Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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6-66 O ff-Hook Pref eren ce Of f- Ho ok P refe ren ce Pr ogrammin g If your p hone is programmed for Of f-Hook Preference and were given the ability to e nable or change the prime flex button: 1 . Di al [6 91 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed but ton numbe r. R e fer t o t he fol lowi ng c ha r t. Disa blin g Off-Hook Prefe rence 1 . Di al [6 91 ] on th e d ial p ad. 2 . Di al [0 0] on t he dia l pad. Programming PBX/Centrex Codes Onto Flex Button For one-button access to Centrex or PBX features, perform these steps: 1 . Pr o gr am t he Ce ntr ex o r P B X c o de i nto a s ta ti o n o r sy st em spe ed dia l bi n, i nc lud ing hook- fla sh (F LA SH key ), [ ✳] , an d [# ] comma nds. Refe r to st at ion or spe ed dia l prog ram ming. 2 . Pr ogr am t hat s pee d bin onto a f le xib le but to n. ❋01❋02❋03❋04 ❋05❋06❋07❋08 ❋09❋10❋11❋12 ❋13❋14❋15❋16 ❋17❋18❋19❋20 ❋21❋22❋23❋24
Of f-Ho o k Vo ice Ove r (O HVO ) 6-67 Off -Ho ok Vo ice Ov er (OHVO) The OHVO feature enables users , of f-hook on a call (CO or Intercom ), to re ceive a voice a nnounceme nt throug h the hands et rece ive r without int e rr upt ing th e e xi st ing c all . The Voi c e Ove r is mut ed so it doe s not overrid e or d rown out the exis ting con versa tion. The overridden party may then talk to the calling party using Camp-On procedures, or use Silent Text Messaging to respond to the calling party via LCD Displays. Pl aci n g an Of f-H ook V oice Ov er C al l Whe n an OH VO st ati on ca ll s a bus y O HVO st at i on and a busy ton e i s received, the calling OHVO s ta tion perform s one of the f ollowing step s: Di al th e O HVO code [6 2 8] on t he dia l pad, -or - Press a pre-programmed OHVO button to initiate an OHVO announce me nt, and th e f ollowin g occurs : †The HOLD button LED flashe s at the ca lled OHV O s ta tion. †The O HVO re c ei vi ng s tat i on r ec ei ve s a one -be ep war nin g t one. The stationreceivingtheOHVOcallmustbeoff-hookandinHmode, the n the calling OHVO pa rty may beg in the voice announce ment to the called OHVO party. The called OHVO station’sexisting conversation is uninterrup te d a nd the voice ove r announce ment does not drown ou t the e xis ting conve rs ation. †ThecallingOHVOstationisnotconnectedorabletohearthecalled st at ion’s conversa tion (the conne ction only allows the calling station to tr ans mit t o t he c al le d s tat i o n). Th e cal lin g st ation is p lace d in a o ne -time D ND mode u pon i niti atin g the Voi ce Ov er . On e-Tim e D ND cann ot b e to ggle d d urin g th e OHV Oc all. Th e statio n re cei vin g the OH VO c all mu st b e off-hoo k an d in H mod e.
6-68 O ff-Ho ok Vo ice O ver ( OHV O) Resp onding to an Off-Hook Voice Ove r Af te r re ceiving a n OHVO announce me nt,three o ptio nsar e ava il abl e to re spon d t o t he c all e r: Option 1 --This method lets the receiving station respond to an OHVO announce me nt utilizing th e MUT E fea ture button. Th is button is pres se d to carry on a two-way conversation with the OHVO initiator while still li st eni ng to the or ig inal c a ll . Option 2 --The O HVO r ece ivi ng st ati on m ay r e spond to th e ca ll ing st at ion by u sin g t he Si le nt Te xt M ess agi ng (t hi s f eat ur e is only av ail ab le to dig it al key te l epho ne s, and the c al li ng s ta ti o n mu s t be a di git al di sp lay te le pho ne .) The OHVO receiving station may press a pre-programmed Message button to re spo nd to the voice ov er ann ounceme nt without b eing released from the current call, (i.e. by pressing a flex button pre- progra mmed for the mes sag e IN ME ET IN G), the calling s ta tion receiv es thi s mes sag e on th e L CD dis pl ay. Option 3 --The OH VO rece iv ing s ta tion may re spond to the calling OHVO st at ion by u sin g t he Camp -O n fe at ure . T he OH VO re cei vi ng st at i on press es the fla shing HOLD button to consult with the calling station. The existing call (CO line) goes on Exclusive Hold automatically. This method then f ollows Camp -On proced ures a nd op eration. Conditions †The st at ion re ce iv ing the O HVO c a ll M UST be off- hook and in H mode. †The r ec ei vi ng s ta ti on m ust have O HVO ena bl ed. †Whe n t he dia le d s tat i on r es ponds vi a C amp- On, al l c ondit i ons a nd options ava ilable to Camp -On ap ply. (Refer toCamp-O nfe at ure des c ri pt ion for mor e infor ma ti on). †OHV O m ay b e us ed to not ify th e c a ll ed par t y of a tr ans fer re d c a ll (CO Line or Intercom) by announcing the call, then re le as ing to com ple te the trans fe r. Whe n this occurs, the rece iv ing s ta tion nee d not re spo nd to the O HVO. †Whe n a c all i s tr ansf er re d v ia OH VO, t he r ec ei vi ng s ta ti on r ec e ive s muted ringing after the transfer is complete.
