Vodavi Triad 1/2/3 Product Description Manual
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5-12 Aut om atic Cal l D ist ribu tio n ( ACD ) †The A CD supe r vi sor st at ion re cei ves a Hel p m es sage i f a me mber of one of the ACD groups they are assigned to initiates a Help request. The Help function also sends a Camp-On tone to the speaker of the supe r vi sor’s keyset. The Help message takes precedence over any oth er mes sage and can be cle ar ed b y th e su per vi sor by p re ssi ng t he ir HEL P button. †AtthetimethesupervisorreceivesaHelprequest,theycanpress their HELP flex button followed by their override feature bu tton to bridg e onto the ACD group members call. The HELP b utton places an intercom call to the station requesting Help. The Help message is cleared after the supervisors HELP bu tton is depressed. In addition, the He l p me ss age is cl ear ed if t he agen t was on a call a nd we nt back on hook before the supervisor could resp ond. In this ca se, the H elp mes sag e i s co nv er t ed to a me ssa ge wai t indi c at ion . T he a gent c a n also clear the Help request by hitting the HELP button a second time. Conditions †Up t o f ive me ssa ges can be le ft at a ny sup er vi sor s ta ti on. †The supe r vi sor can cance l t he Hel p r eq uest s igna l by dep re ssi ng t he ir flashing HELP button. In addition, a call is placed to the agent re que st ing Hel p. †If t he agen t is o n a c al l, th e s upe rv is o r c an p re ss the ir B A R GE- IN bu t to n to mo ni to r t he c all o r t o gi ve as sis ta nc e. Agent Login/Logout The Age nt Login/L ogout fea ture le ts a n Agent log into a Primary a nd Secondary ACD group to receive calls. An Agent must first login to be placed into an active ACD state. On ly d igit al te lep hone s can us e this feat ure, s in ce a fle xi ble butto n is re quire d to b e pro gramme d. Ifamemberisassigned toaspecificACD groupandusesthe login-logout c ode s to e nte r and e xi t an A CD g roup , othe r than the ir as s igne d gro up, th e da tabas e is c hang ed to r ef le ct the dif f e ren t group . W hen the a gen t logs in o r out of the ir A CD Grou p, an A CD logi n-lo gout event is sent to the ACD Events Trace port, if active.

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5- 13 Pri ma ry G ro up Tolog inan ACD Primary Group: Di al LOGI N C ODE[ 572]on the dia l pad, followed by the desired ACD grou p numb er (5 XX), -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed LOGI N f le x but t on. The Agent enters their unique AGENT ID code (0000-9999). The LOGIN f le x button LE D is lit ste ady. A confirma tion tone is he ard and the a gent i s logge d on to the ACD group. †The ON/OFF LED extinguishes if the agent started the sequence in the ha ndsf re e m ode. †The ACD Agent Login LE D only lights for the AC D g roup th at is ass ign ed to tha t b u tt o n. Tolog outof a n ACD Primary Group: Di al LOGO UT COD E[ 571]on the dial pad, -or - Pr es s a pr e- prog ram med LO GO UT fle x bu tt on. T he LO GI N fl ex but ton LED extinguishes. Second ary Group Tolog ina n ACD Secondary Group: Di al LOGI N C ODE[ 582]on the dia l pad, followed by the desired ACD grou p numb er (5 XX), -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed LOGI N f le x but t on. The Agent enters their unique AGENT ID code (0000-9999). The LOGIN f le x button LE D is lit ste ady. A confirma tion tone is he ard and the a gent i s logge d on to the ACD group. †The ON/OFF LED extinguishes if the agent started the sequence in the ha ndsf re e m ode. †The ACD Agent Login LE D only lights for the AC D g roup th at is ass ign ed to tha t b u tt o n.

