Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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8-6Introduction Table 8-1: Digital Attendant Numbering Plan * ACD f eatures are available with optional softw are.91 1 A ttendant A ler t C lea r 60 8 ICLI D Di spla y (A nsw ere d Calls ) 6 59 ACD* Age nt He lp 57 4 ICLI D Una nsw ered C alls Displa y 6 35 ACD * Ag e n t L o g in (P r ima r y G r p) 57 2+ [5 U U ] K eys et M od e 6 48 +[ #, ✳] ACD* Agent Logon (Secondary Grp) 582+[5UU] Last Number Redial [SPEED]+[#] ACD * Ag e n t L o g ou t ( Se c o n dar y G r p) 58 1 LCR o r CO L in e G r p 1 ( if LCR disabled)9 ACD * Ag e n t L o g ou t ( Pr i mar y G r p) 57 1 LCR Qu eu e Can c e l 6 26 ACD* Call Fa ctor 580+ [5UU] Loop Key (requires button) 89 (req uire s b utton) +[F FF ] Me ssage Wait 623 ACD* Call Q ua lif ier 57 0+ [ YYY ] Mode m via DISA Acces s or T fr 4 99 ACD* Group M em ber Sta tus 573 Name in Display Progra mm ing 690 ACD* Group Pilot Numb ers 5+ [UU] Off-Hook Preference Progra mming 691+[BB] ACD* Avai lable /Unavaila ble 56 6 OHVO Ena ble 6 28 ACD* Calls in Que ue Dis play 56 7+ [5 UU] Pa ge - All Ca ll (I nt a nd Ext) 7 00 ACD*OverflowSta Avail/Unavail 578 Page-ExternalAllCall(AllZones) 76+[0] ACD* Supe rvisor Login 576 Pa ge - Exte rnal Zones 76+ [P] ACD* Supervisor Logout 575 Page - Internal All Call 709 ACD* Supervisor Queue Status Disp 577 Page - Internal Zones 1-8 701-708 Attendant Clear T-1 Alarm 606 Page - Meet Me (Answer) 770 Attenda nt Ove rride 601 Pe rsona lized Me ssage s 633+[ZZ] Attenda nt Una vail. ( Alt Position) 60 7 Pe rsona lized Me ss age s - Cle ar 6 33 +[ 00 ] Background Music 632+[0,1,2] Save Numb er Redial [SPEED]+[ ✳] Call Forward - All [FWD]+[6] Softwa re Version Displa y 605 Call Forward - Busy [FWD]+[8] Speed Dia l Access [SPEED]+[ YYY] Call Forward - Busy/No Answer [FWD]+[9] (000-019 Sta) (020-099 Sys) Call Forw ard - No Ans we r [FW D] +[ 7] Stati on Re locate 6 36 +[ XXX] Call Forward Ov erride 5# Time a nd Date Programming 692 Call Forw ard - Of f Ne t [FW D] +[ ✳] (first p rogra mm ed Atte ndant) Call Park Locati on - Personal 438 Tone Mode Ring Option 6# [X XX] Call Park Locati on - Sy stem 43+[C] UCD Group Pilot Numb ers 55+[UUU] Call Park Pickup ( Key a nd SLT ) #4 3+ [C] Unansw ere d CO Call T ra nsf er 6 39 CO Line Dire ct Acce ss 88 +[ LLL] Univers al Day /Night Ans we r #5 CO Line Group (0-23) 800-823 CO Line O ff - Net Forw ard 60 3LE GEND -- Custom M essa ge(s) Program Code 694+ [XX]BB = Button Number (1-24) Day/Night/S pecia l (A tte ndant only) 631C=CallParkLocation(0-7) Dial By Nam e 6 ✳FFF = \ \ ACD * Call Fac t o r ( 00 0- 99 9) Directory Dia l 680H = Hunt Group Number (0-7) Directory L ist Program Code 693LL L = L i ne N u m b e r Disa ble Outgoing CO L ine Acce ss 60 2(001-048 Triad 1/2, 001-144 Triad 3) Distincti ve Ringing 69 5+ [XX]P=ExternalPageZoneNumber(1-2) Exec uti ve O verride/Monitor Barge-In 625U=UCDGroupNumber(0-7) Exte nsio n N u m ber s -Tria d 1/210 0- 1 71UU = ACD* Gr o u p (5 0- 65 ) Exte nsio n N u m ber s -Tria d 310 0- 3 51V=VoiceMailGroupNumber(0-7) GroupCallPickUp(Key andSLT) #0XXX = IntercomS tation Number He a d s et M od e 63 4YYY = Speed Dial Bin Number Hunt Group Pilot Num be rs 45 +[ H]ZZ = Per so n al ized Messa g e

