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Lucent Technologies Octel 100 Implementation And Service Manual
Lucent Technologies Octel 100 Implementation And Service Manual
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19. Installing and Configuring Visual Mailbox Implementation and Service ManualInstalling Visual Mailbox on Client PCs19-29 12. Enter the Voice Fax Serv er name. This name is broadcast by the Voice Fax Serv er to alert the network that it is still accepting service requests. The default is HX_SERVER. (The Voice Fax Serv er name must match the VFS Serv er Name field on the Serv er Parameters dialog box.) 13. Click Continue to proceed. The Visual Mailbox Installation Directory dialog box is displayed. 14. Enter the LAN Serv er Directory where the Visual Mailbox files are stored. By default this is the \VMBOX\CLIENT directory. The LAN Administrator was instructed to create this directory when completing Visual Mailbox Configuration worksheets. W hen you finish, click Continue. The client software files are copied to the LAN serv er. W hen installation is complete, the Client Installation Complete dialog box displays. 15. Click Exit to close the Client Installation Complete dialog box. Installing Visual Mailbox on Client PCs To run the Visual Mailbox interface on subscriber PCs, each PC must be set up to access the Visual Mailbox client software. You can set up each PC to access client software files from their location on the LAN, or you can install the client software files directly on each PC’s hard driv e. It is recommended that you set up the subscriber PCs to access client software files ov er the network, since this eliminates the need for subscribers to free hard disk space on their PCs. You may prefer to hav e new Visual Mailbox users set up their own PCs to run Visual Mailbox client software. A Client Software Installation Template, designed to walk subscribers through the process, is prov ided at the end of this chapter. Subscribers can access extensiv e online help on using Visual Mailbox features by selecting the Help drop-down menu from the Visual Mailbox main window. Subscriber PC Considerations Before you set up subscriber PCs to use Visual Mailbox, note that each PC should hav e the following hardware and software installed: · Minimum of a 386SX MHz millennium-compliant PC with 4 MB RAM running W indows 3.x (this includes W indows for W orkgroups), W indows 95, or W indows NT 4.0 with Serv ice Pak 3 or later. · A network interface card and the ability to attach and log into the file serv er where Visual Mailbox is installed. Also, the PC must be mapped to the correct path where the \VMBOX directory resides on the LAN serv er. Also, subscriber mailboxes must hav e the Visual Mailbox feature enabled in their Classes of Serv ice. Make this adjustment before setting up the client software on the subscriber’s PC desktop.

19. Installing and Configuring Visual Mailbox Implementation and Service ManualInstalling Visual Mailbox on Client PCs19-30 Setting Up Subscriber PCs to Use Visual Mailbox Use the following procedure to install the Visual Mailbox client software from the network. To set up subscriber PCs to use Visual Mailbox: 1. If W indows 3.x is installed on the client PC, from the Program Manager in W indows at the subscriber PC, select Run from the File menu. The Run dialog box displays. If W indows 95 or W indow NT is installed on the client PC, from the desktop on the client PC, click the Start button and select Run from the menu that displays. The Run dialog box displays. 2. Click Browse. The Browse dialog box displays. 3. Select the network driv e and directories where Visual Mailbox is installed. If the default directory was not changed during the initial installation, it is the \VMBOX\CLIENT directory. 4. To begin installing the client software on the PC, click the SETUP.EXE file, then click OK. The Visual Mailbox Select Client Installation dialog box displays. 5. Select an installation option, then click Continue: · Use the Client software on the Server – Select this option to access and use the Visual Mailbox client software files housed on the LAN serv er, instead of copying the files to this PC’s hard driv e. Choose this option only if client software files hav e been installed on the LAN. · Copy the Client software to your computer – Select this option to copy Visual Mailbox client software files to the PC’s hard driv e. 6. If you selected Use the Client software on the Serv er, Visual Mailbox begins installing. W hen the installation is complete, the Installation Complete dialog box displays. Skip to step 9 to continue the installation.

19. Installing and Configuring Visual Mailbox Implementation and Service ManualInstalling Visual Mailbox on Client PCs19-31 7. If you selected Copy the Client software to your computer, the Installation Directory dialog box displays. 8. Enter the directory in which you want to store the client software files you are downloading from the LAN serv er, then click Continue. Visual Mailbox begins installing. W hen the installation is complete, the Visual Mailbox Installation Complete dialog box displays. 9. To close this dialog box, click Exit. The Visual Mailbox client software is installed and a Visual Mailbox group window with the Visual Mailbox and Visual Fax icons is created on the client PC desktop. Using the Client Software Installation Template You can sav e time setting up subscriber PCs to use the Visual Mailbox interface by using the following template to guide subscribers through completing the setup procedure themselv es. By following the steps on this template, subscribers set up their PCs to access the client software ov er the LAN. Note that, in step 3 of the template, you must prov ide the driv e and directory information subscribers will need to indicate during the setup process.

