Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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6-26 Cal l Fo rw ard: Stat io n Ca l l For w ar d: St at ion Call Forward - All C al ls Forwarding All Calls 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640]. 3. Dial the All Calls code [6]. 4. Press DSS button of desired station, -or - Dial th e d esired extens ion numbe r whe re to forward ca lls, including AC D or UC D, Voice Mail, Hunt Group pilot numb ers a nd S peed Dia l bins f or off-ne t forwarding. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the FWD flex button. A con firmation tone is h eard a nd the FWD LED is extinguished. Conditions †Call Forward rema ins en gage d until m anually re leas ed. Whe n re le as ed, the station numb er is returned to the LCD. †Cal ls c ann o t be fo r war ded to a s ta ti o n i n t he DND mo d e. †CO Lin e q ueue s, a Me ssa ge Wa it in g r eque st , a nd pr e -se le cte d mes sag es are cance le d whe n a st ati on i s p la ce d i n t he Forw ard mode. †A Forwarded Call signals to the forwa rded s ta tion in the To ne m ode, regardless of the Intercom Signaling Switch mode selection. †A st at ion in the For wa rd mode c an m ake out goin g c al ls . †A Camp -O n si gnal i s al lowe d at t he for war ded st ati on i f t hat st at ion is busy. †A station denied the use of Call Forwarding receives an error tone when pr ess in g t he CA LL F OR WA R D b utt on.

Ca ll F o r wa rd : St a ti o n 6 - 2 7 †WheninAllCallForwardingmode,ACD/UCDcallscannotbe re c ei ved. †If a CO Line rings into a station with manual Call Forward, the line se quence s to the last s tation of the cha in. If the las t station is in DND mode or does not have a D irect ap pea ra nce for the CO L ine or a Loop button, the call reverts back to the first station. †If a CO Line rings into a station with both Station and Preset Call Forwarding, Station Call Forwarding takes precedence. Once the Station Forward determines the station to be ru ng as per above, pr ese t Cal l For war d ma y t hen app ly at th e ne w s ta ti on. †An unlimite d n umbe r o f stations ca n be se t up in a S tation Ca ll For war d chai n. Howeve r, a st at ion cannot f orw ard to a s ta ti on t hat i s al re ady a me mbe r of t he ir chai n. †If t he las t numbe r of t he St at ion Cal l For war d chai n i s in DND mode , the internal calle r gets a D ND re spons e. †Calls to a station in both Station Call Forward a nd DN D m ode follow the f o rwa rd. †If a private line rings into a s tation with Manual C all Forwa rd the CO Li ne f or ward s, p rovi di ng t he for war de d st at i on has a dir e ct CO Line app ear ance or an avai la ble Loop but to n. †Id le Key set in ha nds- free mode doe s not follow no ans wer/b usy- no- answe r forwarding for internal calls . Call Forward - Bus y Ac t iv ati n g Cal l Fo r wa r di ng 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e C al l Fo rwa rd Busy code [8] on t he di al pad. 4. Dial the desired destination number where calls are to be forwarded. Aconfirmation toneisheard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press FWD. Confirmation tone is heard and FWD LED is extinguished.

6-28 Cal l Fo rw ard: Stat io n Call Forward - Bus y/No Ans wer Ac t iv ati n g Cal l Fo r wa r di ng 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e C al l Fo rwa rd Busy/No Ans wer code [9 ] on th e d ial p ad. 4. Dial the desired destination number where calls are to be forwarded. Aconfirmation toneisheard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the p re -programme d FW D butto n. A confirmation ton e is he ard a nd the FW D LE D is extinguis hed. Conditions †The use r cance ls th e f eat ur e b y di al ing th e C al l For wa rd code or pr ess ing t he C al l Fo rwa rd but ton aga in. †For Call Forward No Ans wer, the num ber of rings be fore the call is for war ded is det er mi ned b y the sys te m-wi de Cal l For wa rd N o Ans wer ti me r. †St at ions Ca ll For war de d/No A nswe r for war d i ncomin g CO cal ls according to the Preset Forward Ring Timer. †IC M cal ls for war de d t o a VM gr oup r ece ive r i ngback unti l a memb er of the VM group becomes availa ble. †If a station is denied Station Call Forwarding, then Off-Net Forwarding is not allowed. Call Forward - Fol low-Me The Follo w-Me f eature lets a use r who is awa y from their station, activ ate / deactivate call forwarding from ano ther station in the system. This lets the user forward their calls to their current location or into Voice Mail, ACD/UCD, Hu nt Groups, or to any other station in the system. When this call forward is activated, all calls presented to the forwarded station for war d t o t he des ti nat i on st at ion im med iat e ly.