Att endan t Unavailable ( Alte rnate Pos it ion) 8 -7 Attendant Unavailable (Alternate Position) The Attendant Unavailable feature lets Attendant stations have a button that places their station in an Unavailable Mode. When the station is in the Una vaila ble Mode , the ne xt Attenda nt station re ceives incoming and dial 0 calls. All other available Attendants receive recalls. This feature is based on the three programmed Attendant stations. 1. Whenthe(firstprogrammed)Attendantpressesthe pr e-p rogr amm ed UNAVA IL ABLE fl ex ibl e but ton, -or - Dials the Attenda nt Unavailable cod e [ 607] on the dial pad, the following results occur: †TheLEDontheflexiblebuttonlightssolid,ifprogrammed. †Recalls rin ging at firs t Attenda nt station now ring at the second. †If t he sec ond A tt end ant pl ac es t hei r phone i n unava il abl e, t he thi r d A tt en dant t ake s r ec a ll s. 2. When the first Attendantrepeats the proces s(us ing Unavai l abl e b utton or code 607), the f ollowin g results occur: †TheLEDontheflexiblebutton,ifprogrammed,extinguishes. †The first Attendant resumes normal operation. †The second Attendant does not receive recalls or dial 0 calls. Conditions †Thi s f eat u r e l e ts t he p ro gr amm ed At te ndan t sta ti o ns re c ei ve Attenda nt re calls only. No other Atte ndant typ e f unctions are g ive n to this station when the s tation is in the Attend ant mode . †If Attendant A (first programmed) is available, incoming calls and recalls are directed to this station regardless of other Attendant st at ions st at us. †The special ring mode can be set so the alternate Attendant does not re ceive an incoming CO rin g until the main Atte ndant place s the ir phone i n sp eci al and unavai l abl e modes . †If all Attendants in the system are unavailable, no Attendants are avai la bl e f or int er nal /ext er nal ca ll er s.

8-8Call Hold †Recalls are directed to all programmed available Attendants. †If only one Atten dant is p rogrammed in the sy stem, and tha t Attenda nt is unava ilable, use rs dialing ze ro hea r an e rror ton e. Ca l l Ho ld †If your sy ste m i s pro gram med for Sys te m H old Pr ef er enc e, pr es s HOL D b utton once for S ystem Hold and twice for Exclusive Hold. †If your sy ste m i s pro gram med for Excl usi ve Hol d Pre fer en ce , p re ss HOL D b utton once for E xclusive Hold a nd twice fo r S ystem Hold. Ca l l P ar k Pa rk in g an Outs id e C al l(to consu lt/ page /cal l in ternal p arty) While connected to an outside line: 1 . Pr es s T RANS but ton. The cal le r is put on hol d. 2. Dial parking location (430 to 437). A confirmation tone is heard. 3. If busytone received, press TRANS twice and dial another parklocation. Retrieving a Parked Call 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the [# ] button. 3 . Di al par ki ng locat i on (4 30 t o 4 3 7) wher e the cal l was pa rke d. CO L ines Off -Ne t Forward - Incoming (via Speed D ial) The C O L ine s O ff- Ne t Forw ard fe at ure l et s t he fi rs t At t end ant st at ion for war d i ncoming CO cal ls t o an off-n et l oca ti on.I n a sp ee d di al bi n, s tor e the num ber of the of f-ne t loca tion whe re ca lls a re to forward. Follow ins tr uc t ions pr ovi ded for st or ing st at ion or sys te m s pee d d ial nu mber s. 1 . Di al [6 03 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d* CO OF F-N ET FO RWARD button .