5-14 Aut om atic Cal l D ist ribu tio n ( ACD ) Tolog outof a n ACD Secondary Group: Di al LOGO UT COD E[ 581]on the dial pad, -or - Pr es s a pr e- prog ram med LO GO UT fle x bu tt on. T he LO GI N fl ex but ton LED extinguishes. Conditions †If an age nt logs i nto an A CD gr oup fr om a s tat i on t hat i s l ogge d i nto another ACD group, the station is automatically removed from the previous AC D group. †An age nt may log out whi le i n wr ap-u p, or unava il abl e. †An age nt log ging in is pl ace d i n wr ap- up mod e befo re re cei vi ng a n AC D c a ll . †If an agent attempts to log into an ACD group that already has 252 members, that agent receives error tone. †TheTriad 1/2/3Digital System does not verify agent’s I D co des, ot her than requiring entry of four digits. †An Agent may not login to the same group as a primary and se con dar y m emb er. ACD Call Factor The C all F ac to r f eat ur e is use d e xc lus iv el y wi th t he d igi t al voi c e m ail t o pr ovid e the av er age cal l dur ati on to the cal le r . T his fe at ure can be activated from administration (Flash 60, Button #14) or the ACD supe r vis or ca n use a fl exi bl e b utt on, [ 58 0] +A CD group numbe r+ XXX (Ca ll Fact or in mi nute s 00 0 -9 99 ), to ent er t he fact or (ave r age cal l dura ti on). The following formula is used to calculate the average call duration: (Place in Queue) (Call Factor) --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- - Number of A gents Logged into Group ACD Ca ll Qu a lif ica t i on The A CD C al l Q ual if ic at i on fea tur e pr ovid es a me ans f or a n A gent on A CD ty pe calls to enter code s tha t ide ntify the ca ll. T his fe ature provide s up to four di git s for t he AC D S MD R r epor t ing funct ion. Th is fe atu re pe rmi t s up to 12 d igi ts t o be e nte r ed, ho we ver o nl y t he fi rs t fo u r di git s ar e p ro v ide d for in t he S MDR Re cord.

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5- 15 The Q UALIF Y button i s p rogramme d usin g fl ex code [570]. If the a gent wis hes to e nte r the ir q ualify code into a sp ee d bin, the y ca n do so us ing the s ta ndar d s pee d b in pr o gra mmin g se qu e nc e. The y c a n t hen ent er [570] followed by the bin number. This provides an agent with a series of buttons with qualify codes under them. If a [ ✳] is entered along with the Call Qualification code into a speed bin, the display does not show the Call Qualifier code but is sent to the SMDR record. Whi le A gen t is on a c al l: 1 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med CA LL QUA LIF Y fl ex but ton, fol lowe d by the f o u r- digi t qu a li fy c o d e. 2. Enter a [ ✳] to comp lete the sequence. A s hort burs t of conf irmation tone is he ard throug h the keys et s pea ker, if programme d. Conditions †The outside party d oes not hear the (q ualify code) account code be ing ent er ed. †The qualify code uses the first four digits of the account code. The re fore the account code record in the SMDR contains the qua lify code in the fi r st four di gi ts . †The qua lify cod e m ust be entered during CO talk s tate. †Speed dial entries can contain all digits including the [✳], which te rm ina te s t he ent r y. ACD Agent Queue Status Display Fr om a n i dle ke y t el ep hone: 1. Dial[567 ]on th e d ial p ad, -or - Pr es s p re -pr ogr amme d fl e x button . 2 . Di al a v ali d ACD gr oup n umbe r ( 5XX ). O N/O FF butt on LED li ght s s te ady. T he Ag ent Queue Status mes sge displays : 5X X = ACD Gr o u p ( 550 - 565 ) Idle display tells the agent/supervisor how many calls are in queue. ACD5XX 0 0 CALLS IN QUEUE MMM DD YY HH:MM a m