19. Installing and Configuring Visual Mailbox Implementation and Service ManualInstalling Visual Mailbox on Client PCs19-32 Client Software Installation Template To Install the client software from the LAN 1. If W indows 3.x is installed on the client PC, select Run from the File menu. The Run dialog box displays. If W indows 95 or W indows NT is installed on the client PC, click the Start button and select Run from the menu. The Run dialog box displays. 2. Click Browse. The Browse dialog box displays. 3. Under Directories, select the Visual Mailbox network directory specified below: _______________________________________________________________ 4. Click the SETUP.EXE file, then click OK. The Visual Mailbox Client Installation dialog box displays. 5. Select Use the Client software on the Serv er option, then click Continue. Visual Mailbox begins installing. W hen the installation is complete, the Visual Mailbox Installation Complete dialog box displays. 6. To close this dialog box, click Exit. The Visual Mailbox client software is installed and a Visual Mailbox group window with the Visual Mailbox and Visual Fax icons is created on the client PC desktop. Subscribers can access extensiv e online help on using Visual Mailbox features by selecting the Help drop-down menu from the Visual Mailbox main window.

Implementation and Service Manual Starting, Logging Into, and Shutting Down the System20-1 CHAPTER 20 Starting, Logging Into, and Shutting Down the System Occasionally, you may be required to shut down and restart the messaging system if maintenance tasks must be performed or if the system stops for some reason, such as a power failure. For security, the system requires you to enter a password before you can access shutdown, maintenance, or setup functions. The procedures prov ided in this chapter will help you to: · Start the system · Log into the system using a password · Shut down the system · Disable ports

20. Starting, Logging Into, and Shutting Down the System Implementation and Service Manual Starting the System20-2 Starting the System During installation, your authorized representativ e may hav e configured the messaging system to start automatically any time the PC is restarted. If the messaging system is not configured to start automatically after a restart, you can use the following procedure to restart it. To start the system: 1. Turn on the messaging system PC if not already running. 2. When the PC restarts, a Recovery Choices screen displays. This screen, which is for support purposes, displays for 5 seconds before the system continues with the startup. 3. W hen the OS/2 desktop displays, open the program folder. 4. Double-click the messaging system icon in the program folder. The System Manager window displays and the system is ready to answer calls. Understanding System Security The messaging system controls access to system maintenance and setup functions by requiring passwords to perform superv isor tasks. There are two lev els of superv isor passwords: · Level 2 – Lev el 2 access allows a superv isor to create, edit, and delete mailboxes; access reports and system statistics; create and specify prompts; maintain network nodes; and create V-Trees. The default Lev el 2 password is 12345. · Level 3 – Lev el 3 access allows a superv isor to perform all Lev el 2 tasks, to set system parameters using the System Setup module, configure greetings by port, modify classes of serv ice, and configure multilingual messaging systems. The default Lev el 3 password is 67890. You can define only one Lev el 2 password and one Lev el 3 password on the system. W hen giv ing the Lev el 2 or Lev el 3 password to superv isors, keep in mind that the more people who hav e a password, the greater the possibility for problems to occur. However, there should be more than one indiv idual who knows the passwords for the system so that when one superv isor is away from the office, another is av ailable to maintain the system. Logging Into the System You can access system setup and maintenance features either through the phone interface or by using the messaging system’s screen interface. Using the phone interface, you can create and edit mailboxes, record system prompts, and update distribution lists. To access superv isor functions ov er the phone, at least one mailbox must exist on the system with the superv isor feature enabled in that mailbox’s class of serv ice. Using the messaging system’s screen interface, you can perform the functions av ailable through the phone interface (with the exception of creating and editing distribution lists)

20. Starting, Logging Into, and Shutting Down the System Implementation and Service Manual Understanding System Security20-3 as well as access and modify network nodes, set up and record system prompts, and v iew system reports and statistics. To log into the messaging system through the phone interface: 1. Pick up the handset and dial the system access number. 2. Access a mailbox that has been assigned superv isor rights. The subscriber main menu v oices. 3. From the subscriber main menu, press to access the superv isor functions. 4. W hen prompted, enter the superv isor password. The system v oices the superv isor main menu. To log into the messaging system using the screen interface: 1. From the File menu, select the Password option. The Superv isor Password dialog box displays. 2. Enter the password in the field by either typing in the numbers using the PC keyboard or use the mouse to click the onscreen button keypad. For additional security, the password displays in the field as a series of asterisks (*). 3. Under Logoff In_____ Minutes, enter the maximum amount of time after superv isor inactiv ity before the system automatically logs out of the security access. In most cases, the default, 10 minutes, should be sufficient. 4. Click OK. The Password Accepted dialog box displays. Click OK to close the dialog box. You are logged in and the main system window displays. Changing Passwords For additional security, it is recommended you change superv isor passwords from their default settings. Note that if you change the Lev el 2 and Lev el 3 passwords to the same password, you will only be able to access Level 2 features; therefore, the two passwords must be different. Though the passwords can be alphanumeric, it is recommended you assign passwords that contain only numeric characters, so you can access superv isor functions through the phone interface. If you change the Lev el 3 password, be sure to notify the representativ e who installed the messaging system of the new password.