Da y /N i g h t/ Sp e c i a l Mod e 8 -9 2. Press CO LINE button for an individual CO Line for Off-Net Forward, -or - Di al th e C O g ro u p ac c es s c o de o f th e g ro u p to be fo r war ded : [8 01 -8 23 ] = CO Gr o u p 1- 23 [824] = All CO Groups 3 . Di al th e s pe ed bin numbe r th at conta ins t he numbe r wher e call s are t o f o rw ard. A c o nfi rma ti o n t o ne i s he ar d. Canceling Off-Net Forwarding 1 . Di al [6 03 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press pre-programmed* CO Off-Net Forward button. 2. Dial th e CO g roup acces s code, -or - Pres s the CO Line button. 3 . Di al [#] on t he di al pad. A confi rm ati on tone i s he ar d. Conditions †Whe n CO line s a re off -net f orward ed, the se line s dis pla y unique flash rates at the Attendant station. †* A Flex Button must be programmed for this featu re to operate. Day/ Nig ht/ Spe cial Mode Any des ignate d Attendant can place the system into Night Service: 1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med* N IGHT S ER VI CE but t on (DN D by de faul t) once to activate the night mode (LED is lit solid). 2. Press the DND button again to activate the special mode (LED flashes @240ipm). †The DN D bu tton (by de fault) acts as a toggle in this m anne r, starting in the da y mod e, night mod e, a nd s pe cial mod e. †Whe n one Attend ant activ ate s this mode, other Attend ant st at ions’DN D b utt ons are l it a ccor di ngl y.

8-10 D irect or y D ia lin g Dire cto ry Dialing Di re c tor y D ia li ng a ll ows st ati on u ser s to obt ain a dir ec t or y of st at ion use rs and hav e the sys te m d ial the ex te nsion that is currently displaye d. TheTriad 1/2/3Sys tem provides locations for up to 200 na mes . Directory Di al ing al so i nc lud es th e f oll owin g func t i ons: †Allows users to program a name with a speed dial bin for later loca ting a sp ee d dial numb er. Whe n prompted, th e s ystem displays the na me ass oc iat e d wi th a s pe ed dia l numbe r on t he LC D d isp lay. The use r may the n ha ve the s ystem dia l the numb er. †Ena ble s user s to ass ociat e a n ame wi th an e nt ry in t he l ocal num ber / name t ra nsl at ion tab le . Wh en promp te d, t he sys te m di sp lay s t he name as soci ate d wit h t he ta bl e on th e LC D di sp lay. T he use r may the n h ave the s yst em dia l the nu mb er. †Di re c tor y Dia li ng l is t m ay be pr ogra mme d and m ai nta ine d at t he f ir st ass ign ed At te ndan t sta ti o n. Ho weve r, t hi s a dmi n r o u ti ne le ts t he sys te m programme r mainta in the lis t loca lly (a t Atte ndant) or remotely via modem access. †May b e us ed to trans fer a call from one station to another. Vi ew in g th e D ir e ct o r y L is t 1. Dial the Directory List dial code [680] on the dial pad, -or - Pr es s f le x but t on pr ogr amme d a s a di re c tor y dia li ng b utt on. 2. Press a button on the key pad, once, twice or three times, that represents the letter of the alphabet to begin viewing the list of na mes (e. g. , whe n 2 i s f ir st pre ss ed, i t prod uce s na mes st ar t ing wi t h A. W hen 2 is pr es sed a sec ond t ime , na mes th at st ar t wi th B di spl ay.

