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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 321 Feature Operation Enhanc ed Call Transfer p rovid es g reater sec urity ag ainst toll fraud than Basic Call transfer, so the DEFINITY AUDIX system allows only this typ e of transfer in the CL mod e. Feature Operation The section describes how the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced feature works and p rovid es p roc ed ures for using it. With Enhanc ed Call Transfer, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c ollec ts all the relevant d ata and send s it d igitally over the d ata link to the switc h using a transfer messag e. Sinc e Enhanc ed Call Transfer allows only transfer req uests to valid extensions on the switc h, c allers attemp ting to p lac e unauthorized long -d istanc e c alls (after transferring out of the DEFINITY AUDIX system) will hear a messag e stating that the numb er they dialed is not a valid extension and their transfer request is denied. Enhanc ed Call Transfer offers the following features for sing le-switc h environments: nThe transfer is q uic k. nIf the c all fails for some reason (for examp le, if the c alled extension is b usy or an invalid number is entered), the DEFINITY AUDIX system rep orts the failure c ond ition to the c aller. nA failed transfer is not ab and oned , instead : — All c allers may req uest another transfer by p ressing ag ain. — Callers who have b een red irec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX system throug h Call Answer and c annot c omp lete a transfer c an still leave a message for the c alled p arty. — Callers who d ialed the DEFINITY AUDIX system d irec tly and c annot c omp lete a transfer are returned to the previous DEFINITY AUDIX ac tivity. nA transfer attemp t does not return to the DEFINITY AUDIX system und er two c ond itions: — A c all reac hes an unattend ed p hone and no c all-c overag e is availab le (the p hone ring s ind efinitely). — The system ad ministrator spec ifies, on a system-wid e b asis, that c alls transferred to the switc h b y pressing or are to b e treated as red irec ted c alls (enhanc ed _no_c over_0 in the Transfer Typ e field). This ap plies when the c aller presses 0 or *0 to esc ap e to the op erator after b eing forward ed to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. If the c all is red irec ted, the c all will not b e sub jec t to c all c overag e or c all forward ing as d efined for the sp ec ified d estination extension. Thus, if the d estination extension is unattended (doesn’t answer), the p hone ring s indefinitely. Otherwise, if the d estination *T 0*0

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 322 Interactions with Other Features extension is b usy or forward ed (inc lud ing Send-All-Calls), the transfer will fail and the switc h will rec onnec t the c aller to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The system then p romp ts the c aller for alternative ac tions. With a DCS Network, the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not p rovid e c omp lete DCS transp arenc y for the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature in the following cases: nIf the transfer d estination is on a remote DCS Network switc h, and if the extension is b usy and c all c overag e has not b een ac tivated , c allers hear a b usy tone and are not returned to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. nIf an outg oing trunk is not availab le from an intermed iate remote switc h to the d estination remote switc h, c allers hear reord er tone and must end the call. The Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature may be used whenever a sub sc rib er wants to resp ond to a messag e b y automatic ally p lac ing a return c all or when a c all has b een red irec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX system via the Call Answer feature. In the latter c ase, the c aller may either leave a messag e and then transfer to another extension or transfer immed iately. To transfer to another extension while in the DEFINITY AUDIX system, d o the following : 1. Press to initiate the transfer. 2. Enter the extension numb er (or name) you want to transfer to and p ress . If extension ad d ressing is your d efault mode, and you want to d ial a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er b y name, p ress (for Alternate Ad d ressing Mod e) then enter the sub sc rib er’s name (last name first) and p ress . For examp le, to reac h Mary Liza, the c aller would enter . The DEFINITY AUDIX system asks you to wait while it p lac es the c all. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. *T # *A #*T*A54926279#

