Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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5-72 Perso nal ized Mess ages The scroll forwa rd s through the mes sag es in the fo llowing order (a rolodex ty pe of s croll): 3 . Whe n t he des ir ed mes sag e i s shown on t he LC D d isp lay, pre ss th e H OLD bu t to n to ac t iv ate t hat me ss age o n yo u r s ta ti o n. A c o nf ir mat io n to n e i s hea rd and the DN D b u tt o n LE D s ta r ts t o fl ash. Conditions †The t el eph one re ce iv ing t he m ess age mus t be a d isp lay t el ephon e. †Both ke y teleph ones and SLTs may activa te the mes sage . S LTs are notified that they have an active message with a warning tone when goin g off -hook. †Incom ing and outgoing calls displays ta ke pre cede nce over a ca nned mes sag e d is play. †Whe n a mes sage i s dis pla yed by a ke y t el ep hone, the D ND b utt on LED fl ash es at 15 ipm. †Whe n DN D is invoke d on th e tele phone th e m ess age is ca nce led. †Message Access (with a desired message) may be assigned to a flex but ton. †Mes sages m ay b e entered while off- hook on a ca ll if an intercom ca ll has campe d- on to the sta tion. This ca use s the station calling to se e the me ss age. †Mes sage s a re r et ai ned in bat te r y p rot ect ed ar ea of m emor y in the eve nt of p ower fa il ure or sy ste m r e set . 1 - (Clear Messages) 7 - On Vacation 2 - At Ho me 8 - Retu rn AM 3-AtLunch 9-ReturnPM 4 - I n M eeting 10 - Return Next Week 5 - On Br eak 11 - Retu rn To mo rrow 6-OnTrip

Puls e-To-Ton e Switchover 5-73 Puls e-To- Tone Switchove r The si gna li ng on an o uts ide l ine c an be c hang ed from di al pul se t o t one (DTMF) manually while dialing out. Pe rforming th e Cha ng e-Over Di al an [✳] on the dial pa d. T he re maining digit(s ) a re se nt using D TMF. The Pulse- To- Tone S witchove r command may also b e included in to a speed dial bin. Refer to“Storing Speed Numbers”in thi s c hapt er f or Spe ed Di al pr ogr ammi ng. Repeat Redial The Repeat Redial feature allows an electronic key telephone to redial a busy or no-a nswe r numbe r at spe cif ic i nt er val s. Th e us er i s s ig nal ed via a queue callback indication. The Redial flexible button flashes at the callba ck rate of 120 ipm for 15 s econds . †If st at ion doe snt ans wer wi t hin the 1 5 se conds, the cal l back is cancelled. The sys te m retains the last ca ll the use r m ade . †If st at ion is bus y whe n t he Red ial q ueue cal lb ack occur s, the cal l back does not take p lace until the user goes on- hook. The use r must e nter a Redial time r value when invok ing this fe ature. This valu e is from 006-999 which represents seconds. A 2-minute interva l would be ente re d as 120. Def ault value is 1 minu te (60). Pl acin g a CO Cal l (w hen Bus y or No An swer recei ved) 1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med R edi al fl ex ibl e but ton. Th e LCD pr ompt s the u s er fo r a t ime r val u e. 2. Enter a valid number (006-999 seconds) for the Repeat Redial timer. D efa ult va lue is 1 m inute (60). A confirma tion tone is he ard an d the s ta tion us er goes o n-hook. The flex ible button LED light s olid. EN TE R R PT R ED IA L TIMER : X X X 0 06- 99 9

