling enhanc es DEFINITY AUDIX op eration for c alls in whic h there is no d isc onnec t sig naling and the line simp ly g oes silent after the c aller hang s up . When Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t is ad ministered , the system d isc onnec ts as follows: nDuring a c all answer rec ord ing , immed iately up on d etec ting silenc e for an ad ministrab le p eriod of time. nAt all other times, immed iately after two exp irations of the Inp ut Time Limit. The DEFINITY AUDIX system p rovid es a system p romp t and a help messag e after the first exp iration. The system says “ Goodb ye” and disc onnec ts after the sec ond exp iration. When rec ord ing a messag e in a voic e mail session (as op p osed to a c all answer session), the system d oes not d isc onnec t up on d etec ting silenc e b ut d isc onnec ts after two exp irations of the Inp ut Time Limit. Considerations Disc onnec t sig naling tones are typ ic ally b etween 350 and 650 Hz. If the Tone Based Disc onnec t c ap ab ility is enab led for a system, the DEFINITY AUDIX system monitors every c all for the p resenc e of a c ad enc ed reg ular tone b etween ap p roximately 350 and 650 Hz. When suc h a tone is d etec ted and verified with c onfid enc e over time, the DEFINITY AUDIX system d rops the c all and attemp ts to erase all d isc onnec t tones from the end of the rec ording . The following tones may b e p resent d uring a c all answer or voic e mail session and should not trig g er a d isc onnec t: nDTMF (Dual Tone Multifreq uenc y) touc h tones NOTE: Customers who have hig h numb ers of c allers or sub sc rib ers who use rotary-dial telep hones should set the Inp ut Time Limit field to a

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Enhanced Disconnect Detection 125 Requirements hig her value to allow these users a long er p eriod of time to resp ond to the system’s p romp ts. nPeriodic Pulse Metering tones (c harg e tones for p ay p hones or toll c alls) nTeletyp ewriter (TTY) Baud ot tones nFax sig naling and d ata transmission tones nMod em sig naling and d ata transmission tones nCall Waiting tones nOperator intervention tones All of the ab ove tones, exc ep t for the last two, are well outsid e of the 350 Hz to 650 Hz b and . Call Waiting tones should not b e a prob lem sinc e the DEFINITY AUDIX system has no need to sub sc ribe to the Call Waiting servic e. Also, Call Waiting tones should not trig g er the d isc onnec t tone d etec tor. Op erator intervention tones may ind uc e a d isc onnec t, b ut this is exp ec ted to be an extremely rare oc c urrenc e. When enab led, Tone Based Disc onnec t is ac tive for all c alls at all times exc ep t for outg oing c alls suc h as Outc alling , AMIS Analog Networking , and Message Delivery c alls. On outg oing c alls, Tone Based Disc onnec t b ec omes ac tive only after the answering end enters one or more touc h tones. When Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t is enabled , the d etec tion of silenc e is the only method for rec og nizing that the c aller has d isc onnec ted. Therefore, c areful thoug ht should b e g iven to the value selec ted for the Inp ut Timeout Limit field . If the field is too short, users will b e irritated b y p remature d isc onnec ts. If the field is too long , the p ort hold ing time inc reases unac c ep tab ly. A reasonab le Inp ut Timeout Limit is 15 sec ond s when silenc e is the only d isc onnec t signal. This g ives the user 30 sec ond s total to make the next selec tion and d oes not sub stantially inc rease p ort hold ing time. When the DEFINITY AUDIX system exp ec ts the user to enter touc h tones and none is seen, the Inp ut Timeout Limit exp ires twic e b efore a d isc onnec t oc c urs. Requirements There are no sp ec ial req uirements for this feature. Feature Operation The system administrator ad ministers Tone Based Disc onnec t and Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. When Tone Based Disc onnec t is enabled , the DEFINITY AUDIX system d etec ts d isc onnec t tones on a c all answer c all within the rang e of 350 Hz to 650 Hz and , when d etec ted , d isc onnec ts the c alls.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Enhanced Disconnect Detection 126 Interactions with Other Features When Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t is enab led , the DEFINITY AUDIX system d etec ts silence on a call answer c all for an administrable period of 5 seconds to 30 sec ond s and , when d etec ted , d isc onnec ts the c all. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Enhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Enhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Enhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAMIS: AMIS outg oing or inc oming network c alls are terminated within the p rotoc ol. Tone Based Disc onnec t and Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t have no effec t on AMIS c alls. nMessag e Delivery: Tone Based Disc onnec t is not ac tivated until the c alled p arty answers and enters one or more touc h tones. nOutc alling: Tone Based Disc onnec t is not ac tivated until the c alled p arty answers and enters one or more touc h tones.

