Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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2-34 CO L ine - Lo o p Super visio n CO Line - Loop Supervision TheTriad 1/2/3System can be programmed to monitor CO lines while on-hold o r conn ected to RAN devices or V oice Mail systems, or in Trunk- to- Trunk con nections for disconnect signal provided by the Telco. Af te r a d iscon nect si gnal i s det ect e d, t heTriad 1/2/3S yst em re l eas es t he CO lines and automatically place them back in service. CO L ine - Pool Butto n Operatio n The Pool Group feature is used primarily to access CO lines that do not app ear on a s ta tion, so that outgoing ca lls m ay b e m ade. Pooled group keysareassociatedtoCOlinegroupsandmaybeprogrammedforuse on a ny of the fle xible button s. C O line s are acce sse d in de sce nding orde r of priority starting with the highest numbered available (not busy) CO line in a CO line g roup. Station s may have as many POOL buttons as the re ar e C O li ne gr oups. Mult i ple PO OL but tons for t he sam e g roup ar e als o al lowe d. CO Line - Queuing Whe n al l th e out si de l ine s in a gr oup are bu sy, st at ions can be pl aced in queue awaiting a line in the same group to become available. If a station does n’t an swe r the que ue signal within 15 se conds, that station is dr oppe d fr om t he que ue. CO L ine - Ringing O ptions Whe n a CO call rings at a b usy station, the call rings at the station using a mut ed ri ng s ign al. Th is opt ion al lows a use r t o r e ce i ve a r em inde r ri ng at the ir b usy station, ins te ad of mu te d ring ing. A reminde r ring tim er is also available to provide the reminder ring every time the timer expires, as long as the incoming C O line re mains connected . T he syste m de faults this option to muted ringing.

CO Ring Detect 2-35 CO Ring Detect The duration of the ringing signal from th e CO or the PBX is matched with ringing detection circuitry in theTri a d 1 /2 /3. T he ring d etect can ra nge fr om 200 to 900 ms p rogr amm ed in 100 ms incr em ents. Thi s ti mer he l ps pr eve nt fal se r ing ing. Co n fe ren c e The re a re t wo di ffe re nt t ypes of confer e ncing. Multi-Party Conference Up to eight parties can engage in a conference. A maximum of five ext er nal p ar ti es c an be c onfer en c ed. Unsupervised Conference The conference initiator can exit a conference with two outside parties and le ave t hem in an un supe rv ise d c on fer enc e . T he ini t ia tor c an re -e nte r theconferenceatanytime. TheTriad 1/2/3System can automatically terminate the call when both par t ie s ha ng up , whe n Loo p S uper vi si on i s p rov ide d b y t he Te lco a nd ena ble d i n t he da tab ase . A progra mmab le confe re nce time r d is connects the uns upervise d confe re nce if the initiator d oes not re-e nter. Co nf erence Enable /Di sable The C onfer en ce E nabl e/ D isa bl e f eat ur e all ows admi ni st er ing of t he system conference feature on a per station basis for the ability of a st at ion to ini t iat e a con fer ence .

2-36 D at abase Printo ut (D ump) Database Printout (Dump) Thr ough a s ystem pr ogra mmin g comma nd, ei the r por ti ons of or a complete databa se dump can b e printed using the RS- 232C conne ctor loca ted on the Mas ter Processor Boa rd (MPB), on theTriad 1/2/3Sys te m. Database Uplo ad/D ownload DataBa se Upload/Download feature provides a maintenan ce fa cility which has been added to the Remote Administration routine. This routine permits downloading of the database to a PC when a software c hange i s m ade , or whe n t he sys te m mu st be in it ia li ze d and re -pr o gr amme d. The r o u ti ne al so fac i li ta te s t he pr o gr ammi ng o f a databa se on a n in-hous e s ystem, which ca n be down load ed to a PC and the n up loa ded to a s ystem in the fie ld . After the sys te m ma inte nance is c o mpl et ed , t he fil e sa ved in th e P C c an the n b e u p lo a ded to th e s yst em . Dial By Name The sy stem allows station users to dial ex tension numb ers, or speed bins by entering the name of a person that has been programmed for that st at ion. Th e s yst em dat ab ase al low s e ntr y of a name (a lph anume ri c) up to 24 digits in length for each station. The programmed name can be used for dial-by-name station users and in directory dialing. This feature shoul d no t b e co nfuse d wi t h t heNa m e I n D is p l ayfeature. Dial Pulse Se nding Each CO interf ace circuit f or o uts ide lines can be p rogramm ed to sen d dial pulse or DTMF signals. Dialing speed and break/make ratios are pr ogra mmab le .

