Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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11-4 4 Optional Units Ph as e Lo ck Loo p Un i t (P LLU) The PLLU mus t b e add ed to the MPB board whenev er a T -1 or PRI board is ins ta lled in the s ystem . T his boa rd re gulates the T -1/IS DN clock s ign als from the T-1/PRI board to the network. One (1) PLLU sup ports all T-1/PRI boards installed in the system. Figure 1 1-2 7: PLLU (Phase Loc k L oop Unit)

Opt ion al Un it s 11-45 Me mo r y Expa n si on U ni t (M E MU ) The MEMU is add ed to the MPB boa rd to pr ovi de an a ddi ti onal 5 12 K of RAM to the sy st em. Figure 11-28: MEMU (Memory Expansion Unit) The MEMU is required whenever the systemcapacity exceeds 48 CO Lines by 96 Stations.

11-4 6 Optional Units Me ss ag e Wa it B o a rd ( M SG 1 2) TheMSG12isanoptionalboardfortheSingleLineInterfaceBoard(SLIB). The MSG1 2 pr ovi de s me ss age wai ti ng volt ag e t o S LTs conne cte d t o i t . Fi g u r e 1 1-2 9: MS G 12 (Me ssa ge W ai t Bo ar d)

Opt ion al Un it s 11-47 Power Fai lu re Tra n sf er Un it ( P FTU) The optional PFT U is installe d on the MISU board. †The P FT U pr o vi des t he tr ans fer o f u p t o 6 CO l in es to 6 st ati o ns. †A selector switch provides manual switchover of the CO lines. †The controls are connected to the BKSU backplane. Figure 11-30: PF TU (Powe r F ailure Transfe r Unit)

11- 4 8 Ri ng Gen er ato r U ni t ( RGU ) Rin g Gene rator Unit (RGU) The RGU is used whenever SLT devices are installed on the system. This unit s supp li es t he ri ng v olt age an d me ssa ge wai t volt ag e f or the operation of SL T on the system. T he unit is wall mounted and conn ects to the BKSU. One per BKSU, EKSU1 is required for SLT operation. Figure 11-31: RGU (Ringer Generator Unit)

Syst em Co nfigurat ion Tabl es 11-49 System Con figuration Tables Table 11-1: Digital System Capacity Po r t s CO/PB X/Centrex Lines DID Lines T- 1 Trun ks ISD N Trun ks112 ma x . ( 8 p er L CO B/ GCO B Bo ar d) 96 max. (8 p er DID B) 144 max. ( 24 T- 1 trun k circuits per T1IB board) 138 max. ( 23 t r unks p er PR IB b oar d) Statio ns An alo g Station s D igital Telep ho nes Single Line Telephones252 max. ( 12 p er ETIB Bo ard ) 252 max. ( 12/2 4 p er D TIB B oar d) 180 max. ( 12 p er SLIB Bo ard ) DT MF R ec eiver26 max. (2 on M ISU , 24 on peripheral bo ards) Each DTM F R eceiver Unit (DTM F- A o r DTMF-B) contains 4 DTMF receivers . The DTMF-A board mounts as a daughter boardonthe T1IB,PRIB,and SLIBBoard.The DTMF-Bboardmounts as adaughter bo ar d o n th e LCO B/ GC OB, DI DB. The dial pulse f unction is no t available inTriad -Ssystem s. I/ O Po rts3 ( max. ) per s ys tem . (O ne RS- 232C in clu ded o n MPB ) Co nf e r e nc e Circuits Par t ies10 Con ferenc es per sys tem 8 p arties p er co nf eren ce, o f whic h 5 c an b e extern al DIS A Ci r cu it sUnlimited n umber of CO lines may be programmed simultan eou sly. AttendantsUp to 3 stations can be designated as Attendants. Digital DSS/DLS Units1 8 0 ma x . E a c h DS S / DL S u ni t r e q ui re s 1 s t a ti o n po rt a nd r e du ce s s t a t io n ca p a ci t y by 1. DSS/DLS maps may not be du plicated at one statio n. 1 statio n may have u p to 3 DS S / DL S un i ts a s s o ci a t e d w it h i t . Loo p S up erv isi on Dis co n nec t700 msec. duratio n (CO or In ternal call to SLT ) Pa g e Zo n e s In ternal Paging Extern al Pagin g (1- way) Extern al Pag in g (2- way)8 m a x . (s o ft w a re co nt ro l l e d) 2 max. (On MISU Bo ard) 2 max. (On MISU Bo ard) Hu nt Gr o u ps Groups Members TypesSoftware supports up to 8 Groups Software supports up to 8 stations in each group Station, Pilot H unting, or Pilot R ing All VoiceMailGroups Groups Members (ports) In teg ration M eth od VM Mes sage Wait VM Disconnect SignalSoftware supports up to 8 Groups Software supports up to 24 stations In-B and sig naling ( DTMF) Pro grammable 12- digit (DTM F) s tring If 0 digits are prog rammed, 15 secs of silence are fo llo wed by a busy to ne. ACD Gro up s Groups Members RAN Announcements Calls in Queu eSoftware supports up to 16 Groups Software supports up to 252 stations in each group Eig ht RAN Ann oun cem ent s p er system , 3 p er AC D Gro up All CO Lin es may be qu eued f or an ACD Gro up