5-16 Aut om atic Cal l D ist ribu tio n ( ACD ) 3. Replace the hands et, -or - Press the ON/OFF button to terminate the display. The ag ent aut oma ti cal ly re cei ve s a n en hanced Ca ll s in Que ue dis pla y whenever there is a call in queue. The display shows the following inf orma ti on: 5X X = ACD Gr o u p ( 550 - 565 ) CIQ: XX = Calls in queue AGE NT (S) : XX = A gents logged in OC: hh:mm:s s = Oldes t call in hours, minutes and s econds This feature allows an ACD station (12/24 button executive only) to assign multiple buttons that display the calls in queue information for a particular group on the LCD. The button LED indicates the number of cal ls in que ue, dete rmi ned i n pr ogr ammi ng. From a n i dl e k ey tel ephone : The pre-programmed flex button for the ACD group being monitored is flashing a t 240 ip m indicating the re a re calls in que ue. Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med fl ex b utt on, the A ge nt Que ue St atu s display s hows the following: 5X X = ACD Gr o u p ( 550 - 565 ) The idle disp lay te lls the a gent a nd/or the ir s uperv is or how many calls are in queue. This feat ure c ann ot be u se d with a call i n prog ress and th e stati on is con side red b usy for inc omin g call s d urin g this ope rati on. 5 XX: CIQ: XX AGENT( S) : XX OC:HH: MM:SS ACD5XX 0 0 CALLS IN QUEUE MMM DD YY HH:MM a m

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5- 17 Ter m in at in g th e Di spl ay Replace the hands et, or p re ss the ON/OF F b utton. The us er as si gns a fl ex but ton by dia li ng 5 7 9 XXX (XXX = ACD Group Number 550-565), and sees the following LED indications: †0 c al ls in Que ue = LED off †X calls in queue = LED 240 ipm flutter Conditions An y ACD station ca n hav e a button as signed to view the calls in queu e of any AC D g roup. ACD Avai lable/Unavail able Mode If you are an ACD agent, you may place your station in the Available mode to receive ACD type of ca lls or y ou may place your statio n in the Unav ailab le mode to block ACD type calls from ringing your station. Pl aci n g a S tat ion i n A va il ab le Mode Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press the pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button to receive AC D c a ll s. Pl aci n g a S tat ion i n U na va il abl e Mode Di al [5 66 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press the pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button to block AC D c a ll s.

5-18 Aut om atic Cal l D ist ribu tio n ( ACD ) ACD Ove rflow Station - Avai lable/Unavail abl e Mode If you are a ACD Overflow station, you may pla ce y our station in the Av ailab le mode to receive AC D type ca lls or you ma y place y our s ta tion in the Unavailable mode to block ACD type calls from ringing your station. Placing Station in Available Mode Di al [5 78 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press the pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button to receive AC D c a ll s. Placing Station in Unavailable Mode Di al [5 78 ] on th e d ial p ad, -or - Press pre-programmed AVAILABLE/UNAVAILABLE button to block ACD calls. ACD Overflow Station - Forwarding The ACD Overflow Station Forwarding feature allows ACD calls reaching the ACD Overflow S ta tion to follow the call f orwa rd of the overflow st at ion. 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF button. 2 . Pr es s t he pr e- pro gram med FWD but t on. 3 . Di al th e d esi r ed cod e: [6] = All Ca lls [7] = No Ans wer Ca lls [8] = Busy Calls [9 ] = Busy and No A nswe r Cal ls 4. Dialthedestinationnumberwherecallsaretobeforwarded(Station, Voice Mail, ACD or Hunt group). A confirmation tone is heard. 5 . Repl ace hand se t or p re ss ON /O FF but ton . If no stati ons are logg ed in to the AC D Gr oup, A C D cal ls o ve rflow to th e Atten dant sta tion.

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5- 19 Removing Call Forwarding 1. Lift hands et or pres s ON/OFF button. 2. Pres s the p re -programme d FW D butto n. A confirmation ton e is he ard a nd the FW D LE D is extinguis hed. Overflow S ta tion f orw ard s whe n: †The No Answer Timer is set to: No Answer or Busy No Answer. †Immediately, if the station is set to any other forward type. (Fl ash 06 , butt on 6 m ust be e nabl ed. ) Supervisor Login/Logout The S upervisor Login/Logout f eature p rov ides a means for a superv is or to log into o ne of the AC D groups and monito r ca lls. 1. Dial the LOGIN CODE [576] on the dial pad, followed by the ACD grou p numb er (5XX) tha t the s uperv is or is goin g to log into, -or - Pr es s a pr e- pr ogra mmed LOGI N f le x but t on. (F le x but t on mus t have 576+5XX programmed onto it.) 2. Enter unique SUPERVISOR ID code (0000-9999). The LOGIN flex button LED is lit solid. A confirmation tone is heard and the s uperv is or is logg ed onto the ACD grou p. Th e ON/OFF LED ext i ngui shes i f t he sup er vi sor st ar t ed th e s eque nc e in th e ha ndsf re e mode . Leav ing an ACD Group(as an a ctive su pervisor) Dial the LOGOUT CODE [575] on the dial pad, followed by the ACD group numbe r (5X X) tha t the sup ervisor wants to log out of, -or - Pre ss a p re -programme d L OGOUT fle x b utton. (Flex button must ha ve 575+5XX programmed onto it). The LOGIN flex button LED extingu ishes. T he AC D S upe rv is or Lo g-in L ED onl y lig hts fo r the A C D gro up tha t is a ssig ned t o that b utton . W hen a n AC D L ogin fle x bu tton is prog ramme d in the sy st em, tha t sam e fle x bu tton c an be used to to ggle the Logi n/L ogou t fe atu re. When the supervisorlogsinoroutofan ACD group, an ACD logoutevent i s sen t to the AC D Eve nts Trace port, i f a ctiv e.