Di a li n g P r i v i le g e s 2- 37 Dialin g Priv ile ges The sy st em pro vid es a f le xib le me ans of p rovi di ng t ol l o r d ia li ng re striction. Through the a ssignme nt of class of se rvice (both s ta tion an d outs id e line) many combinations of allow a nd d eny numbe rs can be se t. Both ar ea and offi ce cod es can b e scre en ed for al low/de ny p ri vi le ges . Dire ct In ward Dialing (DID) The DID feature provides one-way direct inward dialing access to specific st at ions on sp ec i fic D ID li nes fr om t he pub li c t el ephon e ne twor k, wit hout goin g throug h an Attenda nt answe ring position. DID cap abilitie s refe r to incom ing calls only . The DI D fea tur e re qui re s the DI D Int e rfa ce Boa rd (DI DB) which pr ovid es four one-way DID circu its on th eTriad 1/2Systems, and eight one-way DID circuits on theTriad 3Sys te m. The sy st em ca n acce pt fr om t wo t o se ven digits from the Central Of fice (C O). This feature allows the number and name field of the LCD display on a DI D cal l t o be pr es ent ed to t he IC LID por t. Cal ls ar e i den ti fi ed i n t he S MD R fi el d as A nswe re d ( I) or Unans wer ed (U) f oll owed by the D ID numbe r . A t le ast on e D TMF re cei ve r m ust be i nst al le d on the s yst em. Di re c t In wa rd Syst em Ac ce ss ( D ISA) Tri a d 1 /2 /3al l ows p rogr amm ing of a n unl im it ed numbe r of out si de l ine calls to provide direct a ccess to the system. D ISA callers may acces s L CR, Al l Inte rna l/E xte rna l Pa gi ng, Al l Cal l Pagi ng, C al l Pa rk Pick- Up, and Meet-Me Paging. A DTMF receiver must be available for DISA operation. The duratio n of a trun k-to-trunk DISA ca ll can be se t by s ystem admi ni st ra tor . Vodavi has taken precautions to preventfraud by requiring a security cod e for th is fe atur e. How ev er, i t i s ma y s till b e v ulne rab le to fra ud.

2-38 D irect St atio n S el ectio n ( DS S) Group Acce ss Incom ing DISA callers may a ccess all line groups such a s FX or WATS lines or othe r out going se rv ice s wh il e a way fro m t he offi ce. DI S A Ca ll For wa rdi ng Four options a re av ailab le for a DISA lin e: 1) 24-hou r, 2) nig ht, 3) 24- hour with f orwa rding, 4) or night with forwa rd ing. The C O line ringing a t a st at ion foll ows pr ese t for war d or no- answe r cal l f orwa rd usi ng t he pre se t for war d t ime r t he s ame as an ini t ia ll y r ing ing CO l ine doe s. It f oll ows di re ct fo rwar d a nd bus y for war d t he s ame as an i nit i all y r in ging CO li ne. If the p re se t f o rwa rd ti me r is se t to 00 (d is abl ed) th e f ir st fo r war d o f t he DI SA r ing ing call a t a s ta ti on t ake s 1 5 se conds . Programmable Access A th re e- digi t se curi t y code can be ass ig ned in the s yst em dat aba se to re strict unwan te d us e of the DIS A circuits . E ach D IS A line can b e progra mmed indep ende ntly for ea ch option. Stati on Acces s DISA callers may dial any station directly without going through the Attendant. Tr un k -t o -Tr u nk The DISA T runk- to- Trunk (or Co nferen ce ) option on the C O line gov erns a DISA callers ability to access other outside lines. CO lines must have DISA Tr unk-t o- Tr unk e nabl ed t o al low a D IS A cal le r to es tab li sh an out goi ng tr unk- to- tr unk co nnec t ion. T his al lows for s pec i fi c CO l ine a cc e ss re st ri c t io n o n DI SA c a ll s. Direct Station Selection (DSS) A user with DSS buttons assigned at their Key Station can call an intercom st at ion or tr ans fer a CO cal l by si mpl y pr es si ng t he app ropr i at e D SS but ton.

