Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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5-32 Cal l er ID Name/ Nu mber Conditions †Li ne Q ue ue, Cal l Bac k r equ est s, M es sage Wai t re que st s, a nd pr e-s el ec t ed me ssa ges ar e c anc el ed whe n a st at ion ac t iva te s c a ll for war d. †Cal l Back r e ques ts ar e not al lowe d at a st at ion wher e a ca ll i s for war ded. †A station in the call forward mode may still make outgoing calls. Caller ID Name/Number The C all er I D Name /Numbe r fea tur e al lows a st at ion use r t o p rog ram a flexible button to view both the number and name on the LCD when receiving a Caller ID CO call. If the feature is enabled, the flex button LED is lit solid, and the name /numbe r is d isp la yed. During the call, the use r ca n pres s the f le xib le button to view the normal call in form ation. The top line of the LCD displays th e n umber of the ca ller a nd the bottom line displays the name . Conditions †When enabled, this display overrides transfer call LCD, ACD Ring, Call Pickup, and An swer me ss age s. I f the us er wi she s t o v ie w t he Line Numbe r /C all T im er and t he sta ndar d ca ll i nfor mat ion the y ca n pr es s the f le x butto n to tog gle be twee n nam e/numbe r and normal mode . †By defau lt, no button is assigned on telephones. A flex button must be pr ogra mmed for t his fe at ure t o ope ra te .

Ca ll i ng Sta ti o n To ne Mode 5- 33 Calling Station Tone Mode Calling Station Tone Mode allows a calling station to override a called st at ions H or P int er com swi tch set t ings . When placing a call to a station and Tone Ringing is desired: 1 . Di al [6 #] on t he dia l pad. 2. Dial the extension number, -or - Press DSS button of desired station. (Call tone rings station.) Ca l l P ar k Call Park allows you to place an outside call in park and consult with/ page /call a n inte rnal party. While connected to an outside line: 1 . Pr es s T RANS but ton. The cal le r is put on Excl usi ve hold. 2. Dial parking location (430 to 437). A confirmation tone is heard. 3 . If you h ear b usy t one, pr es s T R AN S t wi c e a nd d ial a noth er par ki ng location. Retrieving a Parked Call 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2 . Pr es s t he pound [# ] but t on. 3 . Di al par ki ng locat i on (4 30 t o 4 3 7) wher e the cal l was pa rke d. Call Park (by Station Number) While connected to an outside line: 1. Press TRANS button. 2. Dial [439] + XXX (station number).

5-34 Cal l Pick -Up: Gro up Pick-Up Retrievin g a Stat ion Pa rk Ca ll Dial [# 6] + XXX (use r’s s ta tion numb er from any te le phone in th e s ystem). -or - Di al [4 38 ] f rom the us er’s station. Conditions †A flex b utton ma y be as signed to Call Park feature cod e 439. The use r can p ress the s pecified flex b utton a nd dial a station number on the di al pad. †8-button telephones must assign a pickup button on the telephone to have the pickup feature. †Only o ne call can be in a park location at a time. Multiple calls to the sam e s ta ti on p ark l ocati on i s not poss ib le . †The#6codeisflexibleandcanbeassignedinFlash52programming. †ThecallwillbeplacedintheStation’s Pe rs onal Par k l ocat ion. Ca l l P i c k -Up : Gro u p P i c k -Up Whe n inte rcom tone ringin g, transf erre d outside line ringing, re call ringing or initially ringing call is he ard at a n una ttend ed te le phone : 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Dial [#0] on the dial pad, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med P IC K-UP b utt on t o be c onne c te d to calling party. Conditions User must ha ve acces s to the sp ecific outs ide line or loop b utton to d o a gro up cal l pi ck up. Yo u mus t be in the s ame pic k up gr oup as the rin ging t ele ph one t o pick up t he c all.

Ca ll Transf er 5-35 Ca l l Tra n s fe r Outside line s ca n be tra nsfe rred from one p hone to another with in the sys te m. The tran sfe r ca n be e ithe r s cre ene d ( announce d) or uns cre ene d to eith er an idle or busy statio n, ACD or UCD Group, or Hunt Group. Screen ed Tra nsf er While connected to an outside line (if programmed on your telephone): 1 . Pr es s s ta ti o n b u tt o n wh er e c a ll i s t o b e t r ansfe r re d, -or - Press TRANS button and dial three-digit station number. The called extension signals according to the intercom position. 2. Whe n that ex te nsion a nswers, announce the trans fer. 3. Hang up to complete transfer. An sw ering a Screen ed Tra n sfer Your intercom signals according to the intercom position. 1. An swer the inte rcom a nd rece ive the trans fe r n otice. 2. Pres s the outside line button or loop button flashing on hold. Tra ns fer Se arch When attempting to locate a party, press a station button to signal the desired statio n. If party is not located: 1. Pres s a nother statio n button to continue the sea rch. 2. When the called party answers, hang up to complete the transfer. Un screen ed Tr an sfer Whe n the calle d e xte nsion be gins to s ig nal, ha ng up to trans fer the call (Reca ll Time r starts) . IfDirect Transfer Mode is enabled in admin programming, the sup erv ised transfe r is tr ansferr ed di rec tly to the k ey sta tion h and se t.