Ca ll F o r wa rd : St a ti o n 6 - 2 9 Act iv ating Follow-Me Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al st at ion numbe r of t he st at ion fr om whi ch for wa rdi ng i s des ir ed. 4. Dial th e a ppropriate forwarding condition code. [6] = All Ca lls [8] = Busy [7] = No Ans wer [9] = Busy/No An swer 5. Dial the three-digit destination number where calls are to be f or ward ed. St at ion, Voice Mai l, AC D/UCD, or Hunt Gr oups.) 6 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Remov ing Follow-Me Call Forw arding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n t hat f o rw ard ing is to be ca ncelled. 4. Dial [6] (regardless o f the forward condition). 5. Redial the same station number. A confirmation tone sounds and the FWD LED extinguishes. Es tablishing Follow-Me Call Forw arding (off-site locat ion) 1. Dial into the system on a DISA or TIE trunk. Enter the DISA access code, if app licable. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n f ro m whic h fo r war din g i s desired. 4. Dial th e a ppropriate forwarding condition code. [6] = All Ca lls [8] = Busy [7] = No Ans wer [9] = Busy/No An swer 5. Dial the three-digit destination number where calls are to be f or ward ed. St at ion, Voice Mai l, AC D/UCD, or Hunt Gr oups.) A conf ir mat ion ton e s ounds; fi ve se conds lat er a di al t one is re cei ved.

6-30 Cal l Fo rw ard: Stat io n Remov ing Follow-Me Call Forw arding (off-site locat ion) 1. Dial into the system on a DISA or TIE trunk. Enter the DISA access code, if app licable. 2. Dial the Follow-Me Forward code [642] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he s ta ti o n t hat f o rw ard ing is to be ca ncelled. 4. Dial [6] (regardless o f the forward condition). 5 . R edi al t he sam e s ta ti o n nu m ber. A c o nfi rm ati o n t o ne so u n ds; fiv e seconds later a dial tone is received. Conditions †If a Cal l For ward mode i s cur r ent ly act iv e a t the s tat i on whe re for war di ng i s d esi re d, t he ne w for wa rd become s act ive an d cance ls the p reviou s forwa rd. †Both internal and external calls to the affected station forward to the des ig nate d l ocat ion . †Cal l for war di ng mus t be al lowe d i n pr ogr ammi ng f or the af fect ed st at ion. †When remote forward is activated, the forwarding is immediate. †A station’s Ca ll Forward s ta tus is s tored in a b attery protected area of mem ory. A station’s C all For wa rd st at us i s re tur ne d af te r a powe r fai lur e or sys te m r es et oc c ur s. †When a key telephone is forwarded remotely, th e k ey station’s forward b utton lig hts. Th e s ta tion us er may cance l the forwa rding a t the i r s ta ti o n by pre ss ing ON/ O FF, the n t he FWD bu t to n. SLT u s er s c an cancel their forwa rding b y going of f hook and dia ling the forwa rd code. †DISA cal l ers e nte ring the code a nd ma ki ng a mis ta ke are g ive n e rror tone fo r 3 s econds , s ilence for 2 se conds, then the dial tone is re tu r ne d.

Ca ll F o r wa rd : St a ti o n 6 - 3 1 Call Forward - No Ans wer Ac t iv ati n g Cal l Fo r wa r di ng 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640] on the dial pad. 3 . Di al th e C al l Fo rwa rd No-A ns wer code [7 ] on the di al pa d. 4. Dial the desired destination number where calls are to be forwarded. Aconfirmation toneisheard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the FW D b utton. A co nfirmation tone is hea rd and FWD LE D is extinguished. Call Forward - O ff -Ne t (via s pee d di al ) 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Press the FWD button or dial [640] on the dial pad. 3. Dial [ ✳] on the dial pad. Dial the speed bin number (000-019, 020-999) that contains the number where calls are to be forwarded. A conf irmation ton e is hea rd and the FW D b utton L ED is flashing. 4 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . Remov ing Off-Net Forwarding 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the FW D b utton. A co nfirmation tone is hea rd and FWD LE D is extinguished. Conditions †The use r ca ncel s for wa rdi ng by going off-h ook and pre ss ing t he FWD but ton. †Forwarding is unconditiona l and o ccurs imm ediately whe n a station cal ls an Off -Ne t for war ded st at ion . †The call to a s ta tion is n ot answered until the outgoing CO Line is se iz ed and the d igi ts ar e out- pul se d. T he ca ll ing St at ion re cei ves I CM ringback until answered. Upon answer the Station receives whatever CO progre ss tone s apply (Ringb ack, Busy, E rror, Announce ment, etc. ).