5-74 Save Number Redial ( SNR) When the timer expires, the station is signaled via a CO line queue indication on the Repeat Redial flexible button. During the queue callback, the LCD display indicates that this is a Redial Callback. 3. Once the line queue is answered and the LCD indicates an outgoing CO line display: Pr es s t he R ed ia l f le xib le but t on, -or - Pres s the ON/OF F button, -or - Lift the handset. Line is seized and the number dialed. If user receives a busy/no answer, Step 1 is repeated to activate another redial. Cancelling the Operation Press the pre-programmed Redial flexible button. A confirmation tone is hea rd and the Auto Red ia l f unction is cancelle d. Conditions Once the user presses the pre-programmed flexible button, there is no timer applied until the user enters a digit. Once a digit is entered, the int e r- digi t t ime r app li es be twe en th e d igi ts . Save Number Redial (SN R) Saving the Last Num ber Dialed 1. Af te r pla cing an o uts ide call, ke ep hand set of f-hook . 2. Press the SPEED button twice. Di al i ng a Sa ved Num ber(usi ng Last N umber Dia led S teps) 1. Pres s the SPE ED button. 2. Dial the asterisk [ ✳]button. †System automatically selec ts the original line used to place the call a nd red ial the numb er. †If that line is busy, the system automatically selects another line fromthesamegroupandredialthenumber. †If no l in es are av ail abl e in the s ame gro up, st at io n re cei ves a busy to ne a nd c an qu e u e f o r a l in e.

Speak erpho ne 5-75 †If t he st ati on u ser p re sel ec ts a li ne bef ore ac t i vat ing SNR , th e preselection overrides the line which was used originally. Sp e a k e r p h o n e 1 . Pr es s O N/ O FF bu t to n to ON. I nte rc o m dia l to ne i s he ar d. 2. Pres s the DS S button o f the des ired party, or pres s a n ava ilable outsidelinebuttonanddialnumber.Speakerphoneisactivated. 3. Press ON/OFF button to OFF to end call. Station Relocation The Station Relocation feature allows a user to unplug their station and plug it in at another location. Then by dialing a simple code followed by their old station number, bring all the station attributes including ext en si on numb er , bu tt on ma ppi ng, spe ed di al, and cla ss of s er vi ce t o the ne w l o c at io n. After plugging a station into a new lo cation. 1 . Di al [6 36 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2. Then dial the extensio n number of the station being relo cated. Al l st at ion at tr i bute s are copi ed t o t he cur r ent s tat i on. Conditions †The st at io n numb er t hat is di al ed as th e r el ocat ed st at ion must be currently out of service. †The relocated station is given the station attributes of the station doing the relocating. The two stations have traded station numbers and station attributes. F or furthe r re fere nce s i n thi s s ec tion wh er e lift h ands e t is s pe cifi ed, y ou may also u se th e me tho d of p ressing the ON/OFF b utton , if th e t ele pho ne is prog ramme d to be a true t wo-way spe ak erp hon e. If a statio n is assig ne d to a spec ific po rt and th at user u npl ugs the ir statio n a nd plu gs it in at an othe r l ocat ion, the d atab ase admin istrati on prog rammi ng is upd ated to refl ect the n ew port cha nge after c ode [636] is dial ed.

5-76 St atio n S peed D ial †If a keyset is plugged into the relocated position it retains all the station attrib ute s of the re locating s tation. †Thi s f eat ur e o nly is app li cabl e to key set s. †If t he re locat ed st at ion is i n se r vi ce, a n e rr or tone i s re ce i ved. †Electro nic k ey te le phone s m ust be relocated to a nother e le ctronic key te le phone port. If an analog use r moves th eir s ta tion numb er to a digital port, the buttons are initialized and need to be re pr o gra mmed. Statio n Speed D ial If no out si de l ine ha s be en spe c if ie d i n p rogr amm ing, one is c hos en automatica lly or you can cho ose one now. 1 . Pr es s S PEE D but t on an d di al bi n l ocat ion, -or - Pr es s t he p re -pr ogra mme d spe ed bin b utt on. S ta ti on Sp ee d numbe rs ar e 0 0 0 to 01 9. 2. When the called party answers, pick u p the handset or use the s pe ake rph one to conve rs e. Storing Speed Numbe rs Station Speed numbers can be entered by keyset users. System Speed numbe rs mus t be entere d by using the firs t prog ra mmed Attend ant or WinDBA. If no Attendant is specified, enter at Station 100. 1. Pres s the SPE ED button once. 2. Press a desired outside line button or pool button, -or - Se le c t an outs ide l ine a utoma ti c al ly by p re ssi ng the S PE ED but ton a se con d t ime .

Storing Speed Numbers 5-77 3 . Di al th e s pe ed bin loca ti on. †000-019 = Station Speed numbers; †020-999 = System Speed numbers. 4 . Di al th e d esi r ed te le phone numb er. Inc l ude t he spe c ial c ode s d escribed whe n en te ring the numb er: †TRANS -- Initiates a Pulse-To-Tone switchover. †HOL D - - Inse r ts a Pa use. †FLASH -- Inserts a Flash into the speed number. †TRA NS - - P re ss ing t he TRA NS b utt on as t he fir st en tr y i n th e sp ee d bin inse rts a no- display cha ra cte r causing the numb ers s tored in the bin not to app ea r on the Digital Telep hones display w hen the bi n i s a cce ss ed. 5. Pres s the SPE ED button. 6. Replace the hands et to e nd the spe ed bin programming. Pro g ram mi ng Mu lt ip le S pee d Nu mbers 1. Pres s the SPE ED button twice to conclude programming a numb er. 2. Then enter the next speed number bin to be programmed. Ifthestationhasnolineappearanceforthelineprogrammedinto the s peed b in, that line comes up under the Loop button or Pool button when acces sed. ErasinganExistingSpeedBin 1. Press the SPEED button twice. 2 . Di al th e s pe ed bin loca ti on: †00 0 - 01 9 = St at io n spe ed nu mbe r s †02 0 - 99 9 = Sys te m s pee d nu m ber s 3. Pres s the SPE ED button again. A confirma tion tone is he ard. Sy stem Sp eed num bers 101-999 a re avail able onl y when expan ded memory is used.

5-78 Syst em S peed Dial Sy stem Speed Dial If no out si de l ine ha s be en spe c if ie d i n p rogr amm ing, one is c hos en automatica lly or you can cho ose one now. 1. Pres s the SPE ED button. 2 . Di al th e s pe ed bin loca ti on, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med spe ed bi n bu tt on. 02 0 t o 9 99 = Sys te m S pe ed nu mbe rs 3. When the called party answers, pick u p the handset or use the s pe ake rph one to conve rs e. Text Messaging (Silent Re sponse) The T ext Mes sag ing fea tur e al lows a st at ion use r to use te xt me ssa ges t o re spo n d t o a c al le r tha t has Camp ed- On to al er t a b u sy s ta ti o n u s er o f a waiting call or message. The camped-on station may respond to the cal le r via t he canned , cus tom, and si le nt r esp onse t ext (L CD) mes sage s. ThetextmessagesappearonthecallingpartyLCDDisplay. Whi le r ece ivi ng a C amp- On: The cal le d p art y may p re ss a pr e -pr ogr amme d T ext Mes sage but t on wi th a s peci fi c me ssa ge [633+XX ]. Ex a mpl e--[ 633] + [38] mea ns that a telep hone ca llin g the station receives the message WHO IS IT ?.

Text M essa ging ( Silent Resp on se) 5-79 The following additional messages can also be sent as a text response: Conditions †All canne d and cus tom mes sage s ma y be use d to re spond to a ca llin g par t y. †Text response messages automatically clears when the calling station (station receiving the mes sag es) goes on- hook. †A station can receive only one m ess age at a time. †Text messages may be chained (i.e. multiple messages sent to a caller). †The t ext me ss age re sp onse s a ppe ar on bo th the cal l ing st at ion and the called station (station activating text responses) LCD displays. †If the ca llin g station is a non-LC D telep hone, the called station re c ei ves an er ror t one whe n r esp ondi ng vi a te xt me ssa ging. †The c al le d s ta ti o n m ay pr es s a fl ex bu t to n pr o gra mmed as a Te xt Message button, [633+#]. This flex button can be pressed and two- digit message number (31-51) dialed to respond to the calling station. DT MF digits are not hea rd by e ithe r party. [31]=IWillTakeCall [42]= IsItImportant? [32]=TakeMessage [43]= IsItUrgent? [33] = Tran sfer To Sec retar y [44 ] = Send Cal l To Vo ice Mail [34] = Pu t C a ll On Ho ld [45 ] = Par k Ca ll [35] = Cal l B ac k [46 ] = Ou t Of O ffi ce [36] = One M omen t P lease [47 ] = Put Cal l Thr ou gh [37] = I W il l Call B ack [48 ] = I Am Bu sy [38] =Wh o I s It ? [49 ] = O.K . [39] =Is I t Lon g Di st anc e? [50 ] = No [40] =Is I t Per so nal ? [51 ] = Yes [41] =Is I t An Emerg en cy ?

5-80 Trans ferring CO Cal ls t o a St atio n F o rwa rded to VM †When silent messaging is used to respond to a call, the existing call of the ca lled station is not disconne cte d wh ile the me ssa ges are being se nt to the calling station. †The cal li ng st ati on m ust r emai n o ff-hook t o re cei ve si le nt me ssa ges. †If the called station respo nds with a text message, the text message app ear s on t he LC D. †LED s f ollow that of the Ca mp- On. †Each ind iv idua l mes sage may be pr ogr amme d onto a fl exi bl e b utton including a flex button on a DSS /BLF cons ole. Transferring CO Calls to a Station Forwarded to VM While connected to a CO line: 1. Pres s the TRANS button. 2. Dial th e extens ion number of the station forwarded to Voice Mail. The tra nsfe rring station hang s up. The CO call is dire cted to the mai lb ox of t he for wa rde d s tat i on. Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) Ei ght Uni for m Ca ll Di st r ibu ti on (UC D) group s ca n be pr ogr amme d, each conta ining up to e ight three -digit station numbe rs . E ach group is assigned a pilot number. When this number is dialed, the first available age nt in tha t gro up is rung. Ca lls a re route d to the statio n that has be en on-hook for the longest p eriod of time. T he c alli ng s tati on mus t be a dis pla y tel ep hone and t he ca lle d s tatio n must be a keyset. If the tr ansferr ing stat ion at temp ts to sup erv ise th e tra nsfe r or ju st waits unt il the vo ice ma il system a nswer s, then it becomes necessary to re-a cce ss the CO lin e an d re-t ransfer t hem a nd go on -hoo k be fore the vo ice mail system answer s. This ensures t hat t he CO par tyhear s the per son al gre eti ng of t he mai lbox u se r and any a ppli cabl e instru ctio ns.

Uniform Ca ll Distribution (UCD) 5-81 UCD Calls i n Q ue ue Dis play From an idle display key telephone: 1 . Di al [5 67 ] on th e d ial p ad, f oll owed by t he t hre e- digi t UCD gr oup numbe r (55X) , -or - Pr es s p re -pr o gr amme d fl ex bu t to n. O N/ OF F bu tt o n LE D l ig hts st ea dy. This display is an idle state display and prompts a Supervisor that a grou p i s ha vin g pr obl ems ans wer in g al l the i r c a ll s. The di spl ay te ll s the a gent a nd their sup ervisor how many ca lls are in que ue, how many a gents a re availa ble or logge d into the group, and the le ngth of time in minute s tha t the oldes t call h as b ee n in que ue. The a gent automatica lly rece ive s the calls in que ue display wh ene ver there is a call in queue. 2. Hang up h andse t or pres s ON/OF F b utton to terminate the display. UCD Availabl e/Unavailable Mode If you a re a UCD age nt, you ma y pl ace your st at i on in th e A va il abl e mode to receive UCD type of calls or you may place your station in the Unavailable mode to block UCD type calls from ringing your station. Pl aci n g a S tat ion i n A va il ab le Mode Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press the pre-programmed Available/Unavailable button. Pl aci n g a S tat ion i n U na va il abl e Mode Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press the p re-programmed Ava ilable/Una vaila ble b utton. You are now bl ocked fr om r ece ivi ng UCD call s. T h is fea ture c anno t b e us ed wit h a ca ll in pro gre ss and the sta tion is c ons ide re d bus y for i ncomi ng ca lls duri ng th is o per ation .