5-36Camp-O n Ca m p -On If you call a station that is busy and want to alert them to your call: 1. Pres s the CAMP-ON b utton. Calle d s ta tion rece ive s one- burs t of ri ngi ng. Wa it for thei r resp onse. 2. When called party answers, consult with them or hang up to transfer the call. An sw er i ng a Ca mp- On If you are on a connected ca ll, you hear one burst of muted ringing and your CAMP-ON button is flashing, you have a call waiting for you. 1. Pres s the CAMP-ON b utton. Any outs id e line y ou are con nected to is placed on hold. You may converse with the station placing the call. 2. Pres s f la shing Outs ide L ine button, if a call is be ing trans ferred. If you do not ha ve a C amp- On but ton ei th er : Go on- hook w ith pres ent ca ll. C amp- On rings through, -or - Place pres ent call on hold. T hen go on- hook. Camp -On rings through. CO Line Access Acces sing an Outside Line 1. PressidleCOlinebutton,Poolbutton, -or - Dial CO line group a ccess code or LCR access code. 2. Dial desired numb er for outside call. 3. Lift hands et to conve rse or us e spe ake rp hone. I f a stati on is in D ND , only the Atte nd ant can Camp -On using th e A tte nda nt O ve rride feat ure. C amp -On o r Ov er ride drop s an y int ern al c alle rs that a stati on is tal kin g to.

CO Line Queuing 5-37 CO Line Queuing A station can q ueue only one line a t a tim e. If you s ee that a particular outside line is busy and you wish to be placed on a list waiting for that li ne to be co me avai l abl e: Pl acin g a Lin e Queu e 1 . Pr es s d es ir ed busy OUT SI DE LI NE but ton, -or - POOL bu tton. ( Busy tone is he ard.) 2. Pres s p re -programme d LINE QUEUE button . 3 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . An sw ering a Line Qu eue If you hea r r in ging a nd an ou ts ide li ne of the l ine group or a LOO P but ton, you q ueue d onto is rap idly fla shing: 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Press flashing OUTSIDE LINE button or LOOP button to answer. Conditions A LOOP button or direct appearance of the queued line is required If yo ur statio n has be en p rogra mmed for Pr efe rred L in e A nswer, y ou re cei ve the l ine auto matica lly upon l iftin g the h and se t.

5-38 Conf ere nce Co mbinat io ns Conference Combinations Only s ta tions th at have C onfe re nce e nab le d a re able to in stitute a conference. †Ad d-O n Conf er enc e -- Up to ei ght in te rna l par t ie s c a n en gage i n a c onfer en ce , or s eve n i nte r nal par t ie s wit h a l imi t of on e e xt er nal party. A maximu m of five 8-party conferences (five external parties max. ) can be es ta bli she d. †Multi- Line Confe re nce - - One inte rna l station ca n e ngage in a conference with no more than five outside parties. Establishing a Conference 1. Lift hands et. 2 . Se le c t int e rc om s ta ti on or d ial de si re d ou ts ide pa r ty. 3. When called party answers, press the CONF button. 4. Add next conference party by selecting another outside line or intercom station. 5. Ifthenextconferencepartyisanoutsidelineandabusyorwrong nu mber is encountered, press one of the confe re nce partie s on hold. T his drops th e b usy or w rong number party. Press the CONF button a gai n an d r epe at st ep 4 . 6 . Whe n pa rt y answe r s, p re ss the CO NF bu t to n twi c e. (A ll pa r ti es ar e connected.) Exiting a Conference (Controller Only) There are three (3) methods of exiting a conference: 1 -- Press the ON/OFF button to ON, press the MUTE button, and replace the ha ndset (to monitor a conference) . Use the following me thodsonlyi f mult i -li ne c onfe re nc e is in pr ogr ess : 2 -- Press HOLD button to place outside parties on hold. Hold timer starts. If one of the two parties is internal, that party is dropped. A maxi mum of eig ht par tie s ca n be i ncl ude d in a co nfere nce .