11-5 0 Sys tem Config ura tion Tables Tabl e 1 1-2 : El ec tri ca l S pec if ic at i ons AC Inp ut To Power Supp ly117 VAC ±10%, 60Hz single phase Po we r Co nsum pti on10 A = 33 0 W at t s p er p o we r su p p l y 15 A = 48 0 W at t s p er p o we r su p p l y Po we r Sup pl y F use - AC In put10 A = 6. 3 A/ 2 5 0V ; 15 A = 8A / 25 0 V L ong itu di na l Ba la nce60 d b f r om 20 0 Hz t o 1 ,0 0 0 H z 40 d b f r om 10 0 0 H z t o 40 00 H z I dl e C ha nne l N oiseLes s tha n 15 dbrnco for al l conne ctions C ross Ta lk Atte nu at ionGreaterthan75dbmStationtoCOandStationtoStation Single Frequency Distortion (300 - 3400 Hz)Station to CO Line and station to station: Bette r tha n 2.0% or 34 db for an Output lev el -3 0 dbm to 0 dbm R in gin g Sen siti v ity16 Hz to 30 Hz at 40 VRMS minimum 30 Hz to 67 Hz at 50 VRMS minimum Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)LCOB: 0.8B; GCOB: 1.3B; DIDB: 0.0B; T1IB: 6.0P Co Line Signaling - DTMFFreque ncy pa ir at ±5 dbm Freque ncy tole rance ± 1. 5 % CO Line Signaling - Dial Pulse10 pps and 2 0 pps programm able I n p u t L ev el Ra n g e+1 0 db m axim um Music Source Music-On-Hold input Back ground M usic input60 0Ω input atØdbm maximumfrommusic source 60 0Ω input atØdbm maximumfrommusic source Contact Rating M ul ti-Purpose Rela y 1 Amp @ 24Vdc (6 on MIS U Boa rd) Ex te rn al Pa ge Po rt Output Im pe dance Output Powe r w /o Compre ss ion60 0Ω @ 0dbm 5 m illi-w att ma x CSA File Number(NRT L/C) LR57 2 28