Direct Trans fer Mo de 2-39 Dire ct Transfer Mod e An outside CO line can be transferred from one keyset to another. By using the TRANS button, a scree ned (anno unced) trans fer ca n be trans ferred dire ctly to the hands et on any key station. Any num ber of attemptscanbemadetolocatesomeonebycallingdifferentkeysets wit hout l osi ng t he c al l. If a li ne is t ran sfe rr ed to a b usy st at ion, it r ec e iv es muted ringing. This feature is programmable on a system-wide basis in admi n p rogr amm ing. Dire cto ry Dialing Di re c tor y D ia li ng a ll ows st ati on u ser s to obt ain a dir ec t or y of st at ion use rs and hav e the sys te m d ial the ex te nsion that is currently on the di spl ay. TheTriad 1/2/3System provide locations for up to 200 names. Di re ctor y Di al in g al so al low s use rs to p rog ram a name al ong wi th a sp ee d dial bin for us e in later locating a spe ed dia l numbe r. Whe n prompte d to do so, the system displays the name associated with a speed dial number on the LC D display s o th at w hen the des ired n ame is s hown, the use r ma y then have the system dial the number. Di re c tor y D ia li ng a ls o al lows us er s t o a ssoc i at e a na me wit h a n e ntr y i n the L oca l Number/Na me Trans lation T able. When prompted , the sys tem di spl ays th e n ame ass o c ia te d wi t h t he tab le o n the LC D d isp la y so th at when a n ame is sh own, t he use r may have t he sys te m d ial t he numbe r . DisableOutgoingCOLineAccess The Disable Outgoing CO feature allows the first Attendant station to dial a code and disable a CO line from outgoing CO calls. This applies to all st at ion(s ) t hat ha ve acces s t o t hat l i ne. In com ing st at us i s not affe ct ed.

2-40 D o No t D is turb ( D ND ) Do No t Disturb (D ND) P lac i ng a ke yse t in DND el i mina te s inc omi ng outs ide l ine r in ging, inte rcom calls, tran sfe rs and paging announce ments. A ring ing station may go into DND to sile nce rin ging . Th e Atte ndant ca n ove rrid e a station in DND . S ta tions in DND can continue to make normal outgoing calls. A station can b e d enied th is fe atu re through programming. DND does not app ly to the first Attend ant station. On e- Tim e D o Not D i st ur b Allows a station user to turn off muted ringing that occurs wh ile of f hook (hand set or ON/OF F) on anothe r call. Use ful when hav ing an important conve rs ation a nd d o not wish to b e dis turbe d b y ringing. The s ta tion, while off hook, (ON /OFF or hand set) d epre sse s the DN D button which elim ina te s m ute d ring ing. Whe n the station goe s on- hook the DND button is extinguished and DND is cancelled. DTMF Send ing Each CO interface circuit for outside lines can be individually pr ogra mmed t o se nd D TMF (t one) or dia l puls e si gnal s. E911 Integration The E 91 1 fea tu r e in te gra te s the sy st em to the P r o c to r P B X AN I- LIN K pr oduc t to pr ovid e E9 11 s er vic e . O nc e pr ogr amme d, 9 1 1 c all s dia le d b y sys tem us ers a re routed to the Proctor unit for proces sin g. Thi s fea tur e al so p rovi de s a me ans to ide nt if y a powe r f ai lur e sig nal fr om the Proctor Unit. If a power failure signal is detected, the KSU routes 911 calls to Trunk G roup 1 until the signal is remo ved.