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 323 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Switch Features The Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature interac ts with switc h features as follows: nAttend ant Console Call Transfers: On many switc hes, you c annot transfer c alls to an attend ant c onsole using either the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature or the Automated Attend ant feature. Chec k your switc h d oc umentation for c all transfer restric tions. nHost Comp uter Ac c ess: Comp uter c enters often req uire off-p remises users to enter an external sec urity c od e to log on to a c omp uter. To p revent off-p remises c allers from b yp assing external sec urity with the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature, the switc h Host Computer Ac c ess feature should be set up to c ontrol c omp uter ac c ess throug h trunk g roups. The station numb er for the c omp uter should always route c allers to the trunk g roup that req uires an external sec urity c od e, sinc e c allers must d ial a numb er to transfer. The trunk g roup (s) used only b y internal c allers should have no station-numb er steering c od e. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAutomated Attend ant: The Automated Attend ant feature makes use of the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature to transfer c allers based on the menu c hoic e they make. nCall Answer: When a c aller is sent to a sub sc rib er’s voic e mailb ox via the Call Answer feature, the c aller c an transfer to another extension in the switc h d ial p lan using the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed feature. If a c overing extension is ad ministered for the sub sc rib er or a system d efault c overing extension is d efined , the c aller who reac hed the DEFINITY AUDIX system via the Call Answer feature c an transfer to the c overing extension b y p ressing . The c overing extension p erson will not see (on the d isp lay set) who the c all was originally sent to. nDial-b y-Name: When transferring out of the DEFINITY AUDIX system, c allers c an use the Dial-b y-Name feature to transfer to another DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er’s extension. nOnline Help: Help is available at any time and is ac cessed by pressing . nVoice Mailb ox: If a sub sc rib er listens to a messag e and wants to c all the send er, the sub sc rib er c an p ress to have the DEFINITY AUDIX system p lac e the c all automatic ally. 0 *H 10

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 324 Interactions with Other Features

TTY Automated Attendant 325 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Telec ommunic ations Devic e for the Deaf (TDD) announc ement set makes it more c onvenient to set up tele- typ ewriter (TTY) automated attendants that p rovid e auto- mated attend ant servic e to hearing -imp aired c allers. (The TDD announc ement set is not req uired to set up TTY auto- mated attend ants, b ut it is rec ommend ed .) See the Auto- mated Attend ant feature for c omp lete information on automated attend ants.nInstead of rec ord ing the auto- mated attend ant menu using the telep hone, the system ad ministra- tor typ es the menu using the TTY keyb oard . nThe system ad ministrator needs a stand -alone, ac oustic ally-c oup led TTY and the touc h-tone keyp ad to set up TTY automated attendant menus. nSep arate telep hone numb ers are strong ly rec ommend ed , but not req uired, for TTY automated atten- d ants and for voic e automated attend ants. nThe Multiling ual feature c an b e used to ad minister an automated attend ant with nested TTY menus and nested voic e menus; althoug h, TTY users will see noth- ing or unread ab le c harac ters resulting from voiced prompts or g reeting s, and hearing users will enc ounter some TTY messag ing noise. nThe TTY automated attend ant c an b e ad ministered to use name ad d ressing . See the Automated Attend ant feature for more infor- mation. TTY Automated Attendant Su b