Dia l By Name 5-39 3 -- Press CONF and hang u p or press the ON/OFF button to leave the oth er confe re nce partie s s till conne cte d in a n uns upervise d conf erence . The CONF button flashes and the timer starts. There is a warning tone be fore t he oth er par t ie s a re dr opp ed. Re-En terin g a Confe rence Whe n t he c o ntr o l le r re -en te rs a c o nfer en c e, the di sc o nne c t ti me r is re se t. 1. Lift hands et to re- enter a monitored conferen ce . 2. To re -e nte r a confe re nce place d on hold, rep eat step s for e stablis hing aconference. 3. To re-enter an unsupervised conference, lift handset and press flashing CONF button. The CONF button lights steady and a conf irmation ton e is hea rd. Ter m in at in g a Co n f er en c e(when initiator is in confe rence) Repl ace hand se t or p ush ON/O FF but ton to OF F po sit i on. Ter m in at in g Un su per v is ed Co nf e r enc e Pres s f la shing CONF button while on-hook , a ll pa rties are d ropp ed. Dial By Name The system allows station users to dial extension numbers by entering a name of a person tha t ha s been prog ra mmed for tha t s ta tion. T he s ystem databa se allows e ntry o f a name (alpha nume ric) up to 24-cha ra cte rs in le ngt h for e ach s ta ti on. Thi s p rogr am med name can be use d fo r d ial i ng- by-name station users and is displayed on LCD displays. 1 . Di al th e D ia l- B y-Na me co de [6 ✳] on t he di al pad, -or - Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med DI AL -BY -N AM E fl ex b utt on. 2. Dial person’s l as t name on t he ke ypad as shown .

5-40 D ial By Nam e EXAM PLE- - To sea rch for the na me BROW N, p re ss [2] [7][ 6][9][6]. †When the system finds a unique numeric match to the name being di ale d, t he c al l is pl ac ed to th e s ta ti o n ma tc hi ng t he nam e. †The intercom call signals the station according to theH-T-Pswitch se tt in g. †If fewer than 8 digits are dialed, the numeric match is dialed after a 10 s econd interdigit time- out occurs, or if a#(pou nd) i s pre sse d. Conditions †The sy ste m d ia ls the s ta ti o n t hat ma tc he s t he di al ed name whe n a uniq ue mat ch is foun d. I f mu lt ip le nam es ar e l ocat ed (found) aft er 8 digits, the first one is dialed. †The nam es ar e e nt er ed as a pa r t of t he sys te m at t ri but es dat ab ase . Numbers may be entered as part of a name. To avoid conflicts, all name s m ust have a unique numerical se quen ce . †The numeric match is dialed after 10 seconds by default. This internal timer is automatica lly programmed to b e twice the value of w hat is pr ogra mmed for the Inter -d igi t Ti me -out Ti me r. 1 A-2 B-2 C- 2D- 3 E- 3 F-3 G- 4 H- 4 I-4J- 5 K-5 L- 5M-6 N-6 O- 6 P- 7 R- 7 S- 7T-8 U- 8 V- 8 * OPER# 0 Q-7W-9 X- 9 Y- 9 Z- 9

Direct ed Call Pick-up 5-41 Directed Call Pick-up A station can p ick up a tone ringin g inte rcom call, trans fe rred, incoming or recalling outside line to a specific unattended station. The call must be a t one r ingi ng ca ll : 1. Dial th e s ta tion num ber of the k nown ringing telephon e. Re ceive ringba ck tone or call a nnounce tone de pe nding on the inte rcom se le c tor s wit c h s et ti ng. 2 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med P IC K UP bu tt on t o an swer t he c al l. Conditions User must ha ve acces s to the sp ecific outs ide line or a Loop button to do a d ir ec t ed c al l pic kup . Dire cto ry Dialing - Stations Directory dialing allows station users to obtain a directory of station users and have t he sys te m di al t he ext e nsi on t hat i s cur re nt ly dis pl aye d. T he Tri a d 1 /2 /3S ystem provid es loca tions for up to 200 names. Di rec to ry Di a li ng Fu nc t io n s †Allows users to program a name with a speed dial bin for later loca ting a sp ee d dial numb er. Whe n prompted, th e s ystem displays the na me ass oc iat e d wi th a s pe ed dia l numbe r on t he LC D d isp lay. The use r may the n ha ve the s ystem dia l the numb er. †Ena ble s user s to ass ociat e a n ame wi th an e nt ry in t he l ocal numbe r/ na me t ra nsl ati on t abl e. Wh en pr ompt ed, t he s yst em d isp lay s thenameassociatedwiththetableontheLCDdisplay.Theusermay the n h ave the s yst em dia l the nu mb er. †Di re c tor y Dia li ng l is t m ay be pr ogra mme d and m ai nta ine d at t he f ir st ass ign ed At te ndan t sta ti o n. Ho weve r, t hi s a dmi n r o u ti ne le ts t he sys te m programme r mainta in the lis t loca lly (a t Atte ndant) or remotely via modem access. †May b e us ed to trans fer a call from one station to another.