Di r e c t or y Di a li n g 8- 11 Pressing 2 a third time displays names that start with C). The alphabet is represented on the key pad as shown below. Name s beg inning with the le tter chos en display on th e LCD display. 3. Dial [ ✳]toscrollup(nextentry) through thelist, -or - Dial [#] to scroll down (previous entry) through the list, -or - Pres s a nother ke y to vie w the list for a differe nt le tter of th e a lph abe t. 4. WhenthedesirednamedisplaysontheLCD,presstheSPEEDbutton t o a u to ma ti c al ly di al the de st i nat io n st ati o n o r o u tsi de pho n e nu mber ( via sp ee d di al ). Conditions: †If the desired party is an intercom station, that station is signaled ac c ord ing to the ir i nt er com se le c t or swi tc h ( SLT st at ions t one ri ng). †If t he des ir ed par t y i s ass ociat e d t o a spe ed di al bi n, t he sys te m se le c ts a CO li ne and dia ls t he numbe r prog ramm ed int o t he spe ed dial bin. C all p rogres s tone s are th en heard. Ifthere are nonames in the Directory List beginning withthe desired l ett er, a n ame with the n ex t hi ghe r l ette r displa ys on the L CD di sp lay . 1 A-2 B-2 C- 2D- 3 E- 3 F-3 G- 4 H- 4 I-4J- 5 K-5 L- 5M-6 N-6 O- 6 P- 7 R- 7 S- 7T-8 U- 8 V- 8 * OPER# 0 Q-7W-9 X- 9 Y- 9 Z- 9

8-12 D irect or y D ia lin g Trans ferring a C all us ing Directory Dialing While on a call: 1. Pres s the TRANS button. 2 . Di al th e D ir ect or y D ia l Code [6 80 ] on the d ial p ad, -or - Press flex button programmed for directory dialing. 3 . Pr es s t he SPE ED but ton to aut omat ical l y di al t he des ti nat ion st at ion. 4. Hang up to complete the transfer. Programming Options METH OD 1 -- The D irectory List is us ed to enter, edit, an d e ras e name s in the D ir ec t o ry Li st fo r s ta ti o ns o r s pe ed dia l nu mbe rs . Dial the Directory List program co de [693] on the dial pad. The HOLD button is lit. The firstentry(000) in theDirectoryListdisplayson thephone as fol lows: AAA = D irec t o r y Lis t en t r y n u mb er ( 00 0- 19 9) XXX = Station, Sys Speed Dial Bin, or Local Number/Name Translation Table number nnn = Programm ed Nam e (blank if none) Selec ting a Different Entr y in th e Directory List 1. Enter a valid number (000-199) on the dial pad, -or - Di al [ ✳]toscrollup(nextentry) through thelist, -or - Dial [#] to scroll down (previous entry) through the list. 2. Press the TRANS button to select the entry. E nte ring or Ch an gin g th e Cu rre nt N a me Sho wn on the D is pla y Ca lls may be tran sfe rre d to int ern al statio ns only . An atte mpt to tran sfe r a c all off-net (via a S pe ed dial bin ) resul ts in the cal l re call ing upon goin g on-h ook . DIR L ST AA A BI N/ICM : XXX nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Di r e c t or y Di a li n g 8- 13 1. Pres s the MUTE button. 2. Enter the name (up to 24-ch ara cte rs ) by using k eys on the dial pad as shown in Chap te r 6,Figure 6 -5: Other Key Pad Codes (Name) . 3. Pres s the SPE ED button when finis hed. A confirma tion tone is hea rd and the disp lay u pdates . 4. Pr es s H OLD, u se [ ✳] o r [#] to sc ro l l to nex t ent r y. A s so c i at i ng an I n t er c o m N um be r w i t h a Na me 1. Pres s the TRANS button. 2. Ent er t he 3- di git s tat i o n i nte rc o m nu mbe r. 3. Pres s the SPE ED button to save the entry. A confirm ation tone is hea rd and the disp lay upda te s. 4. Pr es s H OLD, u se [ ✳] o r [#] to sc ro l l to nex t ent r y. Clearing an Entry 1. Se le c t th e d esi re d ent r y us ing theMethod Onepr oced ure . 2. Pres s the FL AS H bu tton to e ras e the e ntry. 3. Pres s the SPE ED button. A confirm ation tone is he ard a nd the ent r y i s er ase d. METH OD 2 -- The Loca l Numbe r/na me Translation Ta ble is used to en te r name s a sso ci at ed wi th the Lo c a l Nu mbe r/ Na me Tr ansl at i o n Ta bl e O NLY . Dial the Directory List program co de [693] on the dial pad. The HOLD button is lit. The first entry (000) in the Directory List displays on the phone as follows : AAA = D irec t o r y Lis t en t r y n u mb er ( 00 0- 19 9) XX X = S ta t i o n, S y s te m S p e e d D i al B i n, o r L o c al N um be r/ N a me Tr an s l at i o n T ab l e num bers nnn = Programm ed Nam e (blank if none)DIR LST A AA BIN/ICM: XXX nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