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 TTY Automated Attendant 326 Applications Applications The TTY Automated Attendant feature p rovid es automated attend ant servic e to TTY users. All that hearing -imp aired c allers need are a stand ard stand -alone, ac oustic ally-c oup led TTY along with a touc h-tone telep hone. Sep arate telep hone numb ers are strong ly rec ommended , b ut not req uired , for TTY automated attend ants and for voic e automated attend ants. (Sep arate voic e and TTY automated attend ant numb ers tend to b e more user-friendly.) Considerations It is rec ommend ed that the TDD announc ement set b e running when ad ministering the TTY automated attend ant menus. If the TDD announc ement set is not running , you c an p ut your ear to the hand set resting in the TTY ac oustic c oup ler to hear the sp oken DEFINITY AUDIX announc ements you need to follow while ad ministering the automated attend ant menus. Guid elines for setting up TTY automated attend ant menus. There are some g uid elines the system ad ministrator should follow when setting up TTY automated attend ant menus. TTYs use the Baud ot c ommunic ations p rotoc ol in whic h the same five-bit c od e c an rep resent either a letter or a non-alp hab etic c harac ter, suc h as a numb er or fig ure. (For examp le, the b inary c od e 00001 is b oth the letter E and the numb er 3.) This sharing of five-b it c od es is mad e p ossib le by having two mod es, a letters mod e and a numbers/fig ures mod e. If a rec eiving TTY is set to letters mod e (b y rec eiving the five-bit c od e 11111), then the TTY assumes all sub seq uent five-b it c harac ter c od es rec eived are letters. By c ontrast, if a rec eiving TTY is set to numb ers/fig ures mod e (b y rec eiving the five-b it c od e 11011), then the TTY assumes all sub seq uent five-b it character c odes received are numbers and figures. This is important; when a TTY is not in the same mod e as the d evic e that is transmitting to it, the c harac ters that d isp lay on the rec eiving TTY will make no sense to the user. All DEFINITY AUDIX TDD announc ements c ontain the ap p rop riate mod e reset c od es to ensure that the rec eiving TTY stays mod e-sync hronized with the DEFINITY AUDIX system d uring announc ement p layb ac k. It is, however, the system ad ministrator’s resp onsib ility to ensure mod e sync hronization when rec ord ing automated attend ant menus. Mod e sync hronization when rec ord ing menus. Some TTYs have b oth a letters key and a numb ers/fig ures key for switc hing to the ind ic ated mod e. If the first c harac ter in an automated attend ant menu is a letter, p ress the letters key before you typ e anything else; or, if the first c harac ter in an automated attend ant menu is a number or fig ure, press the numb ers/fig ures key b efore you type anything else.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 TTY Automated Attendant 327 Requirements Most TTYs d o not have a letters key and a numb ers/fig ures key. If you d o not have sep arate letters and numb ers/fig ures keys, sync hronization of mod es is less c onvenient b ut c an b e ac c omp lished in the following way: nIf the first c harac ter you need to typ e is a letter, enter a slash (/); then p ress the sp ac e b ar a few times b efore you start typ ing. This c auses the system to reset to letters mod e. nIf the first c harac ter you need to typ e is a numb er or fig ure, typ e x ; then p ress the sp ac e b ar a few times b efore you start typ ing. This c auses the system to reset to numb ers/fig ures mod e. TTY users need to use b oth the keypad on their touc h-tone telep hone and the keyb oard on the TTY. In menu instruc tions, make it c lear whic h to use. You might want to use dial when the user need s to use the telep hone keyp ad and typ e when the user need s to use the TTY keyb oard . When using a TTY to typ e direc tly to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c ap tures and p reserves any hesitations in typ ing s, missp elling s, and so on. For this reason, it is rec ommend ed that system ad ministrators use a TTY with a b uilt-in b uffer and c omp letely ed it the menu b efore c alling the DEFINITY AUDIX system to d ownload the b uffer. See your TTY user’s g uid e for instruc tions on ed iting and d ownload ing the TTY b uffer. Requirements The following are req uirements for using the TTY Automated Attend ant feature: nIt is rec ommend ed that the p urc hasab le TDD announc ement set b e installed . If the TDD announc ement set is not installed , you c an p ut your ear to the hand set resting in the TTY ac oustic c oupler to hear the sp oken DEFINITY AUDIX announc ements you need to follow while ad ministering the automated attend ant menus. Without the TTY announc ement set, a hearing -imp aired p erson c annot set up automated attend ant menus. nTo rec ord automated attend ant menus, the system administrator need s a TTY; a TTY with a b uffer is rec ommend ed sinc e the system ad ministrator may want to ed it a menu b efore d ownload ing it to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. (See the user’s g uid e that c ame with the TTY for instruc tions on using the TTY.) nEac h sub sc rib er or c aller who wishes to c ommunic ate with the TTY automated attend ant need s a stand ard stand -alone, ac oustic ally-c oup led TTY and a touc h-tone telep hone. Devic es that b yp ass the touc h-tone telep hone, suc h as c omp uters with nond ialing TTY mod ems, are unab le to issue c ommand s to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. nThe TDD announc ement set needs to b e id entified on the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen for the automated attend ant.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 TTY Automated Attendant 328 Feature Operation Feature Operation Assig n the TDD announc ement set on the automated attend ant Sub sc riber or Class of Servic e sc reen, and rec ord a TTY automated attend ant menu using a TTY (the menu is ac tually the p ersonal g reeting for the automated attend ant extension). Instead of sp eaking the menu into the telephone, typ e the menu using the TTY keyb oard. See the Automated Attend ant feature for more information on automated attend ants. Callers who reac h the TTY automated attend ant must use a TTY to interac t with the automated attend ant. Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the TTY Automated Attend ant feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The TTY Automated Attendant feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The TTY Automated Attendant feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAutomated Attend ant: The TTY Automated Attendant feature enab les the system ad ministrator to set up automated attend ants for hearing -imp aired c allers. Any numb er of sub -attendants c an b e ad ministered . nMultiling ual: It is rec ommended , b ut not req uired , that TTY automated attend ants have a sep arate telep hone numb er than voic e automated attend ants (Call Answer Languag e Choic e set to n (no)). Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e c an b e set to y (yes) to ad minister an automated attend ant with nested TDD menus and nested voic e menus; althoug h, TTY users will see nothing or unread able c harac ters resulting from voic ed p rompts or g reeting s, and hearing users will enc ounter some TTY messag ing noise. nMultiple Personal Greeting s: TTY automated attend ant menus must b e rec ord ed with a TTY. TTY automated attend ants may take ad vantag e of the Multiple Personal Greeting s feature to rec ord d ifferent menus for out-of-hours, internal, and external c alls. If the Multiling ual feature is on and Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e is y (yes), the system ad ministrator rec ord s menus using p ersonalized Dual Languag e Greeting s rather than Multiple Personal Greeting s.