Of f-Ho o k Vo ice Ove r (O HVO ) 6-69 †Any me ssa ges in cluding C anne d, Cus tom , or S ilent Re spons e te xt mes sag ing may be use d t o r esp ond t o a n O HVO call . The me ssa ge app ear s on t he call i ng s tat i on and cal le d s ta ti on LCD di spl ays . †If the ca llin g station is a non-LC D telep hone, the called station receives error tone when responding via text messaging. †The c al le d s ta ti o n m ay pr es s a fl ex bu t to n pr o gra mmed as a Te xt Message button, [633+#]. Press this flex button and dial the 2-digit mes sag e nu mber ( 31 -5 1) to re spo n d t o t he c all i ng st at i o n. D TM F di git s are not he ar d by ei t her pa r ty. †The r ec ei vi ng s ta ti on m ust be pr ogra mme d t o al low OH VO ca ll s. †When silent messaging is used to respond to an OHVO call, the existing call on the called station is not disconnected while the mes sag es ar e b ei ng s ent t o t he call i ng s tat i on. †The cal li ng st ati on of an OHV O ca ll mus t re mai n off -hook to re ce i ve sile nt mes sag es. The calling stations voice transm it rema ins connected to the called station and may respond verbally to the text mes sag es. The OHVO call ends whe n calling station goes on- hook. †If the re ce iving station is on- hook in s pea kerphon e m ode and a calling party initiates OHVO, the receiving station receives a Camp-On warning tone and normal Camp-On procedures are followed. †The cal le d s ta ti on m ay s end a me ss age, and t hen pre ss MUTE t o t alk to the calling station. Ea ch time a mes sag e is se nt, the s pla sh tone is hea rd and both displays are updated. †LED s f oll ow Ca mp-O n L ED la mp s eque nc es . †OHVO does not function if busy station is in Group Listening Mode.
6-70 On e-Touch Reco rdin g One- Touch Recording The One-Touch Recording feature lets the station user, while on an internal/external call, press a button to have the system record the convers ation into the station us ers ma ilbox. C ode [649 44X], where X =0-7 for desired VM group. Whileonanexternalcall: 1 . St at ion use r pre sse s the pr e -pr ogra mme d VM RE CORD but ton. Th e LED flutters red at 240 ipm during the setup and the following mes sag e d is play s: 2. Once the sys te m conne cts to the station, the us er’smailbox, the f le xib le but ton LE D l ight s sol id gr ee n and t he LC D di sp lays : 3. When the user finishes recording, press the pre-programmed VM RECORD button . The L ED extinguis hes an d the norm al LCD ca ll information displays. Conditions †If the user hangs up without terminating the record function, the system performs the exit procedure as described in step 3 above. †If t he user p re sse s the T RANS , CA MP- ON, MSG, or FW D b utt ons du r ing re c o rdi ng, pre ss ing the bu tt o n i s i gno r ed. †During the re cording s etup, p re ssing the CONF button is ig nore d. †If a VM po r t i sn ot availablewhen the station user wants to record, U se o f thi s fea ture wh en th e On e-T ou ch Warn ing T one is di sa ble d m ay b e in terp ret ed as a vi olat ion o f fe dera l, state o r loca l laws, and an i nv asi on o fp riv acy . Ch eck app lica ble laws in your are a be fo re re cor din g c alls us in g this feat ure . RECORDING SETUP MMM DD YY 0 0:00 am RECO RDING MMM DD YY 0 0:00 am
One -Touch Reco rdin g 6-71 the user receives the following display (lasts six seconds): ( The use r may re try after the display e xting uis hes. ) †In th e r ec o r di ng mo d e, p re ssi ng the CO NF bu t to n le ts t he u se r a dd mem bers to the recording (conference). Normal conference ope ration/cond ition s ap ply. †If the FLASH or HOL D b utton is p ressed d uring the recording, th e re c o rdi ng is te rm ina te d. †If a station user presses the record button while in a two-party c onfer en ce , i t is r ec or ded. If t he but ton is pr ess ed a s ec ond ti me, t he c onfer en ce e nds and the c al l is r et ur ned to a t wo-way c onver sa ti on. †Only one active recording per station is allowed. †If a confe re nce is be ing re corde d and the conferen ce mas te r e xits, the recording stays active. The recording stops if the initiator re-enters the conf erence and end s it, removes the record function, or the c onfer en ce e nds on i ts own. †Only the initiator of a conf erence can invok e/remove the record function during a conf erence . †A confere nce wa rning tone is not g ive n to confe re nce memb ers, if the initiator is re cording the confe re nce and re cord tone is d isa bled. †Recording is not a llowed for a s ta tion that is barged in, Executive Ov erridden, or on an active OHVO call. †An Unsup er vi se d C onfer en ce C all c a n be r ec ord ed. RECORDING UNAVAILABL E MMM DD YY 0 0:00 am
6-72Ou t si d e C al l Outside Call An swe ri ng an O utsi de Call 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s s low flashing OUTS IDE LIN E b utton or LOOP b utton. (If your telephone is programmed with Preferred Line Answer, you may answer an outside line by lifting the handset or pressing the ON/OFF button.) Making an Outside Call 1. Pres s OUT SIDE LIN E or POOL button. ON/OF F b utton LE D lights an d di al tone i s h ear d. 2 . Di al th e d esi r ed par t y. 3. When called party answers, lift handset to converse or use speakerphone. (A st at ion use r can a ls o di al an indi vi dual t r unk gr oup a ccess code t o access an outside line.) Placi ng an O utsi de Call o n Ho ld 1 . If your sy ste m i s pro gram med for Excl usi ve Hol d Pre fer en ce , p re ss HOL D b utton once for E xclusive Hold a nd twice fo r S ystem Hold. 2 . If your sy ste m i s pro gram med for Sys te m H old Pr ef er enc e, pr es s H OLD button once for Sys tem Hold and twice for Exclu siv e H old.