End-to-End S ig naling 2-41 End-to-End Signalin g The E nd-to-E nd S ign aling fea ture ena ble s station u sers to communicate with external devices such as a nswering machines and IV R dev ices. Executive Override The E xecutiv e Override fea ture allows designation of certain s ta tions as executive stations with the ability to override and barge-in on other key sets enga ged in conve rs ation on a CO line or inte rcom call. This syste m programma ble op tion e nables or disab le s a warning tone when t he s ta ti on m ark ed as an e xec ut i ve is c ut -t hru to the c onv er sat io n. This is use ful for AC D age nt s upe rvisors or training person nel who re quire aserviceobserving option. Aseparateconditionhasbeenaddedtothisfeaturewhichallowsor disallow an Executive to override an extension. This prevents an ext en si on wi th over r ide c a pabi li t y fr om o ver ri di ng a n E xec ut iv e’s station. Executive/Secretary Pairing There are four sets of Executive/Secretary pairings available. When the Executive station is busy or in DND, the Secretary station receives int e rcom call s and tr ans fer s. The S ecr et ar y st at i on can si gnal t he Exe cutive in DN D by using the Ca mp- On fea ture. Use of thi s fe ature whe n the Ex ecu tiv e Ove rrid e War nin g To ne i s disabled may be interpreted as a violation of federal or state laws. A cha nge i n vol ume ma y occu r o n the C O li ne or i nte rcom cal l after th e barge -in o ccur s.

2-42 Ext ernal Night Ringin g External Night Ringing The sy st em can b e p rogr amm ed so t hat C O li nes mar ke d fo r U NA provides ringing out the external page ports when the system is placed int o N ight m ode. Flash P rov ide s t e le phone use rs wi th t he a bi li ty to te r mina te an out si de ca ll or tr ans fer a cal l beh ind a PBX or Ce ntr ex and re st ore di al t one wit hout hanging up the hands et. A FLASH button is locate d o n ea ch digita l te le pho ne . Flash Rates (Programmable) Fi xed and fle xi ble b utt on f las h r at es can be pro gra mmed . T her e ar e progra mmab le flash ra tes f or 19 features/fun ctions that ca n now be progra mmed to up to 15 different red fla sh rate option s a nd 14 different gre en fl ash ra te opt i ons. The se ar e se t- up i n ad min pr ogra mmi ng. A l l oth er fl ash ra te s in t he sy st em are f ixe d (d efa ult ed) at t he ra te s f or the Tri a d 1 /2 /3System. Flexible Button Assignment TheTriad 1/2/3System has the following flexible button assignment fea tures which enables programming from a remote location (off- site). Range pr ogra mmin g can al so b e use d t o ass ig n the se but tons to m ult ip le st at ions . †Outside Line-- Automatically accesses assigned line. (User pr ogra mmabl e) †DSS/BLF-- Automatically signal assigned station and provides BLF for off- hook a nd D ND. (U ser p rogr amma bl e)

Flexible Button Ass ignmen t 2-43 †Feature-- Any feature with a dialing code (Personalized Messages, Pa ging, Account Code, Call Pa rk, Music, etc.) can b e a ssigned to a flexible button. (User programmable) †Gro up Access( ACD, UCD, Hunt, Voice Mail group pilot numbe rs ) -- Use r prog ram mable. †Speed Dial-- Automatically dials Speed number. (System, Station, Sav ed Numbe r Redi al , L ast Num ber Re dia l) (Use r pr ogra mmabl e) †Poo led Group Access-- Some or a ll outside lines can be grouped ; press ing this button acces se s the highes t numbe re d unus ed CO line in tha t group. (Use r prog ram mabl e) †Lo op-- Used to answer a transferred call on a line for which a user does not ha ve a button as signed. (Use r progra mmab le ) †Unassign(Locked-Out) -- Specific buttons may be designated as unuse d or locke d out. W hen a b utton is programm ed as unuse d, the button may not be programmed by the station user using flex button pr ogra mmin g pr ocedur es . †Flexible Po rt A ssig nmen ts--TheFlexiblePortAssignmentfeature pr ov id es a me ans t o as si gn st at i ons a nd CO l in e num ber s to any stationorCOlineportinthesystem.Thisprovidescomplete flexibility in de te rmining s tation an d CO line numb ers w ithin the system numbering plan. Therefore, a station can be assigned any number between 100 to 171 on theTri ad 1 /2Syst e ms, a nd 1 00 t o 35 1 on theTri ad 3System. A CO line can be assigned any number between 001 and 048 on the Tri ad 1 /2S yst ems, and 0 01 an d 1 44 on th eTriad 3S yst em . Addi ti onal stations can be adde d to the sys te m b y reducing the numb er of CO li nes .