8-14 D irect or y D ia lin g Selec ting a Different Entr y in th e Directory List 1. Enter a valid number (000-199) on the dial pad, -or - Di al [ ✳]toscrollup(nextentry) through thelist, -or - Dial [#] to scroll down (previous entry) through the list. 2. Press the TRANS button to select the entry. Entering a Name with Local Nbr/Name Translation Table Number 1. Pres s the TRANS button. 2. Di al a v ali d local num ber /name t ra nsl ati on tab le numb er (6 0 0- 79 9 ) t hat r epr es ent s the t el ep hone numbe r. 3. Pres s the SPE ED button. A confirm ation tone is he ard a nd the ent r y i s sto re d. 4. Pr es s H OLD, u se [ ✳] o r [#] to sc ro l l to nex t ent r y. Enterin g or Cha nging the Curre nt Name S hown on the Disp lay 1. Pres s the MUTE button. 2. The n e nte r the na me (up to 24-characters may b e e ntered) by using ke ys on the dia l pa d as shown in Cha pte r 6,Figure6-5: Other Ke y Pa d C o d e s (N am e ). The display updates as the name is ent er ed. 3. Pres s the SPE ED button when finis hed. A confirma tion tone is hea rd. 4. Pr es s H OLD, u se [ ✳] or [#] to scro ll to next entry. The L ocal Numb er/ Name Trans la tion Table ca n be us e d to en ter a dditi ona l sp ee d dial numbe rs used for di rec tory d ial or d ial b y n ame. T he name en tere d in to the loca l numb er/ name tr ans lat ion ta ble i s i rrel ev ant wh en u se d with dire ctor y dia lin g a nd dial by na me. Note th at the nu mber s en tere d into thi s tab le a re li mite d to 14 digi ts an d are cov ere d by t oll re strict ion ru les.

Di r e c t or y Di a li n g 8- 15 METHOD 3 -- A System Speed Dial Bin is used to enter names associated to a S yst em Sp ee d Di al B i n O NLY . Dial the Directory List program co de [693] on the dial pad. The HOLD button is lit. The first entry (entry 000) in the Direc tory List then displays on the phone as follows : AAA = D irec t o r y Lis t en t r y n u mb er ( 00 0- 19 9) XX X = S ta t i o n, S y s te m S p e e d D i al B i n, o r L o c al N um be r/ N a me Tr an s l at i o n n u mb e r nnn = Programm ed Nam e (blank if none) Selec ting a Different Entr y in th e Directory List 1. Ent er a val id ent r y n u mber ( 00 0–199) on the dial pad, -or - Di al [ ✳]toscrollup(nextentry) through thelist, -or - Dial [#] to scroll down (previous entry) through the list. 2. Press the TRANS button to select the entry. Entering a Name with a System Speed Dial Bin 1. Se le c t th e d esi re d ent r y us ingMe t ho d Th r eepr oce dur e. 2. Dial the system speed dial bin location (020-999). 3. Pres s the SPE ED button. A confirm ation tone is he ard a nd the ent r y i s save d. 4. Pr es s H OLD, u se [ ✳] o r [#] to sc ro l l to nex t ent r y. E nte ring or Ch an gin g th e Cu rre nt N a me Sho wn on the D is pla y 1. Pres s the MUTE button. 2. Enter the name (up to 24 cha ra cte rs may be ente re d) by using key s on the d ial p ad a s s hown in C hapter 6,Fi g ur e 6- 5: O ther Key Pad Codes (Name). 3. Pres s the SPE ED button when finis hed. A confirma tion tone is hea rd and the disp lay upda te s. 4. Pr es s H OLD, u se [ ✳] o r [#] to sc ro l l to nex t ent r y. DIR L ST AA A BI N/ICM : XXX nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn