Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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C-52 Progra mming Tables 232232A 243243A 233 233A 244244A 234 234A 245245A 235 235A 246246A 236 236A 247247A 237 237A 248248A 238 238A 249249A 239 239A 250250A 240 240A 251251A 241 241A 252-499252A-499A 242 242A Table C-9: DID/ ICLID De fault R inging Ass ignments (FLASH 43) DID /IC LI D RouteDefault De sti na tio nRi ngi ng Assign ment sDI D/IC LI D Rout eDe fau lt DestinationRinging Assig nmen ts 1. Route 00 0 in the ICLID Ringing Ass ignme nt Table is us ed as the intercept route. Calls to num bers not con- tained in the DID table will follow Route 0 00. If Route 00 0 is defaulte d tonone, the call w ill follow Route 0 01. 2. Route 00 1 in the ICLID Ringing Ass ignme nt Table is us ed f or Bus y calls. If Route 0 01 is def aulted tonone, the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to busy stations ( i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) will follow Ro u te 0 01.

Programming Tables C-53 Tabl e C -1 0: D I D D efa ul t Tabl e En t r y (FL ASH 4 4) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e _00 1000000_00 _01 1010000_01 _02 1020000_02 _03 1030000_03 _04 1040000_04 _05 1050000_05 _06 1060000_06 _07 1070000_07 _08 1080000_08 _09 1090000_09 _10 1100000_10 _11 1110000_11 _12 1120000_12 _13 1130000_13 _14 1140000_14 _15 1150000_15 _16 1160000_16 _17 1170000_17 * Route 001 in the ICLID Ringing As signment Table is us ed for Busy calls. If Route 001 is de faul ted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001.

C-54 Progra mming Tables _181180000_18 _19 1190000_19 _20 1200000_20 _21 1210000_21 _22 1220000_22 _23 1230000_23 _24 1240000_24 _25 1250000_25 _26 1260000_26 _27 1270000_27 _28 1280000_28 _29 1290000_29 _30 1300000_30 _31 1310000_31 _32 1320000_32 _33 1330000_33 _34 1340000_34 _35 1350000_35 Tabl e C -1 0: D I D D efa ul t Tabl e En t r y (FL ASH 4 4) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e * Route 001 in the ICLID Ringing As signment Table is us ed for Busy calls. If Route 001 is de faul ted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001.

Programming Tables C-55 _361360000_36 _37 1370000_37 _38 1380000_38 _39 1390000_39 _40 1400000_40 _41 1410000_41 _42 1420000_42 _43 1430000_43 _44 1440000_44 _45 1450000_45 _46 1460000_46 _47 1470000_47 _48 1480000_48 _49 1490000_49 _50 1500000_50 _51 1510000_51 _52 1520000_52 _53 1530000_53 Tabl e C -1 0: D I D D efa ul t Tabl e En t r y (FL ASH 4 4) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e * Route 001 in the ICLID Ringing As signment Table is us ed for Busy calls. If Route 001 is de faul ted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001.

C-56 Progra mming Tables _541540000_54 _55 1550000_55 _56 001*0000_56 _57 001*0000_57 _58 001*0000_58 _59 001*0000_59 _60 001*0000_60 _61 001*0000_61 _62 001*0000_62 _63 001*0000_63 _66 001*0000_66 _67 001*0000_67 _68 001*0000_68 _69 001*0000_69 _70 001*0000_070 _71 001*0000_71 _72 001*0000_72 _73 001*0000_73 Tabl e C -1 0: D I D D efa ul t Tabl e En t r y (FL ASH 4 4) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e * Route 001 in the ICLID Ringing As signment Table is us ed for Busy calls. If Route 001 is de faul ted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001.

Programming Tables C-57 _74001*0000_74 _75 001*0000_75 _76 001*0000_76 _77 001*0000_77 _78 001*0000_78 _79 001*0000_79 _80 001*0000_80 _81 001*0000_81 _82 001*0000_82 _83 001*0000_83 _84 001*0000_84 _85 001*0000_85 _86 001*0000_86 _87 001*0000_87 _88 001*0000_88 _89 001*0000_89 _90 001*0000_90 _91 001*0000_91 Tabl e C -1 0: D I D D efa ul t Tabl e En t r y (FL ASH 4 4) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e * Route 001 in the ICLID Ringing As signment Table is us ed for Busy calls. If Route 001 is de faul ted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001.

C-58 Progra mming Tables _92001*0000_92 _93 001*0000_93 _94 001*0000_94 _95 001*0000_95 _96 001*0000_96 _97 001*0000_97 _98 001*0000_98 _99 1990000_99 Tabl e C -1 0: D I D D efa ul t Tabl e En t r y (FL ASH 4 4) DID Ta bl e Ent ryDefault Rout e( s)Customer Rout eDID Num be rCustomer DI D Num be rCustomer DI D Trunk Na m e * Route 001 in the ICLID Ringing As signment Table is us ed for Busy calls. If Route 001 is de faul ted to“none”,the caller is given a busy tone. Calls to bus y s tations (i.e., without an available Loop or CO button) wi ll f ol low Route 001.

Programming Tables C-59 Tabl e C-1 1: St at i on Program mi ng (FLA SH 5 0) Da ta F i el dPage /Bt nSt at io n N u m b e rsDe fa ul t PAGE A18 Pa ge A is s ele cted by pre ss ing PAGE A fl exible button Pa ging Acce ss A/1 Enable d Do Not Di sturb A/2 Enable d Confe rence Enab le/Dis able (p er Sta tion) A/3 Enable d Executive O verri de A/4 Disab led Pri vacy (pe r S tation) A/5 Enable d Sys t em Spe ed Dia l Acce ss A/6 Enable d Line Queuing A/7 Enable d Preferred Line Answer A/8 Enable d Of f-Hook Voice Ov er ( OHVO) A/9 Disab led Call For wa rdi ng A /1 0 Enable d ForcedLeastCostRouting(LCR) A/11 Disab led ACD*S uper vis or M oni tor w /Barge -I n A /1 2 Disab led Executive O verri de Blocking A/13 Disab led CO Line Ringing Options A /14 Muted Nam e/Numb er Dis play at I dle A /1 5 Name ACD Z a p To n e A /1 6 Disab led CO Pool Loop Buttons Programming A/17 Disab led Adm in Acce ss A /18 Disab led

C-60 Progra mming Tables Da ta F i el dPage /Bt nSt at io n N u m b e rsDe fa ul t PAG E B19 Page B is se le cted by pre ssing PAGE B flexi ble button Stati on I dentif ication B/1 0(24-Btn) 6(SLT) Stati on Da y Clas s O f S erv ice B /2 1 Stati on Night Cl ass Of Se rvice B /3 1 Spe ake rphone/ He adset Programm ing B/4 0 Pick-Up Group(s) Programmi ng B/5 1 Pa ging Zone (s) Programm ing B/6 1 CO Line Group A cces s B/81 LCR Clas s of Se rvice (COS ) B/9 0 Off-Hook Preference Progra mming B/10 00 (Keyset) Fle xible Button Programming B/11 Re fe r to F lexib le Button Program ming C hart Keyset M ode B/12 Ina ctive Vo i c e M a i l I D T r a n s l a t i o n B / 13 VMID Digits Cordless Key (C KTU) Button B/17 00 *Fe atures ava ilable wi th opti ona l sof twa re. Tabl e C-1 1: St at i on Program mi ng (FLA SH 5 0)

Programming Tables C-61 Ta ble C-12: Button Ass ignment Chart (F LASH 50) ST A# PORT # ST A# POR T# 1234512345 678910678910 11121314151112131415 16171819201617181920 21222324252122232425 26272829302627282930 This ch ar t is to b e used t o assi gn each flexi bl e b utt on a fu ncti on. Defaults Buttons 1 thru 12 are assigne d as Stations 100 thru 111. Buttons 13 thru 18 are a ssigned a s CO L ines 01 thru 06. Buttons 19 is assigned as a Loop button. Button 20 is assigne d as a Pool Group button. Buttons 21 thru 30 are fle xible b uttons wi th fe atures assigne d to the m. Ke y Sta tion Button Pr o g r am mi n g BB = Button Numb er 01-24 LLL = 001 - 048 Tr ia d 1/ 2 001 - 144 Tr ia d 3To assign a button as a Fle xible button (user program mab le) ente r: BB [ 0] H O L D To a ssign a button as a CO Line button, e nter: BB [ 1] LLL HO LD To assign a button as a Loop button, ente r: BB [ 2] H O L D To enter a button a s a Pooled Group button, enter : BB [ 3] G HO L D To enter a button a s a Fe ature b utton, e nte r: BB [ 4] [XX X] HOLD To una ssign a button, ente r: BB [ #] H O L D SLT Ent r y (Of f -H o o k P r ef er e n c e)Wh e n an SLT is bei ng a ss ig n ed f o r Of f- H o o k P r ef er e n c e, en t e r : 01 [1 ] L LL HOLD f or a sp ecif ic CO Line , or 01 [3 ] G H OLD f o r a CO G r o u p Ac c es s (G = Lin e G ro u p 1 - 7)