Escape to Attendant 127 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Esc ap e to Attend ant feature allows DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers to have a p ersonal attend ant or operator d esig - nated to answer inc oming c alls. Callers who are transferred to the DEFINITY AUDIX system via the Call Answer feature c an immed iately red irec t the c all to reac h an attend ant or first leave a message and then transfer to an attend ant. Who has it: If a system-wid e c overing extension is d efined b y the system ad ministrator, all sub sc rib ers with c all answer p ermission have the Esc ap e to Attend ant feature. Otherwise, individ uals must have their sub sc rib er p rofiles ad ministered with a c overing extension for this feature to work. Who c ontrols it: The system ad ministrator assig ns a d efault c overing extension for the entire DEFINITY AUDIX Sys t e m , suc h as the c omp any op erator or main rec ep tionist, using the System-Parameters Features sc reen. If a sub sc rib er has a p ersonal c overing extension (suc h as a secretary), the system ad ministrator c an ad minister the Esc ap e to Attend ant feature (for this subscriber) to direc t calls to this extension using the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Who c an ac c ess it: If this feature is ad ministered c orrec tly, any c aller c an p ress to b e transferred to a c overing attend ant. 0 nSub sc rib ers who are ad ministered with this feature may wish to men- tion the transfer op tion in their p er- sonal g reeting s to help outsid e c allers who may not be familiar with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. nThe transfer d estination should b e a staffed p osition. The c aller mig ht b ec ome c onfused if red irec ted to the mailb ox of a c overing exten- sion. Escape to Attendant Su b , Sys - Pa r Fe a

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Escape to Attendant 128 Applications Applications The Escape to Attendant feature is used when a subsc riber wants to give c allers the op tion of talking to a live attend ant instead of (or in ad dition to) leaving a messag e. DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers c an also use this feature to transfer to their c overing attend ants b y p ressing any time after logg ing in. By c omb ining the Esc ap e to Attend ant feature and the Bulletin Board feature, a c ustomer c an p rovid e c allers with the op tion of talking to a live attend ant after hearing the Bulletin Board information. For examp le, a theater c ould p rovid e c allers with the evening ’s p resentations, sc hed ules, and pric es, then allow the c aller to transfer to a b ox offic e attend ant. Requirements The following req uirements must b e met for the Esc ap e to Attend ant feature to work: nThe Call Transfer feature must b e ac tive on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. nThe system-wid e c overing extension must b e assig ned on the System-Parameters Features sc reen, or individual subscribers must have c all answer p ermission and the c overing extension d efined on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. The latter (individ ual) c overing extension will overrid e the former (system-wid e) c overing extension if both are d efined . Feature Operation When the Call Answer feature answers a c all for a sub sc riber, the c aller c an p ress , either b efore or after leaving a messag e, and b e transferred to a c overing attend ant. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Esc ap e to Attendant feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Esc ap e to Attend ant feature interac ts with the switc h as follows: Th e Call Coverag e feature transfers a c all to another telep hone on the switc h. Calls c an b e red irec ted to a transfer extension’s c overag e also. *0 0

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Escape to Attendant 129 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Escape to Attendant feature interacts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nClass of Servic e: Sub sc rib ers must have c all answer p ermission for the Esc ap e to Attend ant feature to work. This p ermission c an b e d efined on the Class of Servic e sc reen. nMultiple Personal Greeting s: Sub sc rib ers who use this feature may want to mention in their p ersonal g reeting s that the Esc ap e to Attend ant feature is availab le b y p ressing . nTransfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed : There are two Transfer Typ es that ap p ly when the c aller p resses 0 to esc ape to the attend ant after b eing forward ed to the DEFINITY AUDIX system: —enhanced_no_cover_0 treats the c all as a red irec ted c all. The c all will not b e subjec t to c all c overag e or c all forward ing as d efined for the sp ec ified d estination extension. —enhanced_cover_0 treats the c all as a direct c all p rovid ing c all c overag e and c all forward ing as d efined for the d estination extension. The c overing p erson will not know who the c all was initially intend ed for. nVoice Mailb ox: To transfer to a c overing attend ant, c allers c an p ress instead of leaving a call answer message or after leaving a c all answer messag e. Pressing terminates the c all answer messag e. Also, sub sc rib ers c an transfer to their c overing attend ant any time after log g ing into the DEFINITY AUDIX system b y p ressing . 0 0 0 *0

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Escape to Attendant 130 Interactions with Other Features