Syst em Co nfigurat ion Tabl es 11-51 s Ta ble 11-3: Environmental Specifica tions Operating Temperature32°to 104°F(0°to 40°C) Optimum Temperature60°to 80°F(15°to 26°C) Sto rage Temperat ure-40°to 140°F(4°to 60°C) R el a tiv e H um idi ty5% to 90% non-condensing H eat Dissipation (BTUs) ( ma xim um per ca binet le ve l)EX: 3275 BTU/Hour (BKSU+EKSU, (2) 15A Power Supp lies) 10A = 1125, 15A = 1637 Table 11-4: Loop Limits Analo g Electro nic Telephone*Max imum l ength of station loop: 1000 feet of 24 AWG (4 wi re , inside wiri ng, tw iste d cable ) Digital Teleph ones*Max imum l ength of station loop: 1000 feet of 24 AWG (2-wire, inside wiring, twisted cable) S in gle Li ne Te le pho ne s *2500 feet of 24 AWG or 2500 feet of 22 AWG *All s tations mus t b e ins talle d in the s ame building. Sta ti on ci rcui tr y does not conta in protection to s upport off -prem ise operati on. Tab l e 1 1- 5: D i al in g Sp e ci fi c ati o n s DT MF Dia ling Frequency Deviation Rise Time Duration of DTMF S ignal Inte rd igit Tim e±1 . 5 % 5msec. 70-100 msec. 100-130 msec. Puls e Diali ng Pulse Dialing Ra te P ulse B re ak /Make Duration10 or 20 pps 60/40 or 66/33 CO Ty pe Loop Sta rt, 600 ohm , curre nt se nsing Tab l e 1 1- 6: FC C R eg i st rat i o n N u m b er s For aKe y S y st emconfiguration (button ap pearance) DLPKOR-24039-KF-E For aHy bri d Syst emconfi gura tion (dia l acces s code s ) DLPKOR-24026-M F-E

11-5 2 Sys tem Config ura tion Tables Table 11-7: Trunk Ordering Info: Public Network/Private Lease Lines System P ort Ident ificat ion , Facility Int erface and Service Order Codes Interface Card Ringer Equivalent N umber (REN) Facility Line Interface Jack Type CO Port (LCOB) 0.8B 02LS2 RJ21X Ground Star t (GCOB) 1.3B 02GS2 RJ 21X Direct Inward Dial (DIDB) 0.0B 02RV2-T RJ21X T-1 Por t ( T1IB) or IS DN Port ( PRIB)6.0P 04DU9-B RJ45 Table 11-8: Physical Dimensions and Weight Item Heig ht Width Depth Weight Basic Control Cabinet (BKSU) 15 in. 26 in. 16 in. 50 l bs. Ex pans ion Cabine t (E KS U2) 5.5 in. 4.2 5 in. 16 in. 2 8 l bs. P ow er S u p p l y ( PS - 10 / P S- 1 5) 5. 5 i n . 4. 2 5 i n . 1 1. 2 5 i n . 5/ 6 l b s . Exe c/Enha nced E lectronic Te lephone 3.5 in. 8 in. 9 .1 2 5 in 3 lbs . Analog DSS/DLS Console 3.0 in. 7.625 in. 9.625 in. 2 lbs. Exe c/Enh (24-Button) Digita l Te lep hone 9.3 in. 7.6 in. 3.3 in. 3.3 l bs. Exe c (12-Button) Digital Tel ephone 9.3 in. 7.6 in. 3.3 in. 2 lbs. Digita l DSS/DL S Console 9.3 in. 4.9 in. 3.3 in. 2 lbs.

Syst em Co nfigurat ion Tabl es 11-53 Table 11-9: Miscellaneous Specifications Memory Programmable Rea d-O nly Memory (EPROM) Rand om Access Memory (RAM):512K expandable to1 Megabyte 256K expand able to 512 Kilobytes Tel ephon e Transmitt erEle ctret m ic compa tible Tal k Pat hs CO/PBX/Ce ntrex pa ths Inte rcom Pa ths144 CO/T1/PBX/Centre x talk pa ths (non- blocking) Non-Block ing M usi c Cha nne l s Music-On-Hold/Background Music 2 Cha nnels p er system (1 M OH, 1 BGM - different so u r c e s) Accou nt Cod es Number of d igits per account code Number of Account Codes- Unverifi ed N u m ber o f A c c o u n t Co des - V er i fie dUp to 12 unve rified digi ts Unlimite d 250 Account Codes D ialing Memory S tation Spe ed Dia ling S yste m S pee d Dialing Total S yste m S pee d Dial20 Bins pe r sta tion ((24-digits) 980 Bi ns per system (24-digits) 20 0 0 Bins per s yste m ( 24 -digits ) ( w/o ME MU) 30 0 0 Bins per s yste m ( 24 -digits ) ( with ME MU)