20. Starting, Logging Into, and Shutting Down the System Implementation and Service Manual Understanding System Security20-4 To change a supervisor password: 1. To change the Lev el 2 password, log into the messaging system as a Lev el 2 superv isor. To change the Lev el 3 password, log into the messaging system as a Lev el 3 superv isor. 2. From the File menu, select Change Password. The Change Password dialog box displays. The dialog box displays the password lev el that can be changed. 3. Enter the new password in the first field using the PC keyboard. The new password must be between two and nine characters in length. For security, the password displays in the field as a series of asterisks (*). 4. Verify the password by reentering it in the second field. For security, the password displays in the field as a series of asterisks (*). 5. To accept the new password, click OK. The Change Password dialog box closes and the main system window displays. The new password is in effect the next time you log in. Logging Off the System W hen you finish performing superv isor tasks, be sure to log off from the system. This reduces the possibility of an unauthorized person gaining access to the system when you leav e the PC. To log off the messaging system: 1. From the File menu, select the Logoff option. A Message dialog box displays informing you that you are logged off. 2. To close the Message dialog box, click OK. The main system window displays.

20. Starting, Logging Into, and Shutting Down the System Implementation and Service Manual Shutting Down the System20-5 Shutting Down the System You must exit the messaging system to use certain utilities such as V-Edit, Quick Assist, or Dial Plan and to install system updates or upgrades. W hen you exit the messaging system using the procedure below, the system disables ports as soon as they become inactiv e. W hen all the ports are inactiv e and disabled, the main system window closes, and the system software shuts down. To shut down the system: 1. Log into the messaging system as a Lev el 2 or 3 superv isor. For additional information, see the topic, Logging Into the System, earlier in this chapter. 2. To shut down the system, select Exit from the File menu. A dialog box displays a message prompting you to indicate how to shut down the system. 3. Click OK to perform the shutdown. A dialog box displays a message asking if you want to wait for channel activ ity to cease. W ait for channel activ ity to cease. Do not click Force. W hen all the ports are inactiv e, the system shuts down. If the messaging system does not shut down in a few minutes, you may perform the procedure to shut down the system again, and click Force when the Shutdown the System dialog box displays. Howev er, Force causes the system to issue a drop command to the remaining activ e ports, which terminates calls. Selecting Force is not recommended since callers are dropped without warning. If the messaging system does not shut down within a few minutes after you select Force, contact a technical support representativ e. Nev er shut down the messaging system by turning off the PC or pressing to restart, as this could cause sev ere data corruption. Disabling Ports and Dropping Calls The messaging system allows you to shut down ports temporarily if phone lines connected to the system are temporarily out of serv ice. This prev ents the port from trying to send calls or messages when the line is not av ailable. Disabling a port using the procedure below is only temporary, and the system will enable the port if the system restarts. The messaging system also allows you to drop a call on a port. You should only use this option when you receiv e reports that a port is constantly busy, or you see that the status line next to the channel number button in the Channel Status window displays a status other than W aiting for Ring for an excessiv e amount of time. If you determine that you need to drop a call on a port, and the status in the Channel Status window displays EXTERNAL APPLICATION, contact a technical support representativ e.

20. Starting, Logging Into, and Shutting Down the System Implementation and Service Manual Disabling Ports and Dropping Calls20-6 To disable a port: 1. Log into the messaging system as a Lev el 3 superv isor. For additional information, see the topic, Logging Into the System, earlier in this chapter. 2. In the Channel Status window, click the Channel number button for the port you want to disable. The Channel (number) pop-up menu displays. 3. Click Disable. If there is a call on the port, the port is disabled when the call ends. The Channel Status window displays the status Disabled next to the Channel number button. To enable a port: 1. Log into the messaging system as a Lev el 3 superv isor. 2. In the Channel Status window, click the Channel number button for the port you want to enable. The Channel (number) pop-up menu displays. 3. Click Enable. The Channel Status displays the status W aiting for Call or W aiting for DID next to the Channel number button. To drop a call from a port: 1. Log into the messaging system as a Lev el 3 superv isor. 2. In the Channel Status window, click the Channel number for the port you want to drop. The Channel (number) pop-up menu displays. 3. Click Drop. The call is terminated, and the Channel Status window displays the status W aiting for Call or W aiting for DID next to the Channel number button.