Untouched Message 329 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Untouc hed Messag e feature p rovid es sub sc rib ers with the ab ility to sc an messag es or messag e head ers in the inc oming sec tion of the voic e mailb ox without c hang ing the status of the messag e from new to old, or from new to unop ened. If the messag e is in the new c ateg ory, and this feature is ac tivated , the Message-Waiting Ind ic ator (MWI) (either the messag e-waiting lamp or stutter dial tone) will remain ac tive. Wh o c o n t r o l s i t: The Untouc hed Messag e feature is c ontrolled b y the p erson listening to the inc oming messages. Wh o c a n a c c e s s it: Anyone ac c essing messag es in the inc oming sec tion of a voic e mailbox can use the Untouched Message feature. nThis feature is availab le only while ac c essing new and unop ened messag es in the incoming sec tion of a sub sc rib er’s voic e mailb ox. nUnopened and old messag es c annot b e c hang ed b ac k to new messag es using this feature. However, an unop ened message c an retain its status using this fea- ture. Untouched Message N/A

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Untouched Message 330 Applications Applications The Untouc hed Messag e feature allows a sec retary or other ag ent to review another p erson’s new messag es (or just the messag e head ers) and leave those messag es in the new c ateg ory of the inc oming voic e mailb ox — leaving the MWI ac tive. The sec retary c an ac t on information c ontained in c ertain messag es, while allowing the ad d ressed rec ip ient to review other messag es und er their orig inal c ateg ory. Sub sc rib ers c an also use this feature on their own messag es to remind them to listen to hig h-p riority items ag ain the next time they log in. Requirements The Untouc hed Messag e feature has no req uirements other than those of the DEFINITY AUDIX system itself. Feature Operation At any time while listening to new inc oming messag es, a sub sc rib er may p ress (for Hold ) to ac tivate the Untouc hed Messag e feature. When ac tivated , the c urrent message will b e left in the new c ateg ory and the next messag e header will be played. Interactions with Other Features This section identifies the interactions of the Untouched Message feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features The Untouc hed Messag e feature has no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. Interactions with Other DEFINITY AUDIX Features The Untouc hed Messag e feature interac ts with other DEFINITY AUDIX features as follows: nAutomatic Messag e Sc an: The Untouc hed Messag e feature c an b e used while automatically scanning messages. **H