5-20 Aut om atic Cal l D ist ribu tio n ( ACD ) Conditions †If a supervisor log s into an ACD group f rom a s ta tion that is logged int o a no the r AC D g ro u p, the s ta ti o n r ema ins i n t he pre vi o u s A CD grou p. †A supe rvisor may log out while in wrap- up, or unav ailab le . †A supervisor logging in is first placed in wrap-up mode before receiving an ACD call. †If a supe r vi sor at te mpt s to l og int o an AC D g roup as an a gent a nd tha t g roup alr ea dy ha s 2 52 me mbe rs, the sup er vi sor re c ei ve s an e r ror to ne . †TheTriad 1/2/3S ystem s does not verify s uperv is ors ID codes, other than requiring four digits to be entered. Su per vis or Mon ito r Wi th Bar ge- In The S upervisor Monitor with Barge- In feature provides a mea ns f or an AC D s upe rv isor t o m onit or an age nts cal l in pr ogre ss in ord er t o coach sales techniques or customer relations skills. When using the Barge-In fea ture , a supe rvis or may intrude onto an a gen ts call in a lis te n only mode or in a true conference m ode. This fea ture is av ailable with or without a warning to ne. The ACD sup ervis or can intrud e on an agent’scall in thelisten only mode as fol lows : 1 . Di al th e s ta ti o n nu m ber o f t he a gent s st at io n. 2 . Upon hear i ng bu sy t one, pr es s t he pr e-p rogr amm ed Barg e-I n f le x button. †The c onver sa ti on i n p rogr es s i s hea rd by t he Sup er vi sor on the hands et rece ive r and the S upe rv is ors MUTE button LE D is lit indicating that the Supervisors transmit is muted. Th e use o f S upe rv isor Moni tor w/Ba rge -in is li mite d by fed era l law an d may al so b e li mite d or pro hib ited by s tate or loca l law, s o ch eck the relevant laws in your area before employing these features. A ch ang e in v olu me may resul t on the CO lin e or i nter com cal l afte r Barg e-In occu rs.

Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 5- 21 †If the Supervisor wishes to participate in the conversatio n in a true conference mode, they can depress their MUTE button which removes mute. Conditions †Supervisors a re granted the Barge-In option if they log in at a station withtheSupervisorBarge-In/ExecutiveOverrideenabledin pr ogra mmin g. †Supervisors ca n only Ba rge-In on ca lls of members of the ACD grou p(s) tha t the y a re l ogged in to. †Warning tone is enabled and disabled using the Executive override warning tone o ption ( FLASH 05, Button 4). †Supe rvisor statio ns mu st be digital telep hones . Supervis or Q ue ue Status Di spl ay The S upervisor Queue S tatus featu re provides a mea ns f or an ACD supervisor to view the status of their ACD grou p. This idle display pr ompt s a Supe rv is or t ha t a gr oup i s ha ving pr oble ms answe r ing all t hei r calls. The display tells the supervisor how many calls are in queue, how many age nts are log ged into the ACD group, a nd the length of time in min ute s that the oldes t call ha s b ee n in que ue. Th eExecut ive Overri deCod e, [625] is u sed to prog ram Sup vMon itor with Barge-Infeature ontoaflexbutton.