Pa g i n g6-73 Pa gi n g If you were given the ability to make page announcements: 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d PAGE b utton, -or - Di al th e p agi ng code . [7 00 ] = A ll C all - I nte rn al and Ext er nal [701- 708] = Internal Zone 1-8 [709] = Inte rn al All Ca lls [76]+[0] = External All Calls (All Ext Zones) [76]+ [P] = E xte rn al Zones (1-2) 3. Stations re ceivin g a Pa ge Announce ment can p re ss the Volume Ba r to change the paging volume. The following message displays: S PE AK ER PA GE [ #### ### ##] MMM DD YY HH:MM am S tati ons o ff-h ook or in DN D d o n ot h ear in ter nal page a nnou nce men ts. W hen maki ng a zo ne pa ge o r All Cal l page and t he zo ne i s bu sy , the p age in itiat or r ece iv es ri ng back to ne unt il the zon e b ec omes a vai labl e. Yo u the n hea r a wa rnin g tone and ca n make the pa ge an noun ce men t. E xt ern al pag ing re qu ire s op tion al har dware .
6-74 Park - Pe rs o nal Pa r k - Pe rs o n al Each stationinthe systemcanplace a calltoapersonalpark locationand later retrieve that call from the originating station. Wh il e c on n ec t ed t o an ou ts id e li n e: 1. Pres s the TRANS button. T he calle r is put on E xclus ive Hold. 2. Dial the Personal Park location [438] on the dial pad, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med P ER SO NA L PA R K but t on. D ia l t one i s hea rd. Retrieving a Parked Call Di al th e Pe rs onal Ca ll Par k l ocat ion code [4 38 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press the pre-programmed PERSONAL PARK button. A talk path is es ta bli she d b et wee n t he t wo pa rt ie s. Conditions †Intercom calls and CO line calls can be placed into the stations pe rson al par k l ocat ion . †Cal ls pa rk ed in a pe r so nal p ark lo ca ti o n a re su b je c t to th e s yst em c al l park recall timer. †A CO call p arked in a persona l call p ark location reca lls to the station that parked the call, when the call park recall timer expires. The CO call rings to this s ta tion un til the s ystem hold time r expires. The CO call then recalls the Attendant (both the Attendant and initiating stations are ringing), and the Attendant recall timer is initiated. When the Atte ndant recall time r exp ires, the CO ca ll is d is con nected. W he n d iali ng the p erson al park l ocati on and it is a lre ady occ upie d, t he i niti atin g sta tion r ece iv es the pre vio usly pa rke d cal l and t he se cond call i s pa rke d.
PBX/ Centrex Tra nsfe r 6-75 PB X/Cent re x Tra nsf er Wh il e c on n ec t ed t o an ou ts id e li n e ( PBX / Ce nt r ex ) : 1. Pres s the FL AS H bu tton. Re ceive trans fer d ial tone. 2 . Di al a PBX /C ent re x s tat i on numb er. 3. Hang up to complete the transfer. Pe rso nalized Me ssages Each st at ion can s el ect a pr e- ass igne d m ess age t o di spl ay on t he LCD of any key te l ephon e ca ll ing th at st at ion. T her e are t en mes sag es ava il abl e. 1. Dial[633 ]on th e d ial p ad, -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed MSG butt on. 2 . Di al th e 2 -d igi t code for t he mes sage t hat di spl ays . A confi r mat ion tone is heard and the DND button LED flashes. 0 0 = (cl ear s messages) 06 = On Tri p 0 1 = On Vacation 07 = In Meeting 02 = Return AM 08 =At Home 0 3 = Ret ur n PM 09 = On Break 04 = Return Tomorrow 10 = At Lunch 0 5 = Ret ur n Next Week Th is feat ure is un ava ilab le at A tte ndan t stati ons. S tati ons ca nnot be call for warde d and hav e thi s fe ature acti ve