6-32 Cal l er ID Name/ Nu mber †If a station is den ied S tation Ca ll Forwarding, Off- Net f orward ing is not allowe d. †Toll Restriction is based on the forwarding station’sCOSandthe outg oing CO Lin e COS. †The cal li ng st ati on m ust have a n app ea rance (D ir ect , Lo op) for t he outg oing (Off-N et) line . T he call is not forwarded if a Dire ct Appearance or LOOP key is unavailable. †SMDR printout reflects transferred and outgoing calls like a DISA call re c o rd. †St at ion use rs may use St at ion or Syst em Sp ee d Di al as t he Spe ed Di al Bin used for S ta tion Off- Net Forwa rd. †Call must be an intercom or transferred CO call. Caller ID Name/Number The Caller ID Name/Number feature lets a station user program a flexible button to view the number and name on the LCD when receiving a Caller ID CO c a ll . If the feature is enabled, use flex button [653], the LED is lit solid and the name /numbe r is d isp la yed. During the call, the use r ca n pres s the f le xib le button to v iew the norma l call inf orma tion. T he LCD dis plays the numb er of the caller on the top line the name on the bottom line. Conditions †When enabled, this display overrides transfer call LCD messages, ACD Ring me ssa ges, Ca ll Pick up me ss ages , a nd A nswe r mes sag es. I f t he user wishes to view the Line Number/Call Timer and the standard call information, they can press the flexible button to toggle between the name /numbe r and n orma l mode. †By defau lt, no button is assigned on telephones. A flex button must be pr ogra mmed for t his fe at ure t o ope ra te .

Ca ll i ng Sta ti o n To ne Mode 6- 33 Calling Station Tone Mode Ena ble s a c al l ing st at ion to over r ide a c al le d s ta ti on’sHorPintercom se tt in gs. When placing a call to a station and tone ringing is desired: 1 . Di al [6 #] on t he dia l pad. 2. Dial the extension number, -or - Pres s D SS button of d es ired station (call tone rings statio n). Ca l l P ar k While connected to an outside line: 1 . Pr es s T RANS but ton. The cal le r is put on hol d. 2. Dial parking location (430 to 437). A confirmation tone is heard. 3. If bus y ton e is receiv ed, p ress TRANS twice, dia l a noth er park location. Retrieving a Parked Call 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the [# ] button. 3 . Di al par ki ng locat i on (4 30 t o 4 3 7) wher e the cal l was pa rke d. Call Park (by Station Number) While connected to an outside line: 1. Press TRANS button. 2. Dial [439] + XXX (station number).

6-34Call Pick-Up Retrievin g a Stat ion Pa rk Ca ll Dial [# 6] + XXX (use r’s s ta ti o n nu mber , whil e at t he u se r’s t el ep hone or fr om any t el eph one i n t he sy st em). -or - Di al [4 38 ] f rom the us er’s station. Conditions †A flex b utton ma y be as signed to Call Park feature cod e 439. The use r c an p re ss tha t fle x b u tt o n a nd di al a st at io n nu mbe r o n t he di al pad. †The directed call pickup code for 8-button telephones is eliminated. 8-button telephones must assign a pickup button on the telephone to have the pickup feature. †Only o ne call can be in a park location at a time. Multiple calls to the sam e s ta ti on p ark l ocati on i s not poss ib le . †The#6codeisflexibleandcanbeassignedinFlash52programming. †ThecallwillbeplacedintheStation’s Pe rs onal Par k l ocat ion. Ca l l P i c k -Up Directed A station can p ick up a tone ringin g inte rcom call, trans fe rred, incoming or recalling outside line to a specific unattended station. The call must be a t one r ingi ng ca ll : 1. Dial th e s ta tion num ber of the k nown ringing telephon e. Re ceive ringba ck tone or call a nnounce tone de pe nding on the inte rcom se le c tor s wit c h s et ti ng. 2 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med P IC K UP bu tt on t o an swer t he c al l. Conditions User must have access to the specific outside line or a LOOP button for a directed call pick up.

Ca ll Transf er 6-35 Gr ou p Whe n inte rcom tone ringin g, transf erre d outside line ringing, re call ringing or initially ringing call is he ard at a n una ttend ed te le phone : 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Dial [#0] on the dial pad, -or - Pres s the pre- pro gram med PIC K UP bu tton to conne ct to the calling par t y. Conditions User must ha ve acces s to the sp ecific outs ide line or loop b utton to d o a gro up cal l pi ck up. Ca l l Tra n s fe r Outside line s ca n be tra nsfe rred from one p hone to another with in the system. The transfer can be screened (announced) or unscreened to an id le or bus y station, ACD or UCD Group, or Hunt Group. Screen ed Tra nsf er While connected to an outside line: 1. Pres s D SS button where to trans fer ca ll (if p rogrammed o n your te le pho ne ), -or - Pr es s T RA NS but ton and d ia l t he st at ion numbe r. The cal le d extension signals according to the intercom position. 2. Whe n that ex te nsion a nswers, announce the trans fer. 3. Hang up to complete transfer. You mus t be in th e s ame p ick u p grou p as the r ingi ng te le phon e to pick up th e cal l. If Dir ect T ran s fe r Mode is e nab le d in adm in pro grammi ng, th e su pe rvi se d tr ansfer is tran sfe rre d di rect ly t o the k ey statio n ha ndse t.